HT1343 Locking the keyboard using a combination of keys

There used to be a way to lock your keyboard from accidental activation using a combination of keys.  Now, I cannot find the information on this.  Does anyone remember the key combination to do this?

Hi Kwow  Wei,
You can do this.But you need to explicitly pass the values to the RFC becuase in the form you are going to bind the fields to a Webservice model .
As I mentioned  earlier it would be nice if you can post the scenario where you want to follow this kind of approch so that people can give their suggestion.
Thanks & Regards, Anilkumar

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    You want to process code on one machine, and thereby lock the keyboard on another machine? No, that's not possible. It is extremely far from possible.
    Of course, if the client is running software with security holes in it you might hack into it and crash the thing. This will lock up the keyboard pretty good. I hope that's not what you want ...
    Or are you talking about a setup where you already have code running on the client, and some sort of communication between client and server? In that case what you need to know is whether it is possible to lock the keyboard at all. Once you have figured that out, it is trivial to add the communication code to have the server software tell the client software to lock the keyboard.
    So what do you mean with "lock the keyboard"? It's pretty easy to remove/disable all keyboard related listeners in your own application. It's a lot harder (and AFAIK impossible with pure java) to disable alt-tabbing out of the application. And impossible, except from exploiting security holes, to lock the ctrl-alt-delete-combination on windows machine.

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    Not really.
    Windows+L locks the laptop and requires a passsword. T
    he problem is that  the notebook can't be used while it is locked.
    You woud be better off buying a travel DVD player if you want to avoid the risk of a three year old's curiousity.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • Auto locking the keyboard in curve 9300

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    In any nokia phone (the old ones, not smartphones) you can set it to auto lock after X seconds you didnt use the phone. Thats what I need.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Hey Mr elancio,
    The device does not have a setting
    to lock the key board automatically; you can set a security password to
    lock the device, but you will need to use a password to unlock each time:
    Go to Options> Password> Change the Password field to Enabled.
    Set the Lock after time and check off allow out going calls while locked
    I hope this helps.
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  • How to lock the keyboard - macbook

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    There's not a function to turn off the keyboard however you can turn mouse keys on and most of the keyboard keys will be ignored.
    The shortcut for this is pressing Option five times.  Do it again to turn mouse keys off.
    Also can be set in System Preferences > Universal Access > Mouse & Trackpad tab.

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    Can you lock the keyboard

    You can lock the screen, which would lock the keyboard/Screen. You can "Dock" the keyboard and "undock it". When the keyboard is up, hold your figer down on the bottom right (keyboard picture) and hit dock. To lock the screen double tap home, swipe right, on the far left big circle, tap it.

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    Some programmes are able to do this already (e.g. Work Rave)
    How do I do this on Linux/X11? (Preferable in Python)

    class KeyboardLocker:
    def __init__(self, serio=0):
    self._on = False
    self.serio = serio
    def on(self):
    return self._on
    def write_value(self,path, value):
    with open(path, "a") as f:
    def toggle(self):
    if self.on():
    def description(self):
    path = '/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio%d/description' % (self.serio,)
    with open(path, "r") as f:
    description =
    return description
    def turn_on(self):
    self.write_value('/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio%d/bind_mode' % (self.serio,),
    except IOError, e:
    self._on = False
    self._on = True
    return self.on()
    def turn_off(self):
    self.write_value('/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio%d/bind_mode' % (self.serio,),
    self.write_value('/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio%d/drvctl' % (self.serio,),
    except IOError, e:
    self._on = True
    self._on = False
    return self.on()
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    kl = KeyboardLocker(serio=0)
    device = kl.description()
    print "We got a lock on", device
    proceed = raw_input("Do you want to proceed? (y/n)").lower().startswith("y")
    import sys
    if not proceed: sys.exit(1)
    import time
    wait = 5
    print "Sleeping few seconds...", wait
    print "Voila!"
    raw_input("Does it work now?")
    Tested on Linux Mint 12, X11, HP Laptop, Gnome. Not sure if any of that matters though :)
    UPDATE Added an option to change the path, e.g. "serio0" or "serio1". And prints the description, for me serio0 gave me: i8042
    KBD port, most likely if you have "KBD" in it, it's right, continue, otherwise I give you no guarantee :)

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    but i am asking is it possible to lock the phone using J2me commands??

    Thank you for your response
    but do you know what libraries (API) to use if using C++ with mobile phones.

  • Locking the keyboard

    I've a blackberry curve 9300. Recently, when it comes to lock the keyboard, I press the play/pause button (on the top) and it makes sound! It's very annoying and I can not keep my phone quiet!
    Please help me! Thank you

    Welcome to the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums.
    Do you have Key tones enabled on the BlackBerry 9300 smartphone? You can check by completing the following:
    1. On the Home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
    2. Click Screen/Keyboard.
    3. Set the Key Tone field to Off.
    4. Press the Menu key.
    5. Click Save.
    Let me know if this helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Locking the keyboard/screen during iPhoto slideshow?

    I am a wedding photographer looking to step my game up to the next level. One of the ways I have decided that I want to do that is to set up a "same-day slideshow" at the reception. Essentually, this is a set of 20-30 images I captured during the day, that the guests will be able to view during the reception. I plan to tuck myself away while everyone is eating dinner [the only downtime for a wedding photographer] and quickly upload my images & place 20-30 of them into a slideshow in iPhoto. I then want to set my Macbook Pro up so that the guests can view the slideshow - my question is: is there any way to lock the keyboard/screen while the slideshow is playing so I can step away from my laptop and not worry about some smart-aleck trying to check his email? Thanks in advance!

    You need an slideshow app that gives you more control over the Soundtrack.
    Alternatives to iPhoto's slideshow include:
    iMovie, on every Mac sold.
    Others, in order of price:  PhotoPresenter  $29
    PhotoToMovie  $49.95
    PulpMotion  $129
    FotoMagico $29 (Home version) ($149 Pro version, which includes PhotoPresenter)
    Final Cut Express  $199
    It's difficult to compare these apps. They have differences in capability - some are driven off templates. some aren't. Some have a wider variety of transitions. Others will have excellent audio controls. It's worth checking them out to see what meets your needs.  However, there is no doubt that Final Cut Express is the most capable app of them all. You get what you pay for.

  • Is it possible to lock the keyboard?

    I am using my MacBook Air for SKYPE calls and DVD's with my 20 month old and it all goes well until he decides to put his little fingers near the keyboard... I need to be able to lock it - a bit like on a telephone. Does anyone know if this is possible?
    Thanks Felicity

    Set a "hot corner" to invoke your screen-saver in screensaver preferences, and then set security preferences to require user password to wake from screen-saver.
    Or try this......

  • How to lock the keyboard

    all i want is to lock all the keys of the keyboard except " arrow keys, esc key, and enter key" and aslo want to make sure that my JFrame should not be closed by "alt+f4".
    Looking for Your replies
    Thanks in advance

    Try adding a KeyListener and listen for:
    and then use event.consume() on the rest. See the Swing tutorial on "How to Write a Key Listener"

  • How can I block the keyboard using the glass pane ?

    I have a problem with the GlassPaneDemo from the Java Tutorial in
    When the glass pane is visible it blocks the mouse input but the
    keyboard input doesn't. For example if the glass pane is visible and
    you press the F10 key, the menu will be activated. So the keyboard is
    not at all blocked.
    Can this problem be fixed ? I mean, to really block the keyboard
    when the glass pane is visible.
    Here I wrote down the specification written in the
    Java Documentation at the setGlassPane method from the
    RootPaneContainer interface:
    The glassPane is always the first child of the rootPane and the
    rootPanes layout manager ensures that it's always as big as the
    rootPane. By default it's transparent and not visible. It can be
    used to temporarily grab all keyboard and mouse input by adding
    listeners and the making it visible. by default it's not visible.
    As it may be seen, one says that the keyboard input can be blocked.
    HOW ?
    In hope that I resolve the problem, I have made some changes such as,
    adding a key listener to the glass pane add listening to the keyboard events,
    but I failed to fix the problem.
    Faithfully yours,

    Here is an example that I think will work for you.
    Note the consume() call on the event object. I think that is what you're after.
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Comparer extends JFrame implements ActionListener
        private GlassComponent myGlassPane;
        private JTextField myField;
        public Comparer()
            getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            getContentPane().add(myField = new JTextField(20));
            setGlassPane(myGlassPane = new GlassComponent());
            JButton theButton = new JButton("Glass");
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent anEvent)
        public static void main(String[] args)
            new Comparer().setVisible(true);       
    class GlassComponent extends JComponent implements AWTEventListener
        Window myParentWindow;
        public GlassComponent()
            this.setCursor( Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR) );
            addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() {} );
        public void setVisible(boolean aVisibleBoolean)
                if(this.myParentWindow == null)
                    this.myParentWindow = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(this);
                Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(this, AWTEvent.KEY_EVENT_MASK);
        public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent anEvent)
            if(anEvent instanceof KeyEvent && anEvent.getSource() instanceof Component)
                if(SwingUtilities.windowForComponent( (Component)anEvent.getSource()) == this.myParentWindow )
    } HTH,

  • Locking the keyboard backlight setting

    Hi All,
    Just got a new t430s to replace a dell e6420.
    I'm wondering if there is any way to force the machine to remember the keyboard backlight setting.  It gets reset when the machine goes to sleep or the display turns off, very annoying!
    I know I can press fn+space to get it back but it seems like it really should remember it or at lest be able to take a default setting, that's what my dell did.
    I've poked around the bios settings and power options and can't find anything.
    Go to Solution.

    kennethm wrote:
    I'm wondering if there is any way to force the machine to remember the keyboard backlight setting.  It gets reset when the machine goes to sleep or the display turns off, very annoying!
    None that I'm aware of. There are a couple of other threads on this topic in which people have expressed a need for this or similar feature, e.g. Possibility to activate keyboard backlight automatically
    Cheers... Dorian Hausman
    X1C2, TPT2, T430s, SL500, X61s, T60p, A21p, 770, 760ED... 5160, 5150... S360/30

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