How to: SELECT statement returns the result in XML format.

That's it... I want to execute a query that returns all rowset in XML format. How can I do it?
Using Oracle 8.0 and up.

FOR XML is a proprietary Microsoft Hack... It is not supported by Oracle in any release. Oracle 9.2.x includes the SQLXML operators, which are part of the SQL:2003 standard and are the agreed upon (Mircosoft, IBM, Oracle etc) way of generating XML from relational data....

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    That's it... I want to execute a query that returns all rowset in XML format. How can I do it?
    I have Oracle 9i

    9i, or 9iR2 ?. If 9i I would recommend upgrading to 9iR2 and then using the SQL/XML operators.

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    Would appreciate if someone could help to solve this puzzle here:
    I have the exact the statements running on Oracle 9i and 10g, why do they return different results?
    Select unique(GroupDesc) , GroupSeq from Module where ModuleId in (Select ModuleId from User_Access where UserId='admin') and Status='A'
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    yes, the table structure... actually the CREATE TABLE statement...
    with some sample data (INSERT INTO)
    and the actual queries (both of them - copy-paste them from each separate environment)
    you can use tags around the statements this will format it to a fixed font - making it easier to read
    Edited by: Alex Nuijten on Feb 20, 2009 10:05 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    StudentNo  Name   Gender  Degree
    123       Tony    male    B.Comp.Sci.
    456       Tom     male    B.Fiance
    343       Mary    female  B.Accountingso, if i have query select * from table student, i would get someting like the following:
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    I have this method in a ResultSetMapper class:
         * Return result sets as an XML stream, with root tag named
         * "results", one "result" tag per row, and "result" child tag
         * names equal to the column name
         * @param query result set
         * @param list of column names to include in the result map
         * @throws SQLException if the query fails
         * @throws JDOMException if the XML stream creation fails
        public static final Document toJDOM(ResultSet rs, List wantedColumnNames)
            throws SQLException, JDOMException
            Element rows         = new Element("results");
            int numWantedColumns = wantedColumnNames.size();
            while (
                Element row = new Element("result");
                for (int i = 0; i < numWantedColumns; ++i)
                    String columnName   = (String)wantedColumnNames.get(i);
                    Object value = rs.getObject(columnName);
                    row.addContent(new Element(columnName).setText(value.toString()));
            return new Document(rows);
        }It uses JDOM from - MOD

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    In our project, we have a lot of ECC clients. So in PI system, we need to do a lot of same work in one scenario(Although we have config wizard,it's still boring because of our slow network speed).
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    Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated.

    I believe that  XML Data will be used for some later "technical Analysis" or for some documentation purposes and can not be used for the purpose you need to..

  • How to get the metadata (in xml format) of all the fileds in SQl query ?

    Good day ,
    I am using the dbms_xmlgen.getXMLfunction to get the result of any query in xml format.
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    Sajjad Ahmed Paracha

    Please always say which version of Oracle you're using (SELECT * FROM v$version).
    With this XML I also want the metadata information about all the fields used in the query (passed to getXML function). Is it possible and how can I achieve this.It is possible but with a bit of effort.
    I would use DBMS_SQL utility to parse the query, extract each column's description and then build a METADATA element with the required information.
    Here's an example (11g) :
      v_query      varchar2(30) := 'select * from scott.emp';
      v_cur        integer;
      v_desc_tab   dbms_sql.desc_tab;
      v_col_cnt    number;
      v_col_lst    varchar2(4000);
      v_xml_query  varchar2(32767);
      xml_metadata_coll xmlsequencetype := xmlsequencetype();
      xml_metadata      xmltype;
      res          clob;
      v_cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
      dbms_sql.parse(v_cur, v_query, dbms_sql.native);
      dbms_sql.describe_columns(v_cur, v_col_cnt, v_desc_tab);
      for i in 1 .. v_col_cnt loop
        if i > 1 then
          v_col_lst := v_col_lst || ', ';
        end if;
        v_col_lst := v_col_lst || v_desc_tab(i).col_name;
        select xmlelement("COLUMN"
               , xmlattributes(v_desc_tab(i).col_name as "name")
               , xmlforest(
                   case v_desc_tab(i).col_type
                     when 1   then 'VARCHAR2'
                     when 2   then 'NUMBER'
                     when 12  then 'DATE'
                     when 180 then 'TIMESTAMP'
                     else 'UNKNOWN'
                   end as "DATATYPE"
                 , v_desc_tab(i).col_max_len as "MAX_LENGTH"
                 , v_desc_tab(i).col_precision as "PRECISION"
                 , v_desc_tab(i).col_scale as "SCALE"
        into xml_metadata_coll(i)
        from dual;
      end loop;
      v_xml_query :=
    'SELECT XMLSerialize(document
             , :1
             , XMLElement("ROWSET"
               , XMLAgg(
                   XMLElement("ROW", XMLForest(' || v_col_lst || '))
             ) as clob indent
    FROM ( ' || v_query || ')';
      select xmlelement("METADATA", xmlagg(column_value))
      into xml_metadata
      from table(xml_metadata_coll)
      execute immediate v_xml_query into res using xml_metadata;
    /Ouput :
        <COLUMN name="EMPNO">
        <COLUMN name="ENAME">
        <COLUMN name="JOB">
        <COLUMN name="MGR">
        <COLUMN name="HIREDATE">
        <COLUMN name="SAL">
        <COLUMN name="COMM">
        <COLUMN name="DEPTNO">
    </ROOT>A couple of comments :
    <li> I handle only four datatypes here (VARCHAR2, NUMBER, DATE, TIMESTAMP). Of course you can add more.
    The list of Oracle Type Number is available here :
    Starting with 11g (not sure which release), DBMS_SQL package also declares these numbers through named constants.
    <li> I don't use DBMS_XMLGEN in this example. Instead I rebuild the query using SQL/XML functions and the list of columns that's just been described.

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    I want to convert a Smart Form into PDF format and return the result in BAPI.
    can anyone tell me how it can be done with related example

    smart form to pdf--
    All you have to do is call your SF to get OTF and then concert it to PDF. Works like charm:
    DATA: p_output_options TYPE ssfcompop,
    p_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop.
    p_control_parameters-no_dialog = 'X'.
    p_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
    CALL FUNCTION v_func_name "call your smartform
    output_options = p_output_options
    control_parameters = p_control_parameters
    job_output_info = s_job_output_info.
    call function 'CONVERT_OTF_2_PDF'
    otf = s_job_output_info-otfdata
    lines = t_pdf
    and if u need more u can check below links also
    Check the below links..
    Re: Smartforms to PDF
    Re: smartform (otf) as pdf and sending as email-attachment
    Re: Smartforms to PDF

  • "select count(*)" and "select single *" returns different result

    Good day!
    product version SAP ECC 6.0
    data transfers from external oracle db into customer tables using direct oracle db link
    sometimes I get case with different results from 2 statements
    *mytable has 10 rows
    *1st statement
    data: cnt type I value 0.
    select count( * ) into cnt from mytable WHERE myfield_0 = 123 and myfield_1 = '123'.
    *cnt returns 10 - correct
    *2nd statement
    select single * from  mytable WHERE myfield_0 = 123 and myfield_1 = '123'.
    *sy-dbcnt returns 0
    *sy-subrc returns 4 - incorrect, 10 rows are "invisible"
    1. se16 shows correct row number
    2. I update just one row from "invisible" rows using se16 and 2nd statement returns correct result after that
    can not understand why
    thank you in advance.

    Thank you, Vishal
    general problem is that
    1. both statements have the same WHERE conditions
    2. 1st return resultset with data (sy-dbcnt=10), 2nd return empty dataset, but must return 1 in sy-dbcnt
    Yes, different meaning, you are right, but must 2nd must return 1, because of "select single *" construction, not 0.
    Dataset to process is the same, WHERE conditions are equal...
    I think the problem is that how ABAP interperets select count(*) and "select single *".
    Maybe "select count (*)" scans only PK from index page(s)? and "select single *" scans data pages? and something is wrong with that?
    I'm new in SAP and didn't find any SAP tool to trace dump of data and indexes pages with Native SQL.
    se16 shows all records.
    And why after simple manual update of just one record using se16 "select single *" returns 1?
    I've just marked one row to update, didn't change any data, then pressed "save".

  • I need return the result of a query on a stored procedure

    I need return the result of a query on a stored procedure, I mean when I execute a stored procedure it returns a result set as a select query.
    Best regards...

    If you want some pl/sql code that can be used in a query as it were a table you may be interested in table functions:
    SQL> create or replace type
      2  t_emp is object (
      3  name            varchar2(30),
      4  hire_date date,
      5  salary       number);
      6  /
    Tipo creato.
    SQL> create or replace type
      2  t_emptab is table of t_emp;
      3  /
    Tipo creato.
    SQL> create or replace function tab_fun(p_dept in number)
      2  return t_emptab is
      3  e t_emptab;
      4  begin
      5    select t_emp(ename,hiredate,sal)
      6      bulk collect into e
      7      from emp
      8     where deptno=p_dept;
    10    return dip;
    11  end;
    12  /
    Funzione creata.
    SQL> select *
      2  from table(tab_fun(20));
    NAME                           HIRE_DATE  SALARY
    SMITH                          17-DIC-80        800
    JONES                          02-APR-81       2975
    SCOTT                          09-DIC-82       3000
    ADAMS                          12-GEN-83       1100
    FORD                           03-DIC-81       3000A procedure cannot be used in a select statement.

  • Returning the result of a database query to a client

    JAX-WS 2.0
    NetBeans 5.5
    Is it possible to send a CachedRowSet object to a client?
    I get an error when i try to do so. (I can't deploy the web service method that returns the CachedRowSet)
    Is there a better way to return the result of database query to a client?
    I'd appreciate any suggestions or sample code.

    The result of this query will be the max ID of users' IDs.
    Let say we have:
    String sql="select max( from users";
    Statement st = ctx.conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(sql);;     
    So you can get the max Id in the following way:     
    int maxId=rs.getInt("id");

  • Using Select Statement in the decoe function in Oralce Form10 g

    Hello All:
    Is it possible to call another Select Statement inside the Decode Function in Oracle Form? I tested the SQL on PL/SQL Plus, it ran without giving any errors. However, I got the following errors when I tried to compile the procedure in the Oracle Form right after the where condiction at the first select statement....
    Error 103 at line number....
    Encountered the symbol "," when expecting one of the following
    ) intersect minus order union .....
    Select a.col1
    decode((select min(test_date) pa_closr_date from table_name c where a.col1 = c.col1), null, a.col3,(select min(test_date) pa_closr_date from table_name c where a.col1 = c.col1)) test_date,
    from table_name a;
    thanks ahead for any help.

    You don't need the Select within the decode. In SQL Plus, I tried your SQL using this:
        decode( (select min(test_date) pa_closr_date
                   from table_name c where a.col1 = c.col1), null, a.col3,
                (select min(test_date) pa_closr_date
                   from table_name c where a.col1 = c.col1)
              ) test_date
      from table_name a;And this gives the same result:
        decode(c.pa_closr_date, null, a.col3, c.pa_closr_date ) test_date
      from table_name a,
           ( select col1, min(test_date) pa_closr_date
             from table_name
             group by col1 ) c
      where c.col1(+) = a.col1;

  • How to write select statement in XSL-FO type XML program

    Hi All,
    Could you please anyone explain briefly how to write select statement in XSL-FO XML Program.
    In the seeded program, OAF page is creating one XML file and through XSL-FO type XML Pulisher loading data and generating PDF output. as per the requirement some of the informations are missing in the XML file and for modifing the OAF page will be taking someting. we are planing to write a select query inside the XSL-FO program to get the required information.
    Could you please help me how to write a select statement inside the XSL-FO type programs.
    Please give me some example program for this...
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi ,
    Please check the below code and modified plant as select-option
    Check the below code :
    tables : mara,
    data : begin of i_data occurs 0,
    matnr like mara-matnr,
    end of i_data.
    select-options : s_matnr for mara-matnr,
                           <b>S_werks for mast-werks.</b>
    select a~matnr into table i_data
    from mara as a inner join mast as b on amatnr = bmatnr
    where <b>b~werks in s_werks</b>
    and a~matnr in s_matnr
    and a~mtart = 'AA'
    or a~mtart = 'UT'
    and b~stlan = '1'.
    loop at i_data.
    write:/ i_data-matnr.
    Hope you got it.

  • How a select statement generates redo logs

    Can some one explain how a select statement generates redo logs

    Redo with a select statement happens when dirty blocks get written to the database, and are then "cleaned up" when next read of that data block. This could happen when a large DML statement does not commit before the DB Writer needs to write modified blocks to disk. The next time the blocks are read by a select statement they get modified, hence REDO is generated by the select statement.
    Read the following for more and better understandings.

  • Select wich returns the shortest time

    I don't know how to do a select. I'm goig to explain what I want to get to see wheter somebody can help.
    I've a select that returns the following columns (table t):
    handle_id, logon_id, object_name
    I've another table with the following columns (table t0):
    time0, handle_id, logon_id, object_name, source, eventid
    If I do this select:
    select t0.time0, t0.source, t0.eventid
    from t, t0
    where t.handle_id = t0.handle_id and t.logon_id = t0.logon_id and t.object_name = t0.object_name
    It returns me several records with the same condition (handle_id, logon_id, object_name) because, obviously, I've repeated recors with the same conditions but with diferent time0.
    I would like to get only one record for each condtion with the shortest time0.
    How can I do it?
    I've tried with distinct but it isn't what I want.
    Thanks in advance.

    select  *
      from  (
             select  t0.time0, t0.source, t0.eventid........ , t0.accesses,
                     row_number() over(partition by t0.handle_id,t0.logon_id,t0.object_name order by t0.time0) rn
               from  t,
               where t.handle_id = t0.handle_id
                 and t.logon_id = t0.logon_id
                 and t.object_name = t0.object_name
      where rn = 1
    /If there can be more than one row with "shortest time0" for same handle, logon_id, object_name the above query will return olny one of such rows. If you want to get all such rows use:
    select  *
      from  (
             select  t0.time0, t0.source, t0.eventid........ , t0.accesses,
                     dense_rank() over(partition by t0.handle_id,t0.logon_id,t0.object_name order by t0.time0) rn
               from  t,
               where t.handle_id = t0.handle_id
                 and t.logon_id = t0.logon_id
                 and t.object_name = t0.object_name
      where rn = 1

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    Please advise if there's any way around / solution to this.

    Thank you so much MichaelRidino!

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