HTML Portlets

Is there a way to change the name of HTML Portlets? I don't mean the names that appear on the portlet headers, I mean in the selected portlets menu when adding a HTML Portlet and in the layout screen in editing mode. They all say HTML Portlet and it is hard to tell which is which other than their order in the list.
Shane Empie

UltraSearch was only integrated with Portal as of IAS Release 2, prior to R2 UltraSearch does not index Portal content.
In Release2 UltraSearch indexes only public portal pages, therefore i believe in that release UltraSearch would be able to return the search results as you expect if the pages the HTML portlets are on are public pages.
However for Portal 3.0.9 you could possibly work around the fact that the search will not search the contents of the HTML Portlets by using InterMedia and URL items.
You could create URL items which point to the page on which a HTML Portlet resides. When InterMedia indexes the URL items, it indexes the contents of the page pointed to by the URL and thereby indexing the contents of the HTML portlet along with the rest of the content on the page.
When you perform a searhc using terms within the HTML portlets, you will get the URL items as search results, by clicking on these URL items you will get taken to the page with the HTML portlet on it.
Finally as for the look and feel of the search results page, you can create your own results page which looks as you desire. (This page must have a Search Results Page portlet on it). Then in the 'Edit Search Properties' screen (usually accessed from the Services portlet on the Administer tab on the builder home page) you can select your page as the Search Results Page. All searches then display thier results on your page. Please see the on-line help or the 3.0.9 documentation for more information.

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    I have created a HTML-Portlet in my root-page. The root page have a style: Main-Style.
    I want to change the background-color only for this one HTML-Portlet:
    <body bgcolor="#999999">
    But this does not work...
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    Leonid Pavlov

    could you try this
    <table bgcolor="#999999">
    I don't think you need <html><header><title>Test</title></header>
    <body></body></html> for your HTML-Portlet.

  • How to upload images in HTML portlet

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    You could also try giving the absolute URL to the image. This assumes you're using OC4J(Oracle Containers for J2EE), our J2EE compliant container. On your os, navigate to the following directory:
    oc4j_home\j2ee\home\default-web-app. Create an images directory so the physical path becomes:
    oc4j_home\j2ee\home\default-web-app\Images. Store your images in this directory. Startup oc4j by going to a command prompt and entering java -jar oc4j.jar at the oc4j_home\j2ee\home.
    In your browser: http://hostname.domain:8888/Images/somegif.jpg. You can use the url in your <img src> tag in HTML.
    Hope that helps. Please repost to this forum if you have further questions/issues.
    Sudi Narasimhan
    Oracle9iAS Portal Partner Management

  • Link in HTML Portlet not working

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         Back to Top
    This link works fine in a stand alone html file. On click of 'Back to Top', it takes to top of the document. But if the code is embedded in html portlet, it takes to previous page accessed. I understand that the portlet is not able to understand that it needs to go to top of the object. How to fix this?

    Hi Sakthi,
    When you hower over the Back To Top link, what does it show in the status bar? Is it just prepending #top to your existing browser link? Or is it pointing to the previous page?
    Secondly as Ido mentioned, you could always embed an anchor on your page template and refer to it.
    As far as javascript is concerned, you could try something like document.scrollTo(0,0);
    I am not sure if it works on IE and Firefox the same or not, but you could give it a shot.

  • How to use Custom Search in Dynamic Page or HTML Portlet ?

    1. I have a tab called My Space in the portal web site, where user gets a personalized view of the content.
    2. I am using custom attributes and custom item types. I have a custom attribute called 'Location', which is a attribute of custom item types.
    3. I have 2 pages - News and Events.
    4. All the content in News and Events page is tagged by the attribute 'Location'.
    5. The requirement is to let the user search the News and Events by Location.
    6. To achieve this I used the Custom Search portlet and the user can select the attribute Location and see the resultant News and Event items by location in the Search portlet.
    7. The requirement is to present the News items and Event items in separate regions on the page and show only the first 5 News and Event items in the result and show a More link which would guide the user to rest of the News and Event items.
    8. Eventually there may be more content other than News and Events tagged by location. If so, the requirement is to create a new region and display the new content.
    9. How would I do this using custom search ? I was thinking if there is anyway I could use the custom search api (where can i find it ?) in the HTML portlet or Dynamic page and submit the result to IFRAMES in each region and show the output ?
    Pls advise.
    Thanx a bunch.

    I would suggest that you use two custom search portlets; one for the news items and one for the events items. Switch the custom search portlets to "AutoQuery" mode and add the relevant criteria. On the results display tab of the the "edit defaults" screen, choose to show just 5 items.
    To add a link to show the user mode results, I'd create two new pages that have just a single custom search portlet on it that is customised to show more of the results and maybe has the pagination links enabled.
    Then I'd add two "Page Link" items underneath the two news and events portlets on the first page in an item region.
    I'm sure there are other ways of doing this as well. Hope that helps to get you started.

  • Html Portlet links displaying in another portlet on the same page

    I have seen similar posts but no detailed explaination of how this is done.
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    If your environment is fairly static, you can handle this easily.
    The link in your HTML portlet must refer to the page URL of the portal page on which the HTML portlet resides (which changes from portal page to portal page), to which you need to append the parameter that your "inline" portlet (under which I'm not sure what you mean) reads:
    <a href="http://<portal_page_url>&my_param=value">click here</a>Is this close to what you're willing to do?

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    Please suggest me.

    Thanks for your suggestion. There is also another way for this:
    In a Portal text field (CMS item) you can type
    #USER# to display the username of the authentificated user or
    #USER.FULLNAME# to display the full name.

  • Dynamic List of Values in HTML Portlet

    I need to create a dynamic lov that selects the emp name and id from the emp table. This needs to be placed in a HTML portlet. I tried creating a LOV from the applications in portal but I think it needs to be tied to a form/report. I tried creating manually (code below) but it doesn't seem to grab the info from the cursor.
    Any ideas on how to do this or what is wrong with the code?
    <table width="145" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
    <tr><td><b><FONT class="PortletText1"> View Child Information:</font></b>
    <table width="135" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
    <form method="post" action="../utilities/switchschools.asp?ci=yy" name="childInfo">
    <td align="left" valign="bottom"><!-- Width set for sake of nav bar. -->
    <select name="student" style="width:137px" onChange="SubmitChildList()">
    CURSOR get_emp IS
    select A.ename empname, A.empno id
    from emp
    order by 1;
    FOR emp_loop in get_emp LOOP
    htp.p('<option value= ' || || '>';
    htp.p(emp_loop.empname || '</option>';
    <td align="right" valign="bottom">
    <input type="image" title="Go" name="go" id="go" src="/images/go.gif" width="22" height="16" border="0" alt="Go" onclick="return childCheck();">

    You could make use of the application build tools avail .You could create a LOV based on the query and then use if while creating a form.You also create dynamic lovs within oracle form.
    or you could create a dynamic page with the lov and write a javascript function which on change of the lov would be redirected to some page.

  • Testing execution of 6i reports from a HTML portlet

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    When I create a shortcut on the desktop and call the shortcut with this command "C:\Desktop\report_6i.rep" it will execute. This is not an option.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steven Leung ([email protected]):
    It looks like you are trying to call a URL on your local machine. If this is the case, you may need to format your URL as:
    or something to that effect. I believe it needs to be a proper URL if you are calling it from your local filesystem.
    You may get a better response from the Reports forum.
    I did try using "file://" in my HTML, with the same results.
    I was able to get the reports runtime to come up when I executed it from the windows run command line, but it did not accept either parameter I passed.
    The command did not run at all from the browser.

  • Frame can't be used in HTML portlet ?

    Is it possible to use frame (using frameset tag) in HTML portlet ?

    Yes, it's possible as following:
    FRAMESET in a Portal template and IFRAME in a portlet or in a template.
    Edited by: pmonaco on Mar 19, 2010 3:23 PM
    Edited by: pmonaco on Mar 19, 2010 3:24 PM

  • HTML Portlet Error

    The insert html wizard (HTML Portlet)seems to reject code in certain instances even where that html is well formed. The following error is generated:
    The HTML used is below. Is there a limited on the size of HTML?
    Thanks in advance
    <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="872">
    <tr height="62">
    <td colspan="15"><img src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/cablenet2.jpg" width="872" height="62" alt="" border="0"></td>
    <tr height="23">
    <td width="124" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img width="124" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/curve01.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="3" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img SRC="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/but01off.gif" name="hb" BORDER="0" ALT="HomePage"></td>
    <td width="50" height="23" align="left" valign="top"><img height="26" width="50" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/tophome.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="3" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img SRC="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/but01off.gif" name="lb" BORDER="0" ALT="Login"></td>
    <td width="50" height="23" align="left" valign="top"><img height="26" width="50" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/login.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="3" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img SRC="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/but01off.gif" name="c2" BORDER="0" ALT="Register"></td>
    <td width="62" height="23" align="left" valign="top"><img height="26" width="62" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/register.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="3" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img SRC="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/but01off.gif" name="d" BORDER="0" ALT="FAQ"></td>
    <td width="42" height="23" align="left" valign="top"><img height="26" width="42" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/faqtop.gif" border=0></td>
    <td width="3" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img SRC="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/but01off.gif" name="thb" BORDER="0" ALT="Help"></td>
    <td width="42" height="23" align="left" valign="top"><img height="26" width="42" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/helptop.gif" border=0></td>
    <td width="3" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img SRC="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/but01off.gif" name="e" BORDER="0" ALT="Contact Us"></td>
    <td width="64" height="23" align="left" valign="top"><img height="26" width="64" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/contactus.gif" border="0"></td>
    <td width="139" height="23" align="left" valign="top">
    <img height="26" width="139" src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/bar02.gif"></td>
    <td width="227"><img src="http://orcldb/pls/cportal/docs/FOLDER/IMGS/end.gif" border="0"></td>

    What you need to do is to remove your head and body tags from the HTML that you inserted into the HTML portlet.
    The HTML portlet is designed to take HTML that is within the <BODY> of a page, and not the entire HTML page source that you have. Keep in mind that a portal page is basically comprised of a set of nested HTML tables, so any HTML that you insert into a HTML portlet is basically HTML code that is being inserted into a HTML table cell.
    Best Regards,

  • Display header of HTML Portlet

    OS: Windows 2000 5.00.2195 SP1
    Portal: 3.0.9
    I create a new page, and add a HTML portlet to it. Then I edit the page (via 'edit page') and choose not to display the HTML portlet header. This works perfectly.
    But how can I show the header again? There is no customize link available anymore, and via 'customize' of the page I see that the header is already displayed.
    Can anyone please help me with this? Thanks in advance!

    The best way to do this is to simply use the "Edit Defaults" link for your given HTML Portlet (this is displayed when you edit or customize the portal page in question.) In the "Edit Defaults" customization screen for the HTML portlet you can either enable or disable the display of the portlet header for your HTML portlet.
    You'll always be able to access the "Edit Defaults" link for your HTML portlet from the edit or customize screens for the portal page.
    Best Regards,

  • HTML Portlet - customize

    I am using the HTML Portlet in a page to display some company specific announcements to a user who is logged into the system. Right now all the users get a "Customize" link on top right corner of the portlet, which would allow them to post the announcements. Is it possible to disable(or make invisible) this link to some users and enable/show it to some others, thus ensuring that only few users are able to post the announcements ?
    Thanks in advance,

    You cannot grant any specific privileges on a html portlet to a user. The only way you can suppress the customize link is to not display the portlet header. But this cannot be done for specific users. It would not show up for all the users.

  • Can I use JavaScript HTML Portlet and PDK Portlets

    Can I use JavaScript HTML Portlet and PDK Portlets?
    My Script works fine with the an HTML portlet but it always gives a an Error Message in the status bar is that normal...
    Other then that I have JavaScript in my PDK portlet page it does not work.. it is the the same javascript I use for in my HTML portlet which works in HTML portlets..

    You'll have to place your JavaScript in the header section of your Portal page. To do so, use HTML/UI templates. For more information, refer to the How to Design and Build Compelling Portal Interfaces whitepaper.
    Good luck,

  • HTML portlet calling JSP

    We are new to portal development. We have a task where we need to get input data from user, validate it and when the user hits the submit, the portal should call a JSP which is actually executing a stored procedure. We are not clear about how to have user input set as input parameters to the JSP.
    Any help ASAP is appreciated.
    Kavitha & Sujatha
    Message was edited by:

    Why are you developing this portlet as a HTML portlet instead of using a JSP based JPDK portlet directly? Please have a look at
    3. Post your portlet related queries on

  • Oracle tag in HTML Portlet

    I am trying to create a dynamic List of Values (using a Cursor) that is used in a HTML portlet. It does not seem to work. Is this possible within the ORACLE tags?
    <select name="student" style="width:137px" onChange="SubmitChildList()">
    CURSOR get_students IS
    select A.first_name || ' ' || A.middle_name || ' ' || A.last_name stu_name, A.student_id id
    from sbase
    order by 1;
    FOR stu_loop in get_students LOOP
    htp.p('<OPTION>' ||;

    I had the form tag already (didn't include in the questions). It doesn't seem to execute the cursor and populate the emps in the list box.
    Here is the complete HTML portlet.
              <table width="145" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
              <tr><td><b><FONT class="PortletText1"> View Child Information:</font></b>
              <table width="135" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
              <form method="post" action="../utilities/switchschools.asp?ci=yy" name="childInfo">
                                  <td align="left" valign="bottom"><!-- Width set for sake of nav bar. -->
                                       <select name="student" style="width:137px" onChange="SubmitChildList()">
    CURSOR get_emp IS
    select A.ename empname, A.empno id
    from emp
    order by 1;
    FOR emp_loop in get_emp LOOP
    htp.p('<option value= ' || || '>';
    htp.p(emp_loop.empname || '</option>';
                                  <td align="right" valign="bottom">
                                       <input type="image" title="Go" name="go" id="go" src="/images/go.gif" width="22" height="16" border="0" alt="Go" onclick="return childCheck();">

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