I really needed this one implementation of tree table on mvc

hi there i'm burning my as* reading some tutorials about tree table and all i found was a complex codes
i just wanna know if you know some codes of a simple tree table where in the content of a tree or table was hardcoded and there are no thingy effects such as sortes. coz i really wanted to implement this on mvc since we are using STable here's the sample code:
package treeTable;
import java.awt.*;
//import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
//import java.util.EventObject;
import javax.swing.*;
//import javax.swing.table.TableCellEditor;
//import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
//import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeCellRenderer;
//import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeSelectionModel;
//import javax.swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer;
//import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
//import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import javax.swing.border.*;
//import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
//import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.CellConstraints;
import com.jgoodies.forms.layout.FormLayout;
//import com.borland.jbcl.layout.*;
import org.scopemvc.core.Control;
import org.scopemvc.core.Selector;
import org.scopemvc.view.swing.*;
* View for PosCCYFX
* @author Raymond Isip
public class HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView extends SPanel implements HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXConstants {
// Instance variables for the selectors used by the JBuilder designer
Selector cashStructTBLSelector = CASH_STRUCT_TBL_SELECTOR;
Selector selectedCashStructTBLSelector = SELECTED_CASH_STRUCT_TBL_SELECTOR;
Selector optionsTBLSelector = OPTIONS_TBL_SELECTOR;
Selector selectedOptionsTBLSelector = SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_SELECTOR;
Selector fxcashStructuredFwdLBLSelector = FXCASH_STRUCTURED_FWD_LBL_SELECTOR;
Selector cashLBLSelector = CASH_LBL_SELECTOR;
Selector structFwdsLBLSelector = STRUCT_FWDS_LBL_SELECTOR;
Selector optionsLBLSelector = OPTIONS_LBL_SELECTOR;
     FormLayout MainFormLayout = new FormLayout ("12,p,12,p,12", "11,p,11");
     FormLayout LeftFormLayout = new FormLayout ("280,250,87", "p,p");
     FormLayout LeftTableFormLayout = new FormLayout ("p", "p,p");
     FormLayout RightTableFormLayout = new FormLayout ("300", "p,p");
     FormLayout LeftSubFormLayout = new FormLayout ("100,50,100", "p");
     CellConstraints cc = new CellConstraints();
Border cashStructTBLBorder;
STable cashStructTBLTable = new STable();
JScrollPane cashStructTBLScrollPane = new JScrollPane(cashStructTBLTable);
Border optionsTBLBorder;
STable optionsTBLTable = new STable();
JScrollPane optionsTBLScrollPane = new JScrollPane(optionsTBLTable);
JLabel fxcashStructuredFwdLBLLabel = new JLabel();
SLabel fxcashStructuredFwdLBLSLabel = new SLabel();
JLabel cashLBLLabel = new JLabel();
SLabel cashLBLSLabel = new SLabel();
JLabel structFwdsLBLLabel = new JLabel();
SLabel structFwdsLBLSLabel = new SLabel();
JLabel optionsLBLLabel = new JLabel();
SLabel optionsLBLSLabel = new SLabel();
* Constructor for the PosCCYFXView object
public HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView() {
* The main program for the PosCCYFXView class
* @param args The command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
          HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView view = new HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView();
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
frame.setSize(800, 600);
* Used by Scope to set the window frame title.
* @return The title value
public String getTitle() {
return "PosCCYFX";
* Used by Scope to end the application when the window is closed.
* @return The closeControl value
public Control getCloseControl() {
return new Control(HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXController.EXIT_CONTROL_ID);
* Description of the Method
* @return Description of the Return Value
public boolean validateForm() {
return true;
private void jbInit() {
     JPanel LeftPanel = new JPanel();
     JPanel LeftSubPanel = new JPanel();
     JPanel LeftTablePanel = new JPanel();
          JPanel RightTablePanel = new JPanel();
          JScrollPane LeftScrollPane = new JScrollPane(LeftTablePanel);
          JScrollPane RightScrollPane = new JScrollPane(RightTablePanel);
          LeftScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(620,330));
          RightScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,330));
String[] columnSelects = {"col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5","col6", "col7", "col8", "col9", "col10"};
String[] columnNames = {"USD", "Date","Product Type", "Details", "Buy", "Sell", "Sub Total", "Buy", "Sell", "Total"};
int colWidths[] = {100,70,70,40,50,50,60,50,50,60};
cashStructTBLTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(600,273));
TableColumnModel cashStructTBLModel = cashStructTBLTable.getColumnModel();
for (int x=0; x<colWidths.length; x++) {
int width = colWidths[x];
cashStructTBLScrollPane.getViewport().add(cashStructTBLTable, null);
String[] columnSelects1 = {"col1", "col2", "col3"};
String[] columnNames1 = {"Buy", "Sell", "Total"};
int colWidths1[] = {90,90,100};
optionsTBLTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(300,290));
TableColumnModel optionsTBLModel = optionsTBLTable.getColumnModel();
for (int x1=0; x1<colWidths1.length; x1++) {
int width1 = colWidths1[x1];
optionsTBLModel.getColumn(x1).setPreferredWidth(width1); }
optionsTBLScrollPane.getViewport().add(optionsTBLTable, null);
fxcashStructuredFwdLBLLabel.setText(" FX Cash & Structured Forwards");
          cashLBLLabel.setText(" Cash");
          structFwdsLBLLabel.setText(" Structured FWDs");
          optionsLBLLabel.setText(" Options");
JLabel sample = new JLabel(" ");
          JLabel sample1 = new JLabel(" ");
          JLabel sample2 = new JLabel(" ");
          JLabel sample3 = new JLabel(" ");
          JLabel sample4 = new JLabel(" ");
          LeftSubPanel.add(sample, cc.xy(2,1));
          LeftPanel.add(sample1, cc.xy(1,1));
          LeftPanel.add(sample2, cc.xy(3,1));
          LeftPanel.add(sample3, cc.xy(1,2));
          LeftPanel.add(sample4, cc.xy(3,2));
          LeftSubPanel.add(cashLBLLabel, cc.xy(1,1));
          LeftSubPanel.add(structFwdsLBLLabel, cc.xy(3,1));
          LeftPanel.add(fxcashStructuredFwdLBLLabel, cc.xy(2,1));
          LeftPanel.add(LeftSubPanel, cc.xy(2,2));
          LeftTablePanel.add(LeftPanel, cc.xy(1,1));
          LeftTablePanel.add(cashStructTBLScrollPane, cc.xy(1,2));
          RightTablePanel.add(optionsLBLLabel, cc.xy(1,1));
          RightTablePanel.add(optionsTBLScrollPane, cc.xy(1,2));
          this.add(LeftScrollPane, cc.xy(2,2));
          this.add(RightScrollPane, cc.xy(4,2));
package treeTable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.scopemvc.core.ModelChangeEvent;
import org.scopemvc.core.Selector;
import org.scopemvc.model.basic.*;
import org.scopemvc.model.collection.ListModel;
* Model for for PosCCYFX
* @author Raymond Isip
public class HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXModel extends BasicModel implements HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXConstants {
private ListModel cashStructTBLList = new ListModel();
private CashStructTBLItem selectedCashStructTBL = null;
private ListModel optionsTBLList = new ListModel();
private OptionsTBLItem selectedOptionsTBL = null;
private String fxcashStructuredFwdLBL;
private String cashLBL;
private String structFwdsLBL;
private String optionsLBL;
* Constructor for the PosCCYFXModel object
public HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXModel() {
          Object[] data1= new Object[]{"100","100","200"};
          Object[] data2= new Object[]{"","29.Apr.2004","Forward","SGD","200","100","300","250","150","400"};
          for(int x = 0; x<=25;x++){
               selectedOptionsTBL = new OptionsTBLItem(data1);
               selectedCashStructTBL = new CashStructTBLItem(data2);
* Gets the cashStructTBL list
* @return The cashStructTBL list
public List getCashStructTBLList() {
return cashStructTBLList;
* Sets the cashStructTBL list
* @param newCashStructTBLList The new cashStructTBL list
public void setCashStructTBLList(List newCashStructTBLList) {
this.fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent.VALUE_CHANGED, CASH_STRUCT_TBL_SELECTOR);
* Gets the selected cashStructTBL item
* @return A cashStructTBL item
public CashStructTBLItem getSelectedCashStructTBL() {
return selectedCashStructTBL;
* Sets the selected cashStructTBL item
* @param newCashStructTBL The new cashStructTBL item
public void setSelectedCashStructTBL(CashStructTBLItem newCashStructTBL) {
selectedCashStructTBL = newCashStructTBL;
* Gets the optionsTBL list
* @return The optionsTBL list
public List getOptionsTBLList() {
return optionsTBLList;
* Sets the optionsTBL list
* @param newOptionsTBLList The new optionsTBL list
public void setOptionsTBLList(List newOptionsTBLList) {
this.fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent.VALUE_CHANGED, OPTIONS_TBL_SELECTOR);
* Gets the selected optionsTBL item
* @return A optionsTBL item
public OptionsTBLItem getSelectedOptionsTBL() {
return selectedOptionsTBL;
* Sets the selected optionsTBL item
* @param newOptionsTBL The new optionsTBL item
public void setSelectedOptionsTBL(OptionsTBLItem newOptionsTBL) {
selectedOptionsTBL = newOptionsTBL;
* Gets the fxcashStructuredFwdLBL attribute
* @return The fxcashStructuredFwdLBL value
public String getFxcashStructuredFwdLBL() {
return fxcashStructuredFwdLBL;
* Sets the fxcashStructuredFwdLBL attribute
* @param newFxcashStructuredFwdLBL The new fxcashStructuredFwdLBL value
public void setFxcashStructuredFwdLBL(String newFxcashStructuredFwdLBL) {
fxcashStructuredFwdLBL = newFxcashStructuredFwdLBL;
* Gets the cashLBL attribute
* @return The cashLBL value
public String getCashLBL() {
return cashLBL;
* Sets the cashLBL attribute
* @param newCashLBL The new cashLBL value
public void setCashLBL(String newCashLBL) {
cashLBL = newCashLBL;
this.fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent.VALUE_CHANGED, CASH_LBL_SELECTOR);
* Gets the structFwdsLBL attribute
* @return The structFwdsLBL value
public String getStructFwdsLBL() {
return structFwdsLBL;
* Sets the structFwdsLBL attribute
* @param newStructFwdsLBL The new structFwdsLBL value
public void setStructFwdsLBL(String newStructFwdsLBL) {
structFwdsLBL = newStructFwdsLBL;
this.fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent.VALUE_CHANGED, STRUCT_FWDS_LBL_SELECTOR);
* Gets the optionsLBL attribute
* @return The optionsLBL value
public String getOptionsLBL() {
return optionsLBL;
* Sets the optionsLBL attribute
* @param newOptionsLBL The new optionsLBL value
public void setOptionsLBL(String newOptionsLBL) {
optionsLBL = newOptionsLBL;
this.fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent.VALUE_CHANGED, OPTIONS_LBL_SELECTOR);
package treeTable;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import org.scopemvc.controller.basic.BasicController;
import org.scopemvc.core.Control;
import org.scopemvc.core.ControlException;
* Controller for PosCCYFX
* @author Raymond Isip
public class HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXController extends BasicController implements HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXConstants {
* Constructor for the PosCCYFXController object
public HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXController() {
setModel(new HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXModel());
setView(new HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView());
     public HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXController(HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView view) {
          setModel(new HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXModel());
* Call this after creating the Controller to make it perform
* its initial action. Default impl opens the view in a new frame.
public void startup() {
          HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView myView = (HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXView) getView();
// This is the code that centers the view
myView.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000, 600));
* Can be called by a parent to shutdown and remove this from
* the chain of responsibility. Default impl does this:
* <ul>
* <li>call shutdown() on every child controller</li>
* <li>call hideView()</li>
* <li>setParent(null)</li>
* </ul>
public void shutdown() {
* Handles all controls
* @param inControl The control token invoking the presentation logic
* @throws ControlException when an error occured while handling the control
protected void doHandleControl(Control inControl) throws ControlException {
try {
if (inControl.matchesID(SAVE)) {
} else if (inControl.matchesID(RESET)) {
} else if (inControl.matchesID(GOT_OPTIONS_TBL)) {
} catch (ControlException ce) {
throw ce;
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
throw re;     
} finally {
// do cleanup
* Handles the SAVE control
* @todo Implement doSave
protected void doSave() throws ControlException {
// to implement
* Handles the RESET control
* @todo Implement doReset
protected void doReset() throws ControlException {
// to implement
* Handles the GOT_OPTIONS_TBL control
* @todo Implement doGotOptionsTbl
protected void doGotOptionsTbl() throws ControlException {
// to implement
package treeTable;
import org.scopemvc.util.ResourceLoader;
import org.scopemvc.util.UIStrings;
* Launcher for PosCCYFX
* @author Raymond Isip
public class HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXLauncher {
* Constructor for the PosCCYFXLauncher object
public HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXLauncher() {
* Start the PosCCYFX application
* @param args The command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO: change 'resources' by the name of your properties file
          HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXController mainController = new HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXController();
package treeTable;
import org.scopemvc.core.Selector;
* Constants for the selectors and the control ids defined in PosCCYFX
* @author Raymond Isip
public interface HistoricTotalPositionByCurrencyFXConstants {
// Selectors
Selector CASH_STRUCT_TBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("cashStructTBLList");
Selector SELECTED_CASH_STRUCT_TBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("selectedCashStructTBL");
Selector OPTIONS_TBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("optionsTBLList");
Selector SELECTED_OPTIONS_TBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("selectedOptionsTBL");
Selector FXCASH_STRUCTURED_FWD_LBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("fxcashStructuredFwdLBL");
Selector CASH_LBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("cashLBL");
Selector STRUCT_FWDS_LBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("structFwdsLBL");
Selector OPTIONS_LBL_SELECTOR = Selector.fromString("optionsLBL");
// Control IDs
* The SAVE control ID for the save button
String SAVE = "SAVE";
* The RESET control ID for the reset button
String RESET = "RESET";
* The GOT_OPTIONS_TBL control ID for the optionsTBL field
package treeTable;
* Item for CashStructTBL
* @author Raymond Isip
public class CashStructTBLItem {
     String col1= new String();
     String col2= new String();
     String col3= new String();
     String col4= new String();
     String col5= new String();
     String col6= new String();
     String col7= new String();
     String col8= new String();
     String col9= new String();
     String col10= new String();
* Constructor for the CashStructTBLItem object
     public CashStructTBLItem(Object[] data1) {
     * @return
     public String getCol1() {
          return col1;
     * @return
     public String getCol10() {
          return col10;
     * @return
     public String getCol2() {
          return col2;
     * @return
     public String getCol3() {
          return col3;
     * @return
     public String getCol4() {
          return col4;
     * @return
     public String getCol5() {
          return col5;
     * @return
     public String getCol6() {
          return col6;
     * @return
     public String getCol7() {
          return col7;
     * @return
     public String getCol8() {
          return col8;
     * @return
     public String getCol9() {
          return col9;
     * @param string
     public void setCol1(String string) {
          col1 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol10(String string) {
          col10 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol2(String string) {
          col2 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol3(String string) {
          col3 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol4(String string) {
          col4 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol5(String string) {
          col5 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol6(String string) {
          col6 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol7(String string) {
          col7 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol8(String string) {
          col8 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol9(String string) {
          col9 = string;
package treeTable;
* Item for OptionsTBL
* @author Raymond Isip
public class OptionsTBLItem {
     String col1= new String();
     String col2= new String();
     String col3= new String();
* Constructor for the OptionsTBLItem object
     public OptionsTBLItem(Object[] data1) {
     * @return
     public String getCol1() {
          return col1;
     * @return
     public String getCol2() {
          return col2;
     * @return
     public String getCol3() {
          return col3;
     * @param string
     public void setCol1(String string) {
          col1 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol2(String string) {
          col2 = string;
     * @param string
     public void setCol3(String string) {
          col3 = string;
All I want is for the tree table renderers or editors to use the table created on the vieew part of this mvc
i will greatly appreciates your help

As a start point take sources of JTable (the component and datamodel) and rebuild them. I have made such component for my company product. To write it I spend 5 days and about two weeks for debugging. This code cannot be very simple. As it should be fully mutable. For example, each line should have bkcolor, fgcolor, font, etc. Each sell has bkcolor, fgcolor, font, insets, border, alighnment, visibility, etc. Each node has its cell, indent and array of data cells. To support fast scrolling the painting should be buffered. My components also supports text line wrapping. The tree component consists of three parts: the header, the left part and the matrix of data. This component can be printed (this is a secial code for paging and scaling).

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    Hi Vin
    You mentioned so many mistakes here, I don't know where to begin ...
    vprabhu_2000 wrote:
    There are different kinds of Index. B-tree Index is by default. Bit map index, function based index,index organized table.
    B-tree index if the table is large This is incorrect. Small tables, even those consisting of rows within just one block, can benefit from an index. There is no table size too small in which an index might not be benefical. William Robertson in his post references links to my blog where I discuss this.
    and if you want to retrieve 10 % or less of data then B-tree index is good. This is all wrong as well. A FTS on a (say) million row table could very well be more efficient when retrieving (say) just 1% of data. An index could very well be more efficient when retrieving 100% of data. There's nothing special about 10% and there is no such magic number ...
    Bit Map Index - On low cardinality columns like Sex for eg which could have values Male,Female create a bit map index. Completely and utterly wrong. A bitmap index might be the perfect type of index, better than a B-Tree, even if there are (say) 100,000 distinct values in the table. That a bitmap index is only suitable for low cardinality columns is just not true. And what if it's an OLTP application, with lot's of concurrent DML on the underlining table, do you really think a bitmap index would be a good idea ?
    You can also create an Index organized table if there are less rows to be stored so data is stored only once in index and not in table. Not sure what you mean here but an IOT can potentially be useful if you have very large numbers of rows in the table. The number of rows has nothing to do with whether an IOT is suitable or not.
    Hope this info helps. Considering most of it is wrong, I'm not sure it really helps at all :(
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    Hi Nikhil,
    The STP and RSTP standard specifications mandate that each switch running STP/RSTP must have a unique Bridge ID (BID). Because Cisco runs STP or RSTP in each VLAN separately (called PVST and RPVST or PVRST), in each VLAN, the switch behaves like a standalone (albeit virtual) switch and thus, each STP/RSTP instance is required to have a unique BID to comply with the standard. Simply, having X VLANs means having X separate STP/RSTP instances and X unique BIDs.
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    Some switch platforms actually allowed you to deactivate the Extended System ID and revert to the older style of assigning unique MAC addresses to individual STP/RSTP instance BIDs. That is why the command spanning-tree extend system-id exists in the first place. However, removing this command is only possible on those switching platforms which are equipped with 1024 MAC addresses for their disposal. Most new switching platforms have only 64 MAC addresses for their internal use, and while the spanning-tree extend system-id command is present in their configuration, you can not remove it. It is simply there to inform you that the Extended System ID is being used but you can not really deactivate it.
    Read more here:
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  • More than One root in Tree Table

    Hi all
    I am Using Jdev version of 10.1.3 . I am using tree table component .
    I am not able to display more than one root at the same time. It usually displays one root and children underneath it if there are multiple roots it has navigation.
    But i require to display more than one root at the same time without any navigation. If it is not possible in jdev 10.1.3 how can i acheive the result , i am bound to use jdev 10.1.3 and i need to have a table which has parent and child and all the parents to be displayed at same time, Should i try with any custom renderer.
    PleaseAny light on this would be helpful.

    i can select them from different parents that depends on what i want to select Like:
    for ex: i wana choose Sam , Sandra & David to view thier times and OT on selecting them

  • I really need this type of HP touchscreen Laptop! wacom penabled 15"...

    Hi there!
    I have been searching for years for a laptop that suits my needs, none really exist yet. If they do exist they use N-trig instead of Wacom, which doesn't work in photoshop.
    Here are my specifications to what I would absolutely be thrilled to buy!
    *15.5" or so screen, not anything below 15" and not anything much larger.
    *Light weight, under 5lbs. Prefer as light as it can be, however if removable from the keyboard this isn't really required.
    *Touch screen (two finger capable)
    *Wacom pen with eraser with pressure sensitivity! I prefer the 1,000ish pressure sensitivity level.
    *8gb ddr3 ram, upgradeable if desired.
    *Removable battery, perfer at least 8 hours battery life on low light. 9 is even better.
    *500 GB HD - 1TB HD.
    *Tablet mode : as in the folding display mode.
    *Good graphics card for gaming. I'm not too knowledged on them, but would be great if I could do some 3d modeling with maya or 3dsmax with as much ease as possible.
    Things I would also love, not required, but preferred
    *Removable from the keyboard so its lighter weight to carry around.
    *Backlit keyboard, blue or color-changing option. Light up keys are even nicer, not required at all.
    *Not a lot of glare! Especially being an artist, I love lenovo's screens and i'm not a fan of matte, I like glossy but not a crazy glare like what i've seen from the glossiest laptops around. This is pretty important to me.
    *Track pad on keyboard with buttons that click for the mouse.
    *HD webcam
    My favorite design has been silver, especially when it's shiny with a black keyboard. I like Sony Vaio's sleek look and keyboard style.
    Not necessary but unique ideas
    *Tent mode (like the yoga tablets)
    *The other display modes some laptops have would also be nice for an artist.
    *A string which can be tied to a part of the laptop to not lose it.
    *A hole for the pen within the laptop for easy storage and access.
    *2 or preferably 3 USB ports. More are better of course!
    *CD drive but doesn't matter much.
    *Volume control on the keyboard would be awesome but doesn't change my mind about purchase.
    I GREATLY appreciate the time to read over my suggestions, i've not had any options in terms of my requirements for years and greatly appreciate anyone who reads this. I've been stuck with a very old wacom penabled toshiba laptop for my art (very slow), a windows laptop for travel, a tablet for light weight travel and a desktop for gaming! It's always been a pain when I have always used an entire device only to fit one need at a time when a 15" wacom windows laptop would solve my problems.

    I have an HP envy x360 and it has a lot of what you're looking for. I'm not entirely sure as to what pen I would need for this, but it does say it has pen compatibility. I recommend looking at it though! I personally love it even though I've been on a goosehunt trying to figure out what pen I'd need. I'm new to all this digitizer pen stuff without there being a separate tablet.

  • Ibook G4 freezes either when its on the grey loading screen or the blue screen. Sometimes I get it to my desktop but it always freezes in like a minute. Someone help I really need this computer!

         I have tried everything online and my iBook g4 wont stop freezing. Safe Mode doesnt even help, it still gets stuck on the blue screen! It either gets stuck on the grey loading screen or the blue screen. Rarely I am able to boot past everything and get to my desktop but after about 30 seconds it freezes again. This laptop was passed down to me and I have no original papers or disks that came with this laptop. I am really trying to figure this out without buying a disk because if it doesnt work I wont be out $60. Someone help I have tried putting it in safe mode single mode holding c down during start up! I need more options..  Please this is the only computer I have right now! (PS: I know warranty has expired a long long time ago)

    Some information you may or may not have read.
    Troubleshooting portables that won't turn on or start up
    Troubleshooting: My computer won't turn on
    Without the disk you are limited on options. It could be an issue with the hard drive and would required the disk to run disk utility.

  • Trouble getting "back to my mac" to work on new Air - and really need this functionality

    This is sort of one of those "asked and answered" threads, but I wanted to share my solution. I love being able to see my other computers remotely. I don't think Apple sells the functionality of remote desktop enough. I have a laptop and I also run to mini servers, one at work, and one at home. When I first got "back to my mac" working with my Apple ID on all three computers I thought I had died and went to heaven. With fast internet access this is really incredible - able to move files back and forth and see different things - even run things like media encoding on another computer so my laptop is not slowed down.
    But when I bought a new Air a couple of weeks ago I ran into a problem. I had done everything right. Each computer allows login with my Apple ID and all the sharing was turned on properly - remember, I was doing this with my previous Macbook Pro just fine.
    But everytime I would click on the remote computer in finder, finder would just quit and restart. Weird. Crash and then restart of finder.
    So I've been fighting with it.
    Then I discovered I could click on "All" in the sidebar (to see all networked computers and servers). Then if I right-clicked on the server that showed up in the list in the main window of "All" I could choose a "connect as" and get it to work. Now it works regardless even if I double-click right on the icon of the remote server in the sidebar.
    If you followed all of that, it could help you. If you're not using this "remote desktop feature, you should.

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
    SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Why isnt this working?? - I really need this!!!

    Hi, can you please have a go at this problem? Thnx!!
    Here is the code:
    import java.io.*;
    public class Main {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    private String newname=null;
    public void setName ()throws Exception{
    System.out.print("Hello, please enter your attribute");
    newname = in.readLine();}
    public String getName(){
    return newname;}
    public Main()throws Exception{
    Main m = new Main();
    import java.io.*;
    public class Main2 {
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
    private String newname=null;
    public void setName ()throws Exception{
    System.out.print("Please enter your sign");
    newname = in.readLine();}
    public String getName()throws Exception{
    Main z = new Main();
    return ("==" + z.getName());}
    return "Error";}}
    public Main2()throws Exception{
    Main2 p = new Main2();
    import java.io.*;
    public class Main3 {
    public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {
    Main2 p = new Main2();
    System.out.print("Hello "+p.getName());}}

    For one, Main2 has a recursive constructor:
    public Main2() throws Exception
      //Main2 p=new Main2();
      setName(); // You don't need another instance
    }Also, there is no reason to create a new class to get every entry from standard in. You could just do:
    System.out.println("Enter A: ");
    System.out.println("Enter B: ");

  • Did I really need this hub phone (possible return)

    Newbie here.
    New to BT as well.
    Happy with the service so far but feel I have a hub phone that wasn't explained to me properly when I ordered it. I thought it was a 'normal' landline phone that just plugged into the hub.
    I've recently been told that it has a different number to my landline(which I don't have) and is VOIP only.
    If I already have a landline package, why wasn't I told this phone would be superflous to my needs and can I return it for a refund?
    All advice gratefully received - especially if I'm talking rubbish!

    Have a read of this
    http://www.productsandservices.bt.com/consumerProducts/displayTopic.do?topicId=27273&s_cid=con_FURL_...  all the call charges are there...
    I dont use the hub phone myself that much,instead i download BT softphone
    http://www2.bt.com/static/fvc/softphone_installIS.exe   to all my PC's
    and use this headset
    a very lazy way of making calls,if your lying down
    you can get headset cheaper than the one i got



    yeah there is no warranty gaurantee for theeft . contact the local police and then hope but i highly doubt it willbe recovered. if no then take this as a learning experience and get another ipod. life ***** and bad things happen like this but we're human and we learn from mistakes.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Display resolution changed at reboot. cant go back.

    My monitor (samsung 932nw) works wonders on 1440 x 900 resolution. it has worked wonders with my mac mini for months but this morning when i started the machine the resolution had changed. when i went into the displays screen that resolution does not

  • How to put sent mails in different folders

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  • Keep your phone secure!

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  • XML Transformation help required

    Hi, I want to read the contents of XML file, so i want to use Transformation. I require your help in getting that. XML File contents - <SOAP_FAULT> - <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:a="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/add

  • Cant find the arrangement pane on system preferencies!!!!!

    i tryed following the intructions on the FAQ section but i run in to a little problem... on the Display pane i dont have nothing saying arrangement pane. i'm using 2 displays and they work but they are in mirror and i wanted to be in extended desktop