Hyperion retrieval not working

When I and an associate of mine use excel to retrieve data through the Hyperion Essbase Add In, I retrieved the entire data set, while some of the columns he retrieved had zeroes. It appears that under "Name Manger", there were names that are now #REF's (I do not know if this had any impact). My associate is a new user and I have been using Hyperion for over a year. I can not think of anything else out of the ordinary on this retrieval.
Can anyone let me know any reasons why this happened? Is there an option under Add-Ins that may be causing this?

not sure exactly...but you can do one thing, From problem machine, try to copy same cells to new excel & connect then try to retrieve. make sure in the sheet no unidentified members(which is not present in the cube)....so that we can assume that issue with the sheet or add-in.
also you can clear all connections & ask close all excel sheets, open only one sheet & try retrieve...sometimes it happened for us, if i will open multiple sheets, then big sheets doesn't work, strange....only sometimes.

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    Hi there,
    In these cases, it is usually related with the database username/password that might have expired. Can you please check the username and password of the database?

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    These can't get your data back, but will help in the future.
    These add-ons can be a great help by backing up and restoring Firefox
    '''[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/febe/?src=collection&collection_id=33bf10fa-666d-45a2-9bc9-491ce21671c6 FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension)]''' {web link}
    FEBE allows you to quickly and easily backup your
    Firefox extensions, history, passwords, and more.
    In fact, it goes beyond just backing up -- It will actually rebuild
    your saved files individually into installable .xpi files.
    It will also make backup of files that you choose.
    '''[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/opie/?src=collection&collection_id=33bf10fa-666d-45a2-9bc9-491ce21671c6 OPIE]''' {web link}
    Import/Export extension preferences

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    Why would you do that, and not on your own computer?  See the hassle it caused you?
    can he just email me the folder
    Backup files are too big to email.  Use FTP, DropBox, etc...
    how do I then put all that data back into my current phone from the new computer?
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    Doesn't always happen that way. Ive seen some that just default to "we're gonna erase your phone if you get it wrong again."

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    That sounds confusing.  First off, don't be too worried. There's practically no way to actually delete an Apple ID or it's purchase history.  You should be able to get to it back somehow.  Secondly, that's likely something that you'll need to talk to a real person on the phone for since it likely requires you to explain that you need access on behalf of your son, (who probably just set some security questions or an email address that you didn't know he put in.)  Just call the appropriate AppleCare phone line (800-APL-CARE in the USA, or see the link below for other countries) and tell them you want to talk about an iCloud account security question.
    Phone Support: Contact Apple for support and service - Apple Support

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