HT3622 I want adobe flash player for my divice

I have no flash player

Why would you need a flas player for an iPod Nano? You can't surf the net using a Nano. You posted this in the Nano section.

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    if you'd like this issue to get to the right person, you may want to enter it as a bug/enhancement request @  have people vote on the issue and state it's importance and value.  thanks.

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    And yet the most common asked for feature is adobe flash.
    just compare the posts on this forum alone, can you find a more asked for feature?
    You guys been claiming the death of flash since 2007. Yet today Google and Microsoft both are baking it into their browser.
    This site was created less than a year ago, by one of the wealthiest people on the planet, and it uses Flash, what is your excuse for them not using something else? Is she stupid? can't afford it? I'd say it's because it's the best platform for the job.
    You will also need Adobe® Flash Player 10+ if you want to experience everything that Pottermore has to offer.

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    No - flash is not supported, and probably never will be ( and Adobe havn't created a version that works on iOS anyway).
    Browsers such as Skyfire, iSwifter, and Puffin 'work' on some sites, but not all judging by the reviews. You might also find that some sites (especially news sites) have their own apps on the app store which let you get some of the content that you want.

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    Being that Flash is very insecure, I've completely removed it from my MacBook Pro. The best alternative is to uninstall Flash from your system and download Google Chrome as it has Flash build into it and you're not vulnerable unless you're browsing in Chrome. If Safari is your main browser, as mine is, then you need to open Safari Preferences, go to Advanced and click the checkbox for 'Show Develop menu in menu bar'. Once you've done this, the Develop menu bar menu shows up and you can click it and choose 'Open Page With' and choose Chrome. It is a bit cumbersome, but it removes the vulnerability when browsing in Safari as many sites are now using HTML5. Hope this help.

  • Why did you take away adobe flash player for mobile

    you people are the worst people ever and pathetic don't you people realize that 90% of people have a cell phone and like very much to play on them but no here comes adobe and takes away the flash player for mobile and makes all of people very unhappy but who cares about the people especially adobe idiots as long as they are getting paid for disappointing thousands of people they do not care what they think or do even if it does hurt the people that use the adobe flash player alot I am very pissed a I have alot of games on my phone like I love playing but of course thanks to the jerks at adobe I cant play them because I need adobe flash player for mobile but cant get it I want something done about this don't care how long it takes but it needs to be fixed not only for me but for the other people that are pissed off just like me I have a windows 8.1 phone I want to hear from someone asap about this

    An Update on Flash Player and Android

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    Should already be enabled in IE on Win 8 RT

  • Where can I download adobe flash player for iPad 3

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    ericamakpa wrote:
    Where can I download adobe flash player for iPad 3
    Nowhere, because Adobe is ending Flash Player for all mobile devices: e-devices/

  • How do I download Adobe Flash Player for a computer that does not have internet?

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    Hello Walter,
    that's it, usually you get and Adobe Flash Player Installer only.  For a distribution in a company, or an installation on a PC without internet access, Adobe has available an offline installer. This installer you don't need to uncompress it first. You can download the installation file from there (you must logged in with your Adobe ID):

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    After you've installed Flash Player (you have to mount the disk image by double-clicking and the double-click the insatller package) restart your browser and go to youTube, for example, -> - and see if the videos play.
    Call back if you need any further help.

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    While I'm painfully aware of the lack of a version of Adobe Flash Player for the iPhone, more and more Flash-based web home pages are not accessible to the iPhone. I also understand that Flash Player is not compatible with Apple's 'vision' for iPhone Applications. The problem we have is this increasing exclusion of Flash-based web sites and if what I understand about Apple's policy on iPhone Apps is accurate, then we will never have access to these sites on an unmodified iPhone. I can see that one of the problems is that Adobe Flash Player competes with the YouTube Player and possibly with iTunes movies.
    Unless the web pages have a link for iPhones or re-direct iPhones accessing those pages to a non-Flash version of the web page, it seems likely that we are basically, well...screwed. Anyone have a different take on this?
    Do we need an Apple-Adobe intervention? Perhaps over a nice hot mocha latté in Seattle...

  • Adobe Flash Player for budget Android phone

    I haven't own any android phone yet. I am a super poor person and my budget only allow me to buy Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 Android Phone. Any phones expensive than that phone are ALL NOT AFFORDABLE.
    I need to use Flash Player as I frequently access flash based website. But, Adobe Flash Player for mobile require a phone with VGA (640 x 480) resolution. The phone I stated above does not meet the requirement.
    As I said above, my budget only allow me to buy Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 and any other phones expensive than that are not affordable. So, tell me what can I do?
    And, to Adobe, why don't you consider making a version for super low-end budget android phone like the one I stated above? Please consider doing something for users with very limited budget. I am sure there are a lot of demands there.

    Hi, I understand what you have explained but Adobe Flash Player can only be available on those phones that are able to run Flash Player. Google owns the Operating System of the Android phones and they decide which phones will support Flash Player and then the Manufacturer produces the phones for Google.
    The phone Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570 (Android) is not on the list
    Just like Microsoft came out with IE9, but I can't use it since it won't work on XP 
    You are smart in trying to find out before you buy a phone that can't use Flash Player:-)
    Do you live in the United States? If not, the Country you live in may have different phones and requirements too.
    This is a list of the Phones that you can look at, then go to the websites to read about other phones and their prices.
    Here is a blog about Android Phones you might be interested in: 
    I hope this information is helpful. Prices are different also in other Countries than here in the U.S.

  • Adobe Flash player for Asus Transformer Pad

    We're Sorry
    This content requires Adobe Flash Player, which is not supported by your device. This content can be viewed on a desktop computer or on mobile devices that support Flash Player.
    Why doesn't have opportunity download adobe flash player for Asus Transformer Pad TF300T? Where I can download it?

    ASUS Transformer Pads are available with Windows RT, Windows 8 or Android (  Flash Player is available for, and works with Windows RT and Windows 8, so I'd have to assume that you have an Android Transformer Pad, which the TF300T is ( Android no longer supports Flash Player (for almost a year and a half now).
    See: "Why can't I install Flash Player on my Tablet?" (Kindle or Samsung Galaxy) which lists specifically Galaxy and Kindle, but applies to ALL Android devices, and the support was dropped by the developer of the OS and not necessarily by the individual manufacturers of devices that run Android.

  • Adobe Flash Player for Nokia 5230

    Hi Guys,
    I have wasted hell lot of time in finding Adobe Flash Player for Nokia 5230 but didn't find any. I am not able to run video on metacafe and facebook etc. Everytime it shows "Adobe Flash Player required".
    My Device software is up to date and having Flash lite 3.17 (Latest version). I have also searched on Adobe site but it doesn't list flash player for Nokia 5230.
    Can someone help me ??
    Rajiv Gupta
    Personal details removed by a moderator. We kindly ask you not to share your personal contact details or your phone's IMEI number publicly on this forum.

    It's Android®...
    There is no more Flash Player for Android and there won't be another. Android is no longer compatible with Flash Player. Playing Flash content is very processor consumptive and it drains your battery, also shortening the life of it. Android (Google) recommends using either "Dolphin" or "Puffin" as your browser if you need to view Flash content with a mobile device running Android. They're both availabe in the GooglePlay store. These browsers use "server side" rendering to reduce the load on your device.

  • Adobe flash player for other browsers

    Hi all,
    I'm having trouble downloading ''Adobe Flash Player for Other Browsers'' I need it to watch video's with the steam browser.
    But when I download the installer and launch it nothing happends.
    So anyone know a way to fix it?
    Add me on skype: [removed by moderator]
    Thx all I hope one of you know how to fix it
    Message was edited by: Peter Spier

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