I didn't have my number for I message (talk in French if you can)

Je me suis inscrit à i message hier mais je n'est pa reçue de numéro comment avoir mon numéro ou un nouveaux merci  

Google translate:
I registered to post yesterday but I i is received pa number how to get my number or a new thank you
An iPod (and Pad) only have a phone number for Messages and FaceTime if the same ID suded for those service on the iPod are also used on an iPhone with iPOS 6 or later.
iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
Link in French
iOS et OS X : associer votre numéro de téléphone à votre identifiant Apple pour une utilisation avec FaceTime et iMessage

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        Let's see if we can get you enjoying that new tablet fast, Mandilynna8008. What happens when you insert the SIM and try to activate the device? Have you tried connecting it to a computer with iTunes to initiate the cellular activation? If you already have a number for the tablet, try visiting www.vzw.com/activatenow to complete the acivation process too.
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    It is one of the items that Apple gets criticized at regular intervals. The MagSafe connector is proprietary and unlicensable, so the company has a lock-in on the power options. And as you have now found out, your hijinks trying to avoid buying an expensive new charger may have caused more damage and led to a total no-charge condition.
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    Here are a couple of download links for CS6 applications:
    Download CS6 products
    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
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    JimHess <[email protected]> wrote:
    JimHess  created the discussion
    "I have serial number for Lightroom 5 and the 30 day trial need a place to activate"
    To view the discussion, visit: https://forums.adobe.com/message/6986791#6986791

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    The activation server for Audition 3 was shut down by Adobe several years ago.
    You now need to download the non-activation version provided by Adobe here
    Error: Activation Server Unavailable | CS2, Acrobat 7, Audition 3
    Install then enter the new serial number provided by Adobe at that link. Your existing serial number will no longer work.

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    It is there - at the bottom below the section - you can be reached by iMessage at.
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    Phone contacts should have phone#, email contacts should have email addresses.
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    The contacts app is nothing more then looking at the contacts from the phone app.
    What's the story here?"
    The forums would be full of people complaining that you had to go through an additional step ( opening the phone app) to get to contacts.  I use the contacts app from the home screen far more often then I use it in relation to calling someone.
    I like the way it is far more than the way you propose.
    You can leave feedback for Apple at:

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    Hi Siobhan ,
    Please refer to the following link and see if that helps.
    I would also like to know ,does that error message has any specific number ?
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    Hi Mike,
    I've checked your account. I see that you just purchased the subscription this morning. The order is still pending processing, which is why you haven't yet been able to log in an use your subscription. It can take 24-48 hours for a subscription to process fully. Once it does, you'll be able to log in and convert files.
    I apologize for the inconvenience.

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    Following my issue relating to a blank screen 2 weeks ago, your advisor arranged for my iMac to collected by Amsys, for repair and return, this was done and it was returned to me last Tuesday, onWednesday I set up my iMac again and instantly realised I had problems, much worse than before. I called Amsys to inform them of the issue of the computer being very very slow and unable to open iPhoto and pages, and document listing would not show up, plus I had no sound on the mac.They informed me that they had only replaced the video card and what they had done would have not affected the computers performance. He suggested I reinstall OSX again which I did, but this made no difference to the programs, so I called you.
    Your technician on the phone was very good as they have always been, and made an appointment for me to go into the Milton Keynes Apple store the next day at 1 pm, which I did.
    The gentleman on the Genius Bar was very good and was able to run tests on the iMac in my presence, and diagnosed immediately an issue with the sound problem, and advised me that this could not be fixed while I wait and I would need to leave it for repair. I made him aware of the previous repair, and he was able to see via your system, the list of logged issues I have had with this since purchasing in September 2012. I'm sure you can see from the way you record all calls and issues the problems I have had.
    Today I called to ask if my iMac would soon be ready for collection, I was told the repairs had been completed and it was being tested. However to my dismay, I learned of another serious issue relating to the repair carried out by Amsys. I was informed that 6 screws were missing from the the iMac internally, which caused me much distress and concern, they also told me I had to wait even longer as the screws had to be ordered and installed on arrival before I could collect it.
    My issues here are: I trusted the Amsys repairer as it was arranged and recommend by you, it is very evident they are not competent to repair, as they have caused more problems with my iMac on its return, despite enclosing a checklist, fully ticked showing everything working well, it clearly wasn't ! Plus the issue of missing parts (screws) during the repair, I have already expressed my disgust with Amsys, by email and had a response, within the hour, apologising and told me they were looking into this.
    This where I stand on this, I have not had my iMac for  almost two weeks and I do not know when I will get it back. I'm also very worried about what other damage has been caused by Amsys and the quality of my iMac now. I want to know what you, Apple is going to do about this ? I have already been very inconvenienced by this and until now I have been a very loyal apple customer with 2 iPads, and 4 iPhones in our household, not to mention the iMac.
    I feel I have been very let down by this experience, on my iMac, which cost a lot of money, I have also lost a lot of money with lost work and unable to carry out my business without it, and I will be seeking compensation.
    I trust you will take this complaint seriously and pass it to the relevant department for action.
    Yours sincerely
    Des Withey 
    Sent from my iPad
    On 26 Feb 2014, at 11:44, Apple Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Thanks for contacting us.
    Thanks for contacting Apple Support. If you need more help later, you can open the case below or start a new support request online.
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    Call Apple Customer Relations - 1-800-275-2273.  Ask politely & firmly that you want to be transferred to Customer Relations.  Tell them exactly what you stated in your post.
    These are user-to-user forums where everyday folk (volunteers) post questions and offer answers (technical support) to each other.  

  • HT4480 I have redemption codes for FCP from my university - how many machines can I install on?

    I have redemption codes for FCP from my university - how many machines can I install on?

    Do you have these codes because this will be your app? Or is this a "loan" from the school to install on your machine? Do you use your own Apple ID to redeem the code and install the app?
    If it is your app, then you may install it on as many Macs as you own or have in your control.

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    The Canon 5D Mk 111 was supported from LR 4.1, see the link below. Just update LR to the latest version. See link below
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Adobe - Lightroom : For Windows
    Adobe - Lightroom : For Macintosh

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