HT1689 sync contacts to outlook

How do I sync my contacts in my iPhone to an Outlook Web App opened in a browser?

Uninstalled outlook and itunes and removed from the registry and still no joy. This was fine untill the last itunes update. Is there anyway to get the previous itunes set-up before they updated it recently ? Or is there another program I can use to pull my contacts out ?

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    THanks for that...I have done that BUT 43 of my most important contacts out of 883 are locked into a "Local Contacts" folder.  THey show up in my Contacts folder but are not included in the sync to my iPhone.  Any ideas?

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    Good question. Someone screwed up. I thought it was Outlook, but I think this is an itunes/Apple prob.

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    If the iphone goes through the sync and nothing is moved to the iphone, there might be something blocking the sync.
    Here is an article from the apple support website that might help in finding out if there is something blocking the sync.

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    Thanks all the matter is resolved

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    I have just tested this and it seems just as you say that any second number of the same category won't be synced. I think this is a limitation at Google not matching/supporting the exact same PIM filed's.
    However I could not replicate the problem with the web page field.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
    If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    Barry posted this solution on another thread:
    contact sync problems with iTunes you may be interested in the following fix:
    I restored the Nano and downloaded iPodSync from I exported my outlook contacts as individual vCards.

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    It is possible to replace all contacts on the iPhone with the contacts in a supported address book app on your computer, but not the other way around.
    If the supported address book app on your computer is empty and your iPhone includes contacts, all contacts on your iPhone will be erased.
    Enter one contact in Outlook and this should provide a merge prompt, which you want to select. Make the contact up if needed, which can be deleted later.

  • Syncing contacts to outlook

    Well I cant figure why it wont do this. I have tried and it never sync's the contacts into outlook on my computer. BTW I am using a pc with windows XP. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You can, but to be honest I remember having some problems on my original iPhone where my phone contacts were wiped out on the first sync. Most likely I had no clue what I was doing, but I can't see any option in iTunes where I can tell the iPhone to overwrite Outlook.
    What "should" happen when you do the first sync is that it synchronizes, and puts whatever is in Outlook on your iPhone, and whatever is on your iPhone on Outlook. Perhaps someone else can chime in here and comment because it has been a while since I did it.
    This time around I used MobileMe. MobileMe lets me decide whether I want to merge my contacts or delete them from the iPhone, so I was all set there. MobileMe then takes my information and syncs it with my Outlook so everyone is in sync.

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    and if I open a contact in iPhone, hit Edit, and tap the name, the first name is the first (and only) thing in the first field
    That is how its supposed to be. When you edit an contact on the iPhone and tap the name, you can see a box with up to four rows. The first name should be on the first row, the Last name should be in the second row, the title in the third row, and the company in the fourth row. If you have no title or company, then you only see two rows. If you have a contact with only company name, you will see three rows, with the first one saying "First" in light grey, the second saying "Last" in light grey, and the company name in the third row.
    How its set to display in Outlook should have no bearing on how it displays on the iPhone. I have mine showing in Outlook using the field, and on the iPhone I use First Last (but sorted Last First).
    So what you are saying is that when you sync, your Outlook changes the way it displays your contacts?

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    Come on Apple! Intelligent control over contacts, please?!!!
    BTW - I found an app that deduplicates contacts in the iPhone, or rather, it has a go. Takes several passes for it to sort itself out. I DREAD to think what it will do on the next sync with my PC..!!

    Hi Glenn,
    I think iCloud has been the root of the problem. For some reason, iCloud only sync some numbers of my contacts, not all. Where if i select On My Mac, it has all my contacts; this one because i have sync it with my Outlook the first time i got my Mac.
    Yesterday I lost all of my contacts On My Mac, and this makes me lost the same contacts on my iPhone. the one that is left are the ones that iCloud has.
    Now i cannot seem to sync Outlook with Adress Book.
    Just exported Outlook contacts with .olm format, but when i want to import it to Adress Book, it's not compatible (can't select the file).
    1. How do I temporarily 'turn off' iCloud sync so i can sync my Outlook contact to Adress Book first
    2. I cannot find the prefs of "On My Mac contacts is enabled for outside syncing other applications" or "On My Mac contacts will not sync to iClouds contacts." for that matter.
    sorry if it's a silly question, im quite a newbie when it comes to working with OS X.
    thanks in advance.

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    then read ahead :
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Iphone4 won't sync contact with Outlook/Exchange 2007 - can't afford to lose these contacts either

    I have a user who has been using an iPhone 4 for over a year now, and has built up a large list of Contacts on the device. Unfortunately, unlike every other iPhone user, his Contacts have not been sync'ing with Outlook.
    I know I can go into "Settings", "Mail, Contacts, Calendar", Contacts and "Default Account" and change it here. However, I do not want to lose any of these iPhone Contacts. I would like to be able to back them up, and then sync them into Outlook.
    Can someone please advise on the safest steps to do this?
    Thank you,

    A couple of weeks ago a similar question was posted and a member responded with the following link
    I haven't tried it since we force encrypt our backups through IPCU, but is looks intriguing and like it might work for you.  According to their web page they export backed up contacts to a csv file so they could be imported into the Outlook client....hope this helps. 

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