HTTPService sending params

I'm trying to submit some data over the HTTPService object to
a struts2 action class. The method I'm trying to use is as follows:
<mx:HTTPService id="myRequest" url="save.action">
<mx:request xmlns="">
Of course it doesn't like the "user.username" convention
which struts2 uses to submit an object. I'm trying to built a
little test flex app as a proof of concept for our existing webapp.
The html for a given input box would look like this <input
type="text" name="user.username" />.
Is there anyway to do this other than changing the
myRequest.url by adding the parameters manually?

Originally posted by:
I think it needs to be something like this:
That solution doesn't work.
Try using script to set it when you actually send the
That works great thanks. I also found that you can use the {}
in the request method/property.

Similar Messages

  • HTTPService send large data

    Hi, All.
    I need transfer a big data module (aprox.10-20 MB) from
    client to server. I'm using HTTPService.send(params) to send this.
    But I get a problem on 600K and more volume. It take a long time
    (40 sec. and more on 500-600K). Its inredable to transfer so little
    data for big time!
    And at another hand, I can read big data module by
    HTTPService (12 MB and more) for 10-15 seconds!
    Why it can be, and how to solute this?
    Thanks... (sorry for bad english :) )

    Hi, All.
    I need transfer a big data module (aprox.10-20 MB) from
    client to server. I'm using HTTPService.send(params) to send this.
    But I get a problem on 600K and more volume. It take a long time
    (40 sec. and more on 500-600K). Its inredable to transfer so little
    data for big time!
    And at another hand, I can read big data module by
    HTTPService (12 MB and more) for 10-15 seconds!
    Why it can be, and how to solute this?
    Thanks... (sorry for bad english :) )

  • Httpservice.send() resulting in two http requests

    I am using HTTPService() to send some xml data inside an HTTP
    POST request. But very often, i do
    see this resulting in two local ports being opened and the
    http request being sent out twice, once from each port.
    is this possible in some race condition?

    some snippets of my code:
    //build the http request
    var request:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    request.method = "post";
    request.headers = headers[request.method];
    request.url = httpServer;
    request.resultFormat = HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT;
    request.contentType = "text/xml";
    request.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE , httpInvoke,
    i do see the invoke callback only being called once. That
    makes me guess that from the application code, httpservice.send()
    is called only once.
    any help will be great.

  • HTTPService.send doesnt send anny data

    Hi all,
    I have a serious problem when my application is online, i cant send anny data with HTTPService.send command. but when locally it does.
    When i click the button tho send the data it doesnt even try to connect here is my code and i cant find the problem. I hope some one can point me in the right direction
    here's my code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        minWidth="700" minHeight="715" width="700" height="715"
    protected function btn_publish_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                   var idioot:int = 1;
                    var text_veld:String = new String();
                    text_veld = tekst_stuk.text
                                                obj.user = idioot;
                                                obj.titel = titel.text;
                                                obj.keywords = zoek_data.text;
                                                obj.text = tekst_stuk.text;                                           
                                                if(voor_geld.text != null)
                                                    obj.price_off = voor_geld.text + "." + voor_geld_cent.text;
                                                else if(korting_input.text != null)
                                                    obj.price_off = korting_input.text;
                                                if(korting_radio.selected == true)
                                                    obj.price = geld.text + "." + geld_cent.text;
                                                    obj.price_type = "p";
                                                else if(gratis_radio.selected == true)
                                                    obj.price = "0";
                                                    obj.price_type = "g";
                                                else if(van_voor_radio.selected == true)
                                                    obj.price = geld.text + "." + geld_cent.text;
                                                    obj.price_type = "m";
                                                obj.img_1 = img.source;
                                                obj.img_2 = img_2.source;
                                                obj.img_3 = img_3.source;
                                                obj.img_4 = img_4.source;
                private function send_data_event(e:Event):void
            <mx:HTTPService id="send_data" method="POST" url="http://someURL"  resultFormat="text" useProxy="false"/>
    <mx:Image x="525" y="559" source="buttonpubliceren.png" width="150" height="30" id="btn_publish" click="btn_publish_clickHandler(event);" />

    The function executes when hij press the Image button:
    the new code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        minWidth="700" minHeight="715" width="700" height="715"
    protected function btn_publish_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                   var idioot:int = 1;
                    var text_veld:String = new String();
                    text_veld = tekst_stuk.text
                                                obj.user = idioot;
                                                obj.titel = titel.text;
                                                obj.keywords = zoek_data.text;
                                                obj.text = tekst_stuk.text;                                           
                                                if(voor_geld.text != null)
                                                    obj.price_off = voor_geld.text + "." + voor_geld_cent.text;
                                                else if(korting_input.text != null)
                                                    obj.price_off = korting_input.text;
                                                if(korting_radio.selected == true)
                                                    obj.price = geld.text + "." + geld_cent.text;
                                                    obj.price_type = "p";
                                                else if(gratis_radio.selected == true)
                                                    obj.price = "0";
                                                    obj.price_type = "g";
                                                else if(van_voor_radio.selected == true)
                                                    obj.price = geld.text + "." + geld_cent.text;
                                                    obj.price_type = "m";
                                                obj.img_1 = img.source;
                                                obj.img_2 = img_2.source;
                                                obj.img_3 = img_3.source;
                                                obj.img_4 = img_4.source;
            <mx:HTTPService id="send_data" method="POST" url="http://someURL" resultFormat="text" useProxy="false"/>
    <mx:Image x="525" y="559" source="buttonpubliceren.png" width="150" height="30" id="btn_publish" click="btn_publish_clickHandler(event);" />

  • Multipart/form-data using HTTPService, sending a binary file and some text in the same request.

    Hi There,
             I am new to FLEX and also new to writing a client for a web service.
    My question is more about flex (Flash builder 4.5) APIs, what APIs to use.
    I want to access a web service, that's published here.
    here is the description of webservice
    1) I have to do a post on POST
    2) content type has to be "multipart/form-data"
    3) JSON bodies of requests are expected to have the name 'data'
      data will be someting like this
    'data={"title":"API V1 App","package":"com.alunny.apiv1","version":"0.1.0","create_method":"file"}'
    4) include a zip file in the multipart body of your post, with the parameter name 'file'.
    I want to make a 'multipart/form-data' Post and send
    one string and one zip file.
    My first question to self was If i send both string + binary data in the body ...
    how will server understand where string end and where zip file starts?
    Then read on )
    How is text + binary data can be sent through "multipart/form-data" post requst.
    there has to be some boundries.
    After this I read and example in flex and  tried following it. mory-contents/
    but it doesn't seems to be working for me.
                        public function createNewApp(cb:Function , appFile : File):void
                                  var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
                                  service.url = ROOT+"apps";
                                  service.showBusyCursor = true;
                                  service.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, function(e:ResultEvent):void {
                                            //translate JSON
                                            var result:String = e.result.toString();
                                            var data:Object = JSON.parse(result);
                                  service.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, defaultFaultHandler); //todo : allow user to add his own as well
                        private function authAndUploadNewApp(service:HTTPService,appFile : File):void {
                                  var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
                                  encoder.encode(username + ":"+password);
                                  service.headers = {Accept:"application/json", Authorization:"Basic " + encoder.toString()};
                                  service.method ="POST";
                                  var boundary:String = UIDUtil.createUID();
                                  service.contentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=—————————" + boundary;
                                  var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();
                        , FileMode.READ);
                                  var binaryData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                                  var fileData : String = new String();
                                  fileData = binaryData.readUTFBytes(binaryData.bytesAvailable); // I think this is where I have problem.... how do
                           //how do i converrt this bytearray/stream of data to string and send it in my post request's body - i guess if this step work rest should work..  
                                  var params: String = new String();
                                  var content:String = "—————————" + boundary + "nr";
                                  content += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="data";' + '{"title":"ELS test app 2","package":"com.elsapp.captivate","version":"12.3.09","create_method":"file"}' + "nr";
                                  content += "—————————" + boundary + "nr";
                                  content += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file";' + fileData  + "nr";
                                  content += "—————————–" + boundary + "–nr";
                                  service.request = content;

    In the past I have used URLVariables with URLRequest and URLLoader to achieve this kind of requirement.
    Check out .html which should be useful. My preference has always been to use this style instead of HTTPService objects, giving you a little more control which is what you need here.
    Let me know if you need any more assistance.

  • HTTPService.send() only works the first time

    I have the follow HTTPService defintion in my mxml page:
    useProxy="false" result="onSuccessEvent(event)"
    Here is my call: myid;
    updateRequest.request.sname= myname;
    updateRequest.request.value = myvalue;
    updateRequest.request.randomNum = Math.random();
    The first time call is successful, but second time(after 30
    seconds), after send() function call, I didn't even received
    HTTPService call from server side. Is this somehow cached or I need
    to reinitial it? This looks strange.

    I am having the same issue but have already been using the
    post method. When I click my refresh button or if the timer I have
    set up resets I see no request made to the server.
    private function onResult(Event:ResultEvent):void {
    var myNum:int = Math.round(Math.random() * 2);
    var xmlResult:XML = XML(Event.result);
    _xlcMyListData = new XMLListCollection(xmlResult..asset);
    <mx:HTTPService id="tempXML" resultFormat="e4x"
    result="onResult(event)" method="POST" url="{customer.text}&amp;username={username.text}&a mp;password={password.text}"
    <mx:TileList dataProvider="{_xlcMyListData}"
    labelField="fleet" left="35" right="15"
    width="350" backgroundColor="#000000" color="#ff0000"
    fontSize="27" borderColor="#000000" columnWidth="315"
    rowHeight="50" themeColor="#808080" fontWeight="bold"
    allowMultipleSelection="true" id="TileList1" height="0" y="202"
    <mx:Button label="Refresh Page Now" height="27"
    fillAlphas="[1.0, 1.0]" fillColors="[#030000, #030000, #474545,
    #474545]" borderColor="#DCDEDF" click="tempXML.send();"/>

  • ArrayCollection vs. Array in HTTPService sending

    I want to send the content of an ArrayCollection as one of the parameters in an HTTPService.
    However, Flex concatenates the collection's values into one long string and sends it as the value of a single parameter.
    Doing this with arrays work just fine, e.g. in AS3:
         service.send( { name=["john", "lucy", "mark"] });
        (also works in MXML using parameter binding)
    So then I tried first converting the ArrayCollection using .toArray()   -  this is done in MXML, e.g.:
    But, then Flex thinks there is NO value - i.e. data binding to the result of .toArray() doesn't keep track of changes to the underlying ArrayCollection.
    Is there any way to databind a single HTTPService parameter to an ArrayCollection like one can do against an Array?

    It will be easier to show you an example of the ArrayCollection. Run this example with a line break at the trace(); statement, and examine the resulting ArrayCollection's items. Once you see this, I think you'll understand why your code isn't working as you expect.
    The ArrayCollection is not simply a way to store or make a single Array bindable. It is a collection of objects which you can bind to. Its methods allow you to add, delete and search for items within it. You can, in fact, store many arrays within it. And those arrays could be using Flex components as object keys. Even if you send this to a WebService, that service will likely not understand it.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
            import mx.controls.ComboBox;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import flash.utils.Dictionary;       
            //Create different types of arrays:
            public var indexedArray:Array = new Array("john", "lucy", "mark");       
            public var associativeArray:Array = new Array([
            {label:"One", data:"7000"},
            public var dictionaryArray:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
            //Create objects for a dictionary array:
            public var objectOne:Object = new Object();
            public var objectTwo:Object = new Object();
            public var sprite1:Sprite = new Sprite;
            public var comboBox1:ComboBox = new ComboBox;
            //Create an ArrayCollection:
            private var myAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
            //This function populates the ArrayCollection:
            private function testIt():void{
                //Add values to the objects:
                objectOne = "This is a Sprite Object";
                objectTwo = "This is a ComboBox Object";
                //Add objects to the Dictionary:
                dictionaryArray[sprite1] = objectOne;
                dictionaryArray[comboBox1] = objectTwo;
                //Add all the Arrays to the Collection:

  • Send params to an included JSP page

    I don't understand that : I use Tomcat 4.0. When I write it :
    <!-- Affichage du fond de page ouvre la balise <body> (a refermer)  -->
    <jsp:include page="<%=JLdsWeb.URL_JSP + JLdsWeb.JSP_BACKGROUND%>" >
       <%-- Emp�che l'affichage de la barre de navigation --%>
       <jsp:p aram name="navigmenu" value="no" />
    </jsp:include>Tomcat send an error when compiling :
    Expected "param" tag with "name" and "value" attributes without the "params" tag.does someone know why ?
    an how can I solve this problem ?

    I came across this error for an entirely different reason. I had a param tag commented out in my code.
    So it read:
    <jsp:include page="include/other.jsp>
    <jsp:include page="include/box.jsp">
    <jsp:param name="id" value="center"/>
    It's really obvious when you look at it, but tied me up for a few minutes \^.^/

  • Httpservice send array

    Hello, is it possible to send an entire array to a server
    side PHP script via the HTTPService Request tag ?
    I have a user generated array within Flex. The contents vary
    according to user input.
    What is the best practice to prepare this Array to send via
    HTTPService ?
    Thanks for any advice.

    Okay, so <request> tag it is then!
    Let's say this is your array:
    private var codes:Array = [11, 22, 33, 44];
    and you've filled it whatever the way you have only that it's
    Now sending this array over is as simple as:
    <mx:HTTPService id="arraySender" resultFormat="text"
    <mx:request xmlns="">
    I don't know PHP. But in the JSP I tried
    request.getParameterValues("codes") gives me a string array with
    all the four values I sent from Flex.
    You'll need to use equivelant method in PHP.
    Hope this helps.

  • HTTPService sending parameters

    I am looking for a way to send in a list of parameters to my
    JSP. I already know how to use <mx:Request> tag, but it only
    allows for a predefined number of parameters (at design time). What
    i want to do is to send in an x number of parameters in, basically,
    send in an XMLList contents as parameter list.
    The documentation on HTTPService has a method xmlEncode() and
    xmlDecode(). I could not get it to work and there aren't any
    working examples out there. I guess i could serialize an XMLList
    into a xml string myself and send it as one parameter field and
    then parse it in jsp... or use JSON.
    Is there a workable design pattern for sending complex
    objects in?
    If i was to use HTTPService in ActionScript, theoretically i
    could dynamically add parameters to the Request object. I just
    don't know how to create and use HTTPService fom AS... can someone
    show me? is it hs:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
    hs.request.add("key", "value"); ??
    Thanks for any help.

    I personaly don't agree what they do in that example you
    showed (,
    that is way too much extra unnecessary fanciness that adds
    additional layer of logic on both sides, flex and jsp,which does
    not really give any justifiable FLEXIbility to developer
    why would you want to generate xml then on server side parse
    xml when you can just as easily build request parametes on flex
    side iteratively and same thing on jsp (with existing servler/jsp
    API ) Exaple : iterate through all or partial request parameters
    with code something like this :
    for (java.util.Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();
    e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
    String name = (String) e.nextElement();
    String value = request.getParameter(name);

  • Better to call HTTPService send() in creationComplete or initialize event handler???

    I'm wondering if, in general, it is better to call the send()
    method for HTTPService in the creationComplete event handler, or if
    there is any advantage to calling send() in the initialize event

    "Greg Lafrance" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gm80e7$n6c$[email protected]..
    > I'm wondering if, in general, it is better to call the
    send() method for
    > HTTPService in the creationComplete event handler, or if
    there is any
    > advantage
    > to calling send() in the initialize event handler.
    I think that depends on how much stuff your program has to
    build, and
    whether you're doing anything in the result handler that
    might depend on
    having things ready (and if your HTTPService is set up in
    MXML, it's
    probably not ready for you to be able to send anyway).

  • HTTPService problems while sending a String Variable to Server

    I have an xml in string form..... I want to send it as an http request to the server, which is written in .NET... server wud make its decession on the basis of this xml and wud return me another xml as http response..
    Problem ---->
    this request reaches server but when i look at the request reached at server it has my client infotmation but does not has my variable anywhere...... i iterate through all the parameters in Request.Params... but I don't find my string at all.... any idea why I can't find my sent variable ???
    Actionscript code to send xmlString to .NET Server using HTTPService:
    public function sendRequest(syncXmlString : String, httpResultHandler : Function) : void {
    try {
       var objectParam : Object = {name:PARAM_NAME, value:syncXmlString };
       var params : Object = [objectParam];
       var httpService : HTTPService = new HTTPService();
       httpService.url = serverUrl;
       httpService.method = HTTPRequestMessage.POST_METHOD;
       httpService.contentType =  HTTPService.CONTENT_TYPE_XML;
       httpService.resultFormat = HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_XML;
       httpService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, httpResultHandler);
       httpService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, httpFaultHandler);
    } catch (err : Error) {;
    Thanks and Regards,

    No, that is the problem, the request object should not be an indexed array[], it should be an Object{}.  Remove that imtermediate array and pass objectParams in the send()
    Also, don't mess with the contentType without very good reason.
       httpService.contentType =  HTTPService.CONTENT_TYPE_XML;
    that says you are sending XML, but you are not, you are sending the default name=value pairs.  Remove that assignment and leave it at the default "form"
    One more, you do not want that resultFormat, it is the legacy AS2 class.  You want E4X
       httpService.resultFormat = RESULT_FORMAT_E4X;

  • Possible memory leak in e4x or HTTPService with e4x format

    I think I have found a memory leak in e4x.
    In very special cases (=xml) the player swallows the memory.
    The little test program connects to a web server for an xml
    file, and the result is converted to an array.
    The array is displayed in a DataGrid.
    There are two files:
    leaktest.xml doesn't leak in any cases (format: e4x or xml)
    pbentries.xml leaks when the format is e4x.
    Choose e4x format and check Use "Leak" file! Than the program
    For the whole test case (mxml file, html file and xml files)
    please contact me at
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    and I send a zip file as soon as possible.
    Probably there is a bug in my test program. If so than please
    send me a feedback.
    ------ For the program cut here ------
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
    import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
    import mx.core.Application;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService;
    protected var records_:Array = null;
    protected var httpService:HTTPService = null;
    public function set records(_records:Array):void
    this.records_ = _records;
    var e:Event = new Event("recordsChange");
    public function get records():Array
    return records_;
    protected function getXML():void
    var resultFormat:String = cbResultFormat.selectedItem as
    var params:Object = new Object();
    httpService = new HTTPService();
    httpService.concurrency = "single";
    httpService.showBusyCursor = true;
    var lastIndex:int = url.lastIndexOf("/");
    var fileName:String = null;
    // It leaks... :(
    fileName = "pbentries.xml";
    // It doesn't leak... :)
    fileName = "leaktest.xml";
    var _url:String = url.substr(0, lastIndex+1) + fileName;
    httpService.url = _url;
    httpService.resultFormat = resultFormat;
    httpService.method = "POST";
    protected function processResult(e:ResultEvent):void
    var resultFormat:String = cbResultFormat.selectedItem as
    // format= "e4x"
    protected function setArrayFromXML():void
    var xml_:XML = httpService.lastResult as XML;
    var ar:Array = new Array();
    var x:XML = null;
    var xl:XMLList = xml_.phonebookEntries[0].phonebookEntry;
    for each(x in xl)
    var record:Object = new Object();
    var prop:XML = null;
    var props:XMLList = x.children();
    for each(prop in props)
    record[prop.localName()] = prop.toString();
    records = ar;
    // format= "xml"
    protected function setArrayFromXMLNode():void
    var xml_:XMLNode = httpService.lastResult as XMLNode;
    var ar:Array = new Array();
    var x:XMLNode = null;
    var xl:Array = xml_.lastChild.childNodes;
    for each(x in xl)
    var record:Object = new Object();
    var prop:XMLNode = null;
    var props:Array = x.childNodes;
    for each(prop in props)
    record[prop.localName] = prop.firstChild!=null ?
    prop.firstChild.nodeValue : null;
    records = ar;
    protected function destroyHttpService():void
    httpService = null;
    protected function processFault(e:FaultEvent):void
    removeListeners();, e.fault.faultCode);
    protected function removeListeners():void
    protected function collect():void
    // Garbage Collection
    new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
    new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
    <mx:ArrayCollection id="alRecords" source="{records}"
    <mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Result format:"
    <mx:ComboBox x="104" y="8" id="cbResultFormat">
    <mx:DataGrid id="dgRecords" x="10" y="36" width="936"
    <mx:Button x="355" y="496" label="Get xml" id="btnGetXML"
    click="{getXML();}" />
    <mx:Button x="155" y="496" label="GC" id="btnGC"
    click="{collect();}" />
    <mx:CheckBox x="276" y="10" label="Use
    &quot;LEAK&quot; file:" labelPlacement="left"
    id="chbUseLeakFile" selected="true"/>

    After 3 months (and a new version of flex and flash player)
    my test program is still leaking.
    If somebody could confirm the leak it would be appreciated.
    P.S.: I heard that Adobe had donated ActionScript 3 VM to Should I disturb them with my problem?

  • Help needed "tabEnabling" not working in simple login page - Flex

    Hello Friends,
    I need a small help in Flex. I am doing a simple login page application  in FlashBuilder 4.0 & i have kept 2 input boxes like Login,Password  and a submit buttion. On clicking the button i am calling a method, so  far everything is working fine.... But some how tabenabling is not  working. suppose if you are in login inputbox and i press "tab key" it  has to go to password input box.. but its not working. can any one help  me on this, why it is not working. i have tried all the attempts using  tabEnabled = "true". but stil i am failing to do this.
    your help would be appreciated.
    Message was edited by: Rajeshb_Flash

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx=""
       import mx.controls.Alert;
       import mx.managers.CursorManager;
       import mx.rpc.http.mxml.HTTPService;
       private var httpService:HTTPService;
       public var userID:String = "";
       public function init():void{
       private function mouseClickSubmit():void{
        if(userName.text != "" && password.text != ""){
         userID = userName.text;
         if(userName.text == ""){
"Please enter 'User Name'.","Alert!")
         }else if(password.text == ""){
"Please enter 'Password'.","Alert!")
       private function initService():void{
        var params:Object = new Object();
        params["userName"] = userName.text;
        params["password"] = password.text;
        httpService = new HTTPService();
        httpService.showBusyCursor = true;
        httpService.resultFormat = "xml";
        httpService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, httpServiceResultHandler);
        httpService.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, httpServiceFaultHandler);
        httpService.url = "Login.action";
       private var boolFirstRun = true;
       private function httpServiceResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
        httpService.removeEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, httpServiceResultHandler);
        httpService.removeEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, httpServiceFaultHandler);
        httpService = null;
        var resultXML:XML = new XML(event.result.toString());
        if(resultXML.children().toString() == "true"){
         boolFirstRun = false;
         dispatchEvent(new Event(EventConstants.LOGIN_SUCCESS))
         userName.text = "";
         password.text = "";"Login Failed! Invalid 'User Name' or 'Password'.","Alert")
       private function httpServiceFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void{
        httpService.removeEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, httpServiceResultHandler);
        httpService.removeEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, httpServiceFaultHandler);
        httpService = null;
    <mx:Panel title="Login Page" width="400" height="300" styleName="loginPanel" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" backgroundImage="assets/images/hello.jpg" backgroundAlpha=".1">
       <mx:VBox width="260" height="95" styleName="loginBox" backgroundAlpha=".2">
       <mx:HBox width="100%">
        <mx:Label width="85" text="User Name" styleName="loginTextStyle"/>
        <mx:TextInput width="150" id="userName"/>
       <mx:HBox width="100%">
        <mx:Label width="85" text="Password" styleName="loginTextStyle"/>
        <mx:TextInput width="150" id="password" displayAsPassword="true"/>
       <mx:HBox width="100%">
        <mx:Spacer width="80%"/>
        <mx:Button label="Enter" id="submit" click="mouseClickSubmit()"/>

  • ExternalInterface HTTPSercvice

    Hello Everyone,
    I have a function that sends data to the backend on browser
    close. When I set the function to be triggered by the closing of
    the browser
    it doesn't work. I know the function works because if I call it at
    other times in the code it sends the data. However when I debug,
    the debugger steps all the way through the function's code , even
    past "httpservice.send(params)" however the backend receives
    nothing. What could I be doing wrong ... other than being dumb.

    "drillnaut" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gn04pm$3m1$[email protected]..
    > Hello Everyone,
    > I have a function that sends data to the backend on
    browser close. When
    > I
    > set the function to be triggered by the closing of the
    > doesn't
    > work. I know the function works because if I call it at
    other times in
    > the
    > code it sends the data. However when I debug, the
    debugger steps all the
    > way
    > through the function's code , even past
    "httpservice.send(params)" however
    > the
    > backend receives nothing. What could I be doing wrong
    ... other than
    > being
    > dumb.
    You've called it after the ActiveX control has been
    Try calling it onBeforeUnload.

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