How to Select data using same column name from 3 remote database

Can anyone help me on how to get data with same column names from 3 remote database and a single alias.
SELECT *, b.status, SUM(b.qty) qantity, MAX( date_as_of
*((table1@remotedatabase1, table1@remotedatabase2, table1@remotedatabase3)a,*
*(table1@remotedatabase1, table1@remotedatabase2, table1@remotedatabase3)b)*
WHERE b.dept = 'finance'
AND a.position = 'admin'
AND a.latest = 'Y' AND (b.status <> 'TRM') AND b.qty > 0;
GROUP BY, b.status ;
NOTE: the bold statements is just an example of what I want to do but I always gets an error beacause of ambiguous columns.
Thanks in advnce. :)
Edited by: user12994685 on Jan 4, 2011 9:42 PM

user12994685 wrote:
Can anyone help me on how to get data with same column names from 3 remote database and a single alias.Invalid. This does not make sense and breaks all scope resolution rules. And whether this is in a single database, or uses tables across databases, is irrelevant.
Each object must be uniquely identified. So you cannot do this:
select * from (table1@remotedatabase1, table1@remotedatabase2, table1@remotedatabase3) a3 objects cannot share the same alias. Example:
SQL> select * from (dual, dual) d;
select * from (dual, dual) d
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesisYou need to combine the objects - using a join or union or similar. So it will need to be done as follows:
SQL> select * from (select * from dual d1, dual d2) d;
select * from (select * from dual d1, dual d2) d
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00918: column ambiguously definedHowever, we need to have unique column names in a SQL projection - so the join of the tables need to project a unique set of columns. Thus:
SQL> select * from (select d1.dummy as dummy1, d2.dummy as dummy2 from dual d1, dual d2) d;
X   X
SQL> I suggest that you look closely at what scope is and how it applies in the SQL language - and ignore whether the objects referenced are local or remote as it has no impact to fundamentals of scope resolution.

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    Is it possible to do a sql code to qry all of this?

    No, Ignacio did not, at least, not really. ;)
    The usage of ALL_TAB_COLUMNS only has info for tables which the actual user has access to.
    If you need to be sure that you search each and every table, you have to use DBA_TAB_COLUMNS (or the connected user must be a super hero...).
    Just wanted to point that out.

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    I think your DBA needed to create a synonym for you to have access of that remote database view.
    CREATE SYNONYM synonym_name
    FOR view_name@db_link;Then you can find the column names by
    DESC   synonym_nameGuru's , please correct me If I am wrong.
    Edited by: user10679113 on Mar 12, 2009 12:28 PM
    Edited by: user10679113 on Mar 12, 2009 12:33 PM

  • Same column name from different table

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    sample code snippet is above. do u help me!
    while (
    value1 = rs.getString("COLUMN1");
    // is value1's value from table1 or table2. how do i know this?
    // i try value1 = rs.getString("TABLE1.COLUMN1"); but it doesn't work :(

    I case you don't know what an alias is, it would look something like this:
    SELECT a.COLUMN1 as FirstColumn1, b.COLUMN1 as SecondColumn1 FROM FirstTable a, SecondTable b
    Notice that in the FROM clause we've appended a short name for each table. You're not limited to one character, but I try to keep it simple. Now we can refer to the tables as a and b.
    Because I did that I have to refer to any ambiguous columns (although it's good practice to refer to ALL columns) using the table name prefix and a period. This tells the driver which "COLUMN1" I want. Then we include as AS clause which allows us to tell the driver what we want that column name to be when it's returned to us. This is specially usefule when I have two columns in two separate tables with the same name (as you have here) or if I'm calculating data (i.e. (a.QTY * b.PRICE) as UnitPrice) that doesn't have a column name, so here I can give it one.
    It's a little weird at first since you use the alias names in the select before you actually define them in the FROM clause, but you'll get use to it.
    Now you retrieve FirstColumn1 and SecondColumn1 from your ResultSet, not Column1.

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    user10683742 wrote:
    Dont think i have DBA access..It gives the following error
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"You don't have to have 'dba' access, per se. You just have to have SELECT ALL TABLES privilege. when you use a db_link, you are connecting to the remote db with the user defined in the link, and .. on that db .. you will have the privileges of the user defined in the db link. Exactly as if you had used sqlplus to connect to that db with that user.

  • How to send e-mail with an attachment from remote database server.???

    Hi All,
    I have tried the simple mail sending and with the attachment using UTL_SMTP. But the problem is , it is sending the mail with attachment of the file name i give, it takes and creates that file and sends as attachment not from the actual file location. I am trying to attach the file which i stored in remote database server.
    The following code I tried. But not worked for attachment
       v_From       VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
       v_Recipient  VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
       v_Subject    VARCHAR2(80) := 'test subject';
       v_Mail_Host  VARCHAR2(30) := '';
       v_Mail_Conn  utl_smtp.Connection;
       crlf         VARCHAR2(2)  := chr(13)||chr(10);
      v_Mail_Conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection(v_Mail_Host, 25);
      utl_smtp.Helo(v_Mail_Conn, v_Mail_Host);
      utl_smtp.Mail(v_Mail_Conn, v_From);
      utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_Recipient);
        'Date: '   || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
        'From: '   || v_From || crlf ||
        'Subject: '|| v_Subject || crlf ||
        'To: '     || v_Recipient || crlf ||
        'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| crlf ||     -- Use MIME mail standard
        'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'|| crlf ||
        ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Type: text/html;'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        'some message text'|| crlf ||     -- Message body
        'more message text'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Type: text/html;'|| crlf ||
        ' name="Fund Authorization report"'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| crlf ||
        ' filename="/usr/tmp/Test.html"'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        'HTML Attachment'|| crlf ||     -- Content of attachment
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND--'               -- End MIME mail
      WHEN utl_smtp.Transient_Error OR utl_smtp.Permanent_Error then
        raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable to send mail: '||sqlerrm);
    END;How can I attach a file which is stored in database server and send it in a mail.
    Please someone help me in this.

    Try this code
    Regards Salim.
       mail_conn       UTL_SMTP.connection;
       crlf            VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
       msg             VARCHAR2(32760);
       sid_name        VARCHAR2(16);
       bdump_dest      VARCHAR2(128);
       smtp_relay      VARCHAR2(32) := 'MyMailRelay';
       recipient_address  VARCHAR2(64) := '[email protected]';
       sender_address     VARCHAR2(64) := '[email protected]';
       mail_port       NUMBER := 25;
       log_file_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
       log_file_dir    VARCHAR2(256) := 'ERR_LOG_DIR';
       log_file_name   VARCHAR2(256) := 'OracleErrors.log';
       maxlinesize     NUMBER := 32767;
       session_rec     sys.v_$session%ROWTYPE;
       audit_rec       sys.dba_audit_trail%ROWTYPE;
       auditing        BOOLEAN;
       LinesOfSQL      BINARY_INTEGER;
       offending_sql   DBMS_STANDARD.ora_name_list_t;
       CURSOR bdump_cur IS
          SELECT TRIM(value)
          FROM v$parameter
          WHERE name = 'background_dump_dest'
       CURSOR sid_cur IS
          SELECT TRIM(instance_name)
          FROM v$instance
       CURSOR session_cur IS
          SELECT s.*
          FROM v$session s
          WHERE s.sid = dbms_support.mysid
       CURSOR audit_trail_cur(AUDSID IN NUMBER) IS
          SELECT *
          FROM dba_audit_trail
          WHERE sessionid = AUDSID
          -- Ignore this error
          -- Ignore this error
          -- get the sid
          OPEN sid_cur;
          FETCH sid_cur INTO sid_name;
          CLOSE sid_cur;
          -- get the location of the alert log
          OPEN bdump_cur;
          FETCH bdump_cur INTO bdump_dest;
          CLOSE bdump_cur;
          -- get the session information
          OPEN session_cur;
          FETCH session_cur INTO session_rec;
          CLOSE session_cur;
          -- get the audit_trail information if it exists
          OPEN audit_trail_cur(session_rec.audsid);
          FETCH audit_trail_cur INTO audit_rec;
          auditing := audit_trail_cur%FOUND;
          CLOSE audit_trail_cur;
          IF session_rec.program = 'MyProgram.exe' THEN
             NULL;  -- ignore actions from MyProgram - that's where I do maintenance
             -- compose the message
             msg := 'Subject: Oracle error '||' on '||sid_name||crlf;
             msg := msg||'To: '||recipient_address||crlf;
             msg := msg||'For more information see the alert log file located at:'||crlf;
             msg := msg||bdump_dest||'/alert_'||sid_name||'.log'||crlf;
             msg := msg||'or the error log file: $'||log_file_dir||'/'||log_file_name||crlf;
             msg := msg||'Error Time='||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||crlf;
             msg := msg||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK||crlf;
             LinesOfSQL := sql_txt(offending_sql);
             msg := msg||'Offending SQL is:'||crlf;
             FOR loop_counter IN offending_sql.FIRST..offending_sql.LAST
                msg := msg||offending_sql(loop_counter);
             END LOOP;
             msg := msg||crlf||'----- PL/SQL Error Stack -----'||crlf;
             msg := msg||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SADDR='   ||session_rec.saddr   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SID='     ||session_rec.sid     ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SERIAL#=' ||session_rec.serial# ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.AUDSID='  ||session_rec.audsid  ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PADDR='   ||session_rec.paddr   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.USER#='   ||session_rec.user#   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.USERNAME='||session_rec.username||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.COMMAND=' ||session_rec.command ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.OWNERID=' ||session_rec.ownerid ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TADDR='   ||NVL(session_rec.taddr   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LOCKWAIT='||NVL(session_rec.lockwait,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.STATUS='  ||NVL(session_rec.status  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SERVER='  ||NVL(session_rec.server  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SCHEMA#=' ||session_rec.schema#||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SCHEMANAME=' ||NVL(session_rec.schemaname,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.OSUSER='     ||NVL(session_rec.osuser    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PROCESS='    ||NVL(session_rec.process   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MACHINE='    ||NVL(session_rec.machine   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TERMINAL='   ||NVL(session_rec.terminal  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PROGRAM='    ||NVL(session_rec.program   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TYPE='       ||NVL(session_rec.type      ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SQL_ADDRESS='    ||session_rec.sql_address  ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SQL_HASH_VALUE=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.sql_hash_value) ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PREV_SQL_ADDR='  ||session_rec.prev_sql_addr||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PREV_HASH_VALUE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.prev_hash_value),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MODULE='     ||NVL(session_rec.module              ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MODULE_HASH='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.module_hash),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ACTION='     ||NVL(session_rec.action              ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ACTION_HASH='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.action_hash),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.CLIENT_INFO='||NVL(session_rec.client_info         ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.fixed_table_sequence),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_obj#)  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_FILE#=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_file#) ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_block#),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_ROW#='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_row#)  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LOGON_TIME='     ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.logon_time,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LAST_CALL_ET='   ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.last_call_et)   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDML_ENABLED='   ||NVL(session_rec.pdml_enabled   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILOVER_TYPE='  ||NVL(session_rec.failover_type  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILOVER_METHOD='||NVL(session_rec.failover_method,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILED_OVER='    ||NVL(session_rec.failed_over    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP='||NVL(session_rec.resource_consumer_group,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDML_STATUS='    ||NVL(session_rec.pdml_status    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDDL_STATUS='    ||NVL(session_rec.pddl_status    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PQ_STATUS='      ||NVL(session_rec.pq_status      ,'Null')||crlf;
             IF auditing THEN
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OS_USERNAME='  ||NVL(audit_rec.os_username,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.USERNAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.username   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.USERHOST='     ||NVL(audit_rec.userhost   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.TERMINAL='     ||NVL(audit_rec.terminal   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.TIMESTAMP='    ||TO_CHAR(audit_rec.timestamp,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OWNER='        ||NVL(audit_rec.owner      ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OBJ_NAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.obj_name   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ACTION='       ||audit_rec.action   ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ACTION_NAME='  ||NVL(audit_rec.action_name   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.NEW_OWNER='    ||NVL(audit_rec.new_owner     ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.NEW_NAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.new_name      ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OBJ_PRIVILEGE='||NVL(audit_rec.obj_privilege ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SYS_PRIVILEGE='||NVL(audit_rec.sys_privilege ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ADMIN_OPTION=' ||NVL(audit_rec.admin_option  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.GRANTEE='      ||NVL(audit_rec.grantee       ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.AUDIT_OPTION=' ||NVL(audit_rec.audit_option  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SES_ACTIONS='  ||NVL(audit_rec.ses_actions   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_TIME='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_time)  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_LREAD=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_lread) ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_PREAD=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_pread) ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_LWRITE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_lwrite),'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_DLOCK=' ||NVL(audit_rec.logoff_dlock  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.COMMENT_TEXT=' ||NVL(audit_rec.comment_text  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SESSIONID='    ||audit_rec.sessionid   ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ENTRYID='      ||audit_rec.entryid     ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.STATEMENTID='  ||audit_rec.statementid ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.RETURNCODE='   ||audit_rec.returncode  ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.PRIV_USED='    ||NVL(audit_rec.priv_used,'Null')||crlf;
             END IF;
             msg := msg||'-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'||crlf||crlf;
             -- write the message to the error log file
             log_file_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (log_file_dir, log_file_name, 'A',maxlinesize);
             -- send the message by Email
             mail_conn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection(smtp_relay, mail_port);
             UTL_SMTP.HELO(mail_conn, smtp_relay);
             UTL_SMTP.MAIL(mail_conn, sender_address);
             UTL_SMTP.RCPT(mail_conn, recipient_address);
             UTL_SMTP.DATA(mail_conn, msg);
          END IF; -- client_program = MyProgram.exe
       END IF;

  • Xmltype data can't be copied from remote database

    I got the following same error when copy table with xmltype from different env:
    table localXML(xml xmltype);
    insert into localXML select * from remoteXML@romote;
    1. run from db tools:
    ... Physical database connection acquired for: local
    12:07:41 [INSERT - 0 row(s), 0.000 secs] [Error Code: 22992, SQL State: 99999] ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables
    ... 1 statement(s) executed, 0 row(s) affected, exec/fetch time: 0.000/0.000 sec [0 successful, 0 warnings, 1 errors]
    2. run from sqlplus
    ORA-22992: cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables
    The above script runs well if two tables are in same database.
    Did any one have solution on this?

    The standard workaround for this one is to create a synonym or such on the be called object and then do the insert selecting via the synonym. Search google for ORA-22992 and "asktom" and see if this workaround for LOB's also works for xmltype (CLOB) columns/tables.
    What's your database version and how was the remoteXML table created (DDL) ???

  • How to put date&time into a variable from a database?

    In an Oracle table, myDateColumn is 2002-06-25 17:40:55. I can't put it into a variable.
    java.text.SimpleDateFormat dF=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
    rs=stmt.executeQuery("select myDateColumn from myTable");
    System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); // 2002-06-25 17:40:55 is output
    java.util.Date myDate=rs.getDate(1);
    out.println(dF.format(myDate)); // 25/06/2002 00:00:00 is output
    java.util.Date myDate=rs.getTime(1);
    out.println(dF.format(myDate)); // 01/01/1970 17:40:55 is output
    My question is: How should I put this date (both date and time) into a variable, myDate?

    There are three JDBC types relating to time:
    1] The JDBC DATE type represents a date consisting of day, month, and year. The corresponding SQL DATE type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a subset of the major databases. Some databases offer alternative SQL types that support similar semantics.
    2] The JDBC TIME type represents a time consisting of hours, minutes, and seconds. The corresponding SQL TIME type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a subset of the major databases. As with DATE, some databases offer alternative SQL types that support similar semantics.
    3] The JDBC TIMESTAMP type represents DATE plus TIME plus a nanosecond field. The corresponding SQL TIMESTAMP type is defined in SQL-92, but it is implemented by only a very small number of databases.
    In ur case pls use:
    good luck !
    ...san :--)

  • How to select more than 40 lakhs entries from a database table into a inter

    If there is a database table having 40 lakhs  entries & if I want to select all entries into a internal table than what to do.

    Maen Anachronos wrote:
    > Bring a very large bag to put those 40 lakh records in.
    > Sorry, but how is this possibly so difficult to try out?
    I like it

  • Recovery data using Exchange Management Shell From Recovery Database

    Recently Some of our employees had been requesting a restore of some deleted emails from earlier in the year. Through our Backup Exec 2012 the recovery of the emails were not working. After 2 weeks on the phone with Symantec we determined that theyre Granular
    Recovery Technology was not functioning properly for whatever reasons. As a last resort we recovered the backup set to a recovery database and now need to use the management shell in Exchange in order to recover the emails. I am having trouble with the
    syntax and wanted to see if anyone out there could help me with the necessary commands in order to recover emails. forgive me if i have left out any required information. i am still a student trying to learn

    If you are interested in 3rd party products check out Lucid8's DigiScope
    which will allow you to open any offline Exchange Database within a familiar Outlook type GUI.  Once opened you can Browse, Search, Export Mailboxes, Folders and Individual Items to PST & MSG or Recover data directly to any Production Exchange
    server or mailbox.
    Regarding the RDB commands, here is a good article and also here are a couple of Examples
    NOTE:  The examples below assume that you have recovered the DB in question to the RDB and that a copy of the mailbox belonging to John_Doe is within the Recovery Database.
    A:  The command below will recover the mailbox called John_Doe from the Recovery Database called
    RecoveryDatabase1 to the John_Doe mailbox in the live database.  NOTE: This method relies on the original mailbox still being intact on the Production Server.
    Use the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command:
    Restore-Mailbox -Identity John_Doe -Recovery Database RecoveryDatabase1
    B:  You can also recover the John_Doe mailbox from the Recovery Database and place it into
    a folder called "John_Doe Recovery" within a mailbox called BobTheManager.
    Use the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command:
    Restore-Mailbox -Identity BobTheManager -RecoveryDatabase RecoveryDatabase1 -RecoveryMailbox John_Doe -TargetFolder “John_Doe Recovery"
    C: There is also the ability to search the mailbox content for keywords.  In this example we
    search for any messages containing the word “SecretStuff” and restore those items to a folder called “John_Doe recovery with SuperSecret text” within a mailbox called JaneSupervisor. 
    Use the Exchange Management Shell and run the following command:
    Restore-Mailbox -Identity JaneSupervisor -RecoveryDatabase RecoveryDatabase1 -RecoveryMailbox John_Doe -SubjectKeywords "SecretStuff"
    –TargetFolder “John_Doe recovery with SecretStuff"
    Troy Werelius
    Search, Recover, & Extract Mailboxes, Folders, & Email Items from Offline EDB's and Live Exchange Servers with Lucid8's DigiScope

  • How to pull only column names from a SELECT query without running it

    How to pull only column names from a SELECT statement without executing it? It seems there is getMetaData() in Java to pull the column names while sql is being prepared and before it gets executed. I need to get the columns whether we run the sql or not.

    Maybe something like this is what you are looking for or at least will give you some ideas.
            public static DataSet MaterializeDataSet(string _connectionString, string _sqlSelect, bool _returnProviderSpecificTypes, bool _includeSchema, bool _fillTable)
                DataSet ds = null;
                using (OracleConnection _oraconn = new OracleConnection(_connectionString))
                        using (OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(_sqlSelect, _oraconn))
                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                            using (OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd))
                                da.ReturnProviderSpecificTypes = _returnProviderSpecificTypes;
                                //da.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey;
                                if (_includeSchema == true)
                                    ds = new DataSet("SCHEMASUPPLIED");
                                    da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source);
                                    if (_fillTable == true)
                                    ds = new DataSet("SCHEMANOTSUPPLIED");
                                    if (_fillTable == true)
                                ds.Tables[0].TableName = "Table";
                            }//using da
                        } //using cmd
                    catch (OracleException _oraEx)
                        throw (_oraEx); // Actually rethrow
                    catch (System.Exception _sysEx)
                        throw (_sysEx); // Actually rethrow
                        if (_oraconn.State == ConnectionState.Broken || _oraconn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
                }//using oraconn
                if (ds != null)
                    if (ds.Tables != null && ds.Tables[0] != null)
                        return ds;
                        return null;
                    return null;

  • Using select list value as column name in SQL

    Thanks in advance for any help with this
    I have a select list with two values (Instance and Username) created by
    I am trying to pass the value of this (:P2_SELECT) and use it as a column name in a SQL query as below
    select USERNAME,
    from table_name
    where :P2_SELECT like '%'||:P2_TEXTSEARCH||'%'
    When I substitue the :P2_SELECT for one of the values (either instance or username) this works fine
    I suspect it is due to how Application Express interprets the value of :P2_SELECT
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    Thanks Munky that worked a treat!
    The next hurdle I have now is that because I have changed the region type to "PL/SQL Function(returning SQL Query)" there is no longer the option to add sorting to the columns as I have had to change the Source option to "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)"
    I will have a scout around and see how I can get around this

  • How to select data from a table using a date field in the where condition?

    How to select data from a table using a date field in the where condition?
    For eg:
    data itab like equk occurs 0 with header line.
    select * from equk into table itab where werks = 'C001'
                                                      and bdatu = '31129999'.

    Hi Ramesh,
    Specify the date format as YYYYMMDD in where condition.
    Dates are internally stored in SAP as YYYYMMDD only.
    Change your date format in WHERE condition as follows.
    data itab like equk occurs 0 with header line.
    select * from equk into table itab where werks = 'C001'
    and bdatu = <b>'99991231'.</b>
    I doubt check your data base table EQUK on this date for the existince of data.
    Otherwise, just change the conidition on BDATU like below to see all entries prior to this date.
    data itab like equk occurs 0 with header line.
    select * from equk into table itab where werks = 'C001'
    and <b> bdatu <= '99991231'.</b>

  • How To Create Table View With Same Column name But Different Table?

    Hi All,
    I have the problem to create a tableview with same column name but in different table.
    The Table that i have:-
    Table - PAC051MPROFORMA
    Column - mrn,visitid
    Table - PAC051TPROFORMA
    Column - mrn,visitid
    Table - PAC052MTRANSBILL
    Column - mrn,visitid
    Then i want to create a table view to view that table. This is my SQL
    CREATE VIEW pacviewproforma (mrn,visitid,mrn,visitid,mrn,visitid)
    That SQL Return this error = ORA-00957: duplicate column name
    Then I modify that SQL to
    CREATE VIEW pacviewproforma (mrn,visitid)
    This time this error return = ORA-01730: invalid number of column names specified
    What should i do?

    SQL> CREATE VIEW pacviewproforma (mrn,visitid,mrn,visitid,mrn,visitid)
      2  As Select
      3  PAC051MPROFORMA.mrn,
      4  PAC051MPROFORMA.visitid,
      5  PAC051TPROFORMA.mrn,
      6  PAC051TPROFORMA.visitid,
      7  PAC052MTRANSBILL.mrn,
      8  PAC052MTRANSBILL.visitid
    10  where
    11  (PAC051MPROFORMA.mrn=PAC051TPROFORMA.mrn)
    12  and
    13  (PAC051TPROFORMA.mrn=PAC052MTRANSBILL.mrn);
    CREATE VIEW pacviewproforma (mrn,visitid,mrn,visitid,mrn,visitid)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00957: duplicate column namePlease give different names to each column.
    Something like this..
      2  As Select
      3  PAC051MPROFORMA.mrn,
      4  PAC051MPROFORMA.visitid,
      5  PAC051TPROFORMA.mrn,
      6  PAC051TPROFORMA.visitid,
      7  PAC052MTRANSBILL.mrn,
      8  PAC052MTRANSBILL.visitid
    10  where
    11  (PAC051MPROFORMA.mrn=PAC051TPROFORMA.mrn)
    12  and
    13  (PAC051TPROFORMA.mrn=PAC052MTRANSBILL.mrn);
    View created.
    SQL> DESC  pacviewproforma;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    MPROFORMA_MRN                                      NUMBER
    MPROFORMA_VISITID                                  NUMBER
    TPROFORMA_MRN                                      NUMBER
    TPROFORMA_VISITID                                  NUMBER
    MTRANSBILL_MRN                                     NUMBER
    MTRANSBILL_VISITID                                 NUMBER
    ORA-01730: invalid number of column names specifiedThe list of column nmae you specified during the CREATE VIEW should match with the SELECT list of the view.

  • How to insert  data into BLOB column  using sql

    Hi all,
    How to insert data into BLOB column directly using sql .
    create  table temp
      a blob,
      b clob);
    SQL> /
    Insert into temp  values ('32aasdasdsdasdasd4e32','adsfbsdkjf') ;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01465: invalid hex number
    Please help in this.Thanks,
    P Prakash

    see this
    How to store PDF file in BLOB column without using indirect datastore

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