How variables are populated in APD

Hello Experts,
Currently my requirement is to pull data from virtual Infoprovider and keep it in flat file.
For this we are using APD option and is working fine
But in order to pull data from this infoprovider we need to give mandata values in filers like System status: 000 and APO Plant: XYZ
Now our requirement is we want to keep a variable on Plant selection. And every time this APD is executed it plant selection shoudle be calculated by doing a look up in /SAPAPO//MATKEY and pull all the active plants and then upload the data to Flat file for all those plant from /SAPAPO/MATKEY.
we do have a variable called 9_MATNR showing in filteres selection Tab on APO Plant Infoobject.
But now I need to understand how do I populate this variable 9_MATNR  with updated values from  /SAPAPO/MATKEY every time APD is executed.
Sachin Dehey,

Hi All.
The solution will be create the query on virtual provider and create a variable on Infoobject 9amatnr.
Create a customer exit variable on this infobject and populate it VIA i_step = 2 then include this query in APD.
Its done now automaticaaly the variable will be populated dynamically when ever query is called.
Sachin Dehey

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    Message was edited by: Kenneth Murray

    Hi Kenneth,
    this is a tricky situation:
    just assume the following scenario (this is what I have seen when I had a glimpse  on your original post)
    - In your template you have 2 DataProvider DP1 and DP2
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    - DP2 is not assigned to a web item and points initially to some query (B)
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    The parameter reset variables to default is only relevant for views (mainly during first initialization of template). With your command you didn't change DP2.
    Solution: In BW 3.5 there's a possbility to pass filters and variables to another Query with the command RESET_DATA_PROVIDER (parameter rri=X)
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    Is the application, Oracle Applications, or some other vendor's application? Is there a version number?
    I would think that the columns that make up the unique index on a table, providing it has only one unique index, would be the columns that would make up the PK if it were definded. See DBA_IND_COLUMNS. For tables with multiple unique indexes one would likely be the PK and the others UK constraints.
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    Hi Peddi,
    Thanks but let me give some more details on our problem.
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    <proxyport oa_var="s_proxyport"> </proxyport>
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    Hi David,
    I might have been a bit to quick with just saying that the only thing you needed to do was replacing the object with the variable you created.
    The variable is only compatible with 'Cost Code' dimension, but not with any of the other dimensions in the report. Your header probably only contains the 'Cost Code' dimension and as such the formula isn't giving any problems. But your details contain ohter incompatible dimensions.
    What you need to do is also create detail variables for the other dimensions and relate those to the 'Cost Code' dimension. Use those newly created detail variables  in your report.

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            var url:String = "http://localhost/generic.php";
            var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                variables.from= from_string;
                variables.state_colors = state_colors_string;
                variables.change = change_string;                       
            var encode:String= encodeURI(url);
            var pattern:RegExp = /#/g;
            var decode:String = encode.replace(pattern,"%23");
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(decode);           
            request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;          
    I am wondering if my variables have been passed correctly. Is there some other way other than using trace statements?
    Thanks for your help.

    Thanks for the tip, and I have just done that with my php code end. It turns out that the file was generated, and the file is blank after the code has finalized execution.
      So, I guess that my POST variables is definitely not posted.
    By the way, I have added a couple of lines for security and IO checks, like you suggested, and here is the almost complete code:
    public function changeMap():void{                        
            var url:String = "http://localhost/generic.php";
            var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                variables.from= from_string;
                variables.state_colors = state_colors_string;
                variables.change = change_string;
            var encode:String= encodeURI(url);
            var pattern:RegExp = /#/g;
            var decode:String = encode.replace(pattern,"%23");
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(decode);           
            request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;       
            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            loader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError);
            loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError);
            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);   
             private function onSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
             private function onIOError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
            public function onLoadComplete(event:Event):void {             //event output                             
    From the console, the error events returned nothing from the addEventListeners.
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    Have I done anything else wrong here?
    Thanks for your help.

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    Best Regards.

    Hi Jordan,
           There is a best practice when using the variables in a the queries...Make the most used ones in"Personalise variables" option available in the pop up screen for the variable selection....
         Also,in order to have a correct sequence of variables ,,just arrange them in order u want using "query properties"....
        Hope this helps you..and assign the points if ts needful

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    Thanks in Advance.. Pls reply me as soon as possible

    Hi Nagarjuna reddy,
    Click on the properties of the infoobject enter the name of the description and next to that you can see the X/? buttion click on the this button and select the field/if the proper field is not there then create a field descriton and select. i hope this is works and correct me if i am wrong. for debuggin the query use a transaction code- RSRT.

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    1) Department
    2) Section
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    select deptname from department_master order by deptname
    It works very well. The value is stored in :p_dept_name.
    I want to display section of selected department only using following code :-
    select sectname from section_master a, department_master b where a.deptcode = b.deptcode and b.deptname = :p_dept_name
    The value is stored in :p_sect_name.
    But it does not work. bind variables are not allowed in select statement, then how can I do this???
    Please suggest me.

    the forum is full of threads about that.
    Dependent Parameters in Reports are possible out-of-the-box in Reports.
    If you're running your report on the web, have a look at Metalink Note:185951.1

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    I don't think you can do this.
    However, if you are creating a requisition, you may be able to use the "Catalog" button to refer to old purchase orders.

  • How to auto populating the field in MS crm

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    To populate URL of account based on account name please refer this link.
    If you are asking about the address auto populate/complete refer this link
    To Retrieve from other entity and populate the fields, for example on entering the account name in opportunity form the fields from account form like Sector, Region can be retrieved and can be auto populated in opportunity form using Odata as follows.
    Call the function getAccountDetails in onchange event of Companyname. Do not forget to add Jquery and Json in libraries.
    function getAccountDetails() {
        var companyName = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("customerid").getValue();
        if ((companyName != null)) {
            var companyNameValue = companyName[0].name;
            var companyNameID = companyName[0].id;
            var serverUrl = Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl();
            //The XRM OData end-point
            var ODATA_ENDPOINT = "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc";
            var odataSetName = "AccountSet";
            var odataSelect = serverUrl + ODATA_ENDPOINT + "/" + odataSetName + "(guid'" + companyNameID + "')";
                type: "GET",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                datatype: "json",
                url: odataSelect,
                beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) { XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"); },
                success: function (data, textStatus, XmlHttpRequest) {
                    var result_account = data.d;
                    var name;
                    var Id;
                    var entityType;
                    //replace the fields with the fields on your entity
                error: function (XmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('OData Select Failed: ' + odataSelect); }
    Also as another option if you donot wat the java script then you can go for a workflow to poplate, please refer this link:
    Regards, Rekha.J

  • OLAP Variable not populated

    Hi All,
    I have created an OLAP variable which is being used in an infopak. In development, when i go into the infopak and display the result of the variable, i get what am expecting.
    However, after I have transported this to QA, when I go into the infopak and try to display the result of the variable i get the following error;
    BEx variable YVC00060 could not be evaluated - No
    error message.
    I have checked the user exit in cmod and the code is there and it is active. Have searched the usual places but cannot find any answers.
    thanks Geoff.

    Hi Geoffrey,
    Could you please explain a little bit more.
    How you are using a Bex variable (YVC00060) in Infopack?
    Anyway, one thing I could think of is that the Function Module's (EXIT_SAPLRSS0_001) assignment may have become inactive.
    Please check the assignment in CMOD.

  • Authorization variables are used by each query

    I am working with BW 3.5. I need to check how many authorization variables are used by each query.
    Is the any table which shows this?
    I know in RSZGLOBV i can display all the Auth. Variable at the system but i don't have such relation with the queries...
    Thanks in advance,

    Get the UID of your query from the query designer (select query in the properties window, goto Advanced tab).
    Pass it to table RSZELTXREF (pass query UID to field SELTUID and 'VAR' to field LAYTP). This gives the list of variables used in the query. Now got to table RSZGLOBV, pass all the variable IDs (field values for TELTUID from table RSZELTXREF) to the field VARUNIID and restrict VPROCTP to '6'. This gives a list of all the auth variables used in a query.

  • Table name where Broadcaster precalculation variables are saved

    Please help me with the table name where Broadcaster precalculation variables are saved. Thanks.

    Hello Jinal
    Please go to transaction SE11 and there search  in database table for tables starting with
    My table for example is named as following /it is the first precalculated value set:
    Transparent table -> /BIC/OB00000001
    description           -> Calculate with Broadcast Setting Z_CCUSTOMER_PRECALC_01
    However table class is L, where so I don't knwo how to see the data..
    In case you know please let me know
    Best regards

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