I want to burn my music video as songs on a regular music cd

I am making a playlist for my freind, the problem is that alot of the songs are videos I purchased from itunes. I just want to burn them as a songs.

Incidentally, my first thought was to map a network share from the NAS to my computer, so that my music files appear on the Z: drive, say on my computer. I could then set up iTunes to store music etc in that folder, and to copy all new items to that folder. However, if I do that, all that'll happen is that on my NAS, the library file will become out of date as I add music to the collection but not to the index.

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    I had major issues with the iPhone 4s battery, however it’s resolved.
    The tech who set the phone up at the Apple store did so with little training.
    if you have a mobile me account. First go and move all your data to the cloud by going on your computer and logging in at me.com/move. The cloud has replaced mobile me, so there is no need for those two accounts
    Also make sure that for any of your email accounts you set them up to fetch, not push. My tech person set them all to have the email servers push data to the phone. The new iphone4s antenna is extremely strong so it will continually try to access stuff that is pushed–***** a lot of battery life doing this. It makes it worse if you have exchange 2010 accounts. Something about changes made to exchange really suck battery life from devices that access such accounts.
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    "You have inserted a blank DVD but originally selected a CD format. Are you sure you wish to create a data DVD instead?"
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    Copy the entire /Music/iTunes/ folder on your PC to /Music/ on your Mac.
    Then delete what you don't want.
    You will need to authorize yrou computer for the iTunes account yoru mother has.
    You should create & use your own iTunes account for any more purchases.
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    Thank you for replying.    Yes I deleted the old email address..   

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    Hi trineram,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you understand the parameters for adding music to an iMovie for iOS project.
    iMovie for iOS (iPad): Add background music
    - Judy

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    It sounds like you have assigned the primary click on the trackpad to something else, perhaps a gesture.
    Use your mouse, login and then open the Trackpad preference pane and see how you have the interface configured.
    Oh and you can have both the Magic Mouse and Magic Trackpad powered up and working at the same time. No need to keep moving batteries around.

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    You need to do a Video-DVD
    Your Mac can only make Data-DVDs without any extra program.
    • If it's some Years old then iDVD was included to do this
    • If brand New - iDVD is not supplied any more. Nor does Apple sell it either.
    (Can be bougth from Amazon or second handed in boxed version of iLife. The iLife on Apple Store do not contain iDVD or iWeb any more)
    alt. is
    If there are/is no iDVD on Your Mac (and it's not on newer Macs as Apple discarded it) then You need a program that can do this.
    Your Mac can burn CDs and DVDs - BUT DVD as Data-DVDs not as Video-DVDs - they need a program to be encoded and STRUCTURED as such.
    • iDVD is part of the boxed version of iLife'11 and can only be bought outside Apple as on Amazon and e-bay
    • DVD Studio pro - Part of FinalCut Studio Pro bundle - this to has expired and can only be bought second handed. (High price and tough learning Curve - but best ever done.)
    • Roxio Toast™ - Not as elegant as iDVD - but has many other positive additions (I like it as 10-Pro incl BD-component) (now version 11)
    • Burn - only free alternative I know of on internet. Very simple - Just for doing a plain Video-DVD
    Burn http://www.digital-digest.com/software/Burn.html
    only You can buy from Apple is
    • FinalCut Pro-X which also can burn to DVD but without any nice themes.
    You can also buy Compressor from Apple for $50 US. It will also create DVD and BluRay but without the nice themes.
    Yours Bengt W

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    But iPhone is showing 91 songs instead of 103 Liberary shoes 103. Why these new song are not syncing.
    What should I do? What is proper procedure ? What is the true procedure to add music and videos accept any other thing.
    Please solve my problem.

    Plawexki wrote:
    ...  do you know if the contacts, photos, messages etc will be wiped?
    Yes... Everything will be Wiped and Replaced with what is currently on Your Mac.
    SYNCING with iTunes
    See here  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1386
    From Here  >  http://www.apple.com/support/iphone/syncing/
    You may find this information of interest...
    Have a read here...
    And See Here...
    How to Use Multiple iDevices with One Computer

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    Hi, neighbour!
    Create your playlist in iTunes, making sure it will fit on a CD (time and size of playlist shown at bottom of window).
    I think as you're in Lion, it'll be iTunes 10? If so I believe the burn option is now in one of the menus - probably 'file', but it shouldn't take much finding).
    Selecting Burn should give you a dialogue some thing like this;
    (This is iTunes 9, so it may not be exactly the same).
    Choose Audio CD and set the gap if reqd.
    Click burn, then insert the CD when prompted in the top of the iTunes window.

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