How to update Portal 10.1.2 to 10.1.4 under multiportal environment ?

I install two portal and one infra.
And Configuring Multiple Middle Tiers with a Load Balancing Router successfully.
The origin portal virsion is 10.1.2.
Now i want to update to 10.1.4 but have somthing wrong after I enter the update commond.
Error message is java.SQLException: IO Exception : connection is reset.
Then I run de upgrade command again , get the different error message
### ERROR: OracleAS Portal 10.1.4 upgrade precheck failed. See /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log for details.
Error: Component upgrade failed PORTAL
Error: PORTAL component version is: INVALID
FAILURE: Some OracleAS plug-ins report failure during upgrade.
The Portal Upgrade precheck log is follow:
-- Portal Upgrade release information: 10.1.4 Release 1
Upgrade Started in -precheck -force mode at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
### PHASE 1: Initial setup
Existing temporary directory /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp renamed to /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp.Wed-Oct-18-21.14.10-2006
Existing log file /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log renamed to /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log.Wed-Oct-18-21.14.10-2006
Creating /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp directory
Creating /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/gen directory
Welcome to the Oracle Portal Production Upgrade
The script will lead you through the upgrade step by step.
For questions asked in this script that have appropriate defaults
those defaults will be shown in square brackets after the question.
To accept a default value, simply hit the Return key.
### Set New Variables and Validate Environment Variables
Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
PERL5LIB set to ../../../perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux:../../../perl/lib:../../../perl/lib/5.6.1
Check SQL*Plus version
Running upg/frwk/upchkpls.sql### Log shared and environment variables
Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
Log file: /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log
Log dir: /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp
Profile dir: /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/gen
Verbose flag: 0
Debug mode: 0
Force flag: 1
Nosave flag: 0
Save flag: 1
Repos flag: 0
Compile flag: 0
Oldver flag: 0
isPatch flag: 0
Will save Tables: 1
Environment variables:
HOME: /home/oracle
IBPATH: /usr/bin
INPUTRC: /etc/inputrc
KDEDIR: /usr
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/tmp/jdk/jre/lib/i386/client:/raid/tmp/jdk/jre/lib/i386:/raid/tmp/jdk/jre/../lib/i386:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib:/raid/product/OraHome_1/network/lib:
LESSOPEN: |/usr/bin/ %s
LIBPATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib
LOGNAME: oracle
LS_COLORS: no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:
MAIL: /var/spool/mail/oracle
NLSPATH: /usr/dt/lib/nls/msg/%L/
ORACLE_BASE: /raid/product
ORACLE_HOME: /raid/product/OraHome_1
PATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/bin:../../../perl/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/raid/product/OraHome_1/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/oracle/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin
PERL5LIB: ../../../perl/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux:../../../perl/lib:../../../perl/lib/5.6.1
PWD: /raid/tmp/mrua
QTDIR: /usr/lib/qt-3.3
SHELL: /bin/bash
SHLIB_PATH: /raid/product/OraHome_1/lib32:/raid/product/OraHome_1/lib
SQLPATH: .:owa:/raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/gen:upg/frwk:sql:wwc
SSH_ASKPASS: /usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass
TERM: xterm
USER: oracle
XAUTHORITY: /root/.Xauthority
XFILESEARCHPATH: /usr/dt/app-defaults/%L/Dt
_: /raid/tmp/jdk/bin/java
### PHASE 2: User inputs
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/common/inputchk/inputchk.met Running upg/common/inputchk/ ### Verify that the database has been backed up
Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
Before beginning the upgrade, it is important that you backup your database.
Have you backed up your database (y/n)? [y]: y
Ask user for schema and database details
Enter the name of schema that you would like to upgrade [PORTAL]: portal
Enter the password for the schema that you would like to upgrade [portal]:
Enter the password for the SYS user of your database [CHANGE_ON_INSTALL]:
Enter the TNS connect string to connect to the database [ORCL]: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(
Responses to the above questions will now be recorded in the file Placeholders are recorded instead of actual passwords,
for security reasons. If you wish, this file can be edited and used
as the standard input for a subsequent run of
### Verify database connection information.
Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
Validating the connection information supplied by the user
Running CheckConnections()Check connection to the Portal repository.
Check connection as SYS to the Portal repository.
Ending CheckConnections() Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
### PHASE 3: Setup
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/common/setup/setup.met Running upg/common/setup/ Analyzing the product schema
Running upg/common/setup/upgettbs.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
### Install messaging framework
Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:19 2006
No errors.
No errors.
Creating sequence 'wwpof_output_id_seq'
Creating sequence 'wwpof_output_script_run_id_seq'
Creating table 'wwpof_output$'
Creating table 'wwpof_msg$'
Creating index 'wwpof_output_idx1' in tablespace PORTAL
Creating index 'wwpof_output_idx2' in tablespace PORTAL
Creating index 'wwpof_output_idx3' in tablespace PORTAL
Creating index 'wwpof_msg_uk1' in tablespace PORTAL
No errors.
No errors.
Granting privileges on POF objects to SYS
Loading /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/upgus.ctl using sqlldr
Copying scripts to de-install message objects.
Get Portal version and determine upgrade sequence
Running upg/common/setup/upgetver.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
Upgrading to version
Version directories to be traversed: upg/10140
Running upg/common/setup/ Set the correct Traversal Sequence
### PHASE 4: Pre upgrade checks
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/common/prechk/prechk.met Running upg/common/prechk/ Set up subscriber iteration
Running upg/common/prechk/upgetsub.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
### Perform pre upgrade checks
Step started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
Running upg/frwk/utlchvpd.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:22 2006
Calling DoPreChecks()Starting precheck at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006
Calling upg/common/prechk/sysuppre.sql
Running upg/common/prechk/upgtabs.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006
### ERROR: WWU-00013: Tables with UPG_ prefix were found in the OracleAS Portal
### schema.
### Table Name
### CAUSE: The upgrade is terminated when UPG_ prefix tables are present in the
### OracleAS Portal schema.
### ACTION: Back up all tables with the UPG_ prefix, then delete them from the
### OracleAS Portal schema. The script
### /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dropupg.sql can
### be used for this purpose.
### Check Failed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006 Continuing as PreCheck mode is specified
Calling upg/common/prechk/wwvcheck.sql
Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:23 2006
# Beginning outer script: prechk/wwvcheck
# Check for invalid Portlet Builder (webview) components.
# Checking if there are too many archive components.
# Checking for missing application schemas.
# Ending outer script: prechk/wwvcheck, 0.31 seconds
Ending precheck at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
Running upg/common/prechk/upchkobj.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
Running upg/common/prechk/chkmrreg.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
# Beginning outer script: prechk/chkmrreg
# Pre-check to determine that OracleAS Portal is registered with OracleAS Internet Directory
# OracleAS Portal has been wired with OracleAS Internet Directory
# Ending outer script: prechk/chkmrreg, 0.10 seconds
### Connect to OID as Application Entry
Running upg/common/prechk/bindapp.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
# Beginning outer script: prechk/bindapp
#-- Beginning inner script: prechk/bindapp
# Pre-check to test bind to OracleAS Internet Directory Server
# Connecting to OracleAS Internet Directory as the Application Entry
# Connecting to OracleAS Internet Directory as the Application Entry was successful
#-- Ending inner script: prechk/bindapp, 0.14 seconds
# Ending outer script: prechk/bindapp, 0.20 seconds
### Display Tablespace and Parameter Settings
Running upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/upshoset.sql .
Subscriber independent Processing.
Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:24 2006
# Beginning outer script: prechk/upshoset
Tablespace Usage
B2B_DT     63766528     20054016 83886080          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     10240     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_dt.dbf
B2B_IDX 14942208     26935296 41943040          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5120     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_idx.dbf
B2B_LOB 11141120     30736384 41943040          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5120     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_lob.dbf
B2B_RT     39780352     12582912 52428800          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     6400     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/b2b_rt.dbf
BAM     6553600     3866624 10485760          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     1280     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/bam.dbf
DCM     237174784     20709376 257949696          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     31488     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/dcm.dbf
DISCO_PTM5 1310720     1769472 3145728          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     384     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/discopltc1.dbf
DISCO_PTM5 1310720     1769472 3145728          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     384     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/discopltm1.dbf
DSGATEWAY_ 5701632     1572864 7340032          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     896     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/oss_sys01.dbf
IAS_META 210567168     30539776 241172480          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     29440     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ias_meta01.dbf
OCATS     1769472     5505024 7340032          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     896     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/oca.dbf
OLTS_ATTRS 2555904     917504 3538944          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     432     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/attrs1_oid.dbf
OLTS_BATTR 262144     131072 516096          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     63     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/battrs1_oid.dbf
OLTS_DEFAU 3997696     851968 4915200          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     600     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/gdefault1_oid.dbf
ORABPEL 11993088     29884416 41943040          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5120     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/orabpel.dbf
PORTAL     74383360     6946816 78643200          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     9600     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/portal.dbf
PORTAL_DOC 851968     3276800 4194304          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     512     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ptldoc.dbf
PORTAL_IDX 11206656     41156608 52428800          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     6400     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ptlidx.dbf
PORTAL_LOG 262144     3866624 4194304          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     512     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/ptllog.dbf
SYSAUX     235732992     5373952 241172480          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     29440     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/sysaux01.dbf
SYSTEM     834404352     4390912 838860800          0 YES AVAILABLE SYSTEM     READ WRITE 102400     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/system01.dbf
TEMP     6291456     18874368 25165824     25165824 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     3072     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/temp01.dbf
UDDISYS_TS 19988480     28180480 48234496          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     5888     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/uddisys01.dbf
UNDOTBS1 247201792     4390912 251658240          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     30720     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/undotbs01.dbf
USERS     327680     4849664 5242880          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     640     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/users01.dbf
WCRSYS_TS 1703936     15007744 16777216          0 YES AVAILABLE ONLINE     READ WRITE     2048     8192 /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/wcrsys01.dbf
Sort Segment Data
TEMP          128          5          0     5          1
SGA Allocation Stats
POOL     NAME                    BYTES
java pool free memory               67108864
Total                              67108864
SGA Allocation Stats
POOL     NAME                    BYTES
large pool free memory               8388608
Total                              8388608
SGA Allocation Stats
POOL     NAME                    BYTES
shared pool fixed allocation callback               344
shared pool pl/sql source               1156
shared pool table definiti               1712
shared pool alert threshol               2648
shared pool trigger inform               3048
shared pool joxs heap                    4220
shared pool policy hash ta               4220
shared pool trigger defini               5980
shared pool KQR S SO                    7176
shared pool PLS non-lib hp               12208
shared pool trigger source               18652
shared pool KQR L SO                    44032
shared pool repository                76264
shared pool KQR M SO                    81408
shared pool parameters                105696
shared pool type object de               194164
shared pool KQR S PO                    207136
shared pool VIRTUAL CIRCUITS               649340
shared pool FileOpenBlock               746704
shared pool kmgsb circular statistics          821248
shared pool KSXR pending messages que          841036
shared pool KSXR receive buffers          1032500
shared pool KQR M PO                    1675892
shared pool sessions                    1835204
shared pool PL/SQL DIANA               2910560
shared pool private strands               2928640
shared pool KTI-UNDO                    3019632
shared pool KGLS heap                    3105320
shared pool PL/SQL MPCODE               3705484
shared pool row cache                    3707272
shared pool ASH buffers               4194304
shared pool event statistics per sess          9094400
shared pool sql area                    9234624
shared pool library cache               10361688
shared pool miscellaneous               15820288
shared pool free memory               74540744
Total                              150994944
SGA Allocation Stats
POOL     NAME                    BYTES
     log_buffer                524288
     fixed_sga                    778968
     buffer_cache               50331648
Total                              51634904
Database Parameters
NAME                    VALUE
aq_tm_processes           1
archive_lag_target          0
asm_power_limit           1
audit_file_dest           /raid/product/OraHome_1/rdbms/audit
audit_sys_operations          FALSE
audit_trail               NONE
background_core_dump          partial
background_dump_dest          /raid/product/admin/IASDB/bdump
backup_tape_io_slaves          FALSE
bitmap_merge_area_size          1048576
blank_trimming               FALSE
cluster_database          FALSE
cluster_database_instances     1
commit_point_strength          1
control_file_record_keep_time     7
control_files               /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/control01.ctl, /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/control02
                    .ctl, /raid/product/oradata/IASDB/control03.ctl
core_dump_dest               /raid/product/admin/IASDB/cdump
cpu_count               2
create_bitmap_area_size      8388608
cursor_sharing               EXACT
cursor_space_for_time          FALSE
db_16k_cache_size          0
db_2k_cache_size          0
db_32k_cache_size          0
db_4k_cache_size          0
db_8k_cache_size          0
db_block_buffers          0
db_block_checking          FALSE
db_block_checksum          TRUE
db_block_size               8192
db_cache_advice           ON
db_cache_size               50331648
db_file_multiblock_read_count     16
db_files               200
db_flashback_retention_target     1440
db_keep_cache_size          0
db_name                IASDB
db_recovery_file_dest          /raid/product/flash_recovery_area
db_recovery_file_dest_size     2147483648
db_recycle_cache_size          0
db_unique_name               IASDB
db_writer_processes          1
dbwr_io_slaves               0
ddl_wait_for_locks          FALSE
dg_broker_config_file1          /raid/product/OraHome_1/dbs/dr1IASDB.dat
dg_broker_config_file2          /raid/product/OraHome_1/dbs/dr2IASDB.dat
dg_broker_start           FALSE
disk_asynch_io               TRUE
dispatchers               (PROTOCOL=TCP)(PRE=oracle.aurora.server.GiopServer), (PROTOCOL=TCP)(PRE=oracle.a
distributed_lock_timeout     60
dml_locks               1760
drs_start               FALSE
enqueue_resources          1980
fast_start_io_target          0
fast_start_mttr_target          0
fast_start_parallel_rollback     LOW
file_mapping               FALSE
filesystemio_options          none
gcs_server_processes          0
global_names               FALSE
hash_area_size               131072
hi_shared_memory_address     0
hs_autoregister           TRUE
instance_name               IASDB
instance_number           0
instance_type               RDBMS
java_max_sessionspace_size     0
java_pool_size               67108864
java_soft_sessionspace_limit     0
job_queue_processes          5
large_pool_size           8388608
ldap_directory_access          NONE
license_max_sessions          0
license_max_users          0
license_sessions_warning     0
lock_sga               FALSE
log_archive_dest_state_1     enable
log_archive_dest_state_10     enable
log_archive_dest_state_2     enable
log_archive_dest_state_3     enable
log_archive_dest_state_4     enable
log_archive_dest_state_5     enable
log_archive_dest_state_6     enable
log_archive_dest_state_7     enable
log_archive_dest_state_8     enable
log_archive_dest_state_9     enable
log_archive_format          %t_%s_%r.dbf
log_archive_local_first      TRUE
log_archive_max_processes     2
log_archive_min_succeed_dest     1
log_archive_start          FALSE
log_archive_trace          0
log_buffer               524288
log_checkpoint_interval      0
log_checkpoint_timeout          1800
log_checkpoints_to_alert     FALSE
logmnr_max_persistent_sessions     1
max_commit_propagation_delay     0
max_dump_file_size          UNLIMITED
max_enabled_roles          150
nls_language               AMERICAN
nls_length_semantics          BYTE
nls_nchar_conv_excp          FALSE
nls_territory               AMERICA
object_cache_max_size_percent     10
object_cache_optimal_size     102400
olap_page_pool_size          0
open_cursors               300
open_links               4
open_links_per_instance      4
optimizer_dynamic_sampling     2
optimizer_index_caching      0
optimizer_index_cost_adj     100
optimizer_mode               ALL_ROWS
os_authent_prefix          ops$
os_roles               FALSE
parallel_adaptive_multi_user     TRUE
parallel_automatic_tuning     FALSE
parallel_execution_message_size 2148
parallel_max_servers          40
parallel_min_percent          0
parallel_min_servers          0
parallel_server           FALSE
parallel_server_instances     1
parallel_threads_per_cpu     2
pga_aggregate_target          33554432
plsql_code_type           INTERPRETED
plsql_compiler_flags          INTERPRETED, NON_DEBUG
plsql_debug               FALSE
plsql_native_library_subdir_count 0
plsql_optimize_level          2
plsql_v2_compatibility          FALSE
plsql_warnings               DISABLE:ALL
pre_page_sga               FALSE
processes               150
query_rewrite_enabled          TRUE
query_rewrite_integrity      enforced
read_only_open_delayed          FALSE
recovery_parallelism          0
remote_archive_enable          true
remote_dependencies_mode     TIMESTAMP
remote_login_passwordfile     EXCLUSIVE
remote_os_authent          FALSE
remote_os_roles           FALSE
replication_dependency_tracking TRUE
resource_limit               FALSE
resumable_timeout          0
serial_reuse               disable
session_cached_cursors          0
session_max_open_files          10
sessions               400
sga_max_size               281018368
sga_target               0
shadow_core_dump          partial
shared_memory_address          0
shared_pool_reserved_size     7549747
shared_pool_size          150994944
shared_servers               1
skip_unusable_indexes          TRUE
sort_area_retained_size      0
sort_area_size               65536
sp_name                IASDB
spfile                    /raid/product/OraHome_1/dbs/spfileIASDB.ora
sql92_security               FALSE
sql_trace               FALSE
sql_version               NATIVE
sqltune_category          DEFAULT
standby_archive_dest          ?/dbs/arch
standby_file_management      MANUAL
star_transformation_enabled     FALSE
statistics_level          TYPICAL
streams_pool_size          0
tape_asynch_io               TRUE
thread                    0
timed_os_statistics          0
timed_statistics          TRUE
trace_enabled               TRUE
transactions               440
transactions_per_rollback_segment 5
undo_management           AUTO
undo_retention               900
undo_tablespace           UNDOTBS1
use_indirect_data_buffers     FALSE
user_dump_dest               /raid/product/admin/IASDB/udump
workarea_size_policy          AUTO
All Portal DBMS jobs
     17 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
     18 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
     27 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
     28 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
     43 PORTAL          PORTAL          PORTAL
Details of all Portal DBMS jobs
     17 begin execute immediate     'begin wwctx_sso.cleanup_sessions(
     p_hours_old => 168     ); end;'     ; exception     when others then
     null; end;
     18 wwsec_api_private.rename_users;
     27 wwv_context.sync;
     28 wwv_context.optimize(CTX_DDL.OPTLEVEL_FULL,1440,null);
     43 begin execute immediate     'begin wwutl_cache_sys.process_background_inv
     al;     end;'     ; exception     when others then     wwlog_api.log(p_
     domain=>'utl',     p_subdomain=>'cache',          p_name=>'background
     ',          p_action=>'process_background_inval',      p_information =
     > 'Error in process_background_inval '||          sqlerrm);end;
Database version details
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for Linux: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
# Ending outer script: prechk/upshoset, 1.83 seconds
### Log invalid DB objects in the temporary directory.
List count of invalid objects in the database in /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dbinvob1.log
Running upg/frwk/dbinvobj.sqlPortal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:26 2006
### Install Schema Validation Utility
Running upg/common/prechk/svuver.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:26 2006
# Beginning outer script: prechk/svuver
#-- Beginning inner script: prechk/svuver
# Portal Schema Version =
# Version of schema validation utility being installed = 101202
# Load the Schema Validation Utility
Installed version of schema validation utility:
Schema Validation Utility version: will be installed.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
No errors.
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
44/9     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
44/16     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
70/9     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
70/17     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
96/10     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
96/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
122/10     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
122/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
No errors.
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
740/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
778/26     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
366/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
372/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
1447/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
1458/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
1624/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
1635/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
1783/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
1794/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
1896/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
1907/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
2009/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
2020/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
2126/13 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
2137/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
No errors.
No errors.
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
137/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
144/53     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
258/21     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
260/43     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
277/17     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
279/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
322/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
327/25     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
353/25     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
353/40     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
362/29     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
369/42     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
     invalid state
376/33     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
376/48     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
385/21     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
388/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
1214/21 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
1216/42 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
1262/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
1266/30 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
     invalid state
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
237/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
249/41     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
414/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
424/44     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
584/21     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
584/52     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
2129/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2130/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
2131/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2132/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
2133/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2134/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
2135/31 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2136/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
2137/31 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2138/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
2139/31 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2140/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
2151/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2151/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
     incomplete or malformed
2152/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2152/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
     incomplete or malformed
2153/32 PL/SQL: Item ignored
2153/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
     incomplete or malformed
2202/17 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
2212/27 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_THING_TYPES is in an
     invalid state
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
322/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
338/30     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
     invalid state
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
155/13     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
163/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
170/13     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
178/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
     invalid state
459/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
467/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
     is in an invalid state
581/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
584/21     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
     is in an invalid state
588/9     PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
591/29     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
     is in an invalid state
Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
341/25     PL/SQL: Item ignored
341/45     PLS-00302: component 'URL' must be declared
559/17     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
559/17     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
     incomplete or malformed
562/17     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
564/40     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
     incomplete or malformed
No errors.
No errors.
### Invoke Schema Validation Utility in Report Mode
Running upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/svurun.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
# Beginning outer script: prechk/svurun
#-- Beginning inner script: frwk/svurun
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
ORA-06512: at line 45
ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
# Run the report mode of the schema validation utility
#---- Beginning inner script: wwutl_schema_validation.validate_all
# Running the validation in report mode
# Schema Validation Utility Version =
# Validate Page Groups
# Handling exception
# ERROR: When executing schema validation utility
# ERROR: ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
# ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
object line object
handle number name
0x5c4fef28     434 package body PORTAL.WWPOF
0x5bb96e20     263 package body PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION
0x5bb96e20     297 package body PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION
0x5b885fe4     18 anonymous block
# Handling exception
# ERROR: When running the schema validation utility
# ERROR: ORA-20000:
ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
# ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
object line object
handle number name
0x5c4fef28     434 package body PORTAL.WWPOF
0x5b885fe4     45 anonymous block
### ERROR: Exception Executing upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/svurun.sql REPORT PRECHK for Subscriber: 1
### Check Failed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006 Continuing as PreCheck mode is specified
### PHASE 5: Version specific user inputs
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/10140/inputchk/inputchk.met ###
### PHASE 6: Version specific pre upgrade checks
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/10140/prechk/prechk.met ###
### PHASE 7: Pre upgrade common information gathering
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/common/info/info.met ### Log portal configuration info in the temporary directory.
Running upg/common/info/ptlinfo.sql . Portal SQL script started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:31 2006
# Beginning outer script: info/ptlinfo
# Ending outer script: info/ptlinfo, 0.13 seconds
Metadata File upg/10140/info/info.met does not exist.
### PHASE 8: Verify user inputs
Upgrade phase started at Wed Oct 18 21:22:32 2006
Processing Metadata File: upg/common/verfyinp/verfyinp.met Running upg/common/verfyinp/ The following details have been determined:
General Details
Log File Name : /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/precheck.log
RDBMS Version : 10.1.0
Product Version :
Oracle PL/SQL Toolkit Schema : SYS
Oracle PL/SQL Toolkit version :
O7 accessibility : FALSE
Schema Details
Name : portal
Tablespace Details
Default Tablespace : PORTAL
Temporary Tablespace : TEMP
Document Tablespace : PORTAL_DOC
Logging Tablespace : PORTAL_LOG
Index Tablespace : PORTAL
### ERROR: WWU-00030: Pre-Check mode encountered the following errors:
### 184 : ### ERROR: WWU-00013: Tables with UPG_ prefix were found in the OracleAS Portal
### 706 : 44/16     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
### 708 : 70/17     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
### 710 : 96/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
### 712 : 122/18     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWV_THINGDB is invalid
### 719 : 778/26     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 727 : 372/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 731 : 1458/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 735 : 1635/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 739 : 1794/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 743 : 1907/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 747 : 2020/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 751 : 2137/28 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 761 : 144/53     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 765 : 260/43     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 769 : 279/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 773 : 327/25     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 777 : 353/40     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
### 779 : 369/42     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
### 783 : 376/48     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWPOB_API_PAGE is invalid
### 785 : 388/39     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 789 : 1216/42 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 793 : 1266/30 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
### 801 : 249/41     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 809 : 424/44     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 813 : 584/52     PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_SITE_DB is invalid
### 819 : 2130/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
### 821 : 2132/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
### 823 : 2134/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
### 825 : 2136/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
### 827 : 2138/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
### 829 : 2140/13 PLS-00905: object PORTAL.WWSBR_THING_TYPES is invalid
### 831 : 2151/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
### 835 : 2152/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
### 839 : 2153/42 PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
### 843 : 2212/27 PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_THING_TYPES is in an
### 851 : 338/30     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWPOB_API_PAGE is in an
### 859 : 163/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 863 : 178/36     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITE_DB is in an
### 867 : 467/31     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
### 871 : 584/21     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
### 875 : 591/29     PL/SQL: ORA-06575: Package or function WWSBR_SITEBUILDER_PROVIDER
### 883 : 341/45     PLS-00302: component 'URL' must be declared
### 885 : 559/17     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
### 889 : 564/40     PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is
### 904 : ERROR at line 1:
### 905 : ORA-20000:
### 906 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
### 907 : ORA-06512: at line 45
### 908 : ORA-20000:
### 909 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
### 910 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION", line 263
### 911 : ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
### 912 : ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
### 922 : # ERROR: When executing schema validation utility
### 923 : # ERROR: ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
### 933 : # ERROR: When running the schema validation utility
### 934 : # ERROR: ORA-20000:
### 935 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWPOF", line 440
### 936 : ORA-06512: at "PORTAL.WWUTL_SCHEMA_VALIDATION", line 263
### 937 : ORA-04063: package body "PORTAL.WWUTL_PAGE_GROUP_VALIDATION" has errors
### 938 : ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
### 947 : ### ERROR: Exception Executing upg/common/prechk/../../frwk/svurun.sql REPORT PRECHK for Subscriber: 1
### Check Failed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:32 2006 Continuing as PreCheck mode is specified
Pre-Check Completed at Wed Oct 18 21:22:32 2006

Its good that u pasted the complete log file. In your environment you have to run this upgrade tool only once from any of the middle tier.
And with respect to your error that u got in precheck is quite simple. All u have to do is just run this script from by connecting to portal schema using sqlplus.
Run dropupg.sql
Location-------- /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dropupg.sql
Later you re-run the upgrade tool and let me know the status.
Good luck

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    Anbusundaram A

    Its good that u pasted the complete log file. In your environment you have to run this upgrade tool only once from any of the middle tier.
    And with respect to your error that u got in precheck is quite simple. All u have to do is just run this script from by connecting to portal schema using sqlplus.
    Run dropupg.sql
    Location-------- /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dropupg.sql
    Later you re-run the upgrade tool and let me know the status.
    Good luck

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    I can say that anybody with
    no experience could easily do an export/import in
    MSSQLServer 2000.
    Anybody with no experience should not mess up my Oracle Databases !

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    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox label="Unit" value="#{PivotTableBean.dataValue}"
    autoSubmit="true" />
    The setDataValue() method in the backing bean will get a handle to AM and will execute the "filterVO" method in that, which takes the NumberRange as the input parameter.
    public void setDataValue(boolean value) {
    DataValue = value;
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = (OperationBinding)bindings.getOperationBinding("filterVO");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
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    ViewObjectImpl ibVO = getVO1();
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    Did you define a filterVO action in your pagedef.xml file?
    You might want to read on how to access service method from a JSF Web Application in the ADF Developer Guide for 10.1.3 chapter 8.5

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  • How to update an existing item in a sharepoint list using the WSS adapter for Biztalk

    Is there a way that a record in SP list be updated using WSS adapter in biztalk ?
    BizTalk 2013 and SP 2013 ..
    Ritu Raj
    When you see answers and helpful posts,
    please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer

    A ListItem has its own unique row id so in all likelihood, an insert with the same data will result in a new list entry. The Lists Web Service however, has an UpdateListItem method which will take an update request. [refer ]
    There is another note in the conference (marked answered) to your List Item Update problem. Probably worth a try too. [refer ]

  • How to update the table available in BADI method

    Hi Friends,
    I have to implement one badi ME_REQ_POSTED for purchase requistion, in this badi  I have to read first line item and do
    some check...if that check is true i need to update subsequent line item (line 20, 30, 40 or so) with purchase group and MRP controller.
    In this BADI i have method POSTED, in this method parameter IM_EBAN is a table which i need to modify with my different
    values for purchase group and MRP controller.
    Kindly let me know how to update this table, so the changes can be reflected in purchase requistion.
    Since when I tried to directly modify the table in a loop, system throw one error stating IM_EBAN can not be modified.
    kindly help.

    I have implemented this exit but it does not stop at it while saving Purchase requistion. But my previous BADI stops at it when saving.
    Kindly guide.

  • How to update the table value in the valuechange event?

    I have an input field in the datatable with the valueChangeListener
    <rich:dataTable id="cart" value="#{cart.cartList}" var="item">
    <h:inputText value="#{item.cost}" id="qty" valueChangeListener="#{items.updateCost}" onchange="submit()">
    <h:outputText value="#{item.errorMsg}"> </h:outputText>
    in the backing bean
         Item item = (Item) model.getRowData();
    // do some update, if the cost too larger, change to max_cost
         item.setErrorMsg("Error Msg");
    After calling the valuechange method, the screen output doesn't update the cost.
    How to update the table value in the valuechange event?

    As you're misusing the valueChangeListener to set another input field, you need to skip the update model values phase. Otherwise the value set in the valueChangeListener will be overridden by the submitted value. You can do this by calling the FacesContext#renderResponse() inside the valueChangeListener method. This will shift the current phase immediately to the render response phase, hereby skipping the update model values and invoke application phases.

  • Has anyone been able to contact Adobe to learn why their Flash Player does not work on Mac OS 10.6.8, no matter how many updates you install?  This seems like a big error by Adobe.

    I have thee Mac computers with Mac OS 10.6.8, one of which is a Mac Pro.  No matter how many updates I install from Adobe, their Flash Player does not work on any of these 3 computers.  I don't know how to contact Adobe Systems about this problem, but I think it is their responsibility to make sure that their so-called "universal" software works proplerly on a relatively recent operating system like OS 10.6.8 that is still in widespread use.  When you install the updates, nothing happens -- not even an error message.  What is the point of a universal player that is not universal?  It works fine on my MacBook Pro with OS 9 Mavericks, but it does not work at all -- indeed, has never worked -- on my 3 Macs with OS 10.6.8.  Has anyone contacted Adobe Systems to find out why the Flash Player does not work with OS 10.6.8 and what they plan to do about it?

    Where are you getting Flash from?
    Get the appropriate dmg installer here and then run it.
    If it still won't install, do these two things: First uninstall any Flash by going into the second level Hard Drive Library>Internet Plug-ins, and trash the Flash Player.plugin and flashplayer.xpt. Then boot into Safe Boot, Shift at the startup chime (give it much longer than a usual boot) and run the installer while booted in Safe Boot.

  • How to update attributes from OIM to AD in case of LDAPSync

    Hi All,
    In our scenario, we have LDAPSync configured for OIM AD Integration. OIM version is OIM 11gR2 PS1 (
    It is working fine and On user creation in OIM ,RealTime user creation under specified container in AD is happening.It is SSL enabled,so password is also getting updated from OIM to AD.
    But we have following conflicting scenario --
    -   As per our requirement we have to generate random password for User in OIM. For that we have PostProcess event handler implemented in OIM.
    - We have tested LDAPSync by creating user manually through OIM console. While creating user manually, we have provided value for password attribute along with other attributes.
        So, password attribute in AD will get updated for User along with all other attributes values mapped for AD from OIM.
    - But, in our scenario random password is generated for User through OIM post process event handler and it will be updated again in user profile of user created manually in OIM. This password is sent to User through mail.
      As this password event handler will get triggered after LDAPSnyc only, this password will not be update in AD for manually created user in OIM. So he can log into OIM with this new password but not to AD system.
      He will be able to login to AD system with same User ID but with password which was set at time of manual User Creation in OIM and not with the password updated in OIM user profile by PostProcess event handler.
    Is it possible to set password for user through PreProcess even handler implementation for Random Password generation. In this case also , the default OIM post process
    password generator will override the PreProcess event handler.How to resolve this issue.
    Also,when AD connector is in place in OIM environment we would be having change/update tasks for any attribute update to be send from OIM to AD.
    How this update scenario will be implemented from OIM to AD in case of LDAPSync ?
    Please provide any helpful pointer on this.

    Password :
    Increase order of calling for custom password event handler than OOTB handler.
    you wanted to update custom fields?
    Did you check default update tasks comes with connector?

  • How to update my mac book pro??

    how to update my mac ???

    Software Update under the Apple menu (upper left corner).
    If you are at 10.6.8 then the only way to update would be purchasing Mountain Lion via the App Store application.

  • How to update my mac book pro from 10.5.8 to the leatest version

    how to update my mac book pro from 10.5.8 to the leatest version

    Upgrading to Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion
    Upgrading to Snow Leopard
    You can purchase Snow Leopard by contacting Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers. The price is $19.99 plus tax. You will receive physical media - DVD - by mail.
    Third-party sources for Snow Leopard are:
    Snow Leopard from
    Snow Leopard from eBay
    After you install Snow Leopard you will have to download and install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 to update Snow Leopard to 10.6.8 and give you access to the App Store.
    Before upgrading check that you computer meets the minimum requirements:
    Snow Leopard General requirements
      1. Mac computer with an Intel processor
      2. 1GB of memory
      3. 5GB of available disk space
      4. DVD drive for installation
      5. Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may
      6. Some features require Apple’s MobileMe service; fees and terms apply.
    Upgrading to Lion
    First, you need to upgrade to Snow Leopard 10.6.8 as stated above.
    You can purchase Lion by contacting Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers. The cost is $19.99 (as it was before) plus tax.  It's a download. You will get an email containing a redemption code that you then use at the Mac App Store to download Lion. Save a copy of that installer to your Downloads folder because the installer deletes itself at the end of the installation.
    Before upgrading check that you computer meets the minimum requirements:
    Lion System Requirements
      1. Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or
          Xeon processor
      2. 2GB of memory
      3. OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
      4. 7GB of available space
      5. Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.
    Upgrading to Mountain Lion
    Be sure your computer meets the minimum requirements:
    Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - Read the technical specifications.
    Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion
      1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
      2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
      3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
      4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
      5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
      6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
      7. Xserve (Early 2009)
    Are my applications compatible?
    See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps - App compatibility and feature support for OS X & iOS.
    Am I eligible for the free upgrade?
    See Apple - Free OS X Mountain Lion upgrade Program.
    For a complete How-To introduction from Apple see Apple - Upgrade your Mac to OS X Mountain Lion.

  • My macbook's safari wont open. At first it got deleted and so i got it back by bluetooth and now t wont open because of the update. Any ideas on how to update it or get safari back? it got deleted :/

    my macbook's safari wont open. At first it got deleted and so i got it back by bluetooth and now it wont open because of the version of mac OS X update. Any ideas on how to update it or get safari on my mac? It got completly deleted i checked everywhere including applications but its gone. it got deleted :/

    Here it is : Safari 5.0.6 for Leopard

  • How to update RG23D balance.

    Dear all,
    how to update RG23D balance for a depot. Its a new depot.
    i am getting error "no balance in RG23D"

    Dear Jeevan,
    please mention the Complete Scenario for a solution.
    Thanks & Regards,
    SAP FC

  • How to update Purchase Request automatically when update qty in sales order

    When we create a sales order, the PR will be automatically generated.
    Now we have a requirement to change the order qty for the sales order. also the PR should be automatically changed.
    With VA02, the process is perfect.
    But by using BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE  the SO is partly changed ( order qty is changed but the confirmed qty is not changed) and the PR is not changed.
    So can you advise me how to update the PR by using the BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE, which indicator should be defined?
    I've read the BAPI document but no such information.

    Hi Yang,
    Workflow is the best approach for any issue related to business objects.
    Since you want call FM BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE, it will change SO. It means everytime any SO is changed there will an event being triggered.
    object type: BUS2032
    event: Changed
    simple solution:
    1. Please create object type (SWO1) and its super type should be BUS2032.
    2. Add your own method and attach your custom FM which actually updates the qty & PR)
    3. Create Task (PFTC_INS)
    in basic data:
    - provide object type which you have created
    - provide method which you have added
    goto triggering events tab
    - Choose Object Category as BOR object type
    - provide object type (better give BUS2032)
    - provide event as CHANGED
    Please have look into very nice video blog which helps you to create your workflow.
    blog: [Creating your first SAP Business Workflow]
    Sukhbold Altanbat.

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