I need to clear my balance in my apple ID.

My name is Naya . I need to clear my balance in my apple ID bacause i want to change my region, USA to Thailand.
<Personal information removed by Host>

We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple - I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post (it's not a good idea to post personal info on any public forum).
You can contact iTunes Support via this page and ask them if they can remove the balance from your account : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page

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    My name is Anukoon.I need to clear my balance in my apple id bacause i wanrt to change my region, USA to Thailand. I have read your IM and I'm ok. I need you to clear my balance
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    Nobody on these boards can do that. Click here and contact the iTunes Store staff.

  • Need to clear my balance in my apple id because I want to change my region, USA to Thailand.

    Dear Apple Support
    My name is Nannapas. I need help to clear my balance in my apple id because I want to change my region, USA to Thailand.
    thank you very much

    Contact iTunes Support - http://apple.com/emea/support/itunes/contact.html - and ask them to clear your balance.

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    Contact iTunes Support and ask them to remove the balance from your account : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page

  • Clearing of Balance in GR/IR clearing account due to date problem

    >Hi to All,
    >The scenario is like this :-
    >The client is making back dated entries for quarter between 01.04.2008 to 30.06.2008 in SAP in July 2008 as the system is getting implemented now. He wants to regularise all the transactions in SAP from 01/04/2008.
    >The users entering the data were new and hence though the miro and payment entries were made by F&A in back date. The Purchase Orders and the GRs were prepared in the current date of July 2008.
    >Because of this date problem the GR/IR clearing account is having balance in it, which should have been clear after the processing of the miro document.
    >The documents were handed over to f&a after preparation of GR in the systems for Invoice processing through MIRO.
    >Can anyone plz give a solution to clear the balance GR/IR clearing account.
    >Thanks in advance.
    >Ashutosh M Joglekar.

    Hi Muthuraman,
    No need to clear any thing for PO pending items.

  • I can`t clear my balance in my account

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    Click here and ask the iTunes Store staff to zero your account balance.

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    If you have iTunes Match, and your music is in your Match library, you can access it from iCloud on all your devices, provided they are signed into your iTunes Match account.  Make sure you keep a backup of your music somewhere though as the match process isnt' perfect and you may find that some of your iTunes Match music isn't exactly the same as the original (see https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-4112).
    The best way to back up your photos is to import them to your computer as explained here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4083.  If you are out of room on your Mac, get an inexpensive external drive to save your photos on.

  • I have a MacBook, do I need to clear the memory or defragment the disk like I need to do on my work pc with Windows?

    I have a MacBook, do I need to clear the memory or defragment the disk like I need to do on my work pc with Windows?
    If so, what do I need to d

    WOsloop_ORD wrote:
    I have a MacBook, do I need to clear the memory or defragment the disk like I need to do on my work pc with Windows?
    No you don't.
    Mac's auto-defragment by writing 2GB+ sized files and smaller to one space on the drive, so you really don't need to worry about it.
    If your going to parititon your drive or need a large space of free space, then Carbon Copy Cloning the entire OS x parittion to a external drive, option booting off of it and then erasing and reverse cloning is the approved  method of defragmenting and freeing up disk space, rahter than using defragmentaiton software that can cause issues and make the machine inoperatible.
    If you need steps to *cough* clean your Mac of caches and whatnot less your kid/wife/mother/girlfriend/boss, see's it then the steps are as follows.
    1: Clean/clear your browser caches first, delete your history etc. from within the program itself, delete any files on the machine by dragging to Trash and emtpy Trash (secure erase not needed if you follow the steps later)
    2: Download CCleaner for the Mac and run that
    3: Download OnyX for the Mac and run all the cleaning and maintainece, reboot at the end.
    4: For scrubbing hard drives of traces (deleted files), use Apple's Disk Utility > Erase Free Space option: Zero (or 7x if you need military/foresic level type deletion, but it takes overnight to complete)
    Make sure your browser plug-ins are current, Flash, Silverlight especially.
    And your Mac needs more codecs, search for Perian, VLC and Flip4Mac, install those.

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    Erasing your drive:
    Dragging the files to the Trash removes the references to them from the Directory. As has always been the tradition, the data blocks that held the actual data are not over-written, they are merely added to the free list for later re-use. Their original contents are still present.
    Disk Utility "Erase" or "Partition" of a drive (which finishes in under a minute) also does not over-write the data blocks, but merely creates a new, empty directory.
    To clear the data that may still be present (admittedly in a disorganized mess of unlinked blocks) you need to overwrite the data. Use the erase tab, then choose "Security Erase" Options, and overwrite once with Zeroes. This process can take several hours as it is -- if you insist on multiple passes, it can take days to complete, with little additional protection. Multiple passes is unnecessary unless your drive held Military Secrets.
    When you have erased, be sure to install some version of Mac OS X -- a Mac with no obvious Operating software may be dead, and  is much more likely to quickly become landfill.

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    The slightly bigger question is whether you want to move all movie content to the external drive (essentially meaning that drive will always need to be attached when you're working with your videos), or whether you just want to archive older videos off to the external drive.
    If you want to move all videos, then just move the 'Movies' folder in your home directory to the external drive, then create an alias of the external 'Movies' back in to your home directory. Now the 'Movies' icon in your home directory will point to the external drive and everything will just work (as long as the external drive is attached when you launch iMovie)
    If you want to archive older movies then each Movie should have its own subdirectory within your Movies folder. These can easily be moved off to the external drive, and moved back should you ever need to work on those movies again.

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    In Disk Utility use MS-DOS
    Try http://www.mactip.net/guide-how-to-format-an-external-drive-to-work-seamlessly-w ith-macs-and-pcs-without-third-party-software/ for additional directions.

  • Need a clear answer on how to enforce Standard CALs usage.

    I found a few related threads and Blog post but no clear answer.
    Most of my users will have a standard CAL and I need to lock them down so they can only use those features.
    I need a clear and concise way to do this and it looks like MS is unwilling to provide the answer.
    Most of the information that I have found covers Lync 2010 and not 2013.
    Here is the test policy I created but the CAL comparison charts I have seen it clearly state that PC to PC voice and video are allowed in the standard CAL. This policy as recommended by a MS rep disables that.
    This is very confusing and in desperate need of Clarity.
    Identity                                  : Tag:Test-StandardCal
    AllowIPAudio                              : False
    AllowIPVideo                              : False
    AllowMultiView                            : True
    Description                               :
    AllowParticipantControl                   : True
    AllowAnnotations                          : True
    DisablePowerPointAnnotations              : False
    AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing : False
    AllowNonEnterpriseVoiceUsersToDialOut     : False
    AllowAnonymousUsersToDialOut              : False
    AllowAnonymousParticipantsInMeetings      : True
    AllowExternalUsersToSaveContent           : True
    AllowExternalUserControl                  : False
    AllowExternalUsersToRecordMeeting         : False
    AllowPolls                                : False
    AllowSharedNotes                          : True
    AllowQandA                                : True
    EnableDialInConferencing                  : False
    EnableAppDesktopSharing                   : None
    AllowConferenceRecording                  : False
    EnableP2PRecording                        : False
    EnableFileTransfer                        : True
    EnableP2PFileTransfer                     : True
    EnableP2PVideo                            : True
    AllowLargeMeetings                        : False
    EnableOnlineMeetingPromptForLyncResources : False
    EnableDataCollaboration                   : True
    MaxVideoConferenceResolution              : VGA
    MaxMeetingSize                            : 250
    AudioBitRateKb                            : 200
    VideoBitRateKb                            : 50000
    AppSharingBitRateKb                       : 50000
    FileTransferBitRateKb                     : 50000
    TotalReceiveVideoBitRateKb                : 50000
    EnableMultiViewJoin                       : True

    PC-to-PC computer audio/video call is allowed when you enable Lync users.
    They are not controlled by controlled by conferencing policy.
    And there is no policy to restrict these basic features.
    The parameter AllowIPAudio and AllowIPVideo indicate whether a meeting can have audio and video.
    Peer-to-peer audio and video call are not the same with the audio/video in a meeting.
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • HT5552 how to clear account balance?

    how to clear account balance?

    Click here and request assistance; this is generally only worth doing if the balance is preventing you from changing countries.

  • Need to clear SAP memory

    Hi Experts,
    I need to Clear SAP memory set using the 'Parameter ID' keyword in reports. Please advise.
    Thanks in advance,
    Vivenchandar R

    Sure, you can simply set the parameter id to a blank field.  For example.
    data: vbeln type vbak-vbeln.
    vbeln = space.
    set parameter id 'AUN' field vbeln.
    Rich Heilman

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    All explained here

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