I do not seem to be able to move a project to a new library on an external hard drive

I have selected the project, according to the help advice, and when I try to drag and drop - nothing happens

How's your extHDD formatted?

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    The iPhoto library must only be on a volume formatted Mac OS extended (journaled) - it can not be on any other format drive

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    Yes, if you have a second library.
    Here's one way to do what you want:
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    Now you have two full versions of the Library.
    3. On the Internal library, trash the Events you don't want there
    Now you have a full copy of the Library on the External and a smaller subset on the Internal
    Some Notes:
    As a general rule: when deleting photos do them in batches of about 100 at a time. iPhoto can baulk at trashing large numbers at one go.
    You can choose which Library to open: Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    You can keep the Library on the external updated with new imports using iPhoto Library Manager

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    You might want to check your process for moving your iTunes music against this: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4527.

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    Kirby Krieger wrote:
    Hi Shane.  Not much in the way of thoughts - - but fwiw:
    How is the drive attached?
    Can you open large files on the drive with other programs?
    Are you running any drive compression or acceleration programs (some drives arrive with these installed)?
    Can you reformat the drive and try again?
    Hi Kirby,
    I attached the UltraMax Plus with a USB cable. The UltraMax powers the cable so power is not an issue. I can open other files. Also, there is 500GB of files on the drive so I cannot re-format it. Although, I noted I could import the entire Aperture Library. However, I do not want to create a duplicate on my machine because that would be defeating the purpose of the external drive.

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    The fix for the exclamation marks is: Adobe Lightroom - Find moved or missing files and folders
    The proper way to use backups is to restore the photos to their original location, but you probably don't want to do that as you said your old hard disk was almost full. Thus, the solution given above will solve the problem.

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    Agree with baltwo, though even if you have saved the install app I wouldn't use it unless its been used to install a known good copy of the OS already.
    In your case, that probably means start fresh:
    Restart the computer, holding down 'command' and 'r'. When the recovery disk window shows, choose 'Reinstall Mac OS X'.

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    It would help to have more background about your iTunes collection such as if you keep it on an external drive, or if you have moved or renamed anything recently.  iTunes is very sensitive to you renaming or moving files or folders involved with your media.  iTunes only keeps a reference to where a media file is located  and then goes to look for it when you try to play it. If you have changed things since it was added to itunes then it's like me sending you to look for a friend in my addressbook but that friend has moved.
    The other possibility is your computer is starting to lose files.  Again, the computer uses a reference database to tell it where on the drive to look for a file. If that database gets corrupt then it starts losing files.  Use Dsk Utility's first aid to verify your hard drive.

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    MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), iphoto '11, version 9.4.2

    To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine:
    Link the two Macs together: there are several ways to do this: Wireless Network,Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the Library to an external HD and then on to the new machine...
    But however you do choose to link the two machines...
    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then launch iPhoto. That's it.
    This moves photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else.

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    That's a bummer, didn't realize the exHD files were corrupt, esp if you have tried from another PC and not just this new computer.
    You can get purchases from the itunes store transferred from an iPod using these directions:
    If you want everything (meaning non-itunes songs, app data, photos, etc) you need to buy a 3rd-party ipod manager that support iTouch. Here is an iLounge article to start your research:
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/copying-music-from-ipod-to-co mputer/P2/

  • HT1751 I have followed the steps to back up my itunes library to an external hard drive but when I try to drag my library to the hard drive it does not work. Any suggestions?

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    Go through the below forum with similar issue and follow the process mentioned by "Macjack" in the beginning.

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    You can't fix it.  iTunes bought content is DRM protected. so it can only be played on authorized devices.  i.e devices associated with the apple Id used to purchase the content.  Its copyright protection that the rights owners demand.
    Circumventing it, is illegal in most countries, and as such cannot be discussed here.  If you want to play the content you'll need to connect your computer directly to your TV, or use some other device you can authorize for iTunes content such as an iPad, iPhone , iPod touch or Apple Tv.

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    Thank you.

    You need to go into your BIOS settings and make sure that the external drive isn't set to boot.
    An easier way around this is to unplug the drive from the computer until it has fully loaded.
    If that doesn't work, post back.
    If you like my post, or solution to your issue/question, go ahead and click on the little star by my name and/or accept the post as the Solution. It makes me happy.
    I'm NOT an employee of Best Buy, or Geek Squad, though I did work as an Agent for a year 5 years ago. None of my posts are to be taken as the official stance that Best Buy will take on your situation. My advice is just that, advice.
    Unfortunately, that's the bad luck of any electronic, there's going to be bad Apples... wait that's a horrible pun.

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