How to search files, get cells, loop, and save

Howdy Folks, I'm another Applescript newbie in over my head. I'm working on a script to copy xl files into a master xl file. the files is a roster with student and class information. the number of students will vary. WIth help from a friend I have it about 80% where I want it. Need help with the rest. I hope its okay to ask multiple question about the script if not i do apoligize.
when the script runs it asks for the location of the file. the files are titled Houston_Sam_DWI_Jan.xlsx. I have several files in a master folder that i am trying to get data from, but the script goes through one at a time.
I know i need to loop it somehow to go through all of the files containing "DWI" in the title, I just don't know how to do it.
the script is set up to get a range of cells, but there are other individual cells i need to copy like dates(C7), Instructor(H7), and location(C11). How do i get these individual cells and paste them to the master doc: Location(E7), Dates (F7), Instructor(G7) and have them repeat down the column as the number of students from each of the classes populates the list.
finally, i have the master file name as annual report, the script does update the anual report file, but when it goes to save it creates a file named "sheet 1". i just want it to update the annual report file and save all changes.
here is the script i am currently working with:
set master_path to alias "Users:bs:Desktop:master:Annual Report.xlsx"
on get_all_files(master_path)
          set example_path to choose file with prompt "Find an example file to work with"
transfer_data(example_path, master_path)
end get_all_files
on transfer_data(child_path, master_path)
          tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                    set child_book to (open workbook workbook file name (child_path as string))
                    set child_doc to worksheet 1 of child_book
                    set master to worksheet 1 of (open workbook workbook file name (master_path as string))
                    set num to 15 --All lists start at index 12 or later, I'm putting 10 to be safe
                    set students to {}
                    tell child_doc --grab values from child document
                              repeat until (value of cell (("A" & num) as string)) is 1
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                              repeat until (value of cell (("B" & num) as string)) is ""
                                        set end of students to {name:(value of cell (("B" & num) as string)), driver_id:(value of cell (("C" & num) as string)), DOB:(value of cell (("D" & num) as string)), pre_test:(value of cell (("J" & num) as string)), post_test:(value of cell (("K" & num) as string)), cert_id:(value of cell (("L" & num) as string))}
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                    end tell
                    tell master
                              set num to 7
                              log (value of cell (("B" & num) as string))
                              repeat until (value of cell (("B" & num) as string)) is ""
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                              repeat with student in students
                                        set value of cell (("B" & num) as string) to name of student
                                        set value of cell (("C" & num) as string) to driver_id of student
                                        set value of cell (("D" & num) as string) to DOB of student
                                        set value of cell (("H" & num) as string) to pre_test of student
                                        set value of cell (("I" & num) as string) to post_test of student
                                        set value of cell (("J" & num) as string) to cert_id of student
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
  save master
                    end tell
  save child_book
  close child_book
  save active workbook in master_path
  close active workbook
          end tell
end transfer_data
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That did it. had to tinker with it but it's doing what i want. Thanks for all of the help. here is the final code
tell application "Finder"
          set master_path to alias "Users:bs:Desktop:master:Annual Report.xlsx"
          set filesWithDWI to get every file of folder ((path to desktop folder) & "master" as string) whose name contains "DWI"
          repeat with f in filesWithDWI
                    my transfer_data(f, master_path)
          end repeat
end tell
on processfile(f)
display dialog f as string
end processfile
on transfer_data(child_path, master_path)
          tell application "Microsoft Excel"
                    set child_book to (open workbook workbook file name (child_path as string))
                    set child_doc to worksheet 1 of child_book
                    set master to worksheet "sheet 1" of (open workbook workbook file name (master_path as string))
                    set num to 15 --All lists start at index 12 or later, I'm putting 10 to be safe
                    set students to {}
                    tell child_doc --grab values from child document
                              repeat until (value of cell (("A" & num) as string)) is 1
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                              repeat until (value of cell (("B" & num) as string)) is ""
                                        set end of students to {namevalue of cell (("B" & num) as string)), driver_idvalue of cell (("C" & num) as string)), DOBvalue of cell (("D" & num) as string)), pre_testvalue of cell (("J" & num) as string)), post_testvalue of cell (("K" & num) as string)), cert_idvalue of cell (("L" & num) as string))}
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                              set startdate to range "C7"
                              set classlocation to range "C11"
                              set instructor to range "H7"
                    end tell
                    tell master
                              set num to 7
                              log (value of cell (("B" & num) as string))
                              repeat until (value of cell (("B" & num) as string)) is ""
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                              repeat with student in students
                                        set value of cell (("B" & num) as string) to name of student
                                        set value of cell (("C" & num) as string) to driver_id of student
                                        set value of cell (("D" & num) as string) to DOB of student
                                        set value of cell (("H" & num) as string) to pre_test of student
                                        set value of cell (("I" & num) as string) to post_test of student
                                        set value of cell (("J" & num) as string) to cert_id of student
                                        set value of cell (("f" & num) as string) to startdate
                                        set value of cell (("E" & num) as string) to classlocation
                                        set value of cell (("G" & num) as string) to instructor
                                        set num to num + 1
                              end repeat
                    end tell
  save child_book
  close child_book
  save active workbook in master_path
  close active workbook
          end tell
end transfer_data

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    following code is a filename filter that support '*' and '?', hope it helps.
    import java.util.*;
    class MyFilenameFilter {
      static public void main(String args[]){
        byte[] in2=new byte[255];
        String filter=null,fileName=null;
            System.out.print("filter (ex: abc*def?.do?):");
            in2=new byte[255];
            if((new String(in2)).trim().length()>0) filter=(new String(in2)).trim();  
            System.out.print("filename (ex: abcerdefi.doc):");
            in2=new byte[255];
            if((new String(in2)).trim().length()>0) fileName=(new String(in2)).trim();
            System.out.println("filter="+filter+",filename="+fileName+",result="+(chkfn(filter,fileName)? "Matched":"Not Matched"));
        } catch(Exception e){
      static boolean chkfn(String chk,String fn)  {//ex:chk=*fg?gh fn=tdiekd.exe, or ex:chk=test.csv fn=k.csv
        boolean rtn=false;
        int x3=0,x4=0,x4Head=0,x4Tail=0;
        if(chk.endsWith(".*") && fn.indexOf(".")==-1) chk=chk.substring(0,chk.length()-2);
        if(chk.endsWith(".") && fn.indexOf(".")==-1) chk=chk.substring(0,chk.length()-1);
        if(fn==null || fn.length()<1) return false;
        if(chk==null) return true;
        if(chk.length()<1 || chk.equals("*") || chk.equals(".") || chk.equals("*.*")) return true;
        int chkLength=chk.length();
        int fnLength=fn.length();
        int newx4Head=-1,newx4Tail=-1;
        int last_asterisk=chk.lastIndexOf("*");
        int first_asterisk=chk.indexOf("*");
        int asteriskCount=0,aindex[]=new int[20],tmp[]=null,index1=-1,cCount=0;
        String cString[]=new String[20];
        char c='0';
        boolean found=false;
        String chkString="";
        //replace each '**' with '*' befroe further action
        //count the '*' count
          if(chk.charAt(x3)=='*'){aindex[asteriskCount]=x3; asteriskCount++;}
        //to get the cString[], each string next to '*'
        StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(chk,"*");
          cString[cCount]=st.nextToken(); cCount++;
        //first check the head and the tail
        if(first_asterisk>0){//first_asterisk!=-1 && first_asterisk!=0
                   if(cmp(chkString,fn.substring(0,first_asterisk))==false) return false;
                 } else return false;
           } else if(!fn.startsWith(chkString)) return false;
        } else if(first_asterisk==0) {
             if(x4Head==-1) return false;
        if(last_asterisk!=chkLength-1 && last_asterisk!=-1){
                   if(cmp(chkString,fn.substring(fnLength-(chkLength-last_asterisk)+1,fnLength))==false) return false;
                 } else return false;
           } else if(!fn.endsWith(chkString)) return false;
        } else if(last_asterisk==chkLength-1) {
          int oldx4Head=x4Head;
          if(last_asterisk!=chkLength-1) {
              if(x4Tail!=-1) x4Tail=x4Tail+cString[cCount-2].length();
              if(x4Head!=-1) x4Head=oldx4Head+x4Head;
          //before of this, x4head and x4tail are adjusted according to '*', and now it will also adjusted according to '?'
          if(x4Head>-1 && x4Tail>x4Head &&
             chk.substring(aindex[0]+1,aindex[asteriskCount-1]).indexOf("*")==-1 &&
             chk.substring(aindex[0]+1,aindex[asteriskCount-1]).length()!=x4Tail-x4Head &&
               if(newx4Head>-1) {
          if(x4Head>-1 && x4Tail>x4Head) return chkfn(chk.substring(aindex[0]+1,aindex[asteriskCount-1]),fn.substring(x4Head,x4Tail));
          else return false;
        } else if(asteriskCount==0){
              if(fnLength==chkLength) return cmp(chk,fn);
                else return false;
        return true;
      static public boolean cmp(String chkString,String fnString){// '*', 2.only for two strings having same length 3.two  strings are uppercase before call this method
        boolean rtn=false;
        int clength=chkString.length(),flength=fnString.length();
        if(clength!=flength) return false;
        for(int i=0;i<clength;i++){
          if(chkString.charAt(i)!='?' && chkString.charAt(i)!=fnString.charAt(i)) return false;
        return true;
      static public int findMatch(String chkString,String fnString){//to find out the correct index postion for the string between two '*'
        int rtn=-1;
        boolean found=false;
        int chkLength=chkString.length();
        int fnLength=fnString.length();
        if(chkLength>fnLength) return -1;
        for(int i=0;i<fnLength-chkLength+1;i++){
          for(int j=0;j<chkLength;j++){
            if(chkString.charAt(j)!='?' && chkString.charAt(j)!=fnString.charAt(j+i)) {found=false; break;}
          if(found) return i;
        return rtn;
      public static String replace(String s, String s1, String s2) {
          if(s!=null && s1!=null && s2!=null){
            int i = 0;
            int j = s.length();
            int k = s1.length();
            int l = s2.length();
            do {
                String s3 = "";
                i = s.indexOf(s1, i);
                if(i == -1)
                StringBuffer stringbuffer = new StringBuffer(s.substring(0, i));
                s3 = s.substring(i + k);
                s = stringbuffer.toString();
                j = s.length();
                i += l;
            } while(i <= j);
          return s;

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    Mac/Windows Networking in Leopard
    The following articles outline how to set up networking between Macs using Leopard and Windows PCs:
    Setting up a Windows computer to share files with Mac users
    Setting up a Mac computer to share files with Windows users
    Sharing with Windows computers
    If you can’t connect to your Mac from a Windows computer
    Sharing your computer with others on your network
    More information is also available by selecting Mac Help from the Finder's Help menu and searching for the relevant terms such as "windows", "networking", "sharing", etc.
    Also read:
    Simple guide to Leopard/Windows Home Networking
    Written by Intercepter121 and originally posted on the Apple Discussions here.
    If your network complies to the minimum requirements described below you should be able to share resources without any need to enter commands in the terminal to modify configuration files in your mac.
    1. A decent router
    2. Mac Os x 10.5.1 installed on your macs
    3. Windows XP or Vista
    4. Number of network devices <10
    5. Some network printers or drives (NAS)
    6. A decent ISP offering a good DNS service
    <u>General Settings
    If your router offers DHCP and any of the device has power saving features there is a risk that the IP addresses are renewed. This can be problematic as the devices keep changing IP addresses. As this is your network is strongly recommended to reserve IP addresses to the MAC (Machine Address Code) of the various devices so that they can power on and off and still keep the same IP.This simple suggestion will greatly improve the browsing of the local network.
    Accessing Windows Resources from Leopard with no authentication
    1. Check the settings of the PC and ensure the IP addresses on the local LAN are trusted
    2. Activate sharing on the desired devices ensuring the shares are read and write. If you use Vista ensure password protected sharing is disabled.
    3. Try to access the windows share from another windows computer if available to confirm no authentication is required
    1. Go into system preferences->security-Firewall check that the setting is not on allow only essential services. Recommended settings is allow access to specific
    2. Go back into system preferences network. On the tab location click edit locations. Duplicate Automatic and call the new location Home. Now select the Home location and go into Advanced-WINS. In the workgroup field enter the same value that is on the other windows computers for example HOME. Now press enter then go back to the main screen. Select Edit locations and delete the location automatic. Now edit your location Home and rename it Automatic. This workaround is a leopard bug described here.
    3. Give 5 minutes to allow all the other machines to broadcast their IP address and the other computers should appear on the left side of your finder window. You can now select the shares you want to connect. As no authentication is active if you are prompted with a user name just press OK.
    The procedure to access a NAS is the same as above, just ensure permissions are set to files are read/write for anyone to avoid confusion.
    NOTE: There is no need to activate SMB sharing if you don't want to allow the PC to read folders on your MAC
    After you have followed all the steps you don't see any windows PC.
    Identify the IP address of the machine you want to connect. In finder select Option+K and enter SMB://IPADDRESS. If you can connect you have a name resolution problem. Go into your router configuration and ensure that the option DNS assigned by ISP is selected and you don't have services like Open DNS in use and fixed IP addresses in that field. Apply the changes and reboot the router. You should start seeing windows PC in finder shortly after.
    Your ISP DNS service is poor and you must use Open DNS or similar
    If you are forced to use services like open dns you have the risk that the router propagates the DNS servers to your machines. As the implementation of SAMBA in Leopard effectively blocks the MAC to be a master browser for performance reasons you end in a situation in which tiger machines connect and leopard ones don't see a single share. Let's fix it.
    1. Go into System Preferences->Network then advanced DNS if you see here the IP addresses of the open dns servers this is the case. Unfortunately you will be forced to change the hosts file.
    2.Ensure you have reserved IP addresses to all your machines so that they always get the same IP.
    3. Now login into your mac as administrator and go into utilities=>terminal.
    4. Issue the following command sudo pico /etc/hosts
    5. Now scroll down and enter all the IP addresses and computer names of any device you want to browse
    6. Reboot your MAC
    The windows devices will now appear in finder and you will be able to connect with Option+K.
    You cannot access shares even entering the IP address
    You have not reserved IP addresses to each machine. Go into your router LAN set up and make sure that is the case.
    Accessing Leopard resources from Windows
    1. Go into system preferences->security-Firewall check that the setting is not on allow only essential services. Recommended settings is allow access to specific
    2. Go into System preferences->accounts and click on Guest flag the option Enable guest account to access shared folders
    3. Now into System preferences->sharing select file sharing and then options here flag SMB and select the user that has to be logged into the computer when the share has to be accessed. Ensure that the folder you want to share has read/write or whatever permissions you like it to have set for Everyone
    You should now be able to see your MAC in the windows network resources and access the shared folder with a double click without any password request.
    You don't see any MACs from Windows
    Check the firewall settings at the start of this post. Then go back to the Network configuration hit advanced and then TCPIP check is using DHCP and not a fixed address. Then check the sharing is set as above with SMB clicked. If SMB is not set you won't even see your mac from windows.
    You see the MAC and the shared folders but you can't read or write on it
    Ensure you have set the guest account to access shared folders. Then check on the sharing preferences that there is at least one folder with read permission for everyone. The classic case here is Dropbox that leopard sets as read and write for the user of the MAC but no access for other users. You try to click on drop box and receive an error but when you actually try to write a file you can do it. Check the permissions on the subfolders of the share as those permissions will prevail on the home shared folders
    You may want to do more complicated things, but first ensure you can actually share files without security in place so you can identify the root cause of your possible problems
    I want to password protect my windows shares: once you have done the relative set up in windows vista and ensured you can connect from another windows machine you will need to use user name and password of the Vista user to connect.
    I want to password protect my MAC shared folders: Go into user account and disable guest access to shared folders is no shared folder has to be accessed without password otherwise leave it checked. Create a new user for sharing (better than giving away your password) so that this user only accesses the folders you want to share. In System preferences network select file sharing SMB and flag only the new user you have defined. Then go back to the folder section and set the permissions you like on the folder you want to share for this newly defined user.
    Good Luck

  • How 2 Search files in MAC

    im a new user in Mac OS. i have a question on how to search By file types in MAC Os.
    in Windows you can do a "ind File" by *.mp3....this will search & list all the .mp3 in the HD.
    How can i can like this in OSX.

    Hi, F. C.
    There are a couple of approaches to this using Find. Find is implemented in Spotlight but permits more precise search criteria to be specified than using the Spotlight icon.
    A. Use Find to search for the extension .mp3:1. In Finder, press the Command-F keyboard shortcut to launch Find.
    2. In the top "slice" of the Find window, select the search location, e.g. Computer or Home.
    3. Click the Kind pop-up button and select Other...
    4. Select Name Extension from the list. If you regularly want to use this as a search criterion, also select the Add to Favorites checkbox.
    5. Click OK. Note that the Kind criteria selected in step 3 now shows Name Extension as the criteria.
    6. Type mp3 in the text input field next to Name Extension.
    Spotlight will return all files whose extension matches mp3. Using the Name Extension criteria is the most precise approach to finding files by their extensions.B. Use Find to search for music files containing mp3:1. In Finder, press the Command-F keyboard shortcut to launch Find.
    2. In the top "slice" of the Find window, select the search location, e.g. Computer or Home.
    3. Click the Kind pop-up button and select Music.
    4. In the Search For field, type mp3.
    Spotlight will return all music files that in some way match the search term mp3. This is perhaps the fastest approach, but can be a less precise since it could return some files that contain the character string "mp3" in their name or other metadata attributes but have a different actual extensions, e.g. a file named "MP3 Rocks.aiff".Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • How to increase the camera download speed and save binary file speed

    My camera is pco dimax S1 camea. The interface is cameralink Base.
    The memory is on board.
    I use 1000fps@480*480 resolution to capture 1 sec.
    Then download the images from the on board memory to computer.
    The board in the PC side is NI-1429 board.
    Theory, the cameralink transport speed should be 250MB/S
    In the file format, file size should be (480(H)*480(V)*16bit*1000fps)/8=460.8 MB
    Logically it should be download complete under 2 sec
    But in my program, the real download speed at about 40 framess/s, (480*480*16*40)/8=18.432 MB/S
    (250MB/S)/(18.432MB/S)= 13.85
    The download speed is totally slower 13.8 times.
    I use the SSD and RAID 0 to save the file.
    I did some test as below:
    1. Try to save png or binary file. The speed of binary had a litter faster, but it still doesn't close the 250MB/S.
    2. I try to adjust the resolution from 16bit to 12bit or 8bit to save the image. The download speed still 40 frames/s(18.432MB/S)
    3. I try to use IMAQ Sequence to save the file, but how to add in my program, can anyone help me?
    On the other hand, I also guess may be the structure of my program have an problem cause the download and save speed slow.
    Attached please find the program.
    To see if there are other ways to increase the speed of file written!
    Attachments: ‏91 KB
    test.png ‏157 KB

    You have to separate your step1 and step2 into two parallel loop.
    If you put the two tasks in one loop, the lower speed task will affect the loop speed.
    So that the program won't achieve the top speed.
    Is continuous acquisition required for your application? Can sequence acquisition or finite acquisition be your workaround?
    The memory handling in continuous acquisition is way a lot more difficult than finite acquisition.
    I would suggest you to figure out how finite acquisition work and then jump into the continuous acquisition application.

  • How Does A File Get Damaged or Corrupted?

    After a recent installation of OS 10.4.8 and Office for Mac on my friend's G4 AGP (Sawtooth) all ran well for a week or so. Then suddenly Word and Excel wouldn't open. Got error message. Attempts to reload Office provided another error message.
    The core of these error messages was that there was a "Shared library error (Carbonlib)". From the MS support site we were advised that "This problem may occur if the CarbonLib file in Mac OS X is damaged or is corrupted." The recommended actions were to Repair Disk Permission and do a restart. If that didn't work, Archive and Install OS X again.
    Well, even Archive and Install didn't go well, so we ended up doing an erase and install. Now everything is running well again.
    My question is, considering the pain involved in fixing the problem, how does a working OS and its files get damaged or corrupted in one week of light use? If there is something we need to pursue to ensure this doesn't happen again, I'd sure like to know what it is.
    Thanks in advance.
    Carl B.

    Hi, Carl.
    See my "Data corruption and loss: causes and avoidance" FAQ for comprehensive advice on this subject.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X
    Note: The information provided in the link(s) above is freely available. However, because I own The X Lab™, a commercial Web site to which some of these links point, the Apple Discussions Terms of Use require I include the following disclosure statement with this post:
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

  • Getting cell-id and location using j2me/symbian

    Hello frens
    i m beginner to j2me and task is
    get cell id location of mobile terminal by sending a sms to that mobile terminal ,
    How to achieve this

    JSR-179 points you to how to do this in J2ME . The problem is that no one has implemented the Location API on their fones as yet. Ok apart from Nokia and then only for some of their high end fones. Any one been able to create a JNI wrapper and get the details from handset? If you have you can save me hours of pain! :-)

  • How a PDF file gets loaded on browser if it is large in size?

    I had a BHO of IE made in C#.
    Through this I want to know the Information of PDF file that is loaded on IE when we try to open a pdf link.
    For example if we click a link and the PDF file NewFormsfees.pdf is of 1.5MB,
    the PDF is obtained as packet by packet (like, intially some 20kb, then again updating the intail 20kb file with next 20kb or 30kb until it reaches total 1.5MB), as this file can be obtained in temporary internet files folder, actually I want to know what the process was going on?
    How the PDF file is viewed in Internet Explorer?
    Can't we get the reference of that PDF file which is opened on browser through C# programming. If so, how can I get that?

    Not sure I see the problem. The file only needs to be in one place, you can link between folders.

  • How to search file in application server using pattern

    Hi all,
    I want to search file in application server.
    Suppose there is file named abc20090808.dat.
    Is there is any function module to search the file?
    it should return back the file names starting with abc, if the import parameter is abc*

                 Have a look
            You can use this function module /SAPDMC/LSM_F4_SERVER_FILE for F4 help for application server file and then you can use the function module TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP to read data into internal table.
      access file from application server

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