I Need to Return Two values or more from Function, Is this possible?

Below is the offending query, I am trying to pass v_bu and v_po to this function, and after validations then return v_count and v_action is this possible in a function? I am having problem returning two values.
see below code
function po_edi_func(v_bu purchase_order.business_unit_id%type,
     v_po purchase_order.purchase_order_number%type)
     return number as pragma autonomous_transaction;
     v_count               number;
     v_ctdel               number;
     v_action          varchar2(1);
select count(*)
into v_count
from sewn.purchase_order
where business_unit_id=v_bu
and purchase_order_number =v_po;
if v_count > 0 then
     select count(*)
     into v_ctdel
     from sewn.purchase_order
     where business_unit_id=v_bu
and purchase_order_number =v_po
     and purc_orde_status = 1;
     if v_count <> v_ctdel then -- ALl PO's Cancelled--
     v_action := 'U'; -- - NOT ALL PO DELETED --
     v_action := 'D'; -- DELETED ALL PO--
     end if;
     v_action := 'I';-- New PO INSERT--
end if;
return v_count;

This is becoming a nightmare to me, can you look at the below and tell me where I am having a problem
This is the Function below
CREATE OR REPLACE function po_edi_func(v_bu sewn.purchase_order.business_unit_id%type,
     v_po sewn.purchase_order.purchase_order_number%type,v_action_out OUT VARCHAR2)
     return number as pragma autonomous_transaction;
     v_count               number;
     v_ctdel               number;
     v_action          varchar2(1);
select count(*)
into v_count
from sewn.purchase_order
where business_unit_id=v_bu
and purchase_order_number =v_po;
if v_count > 0 then
     select count(*)
     into v_ctdel
     from sewn.purchase_order
     where business_unit_id=v_bu
and purchase_order_number =v_po
     and purc_orde_status = 1;
     if v_count <> v_ctdel then -- ALl PO's Cancelled--
     v_action := 'U'; -- - NOT ALL PO DELETED --
     v_action := 'D'; -- DELETED ALL PO--
     end if;
     v_action := 'I';-- New PO INSERT--
end if;
v_action_out := (lpad(v_count,8,'0')||lpad(v_action,1,' '));
return v_action_out;
and this is how I am calling it from my trigger which has to pass the v_bu and v_po values to be used in extracting data and returning the records
see below
if po_edi_func(v_bu,v_po) <> '' then;
v_count:= (substr(v_action,1,8));
v_action := substr(v_actione,9,1);
v_action := 'I';
end if;
I need the extracted values of v_count and v_action for my app to reset some values

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    Hello Robert,
    Check the template FM for value mappings /AIF/FILE_TEMPL_VALMAPPING.
    There is only one changing parameter VALUE_OUT of type STRING.
    A solution might be to get the values in an internal table with a before-mapping FM at the structure mapping level.
    Do you need to creata a line in a structure mapping for every line in the internal table ?
    The solution really depends on your scenario.
    Best regards,

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    KK-$$ wrote:
    Now I need 1 more column say, flag something like:
    open o_ref_cursor for select function_name( 2345) Emp_no ,  function_name_2 ( 2345) flag from table1 where x = y;But I don't want to define a new function function_name_2 to get flag value. Because emp_no and flag are both queried from the same table.
    So, Can you tell me how can I make 'function_name' to return two values using appropriate data-type ( or user defined data type?)?Your example could be solved like this (since it is in pl/sql):
    v_emp_no := function_name( 2345);
    v_flag := function_name_2 ( 2345);
    open o_ref_cursor for select v_emp_no Emp_no , v_flag flag from table1 where x = y;But I guess the example was still too simplicistic.

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    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood http://www.innovativebusinessintelligence.com http://uk.linkedin.com/in/kieranpatrickwood http://kieranwood.wordpress.com/

    Below execute statement should work along the parameter mapping which you have provided. Also try specifying the parameter size property as default.
    Exec [etl].[ConvertPeriodToStartAndEndDate] ?,?,? output, ? output
    Add a script task to check ssis variables values using,
    Do not forget to add the property "readOnlyVariables" as strExtractStartDate variable to check for only one variable.
    Regards, RSingh

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    Dhiva wrote:
    How to create the PL/SQL function to return two values based on arguments?A function can return only a single "+thing+".
    That thing can be a scalar value (single value). Such as date, number or string. E.g.
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    Dipali Vithalani wrote:
    I understand that OUt parameter should not be used in funtions... Then I am eager to know, why oracle has provided the opton of OUT Parameter in funtion creation ? Hope you can explain that..This is an option is many languages.
    And there is valid use for it. PL/SQL however does not implement the full solution. An OUT parameter is essentially passing parameters by reference and not passing it by value.
    Passing by reference means passing a pointer to the function/procedure to the variable in the caller. This allows the function/procedure to directly reference the value in the caller.
    Passing by value means that the value from the variable in the caller is copied to the stack space of the function/procedure being called. The function/procedure thus has its own local copy of that value.
    That could be a performance and resource problem when the caller has a large data structure and the entire structure needs to be copied from the caller to the called procedure/function. In such a case it is a lot faster (and less memory needed) to simply pass a pointer to that structure to the function/procedure being called.
    And this is basically what an OUT parameter does - it allows PL/SQL code direct access to write into the variable of the calling code.
    In some cases you may have a large data structure, want to pass it by reference, but do not want the function/procedure being called to change it. You do not want to allow it modify your large data structure. You simply want to pass a pointer and allow read access to the function/procedure.
    In other languages, such a parameter is defined as a constant - as constants cannot be changed. So the parameter signature will look something like the following:
    create or replace function FooFunc( largeStruct CONSTANT IN OUT NOCOPY SomeDataType ) return SomeOtherDataType is ..And this is the only time that you should use an OUT parameter (passing by reference) in a function - when the function parameter is a large data structure. At the same time, the function is disallowed from changing that OUT parameter. It is passed as an OUT parameter simply to increase call performance and reduce memory requirements.
    PL/SQL unfortunately does not support this - allowing a value to be passed as a constant reference.
    As for why PL/SQL supports it the way it does - it does not mean that because PL/SQL supports OUT parameters for functions, it should be used. PL/SQL also supports the GoTo statement. Simply because it supports a specific feature does not mean that it is a good idea to use it.

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    I'm going to answer my own question:
    Easy steps
    Locate the document in the Finder.
    Control/Right-Click on its icon.
    Select Show Package Contents
    All images and embedded objects appear in ‘Data’ folder
    From this blog
    http://vernonchan.com/2013/10/how-to-extract-images-from-apple-pages-5-0-documen t/

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    Try double clicking the Home button and then swipe the bottom row fully to to the right to get to the music control

  • Return two values for one site in single query

    Oracle 10g on Solaris 10
    value integer
    date timestamp
    This query works as is:
    WITH vals AS
         (SELECT start_date_time,
         FROM     r_base a,
              hdb_site_datatype b,
              hdb_site c,
              hdb_datatype d
         WHERE     a.site_datatype_id = b.site_datatype_id
         AND     a.interval = 'day'
         AND     b.site_id = c.site_id
         AND     c.site_common_name = 'CABALLO'
         AND     b.datatype_id = d.datatype_id
         AND     d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
         AND     a.start_date_time > a.start_date_time - 367)
         SELECT x.start_date_time,
              y.VALUE AS valuem1w,
              z.VALUE AS valuem1dm1y
         FROM     vals x,
              vals y,
              vals z
         WHERE     y.start_date_time(+) = x.start_date_time - 7
         AND     z.start_date_time(+) = ADD_MONTHS (x.start_date_time-1,-12)
         AND     x.start_date_time = TO_DATE('07-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY');
    and this query works:
    WITH vals AS
         (SELECT start_date_time,
         FROM     r_base a,
              hdb_site_datatype b,
              hdb_site c,
              hdb_datatype d
         WHERE     a.site_datatype_id = b.site_datatype_id
         AND     a.interval = 'day'
         AND     b.site_id = c.site_id
         AND     c.site_common_name = 'CABALLO'
         AND     b.datatype_id = d.datatype_id
         AND     d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
         AND     a.start_date_time > a.start_date_time - 367)
         SELECT x.start_date_time,
              y.VALUE AS valuem1w,
              z.VALUE AS valuem1dm1y
         FROM     vals x,
              vals y,
              vals z
         WHERE     y.start_date_time(+) = x.start_date_time - 7
         AND     z.start_date_time(+) = ADD_MONTHS (x.start_date_time-1,-12)
         AND     x.start_date_time = TO_DATE('07-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY');
    I need it to return storage and pool elevation in a single query instead of two queries.
    The results should be:
    current day, elevation_value; current day minus 1 week, elevation_value; current day minus 1 day minus 1 year, elevation_value; current day, storage_value; current day minus 1 week, storage_value; current day minus 1 day minus 1 year, storage_value
    Very, very much appreciate if you can show me how to do this..

    something like this, perhaps? (untested, as I don't have your data):
    WITH date_param as (select TO_DATE('07-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY') p_date from dual),
    SELECT max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date then value
                   end)) elevation_curr_day_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date-7 then value
                   end)) elevation_last_week_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'pool elevation'
                             and a.start_date_time = add_months(p_date-1, -12) then value
                   end)) elevation_last_year_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date then value
                   end)) storage_curr_day_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
                             and a.start_date_time = p_date-7 then value
                   end)) storage_last_week_val,
           max(nvl(case when d.datatype_common_name = 'storage'
                             and a.start_date_time = add_months(p_date-1, -12) then value
                   end)) storage_last_year_val
    FROM r_base a,
          hdb_site_datatype b,
          hdb_site c,
          hdb_datatype d
    WHERE a.site_datatype_id = b.site_datatype_id
    AND a.interval = 'day'
    AND b.site_id = c.site_id
    AND c.site_common_name = 'CABALLO'
    AND b.datatype_id = d.datatype_id
    AND d.datatype_common_name in ('pool elevation', 'storage')
    AND a.start_date_time in (p_date, p_date-7, add_months(p_date-1, -12));

  • Funct return two values

    can i make a function return more than one value ?

    Nicholas said he wanted to use this in Forms 6i. Well, 9i Forms does not support stored procedures that return object values, so I doubt very much that6i does.
    I suggest using a procedure with two OUT parameters:
    PROCEDURE get_default_qty (
    p_supp_id IN edtrad.orcrsupp.supp_id%TYPE
    , p_item_no IN edtrad.orcrstit.stit_item_id%TYPE
    , p_ord_id IN edtrad.orcrodet.odet_order_id%TYPE
    , p_qty OUT NUMBER
    , p_val2 OUT VARCHAR2)
    qty_not_found EXCEPTION;
    PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT ( qty_not_found, -20004 );
    v_qty edtrad.orcrdlvd.dlvd_qty_delivrd%TYPE;
    v_val2 VARCHAR2(9);
    CURSOR qty
    SELECT vd.dlvd_qty_delivrd, "value_two"
    FROM edtrad.orcrdlvd vd,
    edtrad.orcrodet dt
    WHERE vd.dlvd_supp_id = p_supp_id
    AND vd.dlvd_order_id = p_ord_id
    AND dt.odet_item_id = p_item_no
    AND vd.dlvd_order_id = dt.odet_order_id
    AND vd.dlvd_ord_line_no = dt.odet_line_no ;
    OPEN qty;
    FETCH qty INTO v_qty, v_val2;
    IF ( qty%NOTFOUND ) THEN
    CLOSE qty;
    RAISE qty_not_found;
    END IF;
    CLOSE qty;
    p _qty := v_qty ;
    p _val2 := v_val2;
    END get_default_qty ;
    (1) You must fetch a cursor into a matching set of variables (or define a %ROWTYPE).
    (2) set_default_qty is a bad name for this method. set implies value changing. This method doesn't alter anything, it simply retrieves data. Consequently, it should be called get_default_qty.
    Cheers, APC

  • I want a select statement to return two values, sum of one column and customer number

    I have two columns one called invoice_number and the other invoice_amount. I want a select statement to return two columns.... invoice_number and then the sum of the invoice_amount(s) for each unique invoice number.
    SELECT sum(invoice_amount) AS Totalinvoice_amount FROM InvoiceTB where invoice_number = 'INV102'
    This is where I've started, which returns:
    Any help is appreciated.
    Please mark my post as helpful or the answer or better yet.... both! :) Thanks!

    Please post DDL, so that people do not have to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity, data types, etc. in your schema are. Learn how to follow ISO-11179 data element naming conventions and formatting rules. Temporal data should
    use ISO-8601 formats. Code should be in Standard SQL as much as possible and not local dialect. 
    This is minimal polite behavior on SQL forums. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • Need help returning (not printing) avg GPA from array??

    Here's what I have so far. After returning the value then I gotta print the avg in a separate method. I also need to check the names of the first and last student using an "equals" method. Please someone help with whatever you can. Here's what I got:
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class StudentLists {
    //Main method. Prompts user for the number of students.
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
       System.out.print("Please enter the number of students in this class: ");
       int s = in.nextInt();
       Student[] students=new Student[s];
       public static void FillStudents(int s, Student[] students){
       for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
            Scanner inf = new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println("Please enter student's first name: ");
        String first = inf.nextLine();
        System.out.println("Please enter student's last name: ");
            String last=inf.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Please enter the number of credits completed: ");
            int c=inf.nextInt();
            System.out.println("Please enter student's GPA: ");
            Double g=inf.nextDouble();
            students[i] = new Student(first, last, c, g);
        public static void printAll(Student[] students) {
        System.out.println("Names      Credits  GPA");
           for(int i = 0; i < students.length; i++)
    public static Double getAvg(Student[] students, Double g){
    double sum=0.0;
    double avg=0.0;
    for(int i=0; i<students.length; i++){
    return avg;

    Oh no I wasn't giving any orders. I was saying I have been trying to edit what I have, but I can't figure out how to get the method right to do my average of the GPA from the loop. I don't know what to put in there. I was just asking if you would write it and then kind of explain what u did for me please.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class StudentLists {
    //Main method. Prompts user for the number of students.
       public static void main(String[] args) {
       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
       System.out.print("Please enter the number of students in this class: ");
       int s = in.nextInt();
       Student[] students=new Student[s];
       public static void FillStudents(int s, Student[] students){
       for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
            Scanner inf = new Scanner(System.in);
            System.out.println("Please enter student's first name: ");
        String first = inf.nextLine();
        System.out.println("Please enter student's last name: ");
            String last=inf.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Please enter the number of credits completed: ");
            int c=inf.nextInt();
            System.out.println("Please enter student's GPA: ");
            Double g=inf.nextDouble();
            students[i] = new Student(first, last, c, g);
        public static void printAll(Student[] students) {
        System.out.println("Names      Credits  GPA");
           for(int i = 0; i < students.length; i++)
    public static Double getAvg(Student[] students){
    double sum=0.0;
    double avg=0.0;
    for(int i=0; i<students.length; i++){
    return avg;

  • I have SSRS parametarized report in that one data set have repeated values with query parameter . but while am mapping that query parameter to report parameter i need to pass distinct values. How can i resolve this

    I have SSRS parametarized report in that one data set have repeated values with query parameter . but while am mapping that query
    parameter to report parameter i need to pass distinct values. How can i resolve this

    Hi nancharaiah,
    If I understand correctly, you want to pass distinct values to report parameter. In Reporting Service, there are only three methods for parameter's Available Values:
    Specify values
    Get values from a query
    If we utilize the third option that get values from a dataset query, then the all available values are from the returns of the dataset. So if we want to pass distinct values from a dataset, we need to make the dataset returns distinct values. The following
    sample is for your reference:
    Select distinct field_name  from table_name
    If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    I assigned ResponsibilityName of the listOfValues to a field Responsibility in a page.
    It works fine when I select a value from this LOV. It returns a value to 'Responsibility' field of the page.
    Is it possible to return other 3 fields as well while selecting ResponsibilityName from LOV. for example while selecting a value for field 'Responsibility' , can the LOV return ResponsibilityId from LOV to field 'ResponsibilityId' in the page, at the same time?
    Can 1 selection returns more than 1 values to fields?

    I would suggest you have a look of the chapter on LOVs in the dev guide. Just to give you an idea, you map an item in the LOV table to an item on the base page. If you select one value from the LOV table, corresponding values are redirected to the accordingly mapped items on the base page.

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