How to set selected value in html:options that isusing HasMap Long,String

So here is my problem
I have a HashMap<Long,String> where key is the country id and value is the country name. So I am displaying it in the jsp using the below code
<c-rt:set var="countriesMap" value="<%=countriesMap%>" target="java.util.HashMap<Long,String>"/>
<html:select size="1" property="countryId" >
<html:option value="" />
<html:options collection="countriesMap" property="key" labelProperty="value" />
And my Action form has the property countryId.
So it works fine , it displays all the countries and sets the country ID in the form's property that we set in the property attribute of <html:select>.The form's property is of type Long.
But suppose if some error occurs in the validate method for some other property then when the page renders back it does not set the selected country in the list box.
Can anyone please help me out of this.Thanks in advance.
Edited by: AmitDsm on May 9, 2008 8:01 AM

I had the same issue. Altho I am using Spring, the solution is the same.
<select name="expMonth">
     <option value=""></option>
     <c:forEach items="${}"
               <c:when test="${ eq month}">
                    <option selected="selected"><c:out value="${month}"/></option>
                    <option><c:out value="${month}"/></option>
</select>Disclaimer: Not sure if this is the correct way to do it, but it works for me
Edited by: Reegz on 2008/05/12 05:58

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    No it won't help.
    You can't set a value into an <input type="file"> control at all. The user has to put values in themselves.
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    The method ui.getShipToSelected(Shipto shipto) method checks if the input shipto is the selected Header Shipto
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    You have a datatable in which each row is a question, correct?
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    You need to put in your datatable model, a question, and a list of answers (5 in yor case) and the selected one.
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    Var_name     1    variable_name
    var_value      1    blank
    Can also refer to link below:- refer to page 20)
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    Got maybe a solution for you, I have just tested it.
    So, the idea is to use intermediate variables. Imagine Var1 and Var2 variables that you refresh with your more or less complicated queries. Then what you can do is to refresh your final variable Var3 with a query using your intermediate variables. Here is an example for Oracle:
    select #Var1+#Var2 from dual
    This way you can make a chain of dependent variables: Var3 is using Var2 and Var2 is using Var1.
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    thank you!

    Try this:
    jsf page:
    <af:selectOneChoice label="Select Suburb"
    requiredMessageDetail="Select a suburb"
    unselectedLabel="None" autoSubmit="true"
    <f:selectItems value="#{selectOneChoiceBean.selectionList}"/>
    backing bean:
    public class SelectChoiceBean {
    private List<SelectItem> selectionList;
    private String value = "B";
    private RichSelectOneChoice selectOneChoice;
    public SelectChoiceBean() {
    public void setSelectionList(List<SelectItem> selectionList) {
    this.selectionList = selectionList;
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectionList() {
    return selectionList;
    public void onValueChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    // Add event code here...
    public void validate(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent uIComponent,
    Object object) {
    // Add event code here...
    private void initSelectionList() {
    selectionList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    selectionList.add(new SelectItem("A", "A label"));
    selectionList.add(new SelectItem("B", "B label"));
    selectionList.add(new SelectItem("C", "C label"));
    public void setValue(String value) {
    this.value = value;
    public String getValue() {
    return value;
    public void setSelectOneChoice(RichSelectOneChoice selectOneChoice) {
    this.selectOneChoice = selectOneChoice;
    public RichSelectOneChoice getSelectOneChoice() {
    return selectOneChoice;

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    It depends on the business process required for generating the invoice.  (What is this process just now?)
    I can think on quite a few ideas, but can't be sure if any of them will match your specific requirements.  I'll list a few here and see if any of them might work, or at least generate some new ideas for you. (Unfortunately you can't change an existing payment object to add an invoice to it at a later date, nor is the reconciliation process exposed through the SDK.  This limits your options a bit.)
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    2) This might apply if the invoice is simply a one for one match with the delivery.  Rather than just generate a payment in the delivery screen, generate the invoice and a payment at the same time.  The standard invoice screen will then show it as paid.  You can control the dates on the invoice raised through DI code.
    3) Where do you write the Paid Amount to?  How is it not available in the invoice screen?  Put it somewhere accessible and write it to the user field.

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    JDev Ver :
    How to set a value to property listener on right click of a commandLink ?
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    (While right click i am populating on menu item)
    how to get the value ?
    Give some solutions ?

    Try this code:
    <af:clientListener method="rightClick"
    <af:serverListener type="setValue"
    <trh:script xmlns:trh=""
    id="s13">rightClick = function(event) {
    var source = event.getSource();
    AdfCustomEvent.queue( source, "setValue"
    , {}, false); }

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    In wdinit() method u can set the date
    DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
    Date today = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
    String reportDate = df.format(today);
    Another way you have set the this formate like that
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    2. Select the type as "date"
    3. Go to the "Representation" tab and set the format as "dd/MM/yyyy" (or whatever u want, but month should be MM)
    4.Bind the context attribute to the type created now.
    Hope this helps u.
    Best Regards
    Vijay K

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