HT204053 converting from mobileme to icloud

Just updated the iMac reuiring new harddrive. Did  software update and was  told mobileme would change to icloud. It didn't how d oyou do this?

What system are you running?  You need 10.7.5 or later in order to get iCloud. These two Apple documnets list what you need to utilize all of iClouds features.
iCloud: System requirements
iCloud: My Photo Stream FAQ

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Is calendar syncing enabled on both the computer and the phone.
    Are your calendars in your iCloud group and not in a on my mac group.
    only calendars in the iCloud group will sync.

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    Thanks for starting the thread clisfromSLC.
    I am facing the exact same problem with my brand new ipad2. The addition of a single contact post a successful sync, caused the app to crash. Restarting the app did not get the contacts back. Neither did restarting the ipad itself.
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    It took over an hour and three people, including second level support, but we have an answer.
    Basically there is some confusion between the meta data being held on an external server (iCloud and/or Mobile Me) and the local machine.  Here's the SBS for the solution:
    In System Preferences, uncheck all syncing in iCloud (pay attention to messages)
    Logout of iCloud
    Logout of Mobile Me
    Sever the Internet connection, killing the connection to the external servers
    Restore the Calendar data stored in user/library/calendar via Time Machine or other backup source
    Open iCal and export all calendars to a backup location (user/documents will do)
    Reconnect the Internet connection
    Open System Preferences > iCloud, log back in to iCloud and re-establish syncing for all desired options, including Calendar
    Open iCal and import backed up data
    Check calendar for accuracy in iCal and iCloud

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    If you're iPhone and iPad running iOS 6 with your MacBook using iTunes you'll need to be using iTunes 10.6.3 or higher.  Go here:, download the iTunes 10.6.3 for Mac installer (.dmg file) and save it on your desktop.  Then close iTunes and double-click on the file to install iTunes 10.6.3.  You should then be able to sync your devices with iTunes.  However, if you have an iPhone 5 or iPad 4, you'll need iTunes 10.7, which requires OS X 10.6.8 or higher.  You can purchase OS X 10.6 from the Apple online store here, then you can update to iTunes 10.7 and sync your devices.)
    If you want to sync your Mac with iCloud this requires OS X 10.7.4 or later.  You'll have to purchase and install OS X 10.6 from DVD from the Apple online store:, and then upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store.  After doing so you can set up iCloud syncing as shown here:

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    Not certian why I have lost it in my outlook 2011 account

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You can reset your password using the site.

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    That's not an Apple ID. That is your admin account which you can view in System Preferencs > Accounts or Users & Groups.
    If I switch from MobileMe to iCloud on my Mac (under the apple logo) will my devices work and sync in iCloud.  I have no idea how I go 2 IDs
    Just use your current Apple ID when you setup your iCloud account that you use for your devices.
    Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

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    Thank you!

    You can buy Lion in the App Store now, but move to iCloud now. If you wait to Mountain Lion, you will only have Mail in Snow Leopard, so you will lose syncing unless you use Lion or Mountain Lion. It's up to you

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    <Emails Edited by Host>

    Firstly, I note that your profile states that you are using OS X 10.5.8, in order to use iCloud on your computer you need OS X 10.7.2 or better.
    Secondly, I have asked for your email address to be edited out. Post your address in an open thread is a sure way to be bombarded by unwanted email, remember it will be here long after you have resolved your problem, for automated detection software to find.
    If you want people to contact you, enable others to see your email address in your profile.
    Finally, are you sure that these additional addresses are aliases and not sub accounts on a family pack, aliases from MobileMe should transfer to an iCloud when you migrate.

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    Try Repair Permissions. This page tells you how. our-mac/

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    Please advise
    Is OS X Lion different? latest version?
    Thanks in anticipation

    rugbytom wrote:
    Does that mean though that I have to change to the Lion, despite its shortcomings, in order for iCloud to work and not lose the current beneifts of synchronisation I have with Mobileme
    Basically, yes.
    You can migrate your MobileMe account to iCloud at even with Snow Leopard - when asked to confirm that you have Lion on your Mac, just lie and say 'yes'.
    If you have MobileMe mail set up to collect mail from external POP accounts you should cancel this before migrating, or you may find it still working in iCloud (where it isn't supposed to) and with no way of stopping it. You may find the MobileMe email settings will continue to work for a time after migrating but it will stop eventually so you should not rely on this. You should delete your MobileMe email account from Mail.
    You can then set up Mail manually in Snow Leopard to access iCloud email; it's a slight fudge because the 'wizard' will attempt to connect you to MobileMe as soon as you enter an address. The process, which includes a workaround for this, is described here:
    You may be able to sync your calendars to iCloud by means of an unsupported hack, but you cannot sync Contacts or Bookmarks and iCloud's other facilities will not work. This page outlines the situation when you migrate to iCloud, including a link to the calendar hack:
    To get the full functions of iCloud you need Lion 10.7.2

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    You can migrate to iCloud, but the only thing you will be able to do is access email, and you will have toi set Mail up manually to do this:
    Entering iCloud email settings manually in Tiger
    This is worth doing to maintain your email address, but you won't be able to sync calendars, contacts or bookmarks. Your calendars and contacts will be removed from MobileMe (though not from your Mac) and won't appear on the iCloud website.

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    Update: I was able to get a genius appt. and they helped set it to work with Caldev etc for ical and same with mail; contacts etc.

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