HT5242 Enable Java in Safari Security

Under Security in Safari Preferences, should I enable Java for Web content or leave it unchecked (it was recommended to deselect this as a precaution).

It is best to leave it un-checked. Today's security update will remove the Java trojan but there is always the possibility of another variant appearing.
If you need Java for a particular website you can always enable it again, but there are few websites that require Java.

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    Thanks for the reply Carolyn, but the "Allow Plug-ins" is selected. I even have gone to the Java control panel in System Prefs and listed the web-site on Java's exception list. It still won't run, telling me my security settings are preventing it from running. I know I'm missing something, I'm just not sure what.

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    Safari > Preferences > Security
    Internet Plug-ins: 
    Put a checkmark in the box beside "Allow Java".

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    chazt wrote:
    I have an internet provider that states that my mac osx 10.4.11 and safari 4.1.3 require java scripts before I can use their system. 
    Javascripts are completely different to Java. In the location Carolyn mentioned, make sure that Javascript is enabled, but there is no need to activate Java.
    But I have to say that I have never heard of an internet connection requiring Javascript, although a number of websites do.
    Message was edited by: Klaus1

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    Is your version of Java updated?
    You might be interested in NoScript or this

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    I would recommend reaching out to one of the global partners listed here, Adobe Connect Partners, and see if they can help you.

  • HT5246 The above info is confuses me.  I thought this trojan horse affected those who had Java (JRE) up and running  i.e.,Safari security Java checkbox enabled.  I also believed this Trojan horse affected those using Snow Leopard. Clarify please.

    The above info re the Flashback removal tool confuses me.  I thought this trojan horse affected those who had Java (JRE) up and running  i.e.,Safari security Java checkbox enabled.  I also believed this Trojan horse also affected those using Snow Leopard. Clarify please.

    There are several variants of the trojan. The first ones were released as installers for Adobe Flash and therefore did not require you to have Java on your system. Later variants took advantage of a Java vulnerability and could install themselves by simply visiting a rogue Web site. Therefore, even without Java installed if you had run a rogue updater for Adobe Flash or Reader, then you might have installed the trojan.
    The trojan also affects Snow Leopard and prior versions of OS X (so far the code is known to be intel-only, but this is unconfirmed), but Apple has only issued patches for supported versions of the OS (version 10.6 or later).
    Apple's removal tools run in OS X 10.6 or later if you instlal the Java update, and the standalone removal tool is for Lion only. Why Apple does not offer options for other operating systems is beyond me, but that's the way of things. Right now there are other tools you can use to check for and remove the malware on versions of OS X that Apple does not support: -roundup/

  • HT5676 I seriously have uninstalled and reinstalled a dozen times and it still says I do not have Jave when I try to play games but it shows that my Java is enabled in the Safari preferences

    I seriously have uninstalled and reinstalled a dozen times and it still says I do not have Jave when I try to play games but it shows that my Java is enabled in the Safari preferences

    Follow this links process to enable the Java Preferences Panel and allows you more control.
    Also, try a game called Supremacy1914 and run that game.  Its an outside browser game (Essintially) that runs via Java.  It should give you a security option to allow the certificate to play the game.  Some games require certificates and depending on your user account, it could be blocked.
    Java panel is now stored in the System Preferences > Other

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    update safari and retry.
    if that fails, use a different browser to dl adobe story.

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    Apple barred Java from running on Macs in order to safeguard users by blocking Java 7 Update 11 and adding it to the banned list in XProtect.
    This was the second time in two weeks that Apple had blocked Oracle's code from running on Macs. The threat was so serious that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security had recommended that all Java 7 users disable or uninstall the software until a patch was issued. This time Java is blocked through Apple's XProtect anti-malware feature.
    Java has come under fire as the means by which hackers have been able to gain control of computers. In April 2012 more than 600,000 Macs were reported to have been infected with a Flashback Trojan horse that was being installed on people's computers with the help of Java exploits. Then in August Macs were again at risk due to a flaw in Java, this time around, there was good news for Mac users: Thanks to changes Apple has made, most of us were safe from the threat.
    Unwilling to leave its customers open to potential threats Apple decided it's safer to block Java entirely.
    In order to block older versions of Flash, Apple has updated its "Xprotect.plist" file so that any versions that come before the current one (version 11.6.602.171) cannot be used on a Mac. Users who have older versions of Flash installed will be greeted with an alert that says "Blocked plug-in," and Safari will prompt the user to update to a newer version.
    Macs running OS X Snow Leopard and beyond are affected.
    UPDATE for those running Lion or Mountain Lion:
    Oracle on Friday February 1 released a new version reportedly addressing vulnerabilities seen with the last build.
    Apple disabled Java 7 through the OS X XProtect anti-malware system, requiring users to have at least version "1.7.0_10-b19" installed on their Macs. The release dated February 1 carries the designation "1.7.0_13-b20," meeting Apple's requirements.
    Oracle "strongly recommends" applying the CPU fixes as soon as possible, saying that the latest Critical Patch Update contains 50 new security fixes across all Jave SE products.
    Update for Snow Leopard users:
    Apple issued update 12 for Java for OS 10.6:
    Note:  On systems that have not already installed Java for Mac OS X 10.6 update 9 or later, this update will configure web browsers to not automatically run Java applets. Java applets may be re-enabled by clicking the region labeled "Inactive plug-in" on a web page. If no applets have been run for an extended period of time, the Java web plug-in will deactivate.
    If, after installing Java for OS X 2013-002 and the latest version of Java 7 from Oracle, you want to disable Java 7 and re-enable the Apple-provided Java SE 6 web plug-in and Web Start functionality, follow these steps:
    Further update:
    Apple issued this Java related security update No. 13 on February 19:
    and Update No. 14 on March 4:
    You should also read this:
    The standard recommendation is for users to turn off Java except when they have to use it on known and trusted websites (like their bank). Javascript, which is unrelated despite the name, can be left on.
    Further useful comments in these articles:

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    Why the sudden problem?

    What application are you trying to enable JavaScript in? If it is Safari (your web browser) go to the Safari menu > Preferences > Security > make sure the Enable JavaScript checkbox is checked.
    Note that on older versions of Safari the exact location of the JavaScript preference may be different. Look around in preferences.
    Other browsers such as FireFox or Chrome may have the same preference, you will need to search for where to enable it.
    Best of luck.

  • How can i enable java

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    Download Java for Lion here and make sure it is enabled in Safari prefs, security.

  • OS X Mavericks and Java: OK to download Java as Safari plug-in?

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    Are there any known problems with using the java plug-in (from the Java site)?

    It's never safe to use Java, as it has got a lot of security problems. However, if you need it, install it. You can install it from the Apple website or the Oracle website, with the only difference that Apple provides Java 6 and Oracle provides Java 7.
    If you are not sure you can use Java 7 for the webcam, use Java 6 >
    Also, you can disable Java in Safari when you are not using it. Open Safari, go to Safari menu (on the menu bar) > Preferences > Security, and untick "Enable Java". Keep Java updated

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    If you are trying to use it in Safari, Safari/Preferences/Security. If not Safari, what are you trying to do?

  • Some Java applets do not work after silent installation, solved by toggling "Enable Java content in the browser" - Why?

    We have about 1,800 workstations running Windows 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit) running various versions of the Java JRE from 6 update 32 through 7 update 51.  Most are on 6 update 45.  We would like to standardize on Java 7 update 51 (32-bit) and get everyone updated to that version for security reasons.
    For the past two weeks, we have been having trouble with our installation pre-pilot.  What we are seeing is that our procedure successfully closes any open Internet Explorer windows and Java-related processes, uninstalls all old versions of the Java JRE, and then claims to have successfully installed Java 7 update 51.  The Java Control panel works.  We can even take Internet Explorer to Verify Java Version or Java Tester - What Version of Java Are You Running? and confirm that the Java applets on those sites are loading (though the latter only works after adding the site to the exceptions site list); however, when testers try to access our Kronos Workforce Central 6.3.10 system, the Java applets used by that system do not load.
    We have tried the following things, none of which worked:
    Clear Internet Explorer browser cache and cookies.
    Clear the local Java cache.
    Reboot the computer.
    Reset Internet Explorer settings, including personal settings.
    The one thing which does work is going into the Java Control Panel, going to the Security tab, unchecking "Enable Java content in the browser", pressing Apply, pressing OK on the pop-up window, checking the "Enable Java content in the browser" box again, pressing OK, pressing OK on the pop-up window, and then restarting Internet Explorer.  It is only after this point that all Java applets, including the ones used by Kronos Workforce Central 6.3.10, work.
    What I need to know is how I can automate the procedure of reinitializing the "Enable Java content in the browser" checkbox after installation or am I doing something wrong or missing a step in the automated installation that is causing this to happen?
    We are using Microsoft SCCM 2007 R3 to accomplish this upgrade, and everything is being run on the client machine using the SYSTEM account.  First, the PowerShell script "javaclean.ps1" is run, with part of the command-line process changing the PowerShell script execution policy to Bypass.  This script handles the closing of Java-dependent applications and Java processes and uninstalls old Java versions.
    #Find all Java products excluding the auto updater which actually gets uninstalled when the main install is removed.
    write-host "Searching for all installed Java versions" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    [array]$javas=Get-WmiObject -query "select * from win32_Product where (Name like 'Java %' or Name like 'Java(TM)%' or Name like 'J2SE%') and Name <> 'Java Auto Updater'"
    if ($javas.count -gt 0)
        write-host "Java is already Installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        #Get all the Java processes and kill them. If java is running and the processes aren't killed then this script will invoke a sudden reboot.
        [array]$processes=Get-Process -Name "Java*" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "iexplore" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "firefox" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "chrome" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "jqs" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "jusched" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        $processes += Get-Process -Name "jp2launcher" #-erroraction silentlycontinue
        if ($processes.Count -gt 0)
            foreach ($myprocess in $processes)
        #Loop through the installed Java products.
        foreach($java in $javas){
            write-host "Uninstalling "$ -ForegroundColor Yellow
    After this script is complete, SCCM calls a the VBS script "install.vbs" to perform the actual installation of Java JRE 7 update 51.
    '* Script: Install JRE 7 routine
    '* Date:   3/14/14
    '* Author: [REDACTED]
    '* Rev:    1.0
    '* Notes: 
    '/// Common
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    ' Get system architecture
    Dim colSys : Set colSys = GetObject("WinMGMTS://").ExecQuery("SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor",, 48)
    Dim objSys
    For Each objSys In colSys
        If objSys.AddressWidth = 64 Then bolIs64Bit = True
    ' Get operating system
    Dim colOS : Set colOS = GetObject("WinMGMTS://").ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48)
    Dim objOS
    For Each objOS In colOS
        If Left(objOS.caption, 20) = "Microsoft Windows 8 " Then
            bolIsWin8 = True
            WScript.Echo "win8"
        End If
        If Left(objOS.caption, 22) = "Microsoft Windows 8.1 " Then
            bolIsWin81 = True
            WScript.Echo "win81"
        End    If
    ' Set 32 bit program files directory
    If bolIs64Bit = True Then
        strPFILES = "Program Files (x86)"
        strSYSDIR = "SysWOW64"
        Else strPFILES = "Program Files"
        strSYSDIR = "System32"
    End If       
    ' Set windows directory
    strWIN = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%")
    ' Set the current directory
    strCurrentDir = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
    ' Set computer name
    strCompName = objWshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%computername%")
    '/// Main script
        '/// Install via .msi & capture exit code
        'intExitCode = objWshShell.Run("msiexec.exe /i """ & strCurrentDir & "\package.msi""" & " TRANSFORMS=""" & strCurrentDir & _
        '    "\transform.mst"" ALLUSERS=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress /qn", 8, True)
        '****RUN COMMANDS HERE****
        ' Create folder structure if it doesn't exist already   
        strFullPath = "c:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment" '
        ' How many levels are there in the path?
        nLevel = 0
        strParentPath = strFullPath
        Do Until strParentPath = ""
            strParentPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strParentPath)
            nLevel = nLevel + 1
        For iLevel = 1 To nLevel
            ' Figure out path for directory at level iLevel
            strParentPath = strFullPath
            For j = 1 To nLevel - iLevel
                strParentPath = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(strParentPath)
        ' Does this directory exist? If not, create it.
            If objFSO.FolderExists(strParentPath) = False Then
                Set newFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strParentPath)
            End If
        ' Kill running processes
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM java.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM jqs.exe", 8, True
        objWshShell.Run "taskkill /F /IM jusched.exe", 8, True
        ' Copy deployment files
        objFSO.CopyFile strCurrentDir & "\deployment.config", "c:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\", True
        objFSO.CopyFile strCurrentDir & "\", "c:\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment\", True
        ' Disable UAC
    '    If bolIsWin8 Or bolIsWin81 = True Then
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v PromptOnSecureDesktop /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f", 8, True
    '    End If
        ' Install application
        intExitCode = objWshShell.Run("msiexec.exe /i """ & strCurrentDir & "\jre1.7.0_51.msi"" IEXPLORER=1 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 WEB_JAVA=1 ALLUSERS=1 Reboot=ReallySuppress /qn", 8, True)
        ' Enable UAC
    '    If bolIsWin8 Or bolIsWin81 = True Then
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v PromptOnSecureDesktop /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f", 8, True
    '        objWshShell.Run "reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 5 /f", 8, True
    '    End If   
        '/// Install via .exe on network
        'objWshShell.Run """" & strCurrentDir & "\Setup.exe"" -s -sms -f1""" & strCurrentDir & _
        '    "\setup.iss"" -f2""" & strWIN & "\Temp\Install-app.txt""", 8, True
        ' Need to turn off the open file security warning first
        Set objEnv = objWshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
        objEnv("SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS") = 1
    '    intExitCode = objWshShell.Run("""" & strCurrentDir & "\jre-7u45-windows-i586.exe"" /s /v""/norestart " & _
    '        "TRANSFORMS=""" & strCurrentDir & "\Tribe-jre7.mst""""", 8, True)
    '    WScript.Quit(intExitCode)
        '****RUN COMMANDS HERE****
        ' Then turn it back on
    '/// Additional functions
    Help on this issue would be much appreciated!

    It turns out that this is actually a problem with Kronos Workforce Central.  We had the "" setting in that application set to "clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA", which is the Java CLSID for Java 6.  After updating this value to "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" (the Java universal CLSID), this problem did not occur upon the automatic upgrade of Java.
    We have both Java 6 and Java 7 in our environment, and did during our Kronos implementation, so I don't know why we were using the Java 6 CLSID in the first place.
    Case closed!

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