I created an imovie but cannot export it. It collapses

HI, after several days creatinga 24 minutes Imovie I cannot save it/export it. I tried saving it small, medium, large and HD. Now whne I open the project and want to view it full screen it does not work either. I can only see it as a project and all is there but in the small screen to the right.
Help please?

What Mac do you have, and what versions of OS X and iMovie?

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    Do you have MacKeeper installed? If so, you need to uninstall it. There is a known issue where MacKeeper disables all the sharing functions from the new iMovie.
    Uninstall MacKeeper, then re-install iMovie.
    Keep MacKeeper uninstalled.

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    After a bit of research I've found that this problem seems to be a bug with iMovie 09 when you change the speed of clips to something other then the default options (e.g 108%).
    I ended up getting around it by creating a new project, putting just the clip with the speed changed into it and exporting that. Then converted the exported file to a different format, then imported it back into iMovie and put it back into my original piece. This way the speed was at 100%
    Seems to have worked
    Hopefuly this will save someone else a bit of headache.

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    Appreciate any tips or pointers.
    OBTW this is my first question as a first time Apple owner. 

    It was suggested I move this question to IPhoto or IMovie which I did. 
    Well moving to a different discussion group did not provide an answer to this question either. But what I finally did was import one batch of photos and videos into IPhoto for a given day at a time. Working with these I could change the date and times in order to get them in the original sequench taken. Then I would create an album with that batch. These would all be on the same day (IMove was closed for this phase). Then I would open IMovie, generate the thumbnails for that album, and select the album I had created. This was necessary because the importing process in IPhoto was using incorrect dates for my video so it was a real struggle finding them in IMove until I developed this approach.
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    best regards
    Edited by: 972236 on 20-Nov-2012 05:49

    we spotted some provisioning scripts that had failed and are re-running them now - hoefully the extra users will be in the group/workspace soon. The 2 emails for you will not be a clash as they are valid and unique.

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    Mr. Peebly, I did those things before posting. I will re-do my experiment/test before I attempt to do the 20+ page real presentation.
    I have some doubts about the real presentation because I kept getting the warning message that “the bundled movie could not be uploaded.”
    ~ Lorna in Southern California

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    Yes. There are many posts here on this issue, but it is not always obvious how to search for them. Snapz by default uses the Animation codec, which in iMovie exports as a black screen. The solution is to 1) convert your clip to a supported codec, and 2) for future clips created in SnapzProZ, use a supported codec like h.264, AIC, etc.
    For posts by the experts on this topic, do a search on "Animation Codec" in this forum.

  • IMovie 2013 Cannot export HD video to Theater. Error rendering -60

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    Can someone help me with any way to overcome this?

    Not any solution - but just want to add this
    Error -60   ==> badMDBErr  bad master directory block
    Whatever it means ?
    will follow this discussion for any possibly explanation and solution.
    You all made the obvious trouble shotings ?
    list following here:
    When iMovie doesn't work as intended this can be due to a lot of reasons
    - iMovie Pref files got corrupted - trash it/they and iMovie makes new and error free one's
    - problem in iMovie Cache folder - trash Cache.mov and Cache.plist
    - Creating a new User-Account and log into this 
- forces iMovie to create all pref. and cache files new and error free
    - Event or Project got corrupted - try to make a copy and repair
    - a Codec is used that doesn't work
    - version miss match of QuickTime Player / iMovie / iDVD
    - preferences are wrong - Repair Preferences
    - other hard disk problem - Repair Hard Disk (Disk Util tool - but start Mac from ext HD or DVD)
    - External hard disks - MUST BE - Mac OS Extended (hfs) formatted to work with Video
    ( UNIX/DOS/FAT32/Mac OS Exchange - works for most other things - but not for Video )
    - USB-flash-memories - usually do not work
    - Net-work connected hard disks - usually do not work (most often not fast enough and WRONGLY FORMATTES as DOS etc
    iPhoto Library got problems - let iPhoto select another one or repair it. Re-build this first then try to re-start iMovie.
    This You do by
    - close iPhoto
    - on start up of iPhoto - Keep {cmd and alt-keys down}
    - now select all five options presented
    - WAIT a long long time (>20 hours are not strange)
    - free space on Start-Up (Mac OS) hard disk to low (<1Gb) - I never go under 25Gb free space for SD-Video (4-5 times more for HD)
    - external devices interferes - turn off Mac - disconnect all of them and - Start up again and re-try
    - GarageBand fix - start GB - play a few notes - Close it again and now try iMovie
    - Screen must be set to million-colors
    - Third-party plug-ins doesn't work OK
    - Run "Cache Out X", clear out all caches and restarts the Mac
    - Let Your Mac be turned on during one night. At about midnight there is a set of maintenance programs that runs and tidying up. This might help
    - Turn off Your Mac - and disconnect Mains - for about 20-30 minutes - at least this resets the FireWire port.
    - In QuickTime - DivX, 3ivx codec, Flip4Mac, Perian etc - might be problematic - temporarily move them out and re-try
    (I deleted the file "3ivxVideoCodec.component" located in Mac HD/Library/Quicktime and this resolved my issue.)
    buenrodri wrote
    I solved a problem by removing the file: 3ivxVideoCodec.component. after that, up-dated iMovie runs ok.
    Last resort: Trash all of iMovie and re-install it
    Yours Bengt W

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    Sounds like there was a problem with updating the profiles.ini file.
    You can try to delete the current profiles.ini file to force Firefox to create a new default profile in case Firefox hasn't done this.
    You can check if there is a profile folder with a time stamp number appended and in that case you can set the location of a newly created profile to that folder.
    If you need to recover data from an older profile, either still in the default location or as an Old Firefox Data folder on the desktop then see:

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    If you are trying to search for users, you need to make sure your user who is searching has access to the Organization.
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    By custom transition, do you mean a video you created yourself in FCP?
    Or do you mean a transition that DVD SP created? If it is this, then no, there is no audio on transitions. The solution is to create your own video that you then put in a track that then links to your main track.

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    Not very many Outlook users here. You'll to better asking in Microsoft's Office:Mac forums here:
    Office for Mac forums

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    What steps did I miss to create a new domain?

    for any domains other than the "default domain", your login must include the domain:
    instead of

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    keezie6 wrote:
     ... It just seemed to happen out of the blue when I turned my computer on one morning. I've been working the long way around for now, but now need it fixed desperately!!!
    The classic question is what were you doing just before this? Programs usually don't stop working for no reason "out of the blue," so most likley something else has changed on your system.

Maybe you are looking for

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