How to set permissions to unlock user?

I'd like to set up a group of users, whose only mission is to unlock users.
I've tried doing this but haven't had any success...
Does this only have to do with the 'Permissions' of the group (and which?), or does the group have to be administrator or approver of something?
Thanks in advance

I've found out what my problem was...
The group needs to be administrator of the user group "ALL USERS" and of the organization "Xellerate Users" (every user in my scenario belongs to this org).

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    Well, sandbox sets ACL's not posix permissions. The sticky bit is a posix permission. Sand box will allow you to do something similar to the sticky bit using ACL's, but the exact duplication of the sticky bit is not possible, but something just as useful or more useful can be easily implemented.
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    /users/data/user3 #etc,etc,#
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    chown user2:staff /users/data/user2
    chown user3:staff /users/data/user3 #(etc,etc)#
    Now each user has their own data folder they can read and write to at will (when they are logged in to their user account).
    They can safely create and maintain their data and no one can delete it.
    Since these are shared data accounts. other users will need to read the data, this is where the ACL's come in.
    You will need to use Sandbox to place ACL's for each allowed user, on each of the user directories:
    0: user:joe inherited allow list,addfile,search,add_subdirectory,readattr,writeattr,readextattr,writeextattr,readsec urity,file_inherit,directoryinherit
    1: user:mary inherited allow list,addfile,search,add_subdirectory,readattr,writeattr,readextattr,writeextattr,readsec urity,file_inherit,directoryinherit
    2: user:sue inherited allow list,addfile,search,add_subdirectory,readattr,writeattr,readextattr,writeextattr,readsec urity,file_inherit,directoryinherit
    Basically with the above ACL's the only thing the allowed user can't do is delete files. They can copy files, they can add files, etc. This behavior is somewhat similar to what can be accomplished with the sticky bit, but much more controlled and structured. That is the beauty of using ACL's.
    Using SandBox you can taylor the permissions as you see fit for each every user. You can set permissions for an administrator to delete files as well. You can take away or add permissions for each user as you see fit. let your imagination be your guide.
    ACL's weren't meant to replace posix permissions, but rather to allow administrators to fine tune user permissions.

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    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    SQL*Loader-704: Internal error: ulconnect: OCIServerAttach [0]
    ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
    I have system password. how can i set permissions in isql *plus
    thanks & regards

    Fatal NI connect error 12546, connecting to:
         TNS for Linux: Version - Production
         Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version - Production
         TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for Linux: Version - Production
    Time: 30-MAY-2007 09:27:08
    Tracing not turned on.
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    TNS-12546: TNS:permission denied
    ns secondary err code: 12560
    nt main err code: 516
    TNS-00516: Permission denied
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    What I understand your current side restrictions to be (best if they are in a distribution right rather than base permission btw)
         <device />
      <count initial="1"/>
        <count initial="1"/>
    What I think you want
         <device />
      <count initial="1"/>
        <count initial="1"/>
    (these are looking at the raw permissions rather than the dialog in the admin console)
    Which I would describe as allow viewing on the device which fulfilled the content for one year, and in addition allow viewing on any mobile or tethered device (Bluefire Reader iPad app, android app, Nook Color, etc...) until Jan 15, 2010 at midnight PST.  One print and one copy is allowed (and can only be used on the device that fulfilled the content).

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    How can iset permissions for a particular folder?
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    Hi Ritesh,
    Thanks for the post and I hope your well today.
    You can programmatically change the Read Only and Hidden Status of a file
    in labview using the DOS prompt from LabVIEW - called
    Here are some links regarding the DOS commands you can use, 
    So I beleive you could find a DOS command which could alter the editting properties of the name..
    Another way to prevent the user altering the file would be to change
    the user permission's in windows.. but it could affected the code and
    most IT departments would not allow this.
    Hope this helps,
    Kind Regards
    James Hillman
    Applications Engineer 2008 to 2009 National Instruments UK & Ireland
    Loughborough University UK - 2006 to 2011
    Remember Kudos those who help!

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    If you are doing reconciliation and trying to reconcile the password as well. Then you must map the Resource Object attribute for the password field to the 'Identity' field of OIM. You can find this field in the 'Reconciliation Field Mappings' section for Xellerate User. Just map the field which you want to be set as OIM user password in the section and you are done.

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    IUserMaint userMaint = userFact.newUser(user);
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    Any pointers will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Rajat Jain,
    Try the below code.
    IUserAccountFactory mAccountFact = UMFactory.getUserAccountFactory();
    IUserAccount userAccount =mAccountFact.getUserAccountByLogonId(login); // Provide login
    IUserAccount muserAccount = mAccountFact.getMutableUserAccount(userAccount.getUniqueID());
    muserAccount.setPassword(oldPassword.trim(), confirmPassword.trim());;

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    thank you.

    Check the second post at

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    Does anyone know how to set the default member in User POV Preview for first time users?
    For dimension Entity, the default member that appear in first login of user is the Top Level member "Dim_Entity", regardless of security. It happens with all first time users.
    We already try to change the User POV in Preferences, but this only limit the choices of user and didn't set the default member.
    We are using version

    Check the following PDF for Manage User POV utility.There is an option to import POV for the users. (page 297)
    hope this helps
    Note:Correct forum for FR question is Hyperion Query and Reporting,below is the link.
    Hyperion Query and Reporting
    Edited by: Vivek Chetiaparath on Jan 3, 2013 7:45 AM

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    How should I set the permissions for the block devices I'm going to use for ocr, voting and asm?
    Jon-Arne Storelv

    You are right about udev changing drastically between RHEL 4 and RHEL 5. The paper I referred to does include some guidelines for setting permissions for RHEL 5 as well. Here are some relevant extracts from the same pdf document:-
    # From udev.permissions section
    This file was obsoleted in later versions of the 2.6 kernels such as SLES10, RHEL5 and
    Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 (OEL5), that functionality was merged into the rules files, which is explained later in this paper
    ...and later you will find this example in the document
    For RHEL5, OEL5, SLES10
    • Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-raw.rules with the following content
    with the following content
    KERNEL=="raw[1-2]*", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="640"
    KERNEL=="raw[3-5]*", OWNER="oracle", GROUP="oinstall", MODE="660"
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    Did you log out of one account and into the other or just used Fast user switching?
    Is the permissions set to anyone?
    When you move data to teh Shared folder is it copied or just moved?
    If copied then it's not a folder both can access, just a way station like a USB thumb drive that things are coped too and off of likely.
    You can run this #5 on each user account to reset the user permissions once they are taken back out of the Shared folder
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

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    staff         Read only
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