HT3384 Changing the standard font

At first I learned writing with WordPerfect. The last problably 20 years I used MS-Word. Now I have a iMac and I wanted to learn Pages. The first thing I wanted to make a standard was the font, but how I searched, I couldn't find the place where I can change the font Helvetica into for exemple Garamond. Where can I find the place to make the changes.

Pages doesn't have a preference for changing default fonts, probably because fonts are tied to paragraph styles & any document can have a multitude of styles & fonts. You need to create your own default template. Open the blank template & set up your document with the line spacing, margins, headers, etc. as you'd like. Redefine all of the paragraph & character styles to have your desired font. You can set default wrap for any object as well as many other settings. Insert a table, click in it & choose the font, size, color, etc. you want in the fonts panel or format bar. You can do similar changes to inserted objects & text boxes. While you're at it resize the box if you want, set the amount of extra space in the wrap inspector, etc. Delete each text box, object & table after you've set them. 
Now, save this document as a template & select that template as default in preferences. If you decide to make any changes to the template down the road, just Save As Template again with the same name & replace the previous version. All of your new documents will have these settings for inserted objects, images & tables. Unfortunately, the settings won't apply to any other templates or "foreign" documents you open with Pages.

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    You open a blank template and change the font to you liking. Remember to also get all the styles changed with new font. Then Save As Template. Now you have a template with the font you like.

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    The changes applied to theme should work, but also you can consider this workarounds:
    For only one user, He/She can increase all fonts in general by using font increase tool from the internet browser;
    - In IE: View > Font Size > Larger or Largest
    - In Firefox: View > Zoom > Zoom In
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    Best regards

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    Tags edited by: Michael Appleby

    Hi Ritesh,
    Following are the steps I followed in extending a Fiori App.
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    So I downloaded HCM_LR_APV BSP Application.
    I uploaded in Eclipse IDE .I created an Extension Project(ZHCM_LR_APV) for this.
    For testing I tried to change the Icon in one of the view.
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    In Component.js file I gave the path to the parent application in Load function.See the below code for your reference."hcm.mgr.approve.leaverequests.CUST_HCM_LR_APV_EXT.Component");
      name: "hcm.mgr.approve.leaverequests",
    hcm.mgr.approve.leaverequests.Component.extend("hcm.mgr.approve.leaverequests.CUST_HCM_LR_APV_EXT.Component", {
      metadata: {
      version : "1.0",
      config : {
      "": {
      customizing: {
      "sap.ui.viewReplacements": {
      "hcm.mgr.approve.leaverequests.view.S3": {
      viewName: "hcm.mgr.approve.leaverequests.CUST_HCM_LR_APV_EXT.view.S3Custom",
      type: "XML",
    Then I submitted the changes and tested the Custom BSP Application.But I am getting the error as below
    Error Message:
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)
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    Okay, I basically made three different documents and I made sure that I had everything chosen in each. I then saved the three to that file and they now appear in the list:
    Settings for all 3:
    72psi, 150psi and 300psi
    Rulers Visable
    Times New Roman
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    Go to properties first: and set before typing anything in as shown here:
    Then right click bring up this menu while inside active field and click on item with arrrow:
    Now what ever you typed should reflect the new Font setting.
    we may be as you say. But then again other people act like whats on the other side.
    We do our best. And if we fall short, well we gave it our best shot.
    Okay. In the interests of being completely clear:
    I have already tried this. Several times. This procedure will change the default for any of the fields that I place by hand. It does not change the default for any of the fields placed by the Wizard. I was unable to find a solution to the problem in any of the manuals, books, or on-line forums, which is why I posted here as a last resort. This leads to two conclusions:
    A. Your advice is incorrect
    B. There is a problem with my installation of Acrobat
    I will assume that A is not the correct conclusion. I will therefore try a re-install of my software to see if this clears up the problem. There have been other issues with other Adobe software on my machine that a re-installed has fixed nicely. Luckily, I don't have to do this at all often.

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    Sorry if this doesn't apply in Mountain Lion (no way to look at ML right now), but I see this in Preview under Mavericks:
    I click the annotation button (circled in red) and draw a box. I can then change the text to any active font using the drop down menu (circled in green).

  • How to change the default font size in X11?

    I was a PC/linux user and have switched to use Mac lately (MBP Snow leopard 10.6.8).
    Everything's been running perfectly on Mac so far and I really like it, until I have to run some programs on XQuartz/X11 (XQuart 2.7.0).  
    The default font size in the Xterm is too small. And I hate it that I have to change it everytime i open a new terminal (via vt fonts menu, ctrl+right-mouse click).
    Is there a way to change the default font size "permanently" in XQuartz/X11 ??
    This may be a stupid question to ask in the developer forum but i cant really solve it.
    There's only config. file ~/.Xdefaults they have mentioned so far on Google but i really cant find it regarding to the directorty.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You would be surprised to find out that is not like this, to get your account blocked you really need to do a lot of damage and posts are not removed unless they are illegal, and *always* it needs more than a person to delete something. That's a site managed by the community, not by some people put in place by a company.
    It is always acceptable to link to external resources as long these resources do provide additional usefull information. Clearly the thread on that side contained much more information than the one here. I observed people linking from there to this forum, but it's not so common, and that's not due to the policy, just because here is more chat and less usefull information.... you will not see endless threads of replies on with "yes, I have the same problem" there.
    Shortly, this is "discussions" and is quite different in approach than the SE model, where everythign is aimed towards getting the be answers UP and removing all the nonsense.
    I wish that Apple would invest more in discussion, and going towards making this more practical.

  • How to change the default font size in XQuartz?

    I was a PC/linux user and have switched to use Mac lately (MBP Snow leopard 10.6.8).
    Everything's been running perfectly on Mac so far and I really like it, until I have to run some programs on XQuartz/X11 (XQuart 2.7.0).   
    The default font size in the terminal is too small. And I hate it that I have to change it everytime i open a new terminal (via vt fonts menu, ctrl+right-mouse click).
    Is there a way to change the default font size "permanently" in XQuartz/X11 ??
    This may be a stupid question to ask in the developer forum but i cant really solve it.
    There's only config. file ~/.Xdefault they have mentioned so far on Google but i really cant find it regarding to the directorty.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    You would be surprised to find out that is not like this, to get your account blocked you really need to do a lot of damage and posts are not removed unless they are illegal, and *always* it needs more than a person to delete something. That's a site managed by the community, not by some people put in place by a company.
    It is always acceptable to link to external resources as long these resources do provide additional usefull information. Clearly the thread on that side contained much more information than the one here. I observed people linking from there to this forum, but it's not so common, and that's not due to the policy, just because here is more chat and less usefull information.... you will not see endless threads of replies on with "yes, I have the same problem" there.
    Shortly, this is "discussions" and is quite different in approach than the SE model, where everythign is aimed towards getting the be answers UP and removing all the nonsense.
    I wish that Apple would invest more in discussion, and going towards making this more practical.

  • Is there any way to change the default font for outgoing text-messages, in "Messages"? (OSX 10.10)

    Is there any way to change the default font for outgoing text-messages, in "Messages"?
    I can change it for one conversation, but then it resets to the default, tiny font.
    The preferences menu only lets me change the conversation font.
    (OSX 10.10)

    As you may remember there used to be a Messages pane to the Preferences where the Font and colour of the Balloons or background and the Font text colour could be changed.
    And there was a Format Menu for character, word and Sentence changes in the current IM or iMessage.
    Those have gone in Yosemite's version of Messages (Despite it retaining the designation of Messages 8 the same as Mavericks' version).
    All that can be done now is set the size of the font and this has been moved to the General Section of the Preferences.
    The Yosemite version has also been fixed to using the Balloons style of send and receiving any type of messages as well.
    Changing the Font would involved editing the Balloon.transcript file.
    10:34 pm      Saturday; December 13, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • How do I change the default font in Comments?

    I'm a professor and I grade papers with the Pages' Comments feature. I would like to change the default font and font size for Comments when doing Tracking so that my comments consistently use the same font and font size no matter what font the student has used in their paper. The only way I can do that now is to change each individual comment. Is there a way to do that globally? Thanks!

    I apologize but I know that this question was asked and answered several times (I wrote the answers).
    So, taking time to search in the existing threads with a request like :
    comment AND font AND default
    built from words extracted from your title returned 15 entries.
    The first one is :
    and it contain what you need.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 15 octobre 2011 22:09:10
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please :
    Search for questions similar to your own
    before submitting them to the community

  • Need to Change the Standard.joboptions on Acrobat 8.0

    We are a Citrix/Terminal Server shop and have clients using Acrobat 8.0 on the server under their citrix session and they need to have the default resolution of the created PDF to change for everyone on the server from 600 dpi to 300 dpi.
    When I try to do this in the printer setup for Acrobat it tells me that I can't edit the Standard.joboptions file and save it over itself. I then tried to manually edit the file with Notepad and it is still showing 600 dpi when I look at the Standard settings.
    I also changed the Standard and set it as 300 dpi and saved it as a different name in the "Settings" folder and when I try to choose it in the drop down list of settings files I don't see that one.
    Am I missing something? How can I set the default resolution to 300?

    I don't see how to do that. Is there a document or online resource to help with that?
    Like I said, I saved the changes to another file but then do not see a way to specify that new file as the 'default'.

  • How to change The Standard JOptionPane Icon?

    in this simple code
    i want to change the Standard JOptionPane icon to a different icon
    how could it be?
    thank you
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import javax.swing.Icon;
    import java.awt.event.*;
      public class MyFrame extends JFrame 
    JLabel label=new JLabel("Hello");
      MyInner inner;
          MyFrame ()
        private void setupGUI()
           JFrame f =new JFrame();
        //   f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
           f.setTitle("Window Event");
            f.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
             inner=new  MyInner();
                   class MyInner extends WindowAdapter
           public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ee)
                         Toolkit tool = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Nice Work! " );
          public  static void main(String[]args)
             MyFrame frame=new MyFrame ();

    For instance:
        class MyInner extends WindowAdapter
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent ee)
                Toolkit tool = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Nice Work! ");
                ImageIcon myImageIcon = new ImageIcon("myPic.jpg"); // needs proper path here
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Better Work!", "Dang, I'm smart!", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, myImageIcon);

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