How to select all text in document?

I need to select all text in a long document to export to rtf. I only seem to be able to select a story. Any ideas in how I can do it?

Can't be done. You'll have to link all text boxes together in one long story, or use the script "ExportAllStories.jsx" that comes with your default InDesign installation.
There are other alternatives (all of them using scripts), and the best way may depend on what your intentions are with the exported file -- if, for example, you want to read it back into their original text frames after editing, well, there are ways to do that.

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    ariel0 wrote:
    why are you sending this question to me
    Nobody is sending anything to you.
    Did you subscribe to the forums accidently?

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    worked OK for me
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class Myprogram extends JFrame
      JTextArea TArea = new JTextArea(10,10);
      public Myprogram()
        JMenu JMenuName= new JMenu("JMenuName");
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        JMenuItemName.addActionListener(new SelectAllAction());
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    In fact, I use the adobe findchangebylist to modified, I want to do a clear setting script, not only break link to style, but when i run the script that will get error, can u help me to fix it, my script is shown as below:
    function main(){
    var myObject;
    //var myCheckSelection = false;
    //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
    app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
    if(app.documents.length > 0){
      if(app.selection.length > 0){
        case "InsertionPoint":
        case "Character":
        case "Word":
        case "TextStyleRange":
        case "Line":
        case "Paragraph":
        case "TextColumn":
        case "TextFrame":
        case "Text":
        case "Cell":
        case "Column":
        case "Row":
        case "Table":
         //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
                        //alert("Nothing Selected, Please Select Text Frame or Text.");
       //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
                alert("Nothing Selected, Please Select Text Frame or Text.");
      alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
    function myDisplayDialog(){
    var myObject;
    var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"Joan New Clear Setting_v1.0"});
    staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Search Range:"});
         var mySearchButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
         radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Current Document", checkedState:true});
                       if(app.selection[0].contents != ""){
        radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selection", checkedState:true});
         staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Clear Setting:"});
         var myDateButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
         radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"English", checkedState:true});
    var myResult =;
    if(myResult == true){
       case 0:
                     myObject = app.documents.item(0);
                     myCheckSelection = false;
                  case 1:
                     myObject = app.selection[0];
                     myCheckSelection = true;
      case 0:
      myFindChangeByList1(myObject, myCheckSelection);
      case 1:
      myFindChangeByList2(myObject, myCheckSelection);
    function TurnOffHyphenationDocument() {
    myTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem();
    function TurnOffHyphenationSelection() {
    function BreakLinktoStyleDocument() {
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().texts.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(app.activeDoc ument.paragraphStyles.item(0), false);
    app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().texts.everyItem().applyCharacterStyle(app.activeDoc ument.characterStyles.item(0), false);
    myTables = app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().tables.everyItem();
    myTables.cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle( app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item(0), false);
    myTables.cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyCharacterStyle( app.activeDocument.characterStyles.item(0), false);
    function BreakLinktoStyleSelection() {
    app.selection[0].texts.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles. item(0), false);
    app.selection[0].texts.everyItem().applyCharacterStyle(app.activeDocument.characterStyles. item(0), false);
    app.selection[0].cells.everyItem().texts[0].applyParagraphStyle(app.activeDocument.paragra phStyles.item(0), false);
    app.selection[0].cells.everyItem().texts[0].applyCharacterStyle(app.activeDocument.charact erStyles.item(0), false);
    function myFindChangeByList1(myObject, myCheckSelection){
    var myScriptFileName, myFindChangeFile, myFindChangeFileName, myScriptFile, myResult;
    var myFindChangeArray, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindLimit;
    var myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter;
    var myFindChangeFile = myFindFile("/ScriptSupport/te.txt")
    if(myFindChangeFile != null){
            // Because the selection will change as we add/remove characters,
            // we'll need to reset the selection after each pass if we are
            // checking the selection. We'll get the index of the first character
            // in the selection (relative to the start of its parent story) and
            // the index of the last character in the selection (relative to the
            // *end* of the story, and we'll use them later in the script to
            // keep the ends of the selection in place.
      if(myCheckSelection == true){
       var myStart = myObject.characters.item(0).index;
       var myEnd = myObject.characters.item(-1).index;
       var myStory = myObject.parentStory;
       var myStoryEnd = myStory.characters.item(-1).index;
       myEnd = (myStoryEnd - myEnd)+1;
      myFindChangeFile = File(myFindChangeFile);
      var myResult ="r", undefined, undefined);
      if(myResult == true){
       //Loop through the find/change operations.
        myLine = myFindChangeFile.readln();
        //Ignore comment lines and blank lines.
        if((myLine.substring(0,4)!="text")||(myLine.substring(0,4)!="grep")||(myLine.substring(0, 5)!="glyph")){
         myFindChangeArray = myLine.split("\t");
         //The first field in the line is the findType string.
         myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
         //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
         myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
         //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
         myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
         //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
         myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
          case "text":
           myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "grep":
           myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
          case "glyph":
           myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
         if(myCheckSelection == true){
          myStartCharacter = myStory.characters.item(myStart);
          myEndCharacter = myStory.characters.item(-myEnd);
          myObject = myStory.texts.itemByRange(myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter);
       } while(myFindChangeFile.eof == false);
    function myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change preferences before each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeTextOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
      myFoundItems = myObject.changeText();
    //Reset the find/change preferences after each search.
    app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeTextOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGrep();
    //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
    app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGrepOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences before each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGlyphOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
    myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
    app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
    var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGlyph();
    //Reset the find/change glyph preferences after each search.
    app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    app.findChangeGlyphOptions = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindFile(myFilePath){
    var myScriptFile = myGetScriptPath();
    var myScriptFile = File(myScriptFile);
    var myScriptFolder = myScriptFile.path;
    myFilePath = myScriptFolder + myFilePath;
    if(File(myFilePath).exists == false){
      //Display a dialog.
      myFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose the file containing your find/change list");
    return myFilePath;
    function myGetScriptPath(){
      myFile = app.activeScript;
      myFile = myError.fileName;
    return myFile;
    and here is my text file, te.txt
    grep {findWhat:"."} {appliedLanguage: app.languagesWithVendors.item("English: USA"), kerningMethod: "無"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {kinsokuSet: "繁體中文避頭尾(s)"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {mojikumi: "nothing"} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {ligatures:false} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {gridAlignment: 1852796517} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {leadingModel: 1248619858} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}
    grep {findWhat:"."} {characterAlignment: 1247896172} {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, includeLockedStoriesForFind:true, widthSensitive:true}

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    but Pages is NOT a 3rd party app.  it's an application that's programmed by apple.  it's supposed to act something like Word in MS office, but that is not at all true. 
    choices for editing text, highlighting, et al., like what you find in MS Office Word, should be immediately available whenever you are inside of a Pages document, but that is not the case. 
    don't you wish that when you buy an apple app for apple/macs that is supposed to be like a windows something or another that it really is? 

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    I'm using Acrobat X 10 and I'm trying to print a PDF file that are slides from one of my university classes. The problem I'm having is that some of the text is not printing or printing very lightly. I have solved this problem by going to the tools panel and then edit document text tool. From there I select a text box, select all text in said text box, select properties, click on the text tab and then changing the fill from white to black(following so far?). Now my issue is that there are many text boxes, to the point where only one word occupies a text box. So what I'm wondering is if there is a way to select all the text boxes so I can do this proccess for the whole file rather than selecting each text box and repeating the proccess, as this is very time consuming.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Why don't you see if your printer driver has an option for printing B&W (not grey or greyscale), that might do the trick.

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     I tried playing with Property node with select-start, select-end, but no results.
    Also didn't find any documentation or examples on how to highlight text in indicator.
    Could anyone help with this?
    Any advice/tip much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Go to Solution.

    The help for 'Selection' mentions that you need to set Key Focus to the control first.
    Also there is a system method to copy a string to the system clipboard.
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    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

  • How to select all the colomns_names from a table, with their datatypes ..

    hi :)
    i would like to know, how to select in SQL all the columns names from a table with their datatypes so that i get something like this :
    Table 1 : table_name
    the column ID has the Datatype NUMBER
    the column name has the Datatype Varchar2
    Table 2 : table_name
    the column check has the Datatype NUMBER
    the column air has the Datatype Varchar2
    and that has to be for all the tables that i own ! ..
    P. S : i m trying to do this with java, so it s would be enough if you just tell me how to select all the tables_names with all their colums_names and with all their datatypes ! ..
    thank you :)
    i ve heard it can be done with USER_TABLES .. but i have no idea how :( ..
    Edited by: user8865125 on 17.05.2011 12:22

    The data dictionary view USER_TAB_COLUMNS has one row for every column in every table in your schema. The columns TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME and DATA_TYPE have all the information you need.
    Another data dictionary view, USER_TABLES, may be useful, too. It has one row pre table.

  • How to SELECT ALL records of a TABLE VIEW in the BSP page

    Hi All,
    In the BSP portal, I am displaying some data(multple records) in the form of a table using the BSP TAG <htmlb:tableView>. I wrote the logic in the 'VIEW' of the BSP application which will be triggered by the controller. I have used the attribute selectionMode = "MULTISELECT" to have a Check Box to select a row.
    My requirement is to have a button/checkbox on the first column of the header of the table view. By clicking on this, it should select/desect all the records of the table. Could someone please help me how to do this? What attribute I should use in the tableview to get the button in the header row of the table and how to select all the records of the table.?
    Please provide your valuable inputs.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Select all / Deselect all functionality when onRowSelection is there

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    We are working on 11.5.9 Payment batches...
    Could anyone help me out on how to select all the Invoices whether due or not in the Payment Batches ?? I see that unchecking only due' doesn't Pay through date is the only option ??

    SelectManyListBox has a separate ALL checkbox visible. You can use that component

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    Switch to list or column view. If you must use icon view, instead of Shift-clicking items, click on an empty space near one of them and drag to enclose them.

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    I regularly copy text filled objects to reuse them and need to change the text within. Does anyone have a fast way to select all text?
    Currently I have to double click the text to get a cursor and then use a control+A to select all text in the box.
    I would love to have a single to 2 button press to do this or better yet a fast way to do this with the mouse. Even an contextual right click option would rock!
    All ideas appreciated and will be tested.

    Nice tip! I have also found you can right click to edit text, I wish it would select all when you do that.

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    1) Do you want "user dir" (watever that is) or do you wnat the last accessed directory? Last accessed by what/whom?
    2) Applets can't access the local file sytem, and for good reason, unless they're signed and the client has given permission.

  • How to select all the people that are not in any equipe  ?

    I have a nice SQL expression that gives me as a result all the "AGENTS" (people) that are working in an EQUIPE (a team)
    select a."AGENT_ID",
    a."NOM" || ' ' || a."PRENOM" "Nom",
    c.libelle "Equipe",
    a."DATE_EMBAUCHE" "Date embauche",
    a."DATE_DEBAUCHE" "Date débauche"
    observatoire.equipe_agents b,
    observatoire.equipe c
    where a.agent_id = b.agent_id
    and b.equipe_id = c.equipe_id
    order by nom
    Now, how to select all the agents that are NOT working in any "EQUIPE" (team) ?
    I have tried but could not succeed !
    Thank you for your kind help.

    Christian from France wrote:
    It is not working because the table EQUIPE_AGENTS does not contains a row if the agent is not into any equipe.
         "PRENOM" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
    The only way to "know" if an agent is not into any equipe (team) is to search into the EQUIPE_AGENTS table, and if we do not find the ID of the agent into this table, then we know that this agent is not into any EQUIPE (team).
    I don't know ho to translate this into SQL.And that's what my query does. It uses an OUTER JOIN so that a result record is returned whether or not there is a record in EQUIPE_AGENTS. And the check for EQUIPE_ID is NULL restricts the result set to those where there IS NOT a record in EQUIPE_AGENTS.
    A more traditional way would be to use NOT IN or NOT EXISTS clauses, but they can prove inefficient.

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    How to select all PERNR from IT0000 (Action), if an action has been done on IT0000 between reporting START DATE and END DATE. What fields I should consider in IT0000.

    You can try:
    data: t_0000 type standard table of pa0000.
    select * from pa0000
       into corresponding fields of table t_0000
      where begda le <your-initial-date> and endda ge <your-final-date>.
    Or use one of options described at last forum.
    Edited by: Marcello Lanzoni on Jul 24, 2008 8:11 PM

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