I can't use 4+1 with ALC 655

I can't use Creative Inspire 4400 4+1 with my realtek ac97 ALC655. I configure all settings but rear speakers don't work. What must I do?

Quote from: Hans on 09-August-06, 04:03:52
First of all, you can start with giving us your full specs.
MSI i865PE Neo2-P Platinum Edition Mainboard
P4 2,8C Prescott HT 800 MHZ CPU
3 GB Kingston DDR400 Ram
128 MB Ati 9200SE Vga Card
200 GB Seagate 8MB cache IDE hdd
200 GB x 2 Seagate 8MB cache SATA hdd
Via Rhine III Ethernet

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    Second: Create a new partition.
    1. Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
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    3. In the lower right corner of the sizing rectangle for each partition is a resizing gadget. Select it with the mouse and move the bottom of the rectangle upwards until you have reduced the existing partition enough to create the desired new volume's size. The space below the resized partition will appear gray. Click on the Apply button and wait until the process has completed.  (Note: You can only make a partition smaller in order to create new free space.)
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      2. Restart the computer.
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      5. Wait for installer to finish loading.

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    photodrawken a écrit:
    See the tips in this FAQ:
    http://www.johnrellis.com/psedbtool/photoshop-elements-faq.htm#_Watchi ng_Network_Folders
    Beware the FAQ you are referring to is no longer relevant. It does not apply to PSE10
    Hereunder the warning issued by the author himself.
    Photoshop Elements 6/7/8 (Windows) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    John R. Ellis
    Last updated January 21, 2011
    Copyright 2008-10 by John R. Ellis
    As of June 2010 I no longer maintain this FAQ. I’ve migrated to Lightroom 3, which I use for all my organizing and most of my editing (I still use the Photoshop Elements Editor for more involved editing).  Adobe has clearly decided not to invest sufficient resources for properly maintaining the Photoshop Elements Organizer– see my Amazon review of PSE 8. Lightroom is marketed to professionals and prosumers with tens of thousands of photos who demand adequate organizational capabilities, whereas Photoshop Elements is marketed to consumers, most of whom do not want or use the Organizer.
    This page captures my answers to frequent questions about Photoshop Elements 6, 7, and 8 (Windows).  It’s mostly about the Organizer, since I know the Organizer much better than the Editor.
    The versions to which each FAQ applies are indicated with the notation [PSE 6, 7, 8]. If I’m not sure whether something applies to a version, it will be indicated with a question mark, e.g. [PSE 7, 8?].
    If you have corrections or suggestions, please email them to john at johnrellis.com.

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