How to use same database connection..... for application forms.

im creating an database application using java swing and mysql.... it an mdi application ..... i want to know that how use a single connection for all forms in the application.... any example... coz im new for the java swing and mysql application .... ill be thankful for reply and solution....

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    Hello Steve,
    We want our jclient form application could immediately released database connection when its be closed,
    We had follow your Weblog technical paper about , it mentioned following step to release Jclient database connection, but in our jclient project when we close separate jclient form application the database connection seems not immediately released(we monitor through TOAD trace session), the database connection will continue stay alive until we close the all project application.
    •Call panelBinding.releaseDataControl() method before our form application closed,
    •Set the AM pool's minimum available size to 0 (zero), and set the idle time and pool monitor interval shorter if the up-to 20-minute wait (in case it takes two wakeup cycles for the AM instance to be idle more than its idle time) is not something you like, or
    •Disable AM pooling altogether (jbo.ampooling.doampooling=false)In our project application the database connection behavior like following:
    1.when we open every Jclient form application , it will establish a new database connection for every form application
    2.But when we closed the jclient form application , the database connection still exist
    3.But when we open the same jclient form application again, the database connection will not create new database connection , it seems using the same connection when this application first create.
    4.when we close the all project application , it will release all database connection.
    Could you help us, thanks.
    Sincerely from, TIng-Rung

    Hello Steve,
    We have been study the paper that you mentioned, sorry that we still got some confused about AM pool and jdbc pool, My project bc4j,xcfg like following , could you help us what we missing ?
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <AppModuleConfig name="xxxAppModuleLocal">
    <ConnectionDefinition name="xxx">
    <ENTRY name="JDBC_PORT" value="1521"/>
    <ENTRY name="ConnectionType" value="JDBC"/>
    <ENTRY name="HOSTNAME" value="xx.xx.xx.xx"/>
    <ENTRY name="DeployPassword" value="true"/>
    <ENTRY name="user" value="xxx"/>
    <ENTRY name="ConnectionName" value="xxx"/>
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    and our jclient code to release connection like following:
    tabbedPane.addCloseListener(new CloseListener(){
    public void closeOperation(MouseEvent e){       
    UPanelBinding panelbd = tabbedPane.getPanelBinding();

  • How to use JDBC database connection in Solaris

    Hi all,
    I am new to Solaris and i want to create an application using JDBC database connection.
    I want a small piece of code, probably a login page code that verifies the username from a OpenOffice database (.odb) file. I am particular to know the driver name, etc. If possible give the code using JNDI loopkup.
    Thanks in advance,

    Sure no problem.
    Please stand by while I do your work for you.

  • How to use same RESULT SET for two different events

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    I need to use same result set for two different events. How to do it.
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    private void jComboBox1ItemStateChanged(java.awt.event.ItemEvent evt) {
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    String selstate,selitem;
    Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:tourismdatasource","sa","");
    selstate="select * from tab_places where state=?";
    PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement(selstate);
    ps.setString(1, jComboBox1.getSelectedItem().toString().trim());
    ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery();
    byte[] ba;
    ImageIcon ic = new ImageIcon(ba);
    catch(ClassNotFoundException cfe){JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, cfe.getMessage());}
    catch(SQLException sqe){JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,sqe.getMessage());}
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    // TODO add your handling code here:
    }  how do i get dat resultset,
    help me out

    One post wasn't enough?

  • How we build Java Database Connectivity for Oracle 8i Database

    Can any one send me a sample code for Java Database Connectivity for Oracle 8i Database
    it will be a grat help
    Thanks & Regards

    You don't need a DSN if you use Oracle's JDBC driver.
    You didn't read ANY of the previous replies. What makes you think this one willk help? Or any instruction, for that matter?
    Sounds like you just want someone to give it to you. OK, I'll bite, but you have to figure out the rest:
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * Command line app that allows a user to connect with a database and
    * execute any valid SQL against it
    public class DataConnection
        public static final String DEFAULT_DRIVER   = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
        public static final String DEFAULT_URL      = "jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\\Edu\\Java\\Forum\\DataConnection.mdb";
        public static final String DEFAULT_USERNAME = "admin";
        public static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "";
        public static final String DEFAULT_DRIVER   = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
        public static final String DEFAULT_URL      = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/hibernate";
        public static final String DEFAULT_USERNAME = "admin";
        public static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "";
        /** Database connection */
        private Connection connection;
         * Driver for the DataConnection
         * @param command line arguments
         * <ol start='0'>
         * <li>SQL query string</li>
         * <li>JDBC driver class</li>
         * <li>database URL</li>
         * <li>username</li>
         * <li>password</li>
         * </ol>
        public static void main(String [] args)
            DataConnection db = null;
                if (args.length > 0)
                    String sql      = args[0];
                    String driver   = ((args.length > 1) ? args[1] : DEFAULT_DRIVER);
                    String url      = ((args.length > 2) ? args[2] : DEFAULT_URL);
                    String username = ((args.length > 3) ? args[3] : DEFAULT_USERNAME);
                    String password = ((args.length > 4) ? args[4] : DEFAULT_PASSWORD);
                    System.out.println("sql     : " + sql);
                    System.out.println("driver  : " + driver);
                    System.out.println("url     : " + url);
                    System.out.println("username: " + username);
                    System.out.println("password: " + password);
                    db = new DataConnection(driver, url, username, password);
                    System.out.println("Connection established");
                    Object result = db.executeSQL(sql);
                    System.out.println("Usage: db.DataConnection <sql> <driver> <url> <username> <password>");
            catch (SQLException e)
                System.err.println("SQL error: " + e.getErrorCode());
                System.err.println("SQL state: " + e.getSQLState());
            catch (Exception e)
                if (db != null)
                db = null;
         * Create a DataConnection
         * @throws SQLException if the database connection fails
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the driver class can't be loaded
        public DataConnection() throws SQLException,ClassNotFoundException
         * Create a DataConnection
         * @throws SQLException if the database connection fails
         * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the driver class can't be loaded
        public DataConnection(final String driver,
                              final String url,
                              final String username,
                              final String password)
            throws SQLException,ClassNotFoundException
            this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
         * Get Driver properties
         * @param database URL
         * @return list of driver properties
         * @throws SQLException if the query fails
        public List getDriverProperties(final String url)
            throws SQLException
            List driverProperties   = new ArrayList();
            Driver driver           = DriverManager.getDriver(url);
            if (driver != null)
                DriverPropertyInfo[] info = driver.getPropertyInfo(url, null);
                if (info != null)
                    driverProperties    = Arrays.asList(info);
            return driverProperties;
         * Clean up the connection
        public void close()
         * Execute ANY SQL statement
         * @param SQL statement to execute
         * @returns list of row values if a ResultSet is returned,
         * OR an altered row count object if not
         * @throws SQLException if the query fails
        public Object executeSQL(final String sql) throws SQLException
            Object returnValue;
            Statement statement = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
                statement = this.connection.createStatement();
                boolean hasResultSet    = statement.execute(sql);
                if (hasResultSet)
                    rs                      = statement.getResultSet();
                    ResultSetMetaData meta  = rs.getMetaData();
                    int numColumns          = meta.getColumnCount();
                    List rows               = new ArrayList();
                    while (
                        Map thisRow = new LinkedHashMap();
                        for (int i = 1; i <= numColumns; ++i)
                            String columnName   = meta.getColumnName(i);
                            Object value        = rs.getObject(columnName);
                            thisRow.put(columnName, value);
                    returnValue = rows;
                int updateCount = statement.getUpdateCount();
                returnValue     = new Integer(updateCount);
            return returnValue;
         * Close a database connection
         * @param connection to close
        public static final void close(Connection connection)
                if (connection != null)
                    connection = null;
            catch (SQLException e)
         * Close a statement
         * @param statement to close
        public static final void close(Statement statement)
                if (statement != null)
                    statement = null;
            catch (SQLException e)
         * Close a result set
         * @param rs to close
        public static final void close(ResultSet rs)
                if (rs != null)
                    rs = null;
            catch (SQLException e)
         * Close a database connection and statement
         * @param connection to close
         * @param statement to close
        public static final void close(Connection connection, Statement statement)
         * Close a database connection, statement, and result set
         * @param connection to close
         * @param statement to close
         * @param rs to close
        public static final void close(Connection connection,
                                       Statement statement,
                                       ResultSet rs)

  • How to use RAC database connection details in oc4j.xcfg files

    Hi all,
    we are using oc4j.xcfg files for the application module configuration for an ADF application. and one of the database has been configured on RAC. Any input on how to specify the RAC database details in the oc4j.xcfg file specially for the host name parameter.
    The example entry like in oc4j.xcfg is like
    ?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <AppModuleConfig name="AppModuleLocal">
    <ConnectionDefinition name="connectDB">
    <ENTRY name="ConnectionName" value="connectDB"/>
    <ENTRY name="URL" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:<user>/<pass>@<server>:<Port>:<SID>"/>
    <ENTRY name="HOSTNAME" value="<server>"/>
    <ENTRY name="JDBC_PORT" value="<port>"/>
    <ENTRY name="SID" value="<SID>"/>
    <ENTRY name="ConnectionType" value="JDBC"/>
    <ENTRY name="JdbcDriver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
    <ENTRY name="ORACLE_JDBC_TYPE" value="thin"/>
    <ENTRY name="DeployPassword" value="true"/>
    how to specify the failover nodes details in the above entry for host name etc.

    Here you are; all you want at

  • How TO use configurable Database connection with ADF BC

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    If you set up the application with a data source (I am not sure if this is possible using another app server, I use OC4J), then you would just change it there. However if you created a database connection in the JDEV and pointed your data model to that, then you will have to change and rebuild.
    You might be able to edit the xml file that contains the setttings, I am not sure my CM guys dont allow this, all of our changes have to go through our code repository.

  • How to use the database connection bean??

    i was created a database connection class. can teach me how to call the class at JSP.
    <jsp:useBean id ="dat" class ="Database" scope ="request"/>
         String sql = "INSERT INTO  table"
               "(standard,col )" +
               " VALUES " +
         public static Connection getConnection()
             throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
              // Load Sun's JDBC-ODBC Bridge
              Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
              // Make a connection to JDBC-ODBC Bridge drive with
              // the connection URL, jdbc:odbc:DSN
              String url =  "jdbc:odbc:miniproj";
              return(DriverManager.getConnection(url, "anonymous", "guest"));
         public static int executeUpdate(String nonSelectQuery)
             throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException
              return(executeUpdate(getConnection(), nonSelectQuery));
         public static int executeUpdate(Connection conn, String nonSelectQuery)
             throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException

    NOTE that you should always have your classes inside packages. Some versions of Tomcat won't use them correctly otherwise.

  • How to use Same Inspection plan for Multiple Plants?

    When I create a Process Order for material (M1), release and save it for a Plant A then I get the Inspection lot automatically.
    Now I have another Plant B that we have created. We would like to use the same Inspection plan that has been created for Plant A and M1
    So in the changed mode(QP02) of the Inspection plan for Plant A in the material assignment tab I added the Material M1 and the Plant B. I am assuming this means when I create the Process order for M1 in Plant B then it should use the same Inspection plan.
    But when I create the Process Order for M1 for Plant B, release and save it then it does not created the Inspection lot automatically(though I can create Inspection lot manually)
    Can you tell me if there is setting that will allow me to create the Inspection lot automatically on saving the Process order which should use the Inspection plan that I just assigned.
    And also let me know if there is a better way to handle same Inspection Plan for same material but multiple Plants.
    SAP Fans...

    For your message my understanding is that you are not getting Inspection lot created in Plant"B". Inspection lot for a material would get created based on the Inspection Setup for the material master "QM View", so compare the QM for the material in both plants and correct it for Plant "B".
    Probably I feel Inspection Setup is not complete for the material in Plant "B" - Generally when extending material by copying referance, in the QM view you need to click the Inspection Setup Button, for the data to be copied...otherwise it does not copy the Inspection setup from the referance plant.

  • How to use same jco destinations for two DCS

        I have a scenario where two dcs are using the same function module so i have a doubt that can we make jco destinations different for two dcs or not,plz help me

    JCO Destination names are associated with models and not DCs. You can use same or different JCO destination names across different models.
    Typically if you are using a common set of function modules(RFCs) you might decide to create one or more model (each model consisting of logically related RFCs)in one DC and use it accross different DCs(By declaring the usage of the DC in other DC and declaring model usage in a particular component). This not only will save build time during design process, but will also bring in modularity and reusability. But its purely a design decision you need to make based on your requirement.

  • How to use same CMOD code for 2 Diff. variableS?

    I have written some code under CMOD. Now, i have another query which i could use the same CODE, but diff. variable
    ( In the CMOD code, i am passing one User input variable ). For the 2nd query i have to pass different User Input variable.
    How OR what should i wright to tell CMOD, that IF its Query # 1 then use ABC variable and if Query # 2 then use XYZ .

    Dear Hon Bon,
    Let us have a small example on ur scenario.
    Lets take the requirement as to calculate Month from Date. (In both the queries).
    Query 1: Input variable for Date is say  'ZDATE1'.
    Query 2: Input variable for Date is say  'ZDATE2'.
    Now let the CMOD variable be ZVAR_CALMONTH.
    when 'ZVAR_CALMONTH'.
        clear: lwa_var_rng,
        loop at i_t_var_range into lwa_var_rng where vnam = 'ZDATE1' or vnam = 'ZDATE2'.
          concatenate lwa_var_rng-low+0(4)
                 into lwa_range-low.
          lwa_range-sign = 'I'.
          lwa_range-opt  = 'EQ'.
          append lwa_range to e_t_range.
          clear lwa_range.
    Now when you execute the Query1,  the above code will work for 'ZDATE1' variable,
    if you execute the Query2,  the above code will work for 'ZDATE2' variable.
    So, the key point is,
    1. You need not worry about which query is getting executed. Whatever the query, the particular user entry variable of that query will be taken care.
    2. This method works only if the cmod variable (ZVAR_CALMONTH) is used in both the queries (Ofcourse its ur requirement).
    3. If queries have both the user entry variables then the cmod will work differently(it ll get data from both the user variables).
    You shall try ur code in the above example by replacing the code and the variable names and try playing around it.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to use logical database "psj" for query?

    Hi, expert :
       use "PSJ" to make a query. but in queries, the title have two lines. and can't  correspond to the content.
       how to make the title correspond to the content?

    Comments option nothing but where you can enter your description.While creating the SAP Query using SQVI enter your query name and click create one popup window will come in that you have comments field where you can enter your description.

  • How to Use Same Navigation Panal for two different query

    My requirement is I have to display three different report in same web template in three different tab.
    I have created a custom web template with tab.
    in each tab i have assigned three different analyser table and assigned three different report in each data provider. once I run the report that works fine, each tab is displying each report seperately.
    The problem I am having here with navigation panal. Navigation panal is working ok for 1st report, but when I go to the 2nd  tab for  2nd report nev attribute itself is not displying. is there any special setting that i am missing?
    If any one know about the same pls help me

    When u select the Generic navigational block to ur template. select that and right click go to properties, in the lift side of u web item will come in that last but one option is Affected data providers is there double click on the list u will get the option

  • How to share the same Database Connection when using several Task Flows ?

    Hi All,
    I’m using JDev
    I’m developing ADF Fusion Applications (ABC BC, ADF Faces…)
    These applications are deployed on a Weblogic server.
    Each application has only one Application Module.
    All Application Modules have the same connection type defined: JDBC DataSource : jdbc/GCCDS
    It is working fine.
    I’ve also developed Task Flow Applications for small thinks that are reused in multiple main applications.
    Each Task Flow Application has also one Application Module with the same connections type as main applications.
    All these task flows are deployed to JAR file (ADF Library JAR File) and are reused on my main applications. (drag and drop from the Resource Palette to ADF Regions….).
    There are some parameters passed to Task Flows, so that they can filter data depending on which main applications they are called from.
    Everything is working perfectly.
    All my main applications are using more and more task flows. Which is nice for the reusability etc…?
    Every Task Flows service made a database connection. So one user may have 10 database connections for the same adf page. And when there are 100 users that are working at the same time, it becomes a problem.
    How to share the same database connections for the main applications and all task flows which are used in the main application?
    Best Regards

    Hi John,
    When I open a ADF Library JAR file of one of my task flow. (gcc_tf_recentSites.jar)
    I can see TF_RecentSitesService.xml and TF_RecentSitesServiceImpl.class in gcc_tf_recentSites.jar\mu\gcc\tf\recentSites\model\service folder
    + bc4j.xcfg in gcc_tf_recentSites.jar\mu\gcc\tf\recentSites\model\service\common folder.
    bc4j.xcfg details are
    +<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>+
    +<BC4JConfig version="11.1" xmlns="">+
    +<AppModuleConfigBag ApplicationName="">+
    +<AppModuleConfig DeployPlatform="LOCAL" jbo.project="" name="TF_RecentSitesServiceLocal" ApplicationName="">+
    +<Security AppModuleJndiName=""/>+
    +<Custom JDBCDataSource="jdbc/GCCDS"/>+
    +<AppModuleConfig name="TF_RecentSitesServiceShared" ApplicationName="" DeployPlatform="LOCAL" JDBCName="gccdev" jbo.project="">+
    +<AM-Pooling jbo.ampool.maxpoolsize="1" jbo.ampool.isuseexclusive="false"/>+
    +<Security AppModuleJndiName=""/>+
    So, it seems that the Application Module is packaged with the task flow....
    Is it normal ?

  • How to host one application using different database connection on OAS?

    Jdeveloper -
    Application - ADF/BC
    Oracle Application Server - 10.1.3
    Above our the specifications for our application,
    We have two database schemas different for development and production therfore we have different databse connections for the two,
    we have one application which is in production and enhacements on the same application are done by the development team.
    Since we have two different schemas for developement and prduction we use different database connections for the application on development and production.
    The problem is our Model and View Controller project are same, only the database connection file changes that's why we are able to host only on application at a time on our OAS. This is probably because the URL generated by OAS for developemnt and prodyction application is same.
    Is there a way we can host two instances of the same application with two different database connections on the a single OAS.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Use different deployment profiles each with a different context root for your application?

Maybe you are looking for