HT203477 The steps to reset preferences that are described in this article look suspiciously like remove/uninstall steps.

Can someone verify that these rather dramtic sounding steps (eg: move application to trash) are what one has to do in teh brave new world of FCPX to re-set prefernces?

Hey Karsten,
Thanks for you opinion, however I would appreciate it if someone could verify how to re-set preferences in FCPX, as the knowledge article says the following (please read carefully now Karsten):
How to reset the Final Cut Pro X Preferences:
Follow the steps below for the version of Mac OS X that you are using.
OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
In Finder, choose Applications from the Go menu.
Locate the Final Cut Pro application and drag it to the Trash.
In Finder, hold down the Option key and choose Library from the Go menu.
In the Library folder that opens, open the Application Support folder. Move the Final Cut Pro folder and the Apple Qmaster folder to the Trash.
Return to the Library folder and open the Caches folder. Move the "" folder to the Trash.
Return to the Library folder and open the Preferences folder. Move the following files to the Trash:
Note: The .lockfile items may not be present on your system.
Steps #1 to #9 are verification processes that are correct for me. In fact the issue I'm trying to find a solution for - background tasks window not appearing when selected - started after the latest update of FCPX
This article does not tell me how to re-set preferences - it tells me how to trash the program - 'dramatic' or 'drastic' action for what should be relatively simple. 
The Brave New World is light hearted reference that I suppose is relative. Having worked in the former Final Cut Pro software for over 10 years, have been using FCPX for well over a year now and I like the TOOL.
I also use Adobe Premiere Pro - and what tool I use depends on what I'm cutting, for whom and where.
I tutor editing to digital media uni students using these digital media tools.
Now. Is there anyone out there who can actually help me with this issue?
Any informative feedback will be much appreciated.
<Edited By Host>

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    ''' <summary>
    ''' Iterator for form controls
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="onlyControlsOfType">specify type if a certain type of controls needed</param>
    ''' <param name="onlyTopLevel">if true don't search containers within the form</param>
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    If TypeOf ctrl.Parent Is Form OrElse Not onlyTopLevel Then
    Yield ctrl
    End If
    End If
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    If Safari is getting very slow:
    (Presumably you regularly empty your Safari cache by deleting the following file:
    and clear your History)
    Adding Open DNS codes to your Network Preferences, should give good results in terms of speed-up as well as added security, (including anti-phishing and redirects) (Full information about Open DNS is here: ) and further independent information can be read here: c-web-security/?tag=mncol;txt
    and here:
    If you are using a single computer: Open System Preferences/Network. Double click on your connection type, or select it in the drop-down menu, and in the box marked 'DNS Servers' add the following two numbers:
    (You can also enter them if you click on Advanced and then DNS)
    Sometimes reversing the order of the DNS numbers can be beneficial in cases where there is a long delay before web pages start to load, and then suddenly load at normal speed:
    If your computer is part of a network:please refer to this page: and follow the advice given.
    If you use a Router, make sure it has the latest firmware installed.
    One reason for a slowness in page loading may be the 'DNS Pre-fetching' feature of Safari 5.x as is described here:
    You can cancel DNS pre-fetching by going to Terminal and typing:
    defaults write WebKitDNSPrefetchingEnabled -boolean false
    You have to restart Safari for it to take effect.
    If Safari seems to hang for ages:
    If you have a lot of tabs open and/or a lot of pages running Flash, Safari can sometimes 'hang', requiring a restart of Safari. This can often be inconvenient, and as it is rarely Safari itself that is hanging but merely one of its plug-ins, usually Flash, there is a way using Terminal to restart the plug-ins (without restarting Safari and losing your tabs) by quitting the WebPluginHost process:
    Open the Terminal from the Utilities folder in /Applications and type
    killall -9 WebKitPluginHost
    Note that this command kills all Safari plug-ins, not just Flash. All plug-ins should start back up when you reload the page.
    Then go back to Safari and refresh any pages that were using the Flash plug-in. This also fixes the Beachball of Death. Try this whenever Safari gets slow or freezes. The later versions of Flash 10.1 onwards appear to have improved the situation somewhat, but haven't completed eliminated it.
    For this and other reasons Apple switched their websites to HTML5 in January 2011: sing_html5.html
    For Snow Leopard/Lion users this should also be read:

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