I seem to be having attachments stripped from email

I am running mac mail and I seem to get attachements stripped that people send. Not all the time and not overly large attachements either, but most turn up then id say 1 in 8 gets stripped and there is no attachment when I recieve the mail

Do you have a web access to your email account?  If so, take a look at the emails there and see if the attachements are being stripped by your email provider first.  Could be that certain types of attachements are getting flagged by their security SW.

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    Hi there
    I am running Outlook 2010 in Windows 7 Home premium to access a POP mail address. I have created rules on Outlook to forward my emails from the POP account into the relevant IMAP folders of my @icloud.com account which enables me to access my emails on an iPhone and iPad.
    This system has been running smoothly for some time, however I have recently noticed a problem that has developed over the last month or so:
    Every now and then, attachments on emails that I have received do not sync onto my peripheral devices ie. the iPhone and iPad.
    This is not specific to a particular sender or file type and seems to occur at random.
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    The attachments are only missing from the iPad and iPhone. Has anybody ever encountered an issue like this? Perhaps there is something that I am overlooking?
    Thanks in advance

    Well. I make an export Archive from iCal.
    Then deactivate from the iPhone (Adjusts - iCloud) the Calendars.
    For now, I will not use iCloud for calendars. I do not understand why we end with two Calendars. One from iCloud and one from the iPhone or the Mac itselves.
    We must have just ONE calendar for all.
    I use CalAlarm app from Devart and with the iPhone icon selected on iTunes I had to uncheck and check on Information label Sincronize Calendars of iCal.

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    In Firefox Options / Privacy be sure "Remember download history" is checked. To see all of the options on that panel, "Firefox will" must be set to "Use custom settings for history".
    To find your OS information, on your Windows desktop, right-click the My Computer icon, choose Properties, under System on that small window is info about your OS.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

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    ... and even dumber that
    the "save" option for email attachments in Mail
    doesn't give a "send to iPhoto" option instead.
    It does under Tiger (OS X 10.4). When viewing a message with attached photos, click and hold on the small grey Save button next to the subject. At the bottom of the menu which pops out, choose Add to iPhoto. Done.

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    I need some fresh brain power on this one. 
    Thanks in advance

    There are no attachments on the receiving end. 
    I enabled protocol logging on the outlook clients and there is no difference in the SMTP log between an email sent successfully and when the attachments get stripped.
    This is happening to all the workstations in the domain.  I have done online and offline (boot from CD and scan all local drives) virus scans and I am confident it is not a virus issue.
    I would love to get rid of POP3 but we still use it because our sales staff have to send email using several different domains and using pop3 allows them to reply to emails and have them sent back out the same account (domain) that they were received from. 
    The cause of the issue was either exchange rollup 7 or one of the workstation updates.  Both events happened the night before.  We have been running this configuration for years and those are the only events that changed in our environment. 

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    Thanks for your help.

    Install ClamXav and run a scan with that. It should pick up any trojans.   
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

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    stell80 wrote:
    in settings and then general i do not have the option of software update...?
    That is only present if you have already updated to iOS 5 or later.  If you're on iOS 4 you can only update while connected to your computer's iTunes.
    stell80 wrote:
    How do I know if I am on IOS6
    Settings/ General/ About
    stell80 wrote:
    I also seem to be having trouble trying to use icloud i think this is because my apple id is not in the form of an email address...? can anyone help
    You can't access iCloud from your iPhone unless you're on iOS 5 or later.  Otherwise, refer to this article:

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    Apple Mail isn't going to change the format of any of your attachments. it isn't going to corrupt them either.
    Exchange is a transport protocol and server. The issue you describe is not related to Exchange.
    There are many different versions of Microsoft Outlook in use and they all have e-mail bugs. Different versions have different bugs. Some Apple Mail hack to get around a bug in Outlook 2003 may cause the same message to be problematic in Outlook 2000. Fix them both and another issue will cause trouble in Outlook 2007. You can't fix this. Apple can't fix this. Microsoft can and has but that is irrelevant if your recipients are using older versions.
    One specific problem is that Apple Mail always sends image attachments inline, as images, not as iconized files. You can change this with Attachment Tamer. Just be aware that use of this software will break other things such as Stationery. E-mail is just a disaster. To date, no one outside of Apple has ever implemented the e-mail standards from 1993. Apple has continually changed its e-mail software to be more compatible with the de-facto standards that Netscape and Microsoft have unilaterally defined and people documented as "standards" after the fact. The e-mail messages that Apple Mail sends are 100% correct and do not violate any of the original standards from 1993 or the Microsoft/Netscape modifications. The problem is entirely bugs and limitations in various versions of Outlook.

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    Anyone have a similar issue, and have you found a fix? Or any ideas where I can troubleshoot from here?
    I'm stumped.

    The thread here discusses the same issue, and the Command Y hack worked for me. There's got to be a better way.

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    I will literally be looking at it, as one of 6 files, hit Send, and in my sent box there are only 5 files, the Checklist is gone!  It's random; about 1/3 to 1/2 of them do this.  Others make it through.
    Please let me know if there is a fix to this?  I'm having to resend attachments about 6 times a day now! 

    Please send several test emails with attachments on OWA, check if this issue will occur.
    If the issue is on client only, we can start Outlook in Safe Mode to test, this can eliminate the influence by 3rd-party add-ins:
    Press Win + R, type "outlook.exe /safe" in the blank box, press Enter.
    In Outlook Safe Mode, send several test emails with attachments to see if the problem will ever occur. If no, we may suspect the issue was caused by some add-ins, go to FILE -> Options -> Add-Ins to disable the suspicious add-ins to verify which one
    caused the problem.
    We can also test with a new profile to setup the account, a new profile will be a new environment for the account, we can check if the problem will occur with the new profile and you don't need to remove the old profile.
    To create a new profile, go to Control Panel -> Mail -> Show Profiles -> Add.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Why can't I remove attachments from emails in the Sent items folder?

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    Any suggestions will be appreciated.

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    There seems to be a few bugs with iCloud Mail at times, so send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Apple support article, but I don't think it really addresses your problem.
    iCloud - Mail Troubleshooting

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    Thank you,

    There is some weirdness in the logic of the Email QPAC.
    Populate the "Login Name" field in the QPAC with some dummy data, and then uncheck the checkbox that says "Use Authentication". The QPAC will ignore the Login name, but will start observing the from address.
    Weird, but it seems to work.
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