I want to permanently unpin and remove a tab, but the pinned tab keeps opening whenever I restart Firefox.

I accidentally pinned a tab. Now every time I open Firefox it is there, even if I unpin and close, or just close the tab and restart the browser.

This somehow fixed itself after a couple of days of unpinning. I'm not sure what I did but if it comes back I will try your method. I just had a look in the about:config page and couldn't find either browser.newtabpage.pinned, nor browser.newtabpage.blocked, but that may be because I no longer have anything pinned.
Thank you.

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    here is Old TOad's list of potential packages including his comments
    These applications will identify and help remove duplicate photos from an iPhoto Library:
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    Duplicate Cleaner for iPhoto - free - was able to recognize the duplicated HDR and normal files from an iPhone shooting in HDR
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    Most of the current Apple Intel based computers are comparable in CPU speed. I don't think it is so much the model of laptop as it is the memory, and storage capacity of the machine. If you are going to use FCP on a regular basis, perhaps as a professional or semi-professional, then you should think about the maximum memory and a very large capacity internal disk drive. For instance, one hour of finished compressed video will take up about 1.5 to 2Gbytes of disk space. If you add up the raw footage and still imagery and audio, you'll use up your disk drive capacity real quick. So a hard disk on the order of 750Gbytes @ 7200rpms might be good for video editing. 5400RPMs might be slow to rendering times. Rendering a video might take up a lot of memory so more memory is better e.g. 8Gbytes.
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    Hey Posada143, You can still try the rice thing, but do not expect much, as roaminggnome has stated. The rice only works if you do it ASAP and leave the iPod off-- do not attempt use, turn on or charge until it is completely dried out. This is probably academic at this point but remember this for the next time: The drying can take 10 days. You put the uncooked rice and iPod in a sealed bag, change the rice every couple of days. This creates a low humidity environment and draws the moisture out of the iPod, but it takes time. Turn your iPod on to earlier, and you run the risk of shorting out, damaging the components inside. Even if done correctly it can spotty. If you do get the iPod to work (and this may require Resetting, Restoring or attempting to place it in DFU recover mode) the first thing you do is make backups, because you never know how long it will continue to work. As for your pictures, if you can't get your iPod to work, you can try data retrieval companies, however; there is no guaranty it will work and it tends to be very expensive. In the future get in the habit of as making backups, because you just don't know. And invest in and use a water tight case. Hope this helps, Good luck. Cheers.

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    1) Apps are not part of the backup, only data stored by 3rd party apps. But you can redownload the apps for free again if you use the same account you did when you bought them the first time. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2519
    2) See this article http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1766 and find out what's in your backup.
    3) Backup your itunes+ library (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1382 and http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1751), which will copy your Mobile Applications folder, and save your iphone backup folder as well
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    When you resync your apps from your computer to the phone, make sure your computer is authorized again. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1420

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