HTML Editor in Applet

How can I show HTML file in JEditorPan in applet. For example the html is placed on the web server.
What happens when the client is behind firewall ?
URL imgURL = getClass().getResource("//" + fileName.html);
Is it the right way ?
Thanks in advance!!!

putting the URL as a resource is not a good way...
If you just want to open the file for read only, try using JEditorPane.setPage(URL pageurl);

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    NetBeans or Forte is supposed to do that now. I've not had an occasion to try to do it in either yet though.

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    Does anyone has implemented one?
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    Using the search feature of this site, I found:

  • Applet - HTML editor

    I'm having some troubles with changes in the font of a JEditorPane. The only way i could change the font was:
    Action action = new HTMLEditorKit.boldAction(); //this even create the button...
    But i need to put it all in a JComboBox. I get the item but i can't change the font or the size... i need this to make an html editor on the fly for web, and i'm totally lost...
    Second question: how can i display an preview of the html bein generated?
    Thanks a lot!

    too much to explain here in detail, but my open source application SimplyHTML has all you look for at
    There is a tutorial too.
    Have fun

  • HTML Editor

    Well, Howard Kistler has certainly already signed with an editor to sell its HTML Editor Applet. So instead of being parasites and begging for code, why not spit in our hands and code it by ourselves ?
    I've made some tries yesterday for a HTML editor application. So far, there is an appli where one can edit text, and set it bold or italic with a menu. One can also dump the HTML code to stdout.
    Here is the code, it's very simple, and after that I'll have some questions for you.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Bla extends JFrame {
        JEditorPane jep;
        Hashtable actions;
        private Action getActionByName(String name) {
            return (Action)(actions.get(name));
        public Bla() {
            jep = new JEditorPane();
            jep.setContentType ("text/html");
            // shouldn't insert HTML test not done with a JEditorPane
            // jep.setText ("This is a <b>test</b> !!");
            // store and display available actions for this Editor Kit
            actions = new Hashtable();
            Action[] actionsArray = jep.getEditorKit().getActions();
            for (int i = 0; i < actionsArray.length; i++) {
                Action a = actionsArray;
    actions.put(a.getValue(Action.NAME), a);
    System.out.println (a.getValue(Action.NAME) + " = " + a);
    System.out.println ("TEST : " + HTMLEditorKit.BOLD_ACTION); // --> "html-bold-action" !!
    // builds menu bar
    JMenuBar jmb = new JMenuBar();
    setJMenuBar (jmb);
    JMenu jm = new JMenu("commands");
    jmb.add (jm);
    jm.add (getActionByName ("font-bold"));
    jm.add (getActionByName ("font-italic"));
    JMenuItem out = new JMenuItem("output text");
    jm.add (out);
    out.addActionListener (new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    System.out.println ("CONTENT : " + jep.getText ());
    // insert editor to a scroller and add all that to our frame
    JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane();
         JViewport port = scroller.getViewport();
    getContentPane().add (scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    setSize (400, 400);
    show ();
    public static void main (String args[]) {
    new Bla();
    Questions :
    1) When we display HTMLEditorKit.BOLD_ACTION, the result is "html-action-bold" but this action does not exist in the action list that we got from the EditorPane ! Is it a bug or just something I didn't understand ?
    2) Is it a comprehensive list of all available actions on an EditorPane ?
    3) If you try to set the HTML text by yourself, the Editor won't like it unless it is perfectly structured (usage of <p>, by example). Strange behaviour and bugs will occur if you try it.
    4) When the HTML content is sent back, it is enclosed in <html><head></head><body>...</body></html>. What part of the architecure generates this code and how to get rid of it (not by String manipulations, of course).
    Thanks for your help. And see you soon for the next version !

    I use TextWrangler and I think it rocks - it is completely free, very fast and just nice to use in general. The URL to download is:
    Martin Bradford-Gago
    Apple Newbie Blog:
    MacBook, Intel Mac Mini, iMac G3   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Using Parallels Desktop to connect to Windows XP


    I developp an HTML editor (JTextPane) and I have several problems :
    1) when I use setText() to load some code I have generated previously, there is a new line which is inserted at the end of the document (new paragraph in fact). how can I remove it?
    2) when I insert a new image (<IMAGE SRC=....>) at the beginning of a paragraph the image is inserted at the end of the previous paragraph
    3) the editor is an applet. So when I insert an animated gif in a document and reload the applet the gif disappears. I have read that Image.flush must be used but this method deletes some components!
    Thank you

    I am also working HTML editor.
    Can u send me the code which u have written to insert images.
    I could help u .
    My id is [email protected]

  • Creating a PHP/HTML Editor

    I'm doing a school project on a PHP/HTML Editor.
    I'm looking for some help on finding a good tutorial on changing properties to a JEditorPane. I want to set up the indent size, colors for tags, comments, statements, etc...
    anyone help??

    Here, I stole this code from the advanced forum on Saturday and tried to develop it, though gave up when I couldn't get setTabs or load file to work and tooltips was too damn slow.
    I had an idea that I could use it to run javac and to execute Frames and Applets with it ... right now I'm reconfiguring the design and thinking about dropping the highlighter altogether, but thats my story. Still it may be useful /may give you ideas /may be just the base or platform you're looking for.import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    class Highlighter extends DefaultStyledDocument{
         private DefaultStyledDocument doc;
         private Element rootElement;
         private boolean multiLineComment;
         private MutableAttributeSet normal;
         private MutableAttributeSet keyword;
         private MutableAttributeSet comment;
         private MutableAttributeSet quote;
         private MutableAttributeSet tabSpace;
         private Hashtable keywords;
    public Highlighter(){
           doc = this;
         rootElement = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
         putProperty(DefaultEditorKit.EndOfLineStringProperty, "\n" );
         normal = new SimpleAttributeSet();
         comment = new SimpleAttributeSet();
         StyleConstants.setItalic(comment, true);
         keyword = new SimpleAttributeSet();
         quote = new SimpleAttributeSet();
         Object dummyObject = new Object();
         keywords = new Hashtable();
         keywords.put( "abstract", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "boolean", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "break", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "byte", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "byvalue", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "case", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "cast", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "catch", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "char", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "class", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "continue", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "default", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "do", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "double", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "else", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "extends", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "false", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "final", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "finally", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "float", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "for", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "if", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "implements", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "import", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "instanceof", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "int", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "interface", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "long", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "new", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "null", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "package", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "private", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "protected", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "public", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "return", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "short", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "static", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "super", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "switch", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "synchronized", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "this", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "throw", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "throws", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "transient", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "true", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "try", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "void", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "volatile", dummyObject );
         keywords.put( "while", dummyObject );
    * Override to apply syntax highlighting after the document has been updated
       public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a)
                                            throws BadLocationException{
              if (str.equals("{"))
              str = addMatchingBrace(offset);
              super.insertString(offset, str, a);
              processChangedLines(offset, str.length());
    * Override to apply syntax highlighting after the document has been updated
       public void remove(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException{
              super.remove(offset, length);
              processChangedLines(offset, 0);
    * Determine how many lines have been changed,
    * then apply highlighting to each line
       private void processChangedLines(int offset, int length)
                                    throws BadLocationException {
              String content = doc.getText(0, doc.getLength());
              // The lines affected by the latest document update
              int startLine = rootElement.getElementIndex( offset );
              int endLine = rootElement.getElementIndex( offset + length );
              // Make sure all comment lines prior to the start line are commented
              // and determine if the start line is still in a multi line comment
              setMultiLineComment( commentLinesBefore( content, startLine ) );
              // Do the actual highlighting
                   for (int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++){
                        applyHighlighting(content, i);
          // Resolve highlighting to the next end multi line delimiter
              if (isMultiLineComment())commentLinesAfter(content, endLine);
              else highlightLinesAfter(content, endLine);
    * Highlight lines when a multi line comment is still 'open'
    * (ie. matching end delimiter has not yet been encountered)
         private boolean commentLinesBefore(String content, int line){
              int offset = rootElement.getElement( line ).getStartOffset();
              // Start of comment not found, nothing to do
              int startDelimiter = lastIndexOf( content, getStartDelimiter(), offset-2);
              if (startDelimiter < 0)return false;
              // Matching start/end of comment found, nothing to do
              int endDelimiter = indexOf( content, getEndDelimiter(), startDelimiter );
              if (endDelimiter < offset & endDelimiter != -1)return false;
              // End of comment not found, highlight the lines
              doc.setCharacterAttributes(startDelimiter, offset - startDelimiter + 1, comment, false);
              return true;
    * Highlight comment lines to matching end delimiter
         private void commentLinesAfter(String content, int line){
              int offset = rootElement.getElement( line ).getEndOffset();
              // End of comment not found, nothing to do
              int endDelimiter = indexOf( content, getEndDelimiter(), offset );
              if (endDelimiter < 0) return;
              // Matching start/end of comment found, comment the lines
              int startDelimiter = lastIndexOf( content, getStartDelimiter(), endDelimiter );
                   if (startDelimiter < 0 || startDelimiter <= offset){
                        doc.setCharacterAttributes(offset, endDelimiter - offset + 1, comment, false);
    * Highlight lines to start or end delimiter
         private void highlightLinesAfter(String content, int line)
                                                                throws BadLocationException{
              int offset = rootElement.getElement( line ).getEndOffset();
              // Start/End delimiter not found, nothing to do
              int startDelimiter = indexOf( content, getStartDelimiter(), offset );
              int endDelimiter = indexOf( content, getEndDelimiter(), offset );
              if (startDelimiter < 0)     startDelimiter = content.length();
              if (endDelimiter < 0)endDelimiter = content.length();
              int delimiter = Math.min(startDelimiter, endDelimiter);
              if (delimiter < offset)return;
              // Start/End delimiter found, reapply highlighting
              int endLine = rootElement.getElementIndex( delimiter );
                   for (int i = line + 1; i < endLine; i++){
                        Element branch = rootElement.getElement( i );
                        Element leaf = doc.getCharacterElement( branch.getStartOffset() );
                        AttributeSet as = leaf.getAttributes();
                        if ( as.isEqual(comment) )applyHighlighting(content, i);
    * Parse the line to determine the appropriate highlighting
         private void applyHighlighting(String content, int line)
                                                             throws BadLocationException{
              int startOffset = rootElement.getElement( line ).getStartOffset();
              int endOffset = rootElement.getElement( line ).getEndOffset() - 1;
              int lineLength = endOffset - startOffset;
              int contentLength = content.length();
                   if (endOffset >= contentLength)endOffset = contentLength - 1;
              // check for multi line comments
              // (always set the comment attribute for the entire line)
                 if (endingMultiLineComment(content, startOffset, endOffset)
                ||isMultiLineComment()||startingMultiLineComment(content, startOffset, endOffset)){
                         doc.setCharacterAttributes(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset + 1, comment, false);
              // set normal attributes for the line
              doc.setCharacterAttributes(startOffset, lineLength, normal, true);
              // check for single line comment
              int index = content.indexOf(getSingleLineDelimiter(), startOffset);
                   if ( (index > -1) && (index < endOffset) ){
                        doc.setCharacterAttributes(index, endOffset - index + 1, comment, false);
                        endOffset = index - 1;
              // check for tokens
              checkForTokens(content, startOffset, endOffset);
    * Does this line contain the start delimiter
         private boolean startingMultiLineComment(String content, int startOffset, int endOffset)
                                                                                                              throws BadLocationException{
              int index = indexOf( content, getStartDelimiter(), startOffset );
                   if ( (index < 0) || (index > endOffset) )return false;
                        setMultiLineComment( true );
                        return true;
    * Does this line contain the end delimiter
         private boolean endingMultiLineComment(String content, int startOffset, int endOffset)
                                                                                                             throws BadLocationException{
              int index = indexOf( content, getEndDelimiter(), startOffset );
                   if ( (index < 0) || (index > endOffset) )return false;
                        setMultiLineComment( false );
                        return true;
    * We have found a start delimiter
    * and are still searching for the end delimiter
         private boolean isMultiLineComment(){
              return multiLineComment;
         private void setMultiLineComment(boolean value){
              multiLineComment = value;
    * Parse the line for tokens to highlight
         private void checkForTokens(String content, int startOffset, int endOffset){
              while (startOffset <= endOffset){
              // skip the delimiters to find the start of a new token
                   while (isDelimiter(content.substring(startOffset, startOffset+1))){
                        if (startOffset < endOffset)startOffset++;
                        else return;
              // Extract and process the entire token
              if (isQuoteDelimiter( content.substring(startOffset, startOffset + 1)))
                   startOffset = getQuoteToken(content, startOffset, endOffset);
              else startOffset = getOtherToken(content, startOffset, endOffset);
         private int getQuoteToken(String content, int startOffset, int endOffset){
              String quoteDelimiter = content.substring(startOffset, startOffset + 1);
              String escapeString = getEscapeString(quoteDelimiter);
              int index;
              int endOfQuote = startOffset;
              // skip over the escape quotes in this quote
              index = content.indexOf(escapeString, endOfQuote + 1);
                   while ( (index > -1) && (index < endOffset) ){
                        endOfQuote = index + 1;
                        index = content.indexOf(escapeString, endOfQuote);
              // now find the matching delimiter
              index = content.indexOf(quoteDelimiter, endOfQuote + 1);
                   if ( (index < 0) || (index > endOffset) )endOfQuote = endOffset;
                   else endOfQuote = index;
              doc.setCharacterAttributes(startOffset, endOfQuote-startOffset+1, quote, false);
         return endOfQuote + 1;
         private int getOtherToken(String content, int startOffset, int endOffset){
              int endOfToken = startOffset + 1;
              while (endOfToken <= endOffset ){
                   if (isDelimiter(content.substring(endOfToken, endOfToken+1)))break;
              String token = content.substring(startOffset, endOfToken);
                   if ( isKeyword( token ) )
                        doc.setCharacterAttributes(startOffset, endOfToken-startOffset, keyword, false);
              return endOfToken + 1;
    * Assume the needle will the found at the start/end of the line
         private int indexOf(String content, String needle, int offset){
              int index;
                   while ( (index = content.indexOf(needle, offset)) != -1 ){
                        String text = getLine( content, index ).trim();
                             if (text.startsWith(needle) || text.endsWith(needle))break;
                             else offset = index + 1;
              return index;
    * Assume the needle will the found at the start/end of the line
         private int lastIndexOf(String content, String needle, int offset){
              int index;
              while ( (index = content.lastIndexOf(needle, offset)) != -1 ){
                   String text = getLine( content, index ).trim();
                        if (text.startsWith(needle) || text.endsWith(needle))break;
                        else offset = index - 1;
              return index;
         private String getLine(String content, int offset){
              int line = rootElement.getElementIndex( offset );
              Element lineElement = rootElement.getElement( line );
              int start = lineElement.getStartOffset();
              int end = lineElement.getEndOffset();
              return content.substring(start, end - 1);
    * Override for other languages
         protected boolean isDelimiter(String character){
              String operands = ";:{}()[]+-/%<=>!&|^~*";
                   if (Character.isWhitespace( character.charAt(0) ) ||
                                            operands.indexOf(character)!= -1 ) return true;
                   else return false;
    * Override for other languages
         protected boolean isQuoteDelimiter(String character){
              String quoteDelimiters = "\"'";
                   if (quoteDelimiters.indexOf(character) < 0) return false;
                   else return true;
    * Override for other languages
         protected boolean isKeyword(String token){
              Object o = keywords.get( token );
              return o == null ? false : true;
    * Override for other languages
         protected String getStartDelimiter(){
              return "/*";
    * Override for other languages
         protected String getEndDelimiter(){
              return "*/";
    * Override for other languages
         protected String getSingleLineDelimiter(){
              return "//";
    * Override for other languages
         protected String getEscapeString(String quoteDelimiter){
              return "\\" + quoteDelimiter;
         protected String addMatchingBrace(int offset) throws BadLocationException{
              StringBuffer whiteSpace = new StringBuffer();
              int line = rootElement.getElementIndex( offset );
              int i = rootElement.getElement(line).getStartOffset();
                   while (true){
                        String temp = doc.getText(i, 1);
                             if (temp.equals(" ") || temp.equals("\t")){
                             else break;
              return "{\n" + whiteSpace.toString() + "\t\n" + whiteSpace.toString() + "}";
    public class MyJavac extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
       JPanel top, main;
         JEditorPane edit = new JEditorPane();
       Highlighter syntax = new Highlighter();
       JButton []buts = new JButton[7];
       String theText="";
    public MyJavac(){
       super("Java Based Text Editor");
       getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout() );
       String []str = {"New","Open","Save","Save As","Compile","J/Frame","Applet"};
       String []tooltips = {"<html><center>Open a new <br>java file</center></html>",
                            "<html><center>Open an existing<br>java file</center></html>",
                            "<html><center>Save java<br>file</center></html>",
                            "<html><center>Save java file<br>with new filename</center></html>",
                            "<html><center>Run the javac<br>DOS compiler</center></html>",
                            "<html><center>Run java JFrame<br>or Frame application</center></html>",
                            "<html><center>Run java Applet<br>html application</center></html>"};
       top = new JPanel();
       top.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,7,5,0) );
       JPanel east = new JPanel();
       JPanel west = new JPanel();
          for(int i=0; i<buts.length; i++){
             buts[i] = new JButton(str);
    main = new JPanel();
    main.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1) );
         edit.setEditorKit(new StyledEditorKit());
         JScrollPane scroll=new JScrollPane(edit);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    String option = e.getActionCommand();
    if(option.equals("Open")) {
    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
    int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this);
    if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION);
    try {
    catch(Exception f){
    String error1= "Error opening the file ";
    String error2 = "or the file was not found";
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, error1 +"\n" + error2);
    public void getFromFile() throws Exception{
    int reader = 0;
    theText = "";
    FileReader in = new FileReader("junk.txt");
    do {
    reader =;
    theText += (char)reader;
    } while (reader != -1);
    public static void main(String args[]){
    MyJavac jav = new MyJavac();
         Image onFrame = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("flag.gif") ;
         jav.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );

  • HTML Editors and Greek Language

    Hi all,
    When using the HTML Editor the value that is stored in the database
    &Delta &epsilon &nu &upsilon &pi ά&rho &chi &epsilon &iota&alpha &pi ό&theta &epsilon &mu &alpha (Deleted ; in the end of each character so that I can show you what I mean).
    instead of Δεν υπάρχει απόθεμα
    This doesn't happen when I use text item or text area.
    Can I do something about it?
    APEX version
    Thanks in advance

    FrontPage 97 / 98 have both worked really well for us, however we
    discovered a slight hitch with 98 where the Editor would gobble up
    <?FORTE ..> tags inside the SELECT OPTION tag, but you can work around
    that one, apart from this FP98 is a great HTML editor. I also thought
    HotMetal was a good fit.These observations come out of evaluating about
    5-6 leading HTML editors.
    Some recommended steps in the process:
    1) Create a prototype by laying out all the HTML using an Editor. Figure
    out all the navigation within your web. More recent features seen in
    HTML editors such as JavaScript generation and DHTML / CSS support are
    really difficult to work out on your own, let the advanced Editors do as
    much dirty work for you as poss.
    2) Once the prototype is finalized, for all the pages requiring any
    dynamic content generation, figure out all the Tag Handlers you will
    need. Change the HTML Content by inserting the FORTE tags as required,
    code the corresponding Handlers.
    3) Figure out the relation between page requests and the security
    requirements for your pages, design the Session properties and data
    tracing across requests using the Session object.
    4) Do refer to all the Tech Notes on the Forte web site for known
    As for the Java applets frontend, we have used Java - IIOP - Forte since
    early beta through every Forte release (3.0.X) and it works fine with
    WebEnterprise and release 30f2.
    - Sameer
    From: Peggy Lynn Adrian <[email protected]>
    Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 15:19:58 -0500
    Subject: WebEnterprise - HTML Editors and Java
    I'd like to know any opinions on HTML editors and their use with
    WebEnterprise. Have any of you done
    evaluations to determine the best editor to use with the Forte
    product? Also,
    do you have experience using
    a Java applet as the front-end to a Forte service object? In this
    are you able to do so with Forte 30f2 and
    Peggy Adrian
    Eli Lilly and Company

  • Java Swing HTML Editor

    I am doing a HTML Editor in java.I want to insert a <div> </div> for every new line entered.If I insert a div tag using
    new HTMLEditorKit().insertHTML(doc,offset,"<div> </div>",1,0,HTML.Tag.DIV);.
    It's inserting two new line characters..

    Hi !
    I�m writing an HTML Online Editor! I didn�t tried div yet, but i insert functionality for background, color chooser, links, ......
    If you would like, I could put my Applet on my Server and you can take look at it.
    It�s for open source, so you could see me actual source too. I also would be very interested in seeing yours.
    Let me know, my email is [email protected]

  • WebEnterprise - HTML Editors and Java

    I'd like to know any opinions on HTML editors and their use with
    WebEnterprise. Have any of you done
    evaluations to determine the best editor to use with the Forte product? Also,
    do you have experience using
    a Java applet as the front-end to a Forte service object? In this instance,
    are you able to do so with Forte 30f2 and
    Peggy Adrian
    Eli Lilly and Company

    FrontPage 97 / 98 have both worked really well for us, however we
    discovered a slight hitch with 98 where the Editor would gobble up
    <?FORTE ..> tags inside the SELECT OPTION tag, but you can work around
    that one, apart from this FP98 is a great HTML editor. I also thought
    HotMetal was a good fit.These observations come out of evaluating about
    5-6 leading HTML editors.
    Some recommended steps in the process:
    1) Create a prototype by laying out all the HTML using an Editor. Figure
    out all the navigation within your web. More recent features seen in
    HTML editors such as JavaScript generation and DHTML / CSS support are
    really difficult to work out on your own, let the advanced Editors do as
    much dirty work for you as poss.
    2) Once the prototype is finalized, for all the pages requiring any
    dynamic content generation, figure out all the Tag Handlers you will
    need. Change the HTML Content by inserting the FORTE tags as required,
    code the corresponding Handlers.
    3) Figure out the relation between page requests and the security
    requirements for your pages, design the Session properties and data
    tracing across requests using the Session object.
    4) Do refer to all the Tech Notes on the Forte web site for known
    As for the Java applets frontend, we have used Java - IIOP - Forte since
    early beta through every Forte release (3.0.X) and it works fine with
    WebEnterprise and release 30f2.
    - Sameer
    From: Peggy Lynn Adrian <[email protected]>
    Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 15:19:58 -0500
    Subject: WebEnterprise - HTML Editors and Java
    I'd like to know any opinions on HTML editors and their use with
    WebEnterprise. Have any of you done
    evaluations to determine the best editor to use with the Forte
    product? Also,
    do you have experience using
    a Java applet as the front-end to a Forte service object? In this
    are you able to do so with Forte 30f2 and
    Peggy Adrian
    Eli Lilly and Company

  • Textarea with HTML editor is not working

    Hi all,
    This is producing me a real headache.
    I created the simplest application in the world with one Textarea with HTML editor, and the editor control does not show the usual tool bar for fonts, color, alignment, etc. Just a ordinary textarea.
    Moreover, this was working before... I moved to another location in my work (me, not the server). Yes, I thought about the Internet Explorer, but Firefox has the same issue.
    So any idea I can try to make this work?
    I have another applications already in production with the same issue.
    Need help!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks in advance.
    Application Express
    Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release
    Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11
    Windows XP Service Pack 2
    1 G Ram
    Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz

    I would go and integrate FCKEDITOR ( ) into your application.
    Here are instructions on how to achieve this (sorry but only in German):
    It basically means:
    1) copying the files from fckeditor under the /images directory
    (you can use the instructions here:
    2) creating two shortcuts INCLUDE_EDITOR_SCRIPTS and EDITOR
    3) placing the shortcut INCLUDE_EDITOR_SCRIPTS into the page html header and
    4) placing the shortcut EDITOR into the post element text of your plain textarea element
    That's it.
    BTW, FCKEDITOR has been included in Apex 3.0 as a standard item type.

  • Creating a small HTML-Editor using JEditorPane

    Hello! I'm trying to create a small HTML-Editor. Via this editor users shall be capable to create formatted text (bold, italic, underlined, different sizes, different fonts, different colors). Furthermore, if the user pushes the enter-button a new line-break (<br>) shall be inserted. Basically my editor is working but with some big problems:
    1. When I create an instance of my editor, I initialize it with some html-code.
    this.m_EditorPane.setText("<html><head></head><body></body></html>"); Without this initialization between the <body> and </body> <p> and </p> will be inserted, what I don't want. But if I push now the enter-button at the beginning, <br>-tag will not be inserted in the <body>-area but in the <head>-area.
    2. Styling text is working really good, but when I insert a line-break (via enter-button), the <br>-tag is inserted after the (e.g.) closing bold-tag (</b>). So, in the next line, this style-property must be reselected.
    Can anybody help me to change this behavior?
    Kind regards, Stefan
    P.S. The way I insert the <br>-tag:
    JEditorPane editor = getEditor(ae);
    HTMLDocument doc = getHTMLDocument(editor);
    HTMLEditorKit kit = getHTMLEditorKit(editor);
    int offset = editor.getCaretPosition();
    kit.insertHTML(doc, offset, "<br>", 0, 0, HTML.Tag.BR);
    editor.getCaret().setDot(editor.getCaretPosition());P.P.S. Sorry for my bad english :-/

    Hello! I'm trying to create a small HTML-Editor. Via this editor users shall be capable to create formatted text (bold, italic, underlined, different sizes, different fonts, different colors). Furthermore, if the user pushes the enter-button a new line-break (<br>) shall be inserted. Basically my editor is working but with some big problems:
    1. When I create an instance of my editor, I initialize it with some html-code.
    this.m_EditorPane.setText("<html><head></head><body></body></html>"); Without this initialization between the <body> and </body> <p> and </p> will be inserted, what I don't want. But if I push now the enter-button at the beginning, <br>-tag will not be inserted in the <body>-area but in the <head>-area.
    2. Styling text is working really good, but when I insert a line-break (via enter-button), the <br>-tag is inserted after the (e.g.) closing bold-tag (</b>). So, in the next line, this style-property must be reselected.
    Can anybody help me to change this behavior?
    Kind regards, Stefan
    P.S. The way I insert the <br>-tag:
    JEditorPane editor = getEditor(ae);
    HTMLDocument doc = getHTMLDocument(editor);
    HTMLEditorKit kit = getHTMLEditorKit(editor);
    int offset = editor.getCaretPosition();
    kit.insertHTML(doc, offset, "<br>", 0, 0, HTML.Tag.BR);
    editor.getCaret().setDot(editor.getCaretPosition());P.P.S. Sorry for my bad english :-/

  • Who can help me with replacing the standard HTML editor in WPC?

    Hi all,
    We have chosen to replace the standard HTML Editor in the Web Page Composer by the TinyMCE Editor. I have worked my way through the document written by Boris Magocsi ( and the TinyMCE Editor is diplayed when we add or edit a paragraph.
    However, we can not type any text in the input field anymore and we can not click any of the buttons in the TinyMCE editor. Can anybody help a total Javascript newby with fixing this? Full points will be awarded obviuosly. Thanks in advance!
    Best regards,
    Note: We are on NW 7.0 SP 15 and the WPC component is not patched yet. We are trying to complete that today and patch it to patch level 1.

    Snippet from the default trace:
    .resource.impl.MCEventHandler15c015c --> 5(locTrSupp:false).cleanup({0}), shared: {1},  destroyed {2}, invoked from: {3}#4#tru
            at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
            at com.sapportals.config.fwk.meta.ConfigurableSourceSynchronizer.synchronizeListeners(ConfigurableSourceSynchronizer.ja
            at pagelet.editor._sapportalsjsp_editor.subDoContent(
            at pagelet.editor._sapportalsjsp_editor.doContent(
            at pagelet.editor._sapportalsjsp_editor.service(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractComponentResponse.include(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentResponse.include(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.pom.PortalNode.service(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.runRequestCycle(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.connection.ServletConnection.handleRequest(
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher$
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.dispatcher.Dispatcher.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
            at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    92e1, reqInfo: null)#

  • Run script in HTML editor in WebView WP8.1

    I am developing an app in which I need to give HTML editing facility to the user. So I tried different HTML editors but finally TinyMCE was able to show controls for editing. But I am not able to set the contents of Editor. It gives Exception Exception
    from HRESULT: 0x80020101. And I tried all different solutions but could not figure it out. Here is link to my project
        string tinyMice = "<script type='text/javascript'> function myfun() {tinymce.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, getQueryStrings());}myfun()</script>";
                        await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
                        await webview_demo.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { tinyMice });
    Can somebody help?

    I am not sure what you exactly want to do but I took a look at the project you uploaded.
    First of all, you better use the NavigationCompleted or
    FrameNavigationCompleted event for executing onload functions.
    I have no idea about the tinymce js plugin but here is what I did to create a similar scenario.
    1) First, create a js function in the removeformat.html to return a string (replacing your getQueryStrings functions)
    function returnMessageValue() {
    return "Hello JS World";
    2) then create a script notify event handler and wire it up to the page so we can get alerts from the html page loaded.
    In NavigationCompleted event:
    string result = await this.webview_demo.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new string[] { "window.alert = function (AlertMessage) {window.external.notify(AlertMessage)}" });
    this will notify the webview about window.alert's. So we subscribe to the Script notify event:
    webview_demo.ScriptNotify += (sender, args) =>
    MessageDialog m = new MessageDialog(args.Value);
    and finally the code execution for our function:
    await webview_demo.InvokeScriptAsync("eval", new[] { "window.alert(returnMessageValue())" });
    // await webview_demo.InvokeScriptAsync("eval",
    // new[] { "tinymce.execCommand(\"mceInsertContent\", false, getQueryStrings())" });
    hope it helps
    Can Bilgin
    Samples CompuSight

  • Wrong behaviour in link generated by HTML editor

    Hi all,
    anybody knows if there is some bug in HTML editor used in XML Form Builder projects?
    We are facing the following problem:
    1) we create a link by filling the html editor area in a news XML edit form
    2) save and publish the news
    3) in rendering of the news the link doesn't respect the CSS class used for links (e.g. the link is a standard link, blue and underline)
    Is it a standard behaviour or not?

    Hi all,
    anybody knows if there is some bug in HTML editor used in XML Form Builder projects?
    We are facing the following problem:
    1) we create a link by filling the html editor area in a news XML edit form
    2) save and publish the news
    3) in rendering of the news the link doesn't respect the CSS class used for links (e.g. the link is a standard link, blue and underline)
    Is it a standard behaviour or not?

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