How to send Email with Cc and Bcc using MailPackage

Hi ,
we are using Mail Package to send the Email using Mail Adapter.We have a requirement where we need to send Email with Cc and Bcc using Mail Package .
Can we send Cc and Bcc using Mail Package ?
Rajesh .

HI Rajesh,
There is a standard structure for Receiver Mail adopter which we can get from SAP market Place but it is not provided with CC if u want to use CC then you have to go with Dynamic Configuration.
DynamicConfiguration configuration = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().getStreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
/*any other required fields*/
DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", "THeaderCC");
configuration.put(key, "ccemail @");
Praveen Reddy
Edited by: Maareddy Praveen Reddy on Aug 10, 2011 12:17 PM

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    Please some help to resolve the issue. Thanks
    Sreeramulu Konjeti.

    Hi Sreeramulu,
    As mentioned by Lucas, you can use the UDF. Inn addition to that, you need to define the Variable Headers under Variable transport binding after enabling the Adapter Specific Message Attributes.
    For the Enabling ASMA, follow the below steps and check for the variable attributes.
    Select the Advanced  tab page.
       To save adapter-specific attributes in the message header of the XI message, select Use Adapter-Specific Message Attributes and Variable Transport Binding.
    The following attributes in the message header are then available for processing:
    ○       User: (technical name: TServerLocation)
    ○       Authentication key: (technical name: TAuthKey)
    The following mail header fields are available for processing:
    ○       From: (technical name: THeaderFROM)
    ○       To: (technical name: THeaderTO)
    ○       Cc: (technical name: THeaderCC)
    ○       Bcc: (technical name: THeaderBCC)
    ○       Subject: (technical name: THeaderSUBJECT)
    ○       Reference to the mail that is to be replied to: (technical name: THeaderIN-REPLY-TO)
    ○       Reply to: (technical name: THeaderREPLY-TO)
    ○       Mail client program: (technical name: THeaderX-MAILER)
    ○       Send confirmation of receipt: (technical name: THeaderDISPOSITION-NOTIFICATION-TO)
    ○       Priority: (technical name: THeaderPRIORITY)
    ○       Importance of message: (technical name: THeaderIMPORTANCE)
       To transfer further header fields, set the relevant indicator for Variable Header. The technical names for the fields are XHeaderName1, XHeaderName2, and XHeaderName3.
    The parameters are included in the mail header under the names specified here.
    The attribute namespace for the adapter is

  • How to send Email with attachments

    Hi im Trying to send a file as attachment using EMail Activity operator.
    Can we do it using Email activity? If yes, then how can we do it? If no, then please tell me about any other method using which i can send a email with attachments.

    Better late than never, a comprehensive demo on the topic:
    REM maildemo.sql - A PL/SQL package to demonstrate how to use the UTL_SMTP
    REM package to send emails in ASCII and non-ASCII character sets, emails
    REM with text or binary attachments.
    REM Note: this package relies on the UTL_ENCODE PL/SQL package in Oracle 9i.
      ----------------------- Customizable Section -----------------------
      -- Customize the SMTP host, port and your domain name below.
      smtp_host   VARCHAR2(256) := '';
      smtp_port   PLS_INTEGER   := 25;
      smtp_domain VARCHAR2(256) := '';
      -- Customize the signature that will appear in the email's MIME header.
      -- Useful for versioning.
      MAILER_ID   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'Mailer by Oracle UTL_SMTP';
      --------------------- End Customizable Section ---------------------
      -- A unique string that demarcates boundaries of parts in a multi-part email
      -- The string should not appear inside the body of any part of the email.
      -- Customize this if needed or generate this randomly dynamically.
      BOUNDARY        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '-----7D81B75CCC90D2974F7A1CBD';
      FIRST_BOUNDARY  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '--' || BOUNDARY || utl_tcp.CRLF;
      LAST_BOUNDARY   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := '--' || BOUNDARY || '--' ||
      -- A MIME type that denotes multi-part email (MIME) messages.
      MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE CONSTANT VARCHAR2(256) := 'multipart/mixed; boundary="'||
                                                      BOUNDARY || '"';
      -- A simple email API for sending email in plain text in a single call.
      -- The format of an email address is one of these:
      --   someone@some-domain
      --   "Someone at some domain" <someone@some-domain>
      --   Someone at some domain <someone@some-domain>
      -- The recipients is a list of email addresses  separated by
      -- either a "," or a ";"
      PROCEDURE mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
               recipients IN VARCHAR2,
               subject    IN VARCHAR2,
               message    IN VARCHAR2);
      -- Extended email API to send email in HTML or plain text with no size limit.
      -- First, begin the email by begin_mail(). Then, call write_text() repeatedly
      -- to send email in ASCII piece-by-piece. Or, call write_mb_text() to send
      -- email in non-ASCII or multi-byte character set. End the email with
      -- end_mail().
      FUNCTION begin_mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                    recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                    subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                    mime_type  IN VARCHAR2    DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                    priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
                    RETURN utl_smtp.connection;
      -- Write email body in ASCII
      PROCEDURE write_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN VARCHAR2);
      -- Write email body in non-ASCII (including multi-byte). The email body
      -- will be sent in the database character set.
      PROCEDURE write_mb_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN            VARCHAR2);
      -- Write email body in binary
      PROCEDURE write_raw(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                    message IN RAW);
      -- APIs to send email with attachments. Attachments are sent by sending
      -- emails in "multipart/mixed" MIME format. Specify that MIME format when
      -- beginning an email with begin_mail().
      -- Send a single text attachment.
      PROCEDURE attach_text(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                   data         IN VARCHAR2,
                   mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                   inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                   filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                      last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);
      -- Send a binary attachment. The attachment will be encoded in Base-64
      -- encoding format.
      PROCEDURE attach_base64(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     data         IN RAW,
                     mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'application/octet',
                     inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                     filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE);
      -- Send an attachment with no size limit. First, begin the attachment
      -- with begin_attachment(). Then, call write_text repeatedly to send
      -- the attachment piece-by-piece. If the attachment is text-based but
      -- in non-ASCII or multi-byte character set, use write_mb_text() instead.
      -- To send binary attachment, the binary content should first be
      -- encoded in Base-64 encoding format using the demo package for 8i,
      -- or the native one in 9i. End the attachment with end_attachment.
      PROCEDURE begin_attachment(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                        mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                        inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                        filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                        transfer_enc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
      -- End the attachment.
      PROCEDURE end_attachment(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                      last IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
      -- End the email.
      PROCEDURE end_mail(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection);
      -- Extended email API to send multiple emails in a session for better
      -- performance. First, begin an email session with begin_session.
      -- Then, begin each email with a session by calling begin_mail_in_session
      -- instead of begin_mail. End the email with end_mail_in_session instead
      -- of end_mail. End the email session by end_session.
      FUNCTION begin_session RETURN utl_smtp.connection;
      -- Begin an email in a session.
      PROCEDURE begin_mail_in_session(conn       IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                          sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                          recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                          subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                          mime_type  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                          priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL);
      -- End an email in a session.
      PROCEDURE end_mail_in_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection);
      -- End an email session.
      PROCEDURE end_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection);
      -- Return the next email address in the list of email addresses, separated
      -- by either a "," or a ";".  The format of mailbox may be in one of these:
      --   someone@some-domain
      --   "Someone at some domain" <someone@some-domain>
      --   Someone at some domain <someone@some-domain>
      FUNCTION get_address(addr_list IN OUT VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
        addr VARCHAR2(256);
        i    pls_integer;
        FUNCTION lookup_unquoted_char(str  IN VARCHAR2,
                          chrs IN VARCHAR2) RETURN pls_integer AS
          c            VARCHAR2(5);
          i            pls_integer;
          len          pls_integer;
          inside_quote BOOLEAN;
           inside_quote := false;
           i := 1;
           len := length(str);
           WHILE (i <= len) LOOP
          c := substr(str, i, 1);
          IF (inside_quote) THEN
            IF (c = '"') THEN
              inside_quote := false;
            ELSIF (c = '\') THEN
              i := i + 1; -- Skip the quote character
            END IF;
            GOTO next_char;
          END IF;
          IF (c = '"') THEN
            inside_quote := true;
            GOTO next_char;
          END IF;
          IF (instr(chrs, c) >= 1) THEN
             RETURN i;
          END IF;
          i := i + 1;
           END LOOP;
           RETURN 0;
        addr_list := ltrim(addr_list);
        i := lookup_unquoted_char(addr_list, ',;');
        IF (i >= 1) THEN
          addr      := substr(addr_list, 1, i - 1);
          addr_list := substr(addr_list, i + 1);
          addr := addr_list;
          addr_list := '';
        END IF;
        i := lookup_unquoted_char(addr, '<');
        IF (i >= 1) THEN
          addr := substr(addr, i + 1);
          i := instr(addr, '>');
          IF (i >= 1) THEN
         addr := substr(addr, 1, i - 1);
          END IF;
        END IF;
        RETURN addr;
      -- Write a MIME header
      PROCEDURE write_mime_header(conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                         name  IN VARCHAR2,
                         value IN VARCHAR2) IS
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, name || ': ' || value || utl_tcp.CRLF);
      -- Mark a message-part boundary.  Set <last> to TRUE for the last boundary.
      PROCEDURE write_boundary(conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                      last  IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) AS
        IF (last) THEN
          utl_smtp.write_data(conn, LAST_BOUNDARY);
          utl_smtp.write_data(conn, FIRST_BOUNDARY);
        END IF;
      PROCEDURE mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
               recipients IN VARCHAR2,
               subject    IN VARCHAR2,
               message    IN VARCHAR2) IS
        conn utl_smtp.connection;
        conn := begin_mail(sender, recipients, subject);
        write_text(conn, message);
      FUNCTION begin_mail(sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                    recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                    subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                    mime_type  IN VARCHAR2    DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                    priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL)
                    RETURN utl_smtp.connection IS
        conn utl_smtp.connection;
        conn := begin_session;
        begin_mail_in_session(conn, sender, recipients, subject, mime_type,
        RETURN conn;
      PROCEDURE write_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN VARCHAR2) IS
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, message);
      PROCEDURE write_mb_text(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     message IN            VARCHAR2) IS
        utl_smtp.write_raw_data(conn, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(message));
      PROCEDURE write_raw(conn    IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                    message IN RAW) IS
        utl_smtp.write_raw_data(conn, message);
      PROCEDURE attach_text(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                   data         IN VARCHAR2,
                   mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                   inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                   filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                      last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE) IS
        begin_attachment(conn, mime_type, inline, filename);
        write_text(conn, data);
        end_attachment(conn, last);
      PROCEDURE attach_base64(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                     data         IN RAW,
                     mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'application/octet',
                     inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                     filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                     last         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE) IS
        i   PLS_INTEGER;
        len PLS_INTEGER;
        begin_attachment(conn, mime_type, inline, filename, 'base64');
        -- Split the Base64-encoded attachment into multiple lines
        i   := 1;
        len := utl_raw.length(data);
        WHILE (i < len) LOOP
           IF (i + MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH < len) THEN
             utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.substr(data, i,
            utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.substr(data, i)));
           END IF;
           utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
           i := i + MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH;
        END LOOP;
        end_attachment(conn, last);
      PROCEDURE begin_attachment(conn         IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                        mime_type    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                        inline       IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
                        filename     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                        transfer_enc IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) IS
        write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Type', mime_type);
        IF (filename IS NOT NULL) THEN
           IF (inline) THEN
           write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Disposition',
             'inline; filename="'||filename||'"');
           write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Disposition',
             'attachment; filename="'||filename||'"');
           END IF;
        END IF;
        IF (transfer_enc IS NOT NULL) THEN
          write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding', transfer_enc);
        END IF;
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
      PROCEDURE end_attachment(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                      last IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) IS
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
        IF (last) THEN
          write_boundary(conn, last);
        END IF;
      PROCEDURE end_mail(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection) IS
      FUNCTION begin_session RETURN utl_smtp.connection IS
        conn utl_smtp.connection;
        -- open SMTP connection
        conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(smtp_host, smtp_port);
        utl_smtp.helo(conn, smtp_domain);
        RETURN conn;
      PROCEDURE begin_mail_in_session(conn       IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
                          sender     IN VARCHAR2,
                          recipients IN VARCHAR2,
                          subject    IN VARCHAR2,
                          mime_type  IN VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'text/plain',
                          priority   IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT NULL) IS
        my_recipients VARCHAR2(32767) := recipients;
        my_sender     VARCHAR2(32767) := sender;
        -- Specify sender's address (our server allows bogus address
        -- as long as it is a full email address ([email protected]).
        utl_smtp.mail(conn, get_address(my_sender));
        -- Specify recipient(s) of the email.
        WHILE (my_recipients IS NOT NULL) LOOP
          utl_smtp.rcpt(conn, get_address(my_recipients));
        END LOOP;
        -- Start body of email
        -- Set "From" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'From', sender);
        -- Set "To" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'To', recipients);
        -- Set "Subject" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'Subject', subject);
        -- Set "Content-Type" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'Content-Type', mime_type);
        -- Set "X-Mailer" MIME header
        write_mime_header(conn, 'X-Mailer', MAILER_ID);
        -- Set priority:
        --   High      Normal       Low
        --   1     2     3     4     5
        IF (priority IS NOT NULL) THEN
          write_mime_header(conn, 'X-Priority', priority);
        END IF;
        -- Send an empty line to denotes end of MIME headers and
        -- beginning of message body.
        utl_smtp.write_data(conn, utl_tcp.CRLF);
        IF (mime_type LIKE 'multipart/mixed%') THEN
          write_text(conn, 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.' ||
        END IF;
      PROCEDURE end_mail_in_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection) IS
      PROCEDURE end_session(conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection) IS

  • How to send emails with attachments??

    Hi all,
    I am search for how to send an email with attachment. I can send a simple email using mailto and as far as my knowledge goes it do not have a support for sending an attachment.

    Hi all,
    I am search for how to send an email with attachment. I can send a simple email using mailto and as far as my knowledge goes it do not have a support for sending an attachment.

  • How to send email with attachment

    Hi friends,
    I am using soa
    WebLogic:- 10.3
    I want to generated email with attachment in BPEL 11g. Below is what i did in my bpel process
    Create simple hello world bpel process.
    In email activity below details are given
    <scope name="Email1">
    <bpelx:pattern patternName="bpelx:email"></bpelx:pattern>
       <variable name="varNotificationReq"
                    <variable name="varNotificationResponse"
                    <variable name="NotificationServiceFaultVariable"
                <sequence name="Sequence1">
                    <assign name="EmailParamsAssign">
                            <from expression="string('Default')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/client:process/client:subject')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/client:process/client:to')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from><Content xmlns=""><MimeType xmlns="">multipart/mixed</MimeType><ContentBody xmlns=""><MultiPart xmlns=""> <BodyPart xmlns=""><MimeType xmlns=""/><ContentBody xmlns=""/><BodyPartName xmlns=""/></BodyPart> <BodyPart xmlns=""><MimeType xmlns=""/><ContentBody xmlns=""/><BodyPartName xmlns=""/></BodyPart></MultiPart></ContentBody></Content></from>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('text/html; charset=UTF-8')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/client:process/client:body')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('text/plain')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="string('SampleStudent.txt')"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                            <from expression="concat('file:///', bpws:getVariableData('inputVariable','payload','/client:process/client:attachmentURI'))"/>
                            <to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
                    <invoke name="InvokeNotificationService"
              Asynchronous callback to the requester. (Note: the callback location and correlation id is transparently handled using WS-addressing.)
            <invoke name="callbackClient"
                    operation="processResponse" inputVariable="outputVariable"/>
    I am able to generate Email with attachment but i cant see the data in the attached file.
    I think i need to convert the data before sending as a attachment. Could someone please help me in generating the txt files.

    Re: sending fax

  • Send email with html and images over Sockets

    Hi! I'm sending email messages through sockets with html. So far is working great. But now, I need to include images in the html code, like a web page. I don't have any idea on how to do this. Sending image apart from the html code is not big deal, but how to put it in the code. I mean how to make this html code, work:
    <table border="0">
              <td>Image in code</td>
              <img src="what to put here"/>
    </table>This is the code that I'm using to send the html mail:
    StringBuffer retBuff = new StringBuffer();
              //BufferedReader msg;
              //msg = new BufferedReader(msgFileReader);
              smtpPipe = new Socket(mailHost, SMTP_PORT);
              if (smtpPipe == null) {
                   return retBuff;
              inn = smtpPipe.getInputStream();
              outt = smtpPipe.getOutputStream();
              in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inn));
              out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outt), true);
              if (inn == null || outt == null) {
                   retBuff.append("Failed to open streams to socket.");
                   return retBuff;
              String initialID = in.readLine();
              retBuff.append("HELO " + localhost.getHostName());
              out.println("HELO " + localhost.getHostName());
              String welcome = in.readLine();
              retBuff.append("MAIL From:<" + from + ">");
              out.println("MAIL From:<" + from + ">");
              String senderOK = in.readLine();
              for (int i = 0; i < to.length; i++) {
                   retBuff.append("RCPT TO:<" + to[i] + ">");
                   out.println("RCPT TO:<" + to[i] + ">");
                   String recipientOK = in.readLine();
              out.println("From: Steren <" + from + ">");
              out.println("Subject: " + subject);
              out.println("Mime-Version: 1.0;");
              out.println("Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\";");
              //out.println("Content-Type: multipart/mixed; charset=\"ISO-8859-1\";");
              //out.println("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit;");
              //String line;
              //while ((line = msg.readLine()) != null) {
              //     out.println(line);
              String acceptedOK = in.readLine();
              return retBuff;

    Throw all this away and use one of the numerous existing Java mail packages, such as javax.mail for a start.

  • Send email with attachments and change calendar

    2 questions,
    first how can i change the datepicker icon? i want to use something slightly fresher that i have, say an image of a calendar for example?
    the second question is a bit more ocmplicated.
    i ahve used the send email behaviour no prolems at all, however i need to be able to on an existing site i used to build with addt have the ability to email documents that are uploaded by addt behaviours into the site?
    so at the moment you can upload, delete and view the documents. the documents are displayed in a repeating table, i need to be able to have checkboxes next to each documents name and when selected when the person clicks the submit button it email the message with documents attached to an address they specify?
    any help would be great.

    thansk gunter,
    i am happy to try figure it out using addt, ill have a go with checkboxes next to the recordset, i could set the ticked value of the checkbox to the name of the document from the recordset and give it a go?
    i think it would have been a cool out the box feature, if you can help at all when you can with trying to impliment i would really appreciate it and i think it will definately help other users at the same time.
    i have to say i love addt, so sad it is not around as such. i have noticed a few users talking about php5.3 support and just want to let users know i found a site which has the includes file patched:
    great site and think that users should have a look at it. not sure if that solves the issues people are having or not. i just stumbled across it and be good if users could keep our heads together to try and keep this great product alive for as long as we can.
    anyway i just thought i would share that with you guys.
    hope it helps and hope you can help guide me gunter with the email query.
    many thanks


    I'm working with MySAP Enterprise 4.7 and I want to send the PO and its attachment vía e-mail, currently only the PO is being sent to the Vendor and the attachment only appears like texts into the "body" of PO. Is there some way to send e-mail with the PO and attachments at the same time??
    I attached the document via DMS at position level.
    Thanks in advanced for your answer and help!!
    Blanca Reyes

    Follow these steps
    Basically there are two mail types: Internet mail (external mail) and
    SAPOffice mail.
    Mail is sent via the output determination in both cases.
    If you use the external mail, the message for the purchasing document is
    converted into a corresponding text file which is sent to the vendor via
    the Internet.
    SAPOffice mail is sent only within the R/3 System and has mainly the
    function of providing information.
    In particular, it is not possible to attach a message (form) for a
    purchasing document to a SAPOffice mail.
    When using external mail, the following basic settings are required:
    1. You must maintain an e-mail address in the address in the vendor
    2. The same applies to your own user master. You also have to specify
    an e-mail address there in order to identify the sender.
    o Note that it is not possible to change the e-mail address of the endor
    o You can use a temporary email address in Transaction ME21N.
    3. For the output type for default values, a communication strategy
    needs to be maintained in the Customizing that supports the e-mail.
    You can find the definition of the communication strategy in the
    Customizing via the following path: (SPRO -> IMG -> SAP Web
    Application Server -> Basic Services -> Message Control -> Define
    Communication Strategy). As a default, communication strategy CS01
    is delivered. This already contains the necessary entry for the
    external communication. Bear in mind that without a suitable
    communication strategy it is not possible to communicate with a
    partner via Medium 5 (external sending).
    4. Use the standard SAP environment (program 'SAPFM06P', FORM routine
    'ENTRY_NEU' and form 'MEDRUCK') as the processing routines.
    5. In the condition records for the output type (for example,
    Transaction MN04), use medium '5' (External send).
    6. You can use Transaction SCOT to trigger the output manually. The
    prerequisite for a correct sending is that the node is set
    correctly. This is not described here, but it must have already been
    carried out.
    7. To be able to display, for example, the e-mail in Outlook, enter PDF
    as the format in the node.
    To use the SAPOffice mail, the following basic settings are required:
    1. For the output type for default values, a communication strategy
    needs to be maintained in the Customizing that supports the e-mail.
    You can branch to the maintenance of the communication strategy via
    the input help.
    2. Use the SAP standard environment (program "RSNASTSO" and FORM
    routine "SAPOFFICE_AUFRUF") as the processing routines.
    3. In the condition records for the output type (for example,
    Transaction MN04), use medium '7' (SAPOffice) and also partner role
    'MP' (mail partner).
    Additional settings:
    How can you both change the mail title and text for the sending of a
    mail message and maintain a replacement parameter, for example a
    document number.
    1. The replacement routine is maintained in the Customizing for the
    output type in the detail screen on the 'General data' tab under
    'Replacement of text symbols' (for Release < 4.6B, this can be found
    on the 'Mail' tab page).
    Program: SAPMM06E
    2. Maintain mail title and text.
    o If you want to send a purchase order within an R/3 system using
    the SAP office, you can maintain both the mail title ('Re:') and
    also a mail text in the Customizing for the output type To do
    this, select the directory mail title and text for the
    corresponding message type.
    o If you want to send a purchase order as (external) mail, for
    example, to a vendor, you have to maintain the mail title in the
    condition record for the output type (for example in Transaction
    MN05) on the 'Communication method' tab page. Enter the mail
    title in the 'Text for cover page' field. You cannot maintain an
    additional mail text.
    o Note that the values from the mail title are used to create the
    description for the attachment.
    3. The replacement parameters must be enclosed by &. Example: You want
    to enter the title 'PO number '. For this you have to enter
    the following in the Document Title field (Message Customizing ->
    sub-option: Mail title and texts) 'PO number &EKKO-EBELN&'
    Reward points if helpful

  • Any new suggestions on how to send emails with godaddy account on iphone?

    Godaddy email is my only email account that I cannot send emails from on my iphone. Have called everyone and read everything many times about what seems to be a common issue but verizon, godaddy and apple all have same answers, no answers or act surprised.
    Tried every combination and suggestion like everyone else to no avail.
    Godaddy immediately refers you to their app which works ok but it's another step and separate. Seems like they're blocking outbound to get people to use their app which is cluttered with their other usual money spending choices.
    Otherwise I can't believe they're not aware of this and have no fix.
    If anyone has suggestion that hasn't been mentioned 100 times online please let me know.

    You don't have to pass the file name in the exec() in the script. Only the directory path for vbs execution in the VB Script. What you can do is check for the presence of the filename in the required directory using file_exists() function.
    Create three Global Variable ($GV_FILENAME, $GV_PATH, $GV_FILE) and pass the file name and path to these variables.
    $GV_PATH = 'C:\Temp';
    $GV_FILENAME = '37957.pdf';
    $GV_FILE ='"||$GV_PATH||'\\'||$GV_FILENAME||"';
    Then write a ifelse condition in the script like below -
    if(file_exists($GV_FILE) !=0)
    print('file found executing vbscript');
    raise_exception ('file not found');
    Hope this helps.

  • Send Email With Attachment And Recordset Recipients

    When I try to send an email with an uploaded attachment, then attach it to the email being sent out to a recordset, my server tells me it has exhausted all its memory to send out the file. The pdf is 10 megs and the amount of ram allowed to be used is 256 megs.
    The problem is that it seems to be that the way in which it is goign about sending the email to a recordset is that, it combines the attachment for all the email address. So say i have 35 people in the recordset with a 10 meg pdf, turns into 350 of ram.
    Has anyone had any experience with this?

    Consider using UTL_MAIL package:
    (Note: it's not installed and configured by default, but the scripts are supplied with the Oracle database, see documentation for instructions)

  • Can't send email with EDGE and Earthlink ISP

    I cannot send email using EDGE. Receiving email is ok. My ISP is Earthlink. I contacted Earthlink support and they admit they don't have a clue. I have trid the setting specified by Iphone users guide, Apple mail setup asst., Apple support docs, Earthlink, etc. Nothing has worked.
    Thanks for any help

    Thanks for everyone's input. For the most part,I got the same suggestions from everyone here,the Apple support docs, the Earthlink support docs, and Earthlink support rep. All to no avail. For others that have this problem.
    THE SOLUTION: You must plug in your phone to itunes, uncheck to sync, and eject the iphone. Then mannually setup the acccount as directed by the Apple support docs, same settings as shown in the Earthlink support docs.
    This worked for me.

  • How to send email with an attachment?

    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start mailto:)
    what should I add in order to send email?

    Have you tried looking at the JavaMail libraries.

  • Send email with Attachment and Message in Body

    Hi All,
    I'm sending an email (Receiver Email Adapter) with a Zipped CSV file as an attachment. I used the following modules to achieve this.
    1     localejbs/AF_Modules/StrictXml2PlainBean                          Local Enterprise Bean     strict2plain
    2     localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTransformBean                          Local Enterprise Bean     contentType
    3     localejbs/AF_Modules/TextCodepageConversionBean     Local Enterprise Bean     Transform
    4     localejbs/AF_Modules/PayloadZipBean                                               Local Enterprise Bean     zip
    5     Local Enterprise Bean     mail
    Transform     Conversion.charset     ISO-8859-1
    contentType     Transform.ContentDispostion     attachment;
    contentType     Transform.ContentType     text/plain;charset="UTF-8";name="Attachment.csv"
    contentType     Transform.Description     file
    strict2plain     DATA.endSeparator     \r\n
    strict2plain     DATA.fieldSeparator     ,
    strict2plain     fieldNames     Result
    strict2plain     recordTypes     DATA
    zip     zip.filenameKey     contentType
    zip     zip.mode     zipAll
    My problem now is how to put text content in the body? Please help.

    > My problem now is how to put text content in the body? Please help.
    This is not possible with standard.
    You have to write an adapter module for this.

  • How to send emails with photos using Photoshop Elements 12?

    I did everything according to the instructions, defined e-mail address, got the code and confirmation of the adress, but still when I try to send meile in the end there is symbol that the computer is trying to perform this task, but the minutes passes by, and nothing changes. I have spend a lot of time trying to fix it - with no success. I use Windows 8 and Microsoft OutLook. I have no problems sending other thing. I also have Mozzilla Thunderbird om my computer, but it is synchronised to OutLook (can use both of them, whichever I want).
    I bought Photoshop Elements 12 to send and edit photos. I'm close to that to give up this product, despite the fact that the rest of his functions as a judge very successful. It's great that there is a possibility to get a refund of the purchase of this product for 30 days from the purchase over the internet.
    Please, help me.

    Do you see Adobe Email dialog hidden along the right edge of the screen? Please try dragging that in the middle of screen and then send.

  • Sending emails with 5800 and perhaps other phones

    I have noticed several people complaining that although they could receive emails on any email address they had set up in the phone, they could not sent a reply via that same email addresses e,g, Tiscali.
    A way to overcome this problem is thus - Have a second email address set up on the phone (Yahoo for instance).  Now,on receiving an email from say Tiscali; type a reply; then, before sending it, change to the Yahoo account and then send it.  Of course, if your normal email account is already Yahoo or some other one which works both ways; you already have no problem.

    Thank you for your response Mikael.
    For the first question, I was able to find the solution in the following blog:
    XI Mail Adapter : Dynamically building attachment and message body content using a simple UDF
    (I just needed to search with the right set of key words )
    The key is to set the "Content Encoding" as "None" in the mail adapter. If this is not done, the mail will be sent with an attachment - untitled.bin containing both the mail body and the attachment text. Also, don't forget to check the "Keep Attachments" checkbox in the mail adapter.
    Multiple recipients could be added by separating the email IDs with a Comma. I have used ASMA to set the recipients.

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