How to transfer files using Oracle Managed File Transfer from Oracle EBS 12.1.3

I'm looking for ideas to securely transfer files bi-directional between Oracle EBS 12.1.3 to IIS using Oracle Managed File Transfer and SOA.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi Hussain,
In the Note 466649.1
I have installed R12.1.1
Datafiles on installed on local file system /u01/EBS_DATa/*dbf, *.ctl, *.log
doing non RAC to RAC conversion with ASM option,
I am using ASM with RAC and created ASM disks (DATA, FRA, CRS) on Shared SAN disks between node1 and node2 which are DATA for CRD (control, redo and Data) files, FRA for archive files, CRS for cluster files while doing RAC instalation,
now how i move my CRD on local file system /u01/EBS_DATa/*dbf, *.ctl, *.log to shared ASM disk DATA ???????
Please describe with step wise,
Thanks in advance.
Edited by: user13409653 on Jan 3, 2012 12:25 AM
Edited by: user13409653 on Jan 3, 2012 5:10 AM

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    작성날짜 : 2002-04-01
    (9I) OMF(ORACLE MANAGED FILES) 개념과 사용 예제
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    데이터 화일을 생성하는 것이다. 또한 OMF를 이용해 만들어진 데이터 화일의 경우,
    나중에 그 데이터 화일이 속한 테이블스페이스를 삭제하면 데이터 화일까지 자동
    으로 삭제가 된다. DBA가 필요없는 데이터 화일을 찾아서 OS 상에서 일일이 삭제
    해야만 하는 수고를 덜어주게 되는 것이다.
    1. Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
    Overview에서 기술했듯이 OMF를 이용하면 데이터베이스가 사용하는 OS 화일에 대해
    DBA가 일일이 관리해야 하는 번거로움을 덜 수 있다. OMF 화일은 Oracle 서버에 의해
    자동으로 생성(유일성을 보장하기 위한 Naming Structure 존재)되고 삭제된다.
    이 OMF를 이용할 수 있는 화일은 Control File, Online Redo Log File, Data File
    1) Benefits of Oracle Managed Files
    화일과 관련된 DBA 작업이 쉽다.
    유일한 화일명이 생성되기 때문에, DBA가 화일명을 잘못 사용할 염려가 없다.
    사용되지 않는 데이터 화일이 자동으로 삭제되기 때문에, 사용되지 않는 데이터
    화일에 의한 디스크 공간 낭비의 우려가 없다.
    테스트 데이터베이스, 개발용 데이터베이스 생성이 단순하다.
    SQL 스크립트에 OS의 화일명을 명시하지 않아도 되기 때문에 Portable Application
    개발이 용이하다.
    2) Oracle Managed File Configurations
    다음 두 가지의 초기 파라미터를 정의하면 된다.
    DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST : data file들이 위치하게 될 기본 디렉토리
    DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n : online redo log와 control file들이 위치하게
    될 기본 디렉토리 (n : 1과 5 사이의 정수 - for multiplexing)
    Note :
    위 두 파라미터는 ALTER SYSTEM/SESSION에 의해 동적으로 정의/변경될 수 있다.
    파라미터가 정의되어 있지 않으면, 모든 화일들(Data Files, Control Files,
    Online Redo Logs)은 DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST 파라미터에 정의된 디렉토리에
    존재하게 된다.
    3) Oracle Managed File Name Structure
    OMF 화일은 Oracle Flexible Architecture(OFA)를 따르며 플랫폼에 의존적이다.
    아래는 Solaris 환경의 OMF Naming Structure의 예이다.
    Control Files : ora_%u.ctl
    Redo Log Files : ora_%g_%u.log
    Data Files : ora_%t_%u.dbf
    Temporary Data Files : ora_%t_%u.tmp
    Note :
    %u is an 8 character string that guarantees uniqueness.
    %t is the tablespace name, truncated if necessary.
    %g is the redo log file group number.
    ora_ identifies the file as an Oracle Managed File.
    Note : 위 Naming Structure를 따르지 않으면 OMF로 인식하지 않는다.
    즉, 위 Naming Structure를 따르는 화일을(OMF로 생성) 추후 이 structure
    를 따르지 않는 화일 이름으로 rename하게 되면 OMF 기능을 사용하지 못한다.
    별 다른 옵션 없이 DROP TABLESPACE를 수행하면 해당 데이터 화일의 OS
    화일이 자동으로 삭제되지는 않는다.
    4) Managing Control Files with OMF
    데이터베이스 생성 시 CONTROL_FILES 초기 파라미터를 정의하지 않으면
    DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n에 정의된 디렉토리에 Control File이 기본적으로
    생성된다(OMF). Control File 이름은 유일하게 생성되며 이 결과는 alert.log에
    기록이 된다. 데이터베이스 생성 후에는 CONTROL_FILES 초기 파라미터에 생성된
    Control File 이름을 정의해주어야 한다.
    5) Managing Online Redo Log Files with OMF
    Redo Log File specification 없이 아래와 같이 전체 Redo Log Group을 생성할
    수 있다.
    Note : 이 경우 해당 redo log file은 DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_n에 정의된
    디렉토리에 생성된다. 만일 이 파라미터 값이 정의되지 않았으면
    DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST 디렉토리에 생성된다.
    특정 Redo Log Group을 삭제할 때 관련 OMF 화일들은 OS 레벨에서 자동으로
    Note : Archived Log File은 OMF일 수 없다.
    6) Managing Tablespaces with OMF
    아래와 같이 테이블스페이스를 생성하면 DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST에 정의된
    디렉토리에 크기가 100M인 데이터 화일이 자동으로 생성된다. 이 데이터 화일의
    이름은 Naming Structure에 의해 유일하게 만들어진다.
    (Autoextend On, Unlimited Restriction)
    데이터 화일의 기본 값 이외의 화일을 생성하려면 다음과 같이 하면 된다.
    기존 테이블스페이스에 데이터 화일을 추가하려면 다음과 같이 하면 된다.
    아래와 같이 테이블스페이스를 삭제하면 관련 데이터 화일(OMF)들도 OS 레벨에서
    Note : DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST의 값은 다음과 같이 동적으로 변경할 수 있다.
    SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST = '/disk2/oradata/';
    세션 단위의 변경은 ALTER SESSION 구문을 사용하면 된다. 하지만 이와 같은
    변경이 이미 생성되어져 있는 데이터 화일의 위치를 바꾸는 것은 아니며,
    다만 새로 생성되는 데이터 화일에만 영향이 있다. OMF 기능을 사용하지 않으려면
    다음과 같이 하면 된다.
    테스트 1) OMF를 이용한 테이블스페이스 생성/삭제 및 이에 대한 확인
    DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST 파라미터 값 정의
    SQL> alter session set db_create_file_dest='/d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf';
    - OMF를 이용한 테이블스페이스 생성 : 크기가 10M인 두 개의 데이터 화일 자동 생성
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 0
    SQL> create tablespace tbs_4 datafile size 10M, size 10M;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 41024
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:10 ora_tbs_4_xbs141rr.dbf
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:10 ora_tbs_4_xbs142xv.dbf
    - 해당 테이블스페이스에 데이터 화일 추가
    SQL> alter tablespace tbs_4 add datafile size 10M;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 61536
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:10 ora_tbs_4_xbs141rr.dbf
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:10 ora_tbs_4_xbs142xv.dbf
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:11 ora_tbs_4_xbs156ff.dbf
    - 해당 테이블스페이스 삭제 : 이 테이블스페이스의 모든 OMF 데이터 화일 자동 삭제
    SQL> drop tablespace tbs_4;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 0
    테스트 2) OMF를 이용한 UNDO Tablespace 생성/삭제 및 이에 대한 확인
    DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST 파라미터 값 정의
    SQL> alter session set db_create_file_dest='/d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf';
    - OMF를 이용한 UNDO 테이블스페이스 생성 : 크기가 10M인 데이터 화일 자동 생성
    SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs_1 datafile size 10M;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 20512
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:12 ora_undotbs__xbs17brr.dbf
    - 해당 테이블스페이스에 데이터 화일 추가
    SQL> alter tablespace undotbs_1 add datafile size 10M;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 41024
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:12 ora_undotbs__xbs17brr.dbf
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:13 ora_undotbs__xbs19hr8.dbf
    - 해당 테이블스페이스 삭제 : 이 테이블스페이스의 모든 OMF 데이터 화일 자동 삭제
    SQL> drop tablespace undotbs_1;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 0
    테스트 3) OMF를 이용한 Temporary Tablespace 생성/삭제 및 이에 대한 확인
    DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST 파라미터 값 정의
    SQL>alter session set db_create_file_dest ='/d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf';
    - OMF를 이용한 Locally Managed Temporary 테이블스페이스 생성 : 크기가 10M인
    데이터 화일 자동 생성
    SQL>create temporary tablespace omf_temp tempfile size 10M extent
    management local;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 176
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:14 ora_omf_temp_xbs1cqrv.tmp
    - 해당 테이블스페이스에 temp file 추가
    SQL> alter tablespace omf_temp add tempfile size 10M;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 352
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:14 ora_omf_temp_xbs1cqrv.tmp
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10489856 Mar 12 17:15 ora_omf_temp_xbs1d9xp.tmp
    - 해당 테이블스페이스 삭제 : 이 테이블스페이스의 모든 OMF 데이터 화일 자동 삭제
    SQL> drop tablespace omf_temp;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/dbs/ora9i/tbs_omf
    total 0
    테스트 4) OMF를 이용한 Online Redo Log 생성/삭제 및 이에 대한 확인
    SQL> alter session set db_create_online_log_dest_1 =
    - OMF를 이용한 새로운 Online Redo Log Group 생성 : 크기가 10M인 Online Redo
    Log File 자동 생성
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo_omf
    total 0
    SQL> select group#, member from v$logfile;
    3 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo03.log
    2 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo02.log
    1 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo01.log
    SQL> alter database add logfile size 10M;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo_omf
    total 20512
    -rw-r----- 1 ora9i dba 10486272 Mar 12 17:15 ora_4_xbs1fv2r.log
    SQL> select group#, member from v$logfile;
    3 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo03.log
    2 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo02.log
    1 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo01.log
    4 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo_omf/ora_4_xbs1fv2r.log
    - 해당 Online Redo Log Group 삭제 : 이 Redo Log Group의 모든 OMF Redo Log
    Member 화일 자동 삭제
    SQL> alter database drop logfile group 4;
    SQL> host ls -l /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo_omf
    total 0
    SQL> select group#, member from v$logfile;
    3 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo03.log
    2 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo02.log
    1 /d02/ora9i/oracle/oradata/ora9i/redo01.log
    Reference Document

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    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._invoke(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.api._RoleManager_ogut7n_RoleManagerRemoteRIntf_Stub.createx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.invoke(
    at $Proxy2.createx(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.api.RoleManagerDelegate.create(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler$
    at Thor.API.Security.LoginHandler.weblogicLoginSession.runAs(
    at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler.invoke(
    at $Proxy3.create(Unknown Source)
    at com.idm.role.CreateRole.createRole(
    at com.idm.role.CreateRole.main(
    Thanks In Advance

    Hi , I have used OIM 11g  R2.
    Please find below the code we have used,
    package com.idm.role;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.NoSuchRoleException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.RoleAlreadyExistsException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.RoleCreateException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.RoleLookupException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.RoleModifyException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.SearchKeyNotUniqueException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.exception.ValidationFailedException;
    import oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.api.RoleManager;
    import oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.api.RoleManagerConstants;
    import oracle.iam.identity.rolemgmt.vo.Role;
    import oracle.iam.platform.OIMClient;
    import oracle.iam.platform.authz.exception.AccessDeniedException;
    public class CreateRole {
    private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CreateRole.class .getName());
    OIMClient oimClient = null;
    public OIMClient connectToOIM() {"In connectToOIM ");
      Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
      System.setProperty("OIM.AppServerType", "wls");
      System.setProperty("APPSERVER_TYPE", "wls");
      System.setProperty("weblogic.Name", "oim_server1");
      oimClient = new OIMClient(env);
      try {
       oimClient.login("xelsysadm", "Passw0rd".toCharArray());
      } catch (LoginException e) {
      return oimClient;
    public void readRoleMetadata() {"in readRoleMetadata ");
      RoleManager roleManagerService = oimClient
      try {
       Role roleVo = roleManagerService.getDetails(
         RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME, "API Role1", null);
       Set attributeNameSet = roleVo.getAttributeNames();
       Iterator it = attributeNameSet.iterator();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
        System.out.println("Attribute Name :: " +;
       // roleVo.setAttribute("ADentitlements", "Security Admin access");
       String adEntitlements = "" + roleVo.getAttribute("ADentitlements");
       System.out.println("AD Entitlements :: " + adEntitlements);
       System.out.println("DB Entitlements :: " + ""
         + roleVo.getAttribute("DBEntitlements"));
       System.out.println("Unix Entitlements :: " + ""
         + roleVo.getAttribute("UnixWindows"));
       System.out.println("VPN :: " + "" + roleVo.getAttribute("VPN"));
      } catch (SearchKeyNotUniqueException e) {
      } catch (NoSuchRoleException e) {
      } catch (RoleLookupException e) {
      } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
    public void createRole() {" in Create role ");
      RoleManager roleManagerService = oimClient
      HashMap<String, Object> roleCreationAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      roleCreationAttrMap.put(RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_NAME, "API Role1");
        "This Role is created using API Role1");
        "API Role1");
      roleCreationAttrMap.put("ADentitlements", "API Role1 AD Entitlements");
      roleCreationAttrMap.put("DBEntitlements", "API Role1 DB Entitlements");
      roleCreationAttrMap.put("VPN", "No");
      roleCreationAttrMap.put("UnixWindows", "API Role1 Unix Entitlements");
      Role roleVo = new Role(roleCreationAttrMap);
      try {
       System.out.println(" Before Create role *********************************************");
       System.out.println("Role Created .. ");
      } catch (ValidationFailedException e) {
      } catch (RoleAlreadyExistsException e) {
      } catch (RoleCreateException e) {
      } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
    public void modifyRole() {" in modifyRole ");
      RoleManager roleManagerService = oimClient
      Role roleVo;
      try {
       roleVo = roleManagerService.getDetails(
         RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME, "API Role1", null);
       String roleKey = roleVo.getEntityId();
       HashMap<String, Object> roleCreationAttrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
         "Updated API Role1 AD Entitlements");
       Set roleKeySet = new HashSet<String>();
       Role roleVoNew = new Role(roleCreationAttrMap);
       roleManagerService.modify(roleKeySet, roleVoNew);
       System.out.println("Role Modified ..");
      } catch (SearchKeyNotUniqueException e) {
      } catch (NoSuchRoleException e) {
      } catch (RoleLookupException e) {
      } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
      } catch (ValidationFailedException e) {
      } catch (RoleModifyException e) {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      CreateRole miscObj = new CreateRole();
    Thanks In Advance .

  • How to install and use a plug-in downloaded from the apple site?

    how to install and use a plug-in downloaded from the apple site?

    which plug-in do you want to install?
    some of the plug-ins come with an installer on the disk image, you click the installer and it will install it in its proper location.
    For others you move the plug-in into to System Library or your User Library:
      Your Hard disk  > Library > Application Support >Aperture > Plug-Ins > Edit
    Your Home Folder > Library > Application Support >Aperture > Plug-Ins > Edit
    If it is an "Edit" plug-in, it goes into the "Edit" subfolder, "Export" plug-ins into the "Export" subfolder.
    You can tell by the extension, what kind of plug-in it is.
    E.G. BorderFX.ApertureExport is an export plug-in, BorderFXEditPlugin.ApertureEdit an edit plug-in.
    P.S. In OS Lion the Libraries are hidden by default: To reveal your User Library activate the Finder and select from the main Finder menu:
        Finder >  Go , then hold down the ⌥-option-key, untill the Library appears in the drop.down menu.
    To show the System Library:
         Finder >  Go > Go to Folder
    then enter   / Library

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    Oracle HRMS R12 training from Oracle University
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    Dear Mohsin,
    Before you acces the Diagrammer, a TCF SocketServer must be running, Please do contact your system Administrator to confirm the same..
    Guru K

  • Can we access Oracle 10g R2 database from Oracle 11g Client

    Can any1 tell me can we access Oracle 10g R2 database from Oracle 11g Client ? I m unable to find a Oracle Client 10g R2 for Windows 7 32 bit.
    Below link is for Vista only

    832812 wrote:
    Can any1 tell me can we access Oracle 10g R2 database from Oracle 11g Client ? I m unable to find a Oracle Client 10g R2 for Windows 7 32 bit.
    Below link is for Vista only
    Check this note for client/server compatibility
    Client / Server / Interoperability Support Between Different Oracle Versions [ID 207303.1]

  • How can I auto export a PDF File using the "Smallest File Size" preset and set the Exported File Name based on information from an Imported PDF?

    Greetings all,
    I am trying to create a script to automate a PDF export process for my company for inDesign. I’m fairly new to inDesign itself and have no previous experience with javascript, although I did take C++ in high school and have found it helpful in putting this code together.
    We have an inDesign template file and then use the Multi-page PDF importer script to import PDF files. We then have to export two version of each file that we import, then delete the imported file and all of the pages to reset the template. This has to be done for nearly 1000 pdf files each month and is quite tedious. I’m working on automating the process as much as possible. I’ve managed to piece together code that will cleanup the file much quicker and am now trying to automate the PDF exports themselves.
    The files are sent to us as “TRUGLY#####_Client” and need to be exported as “POP#####_Client_Date-Range_North/South.pdf”
    For example, TRUGLY12345_Client needs to be exported as POP12345_Client_Mar01-Mar31_North and POP12345_Client_Mar01-Mar31_South.
    There are two templates built into the template file for the north and south file that are toggled easily via layer visibility switches. I need to get a code that can ideally read the #s from the imported Trugly file as well as the Client and input those into variables to use when exporting. The date range is found in the same place in the top right of each pdf file. I am not sure if this can be read somehow or if it will have to be input manually. I can put North or South into the file name based on which template layer is visible.
    I am not sure how to go about doing this. I did find the following code for exporting to PDF with preset but it requires me to select a preset and then type the full file name. How can I set it to automatically use the “Smallest File Size” preset without prompting me to choose and then automatically input some or preferably all of the file name automatically? (If the entire filename is possible then I don’t even want a prompt to appear so it will be fully automated!)
    PDF Export Code (Originally from here: Simple PDF Export with Preset selection | IndiSnip [InDesign® Snippets]):
    var myPresets = app.pdfExportPresets.everyItem().name;
    myPresets.unshift("- Select Preset -");
    var myWin = new Window('dialog', 'PDF Export Presets');
    myWin.orientation = 'row';
        myWin.sText = add('statictext', undefined, 'Select PDF Export preset:');
        myWin.myPDFExport = add('dropdownlist',undefined,undefined,{items:myPresets});
        myWin.myPDFExport.selection = 0;
        myWin.btnOK = add('button', undefined, 'OK');;
    var myWindow =;
    if(myWindow == true && myWin.myPDFExport.selection.index != 0){
        var myPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item(String(myWin.myPDFExport.selection));
        myFile = File(File.saveDialog("Save file with preset: " +,"PDF files: *.pdf"));
        if(myFile != null){
            app.activeDocument.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, myFile, false, myPreset);
            alert("No File selected");
        alert("No PDF Preset selected");
    So far my code does the following:
    1) Runs the Multi-Page PDF Import Script
    2) Runs PDF Export Script Above
    3) Toggles the Template
    4) Runs #2 Again
    5) Deletes the imported PDF and all pages and toggles template again.
    It’s close and much better than the original process which was almost 100% manual but I’d like to remove the Preset prompt from the PDF script and have it automatically select the “Smallest File Size” preset. and then if there’s a way to have it auto-fill in the file name so no user input is required at all other than selecting each file to import. (If there’s a way to setup a batch action for the multi-import script that would be even better!)
    Thanks in advance and if there’s anything else I can provide that would help please let me know! Even a nudge in the right direction will be a big help!

    If you hold down the option key, it will typically show the location. Or you can often hit option-return on the file and it will reveal the file in the Finder, instead of opening it.
    Final option is to open it, and just option-click the filename in the toolbar of Preview and it should show you the location.
    It's probably an attachment to an email you've received. If you have Mail set to cache emails and their attachments it'll be stashed in a subdirectory of ~/Library/Mail. Which is fine.

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