I want to try out Face Time. Anyone want to chat?

I want to check it out but don't have any friends who own an iPhone 4. Anyone else want to have a test conversation with me? Don't worry about having to look cool, I look like the reflection in a car door. We can chat about our iPhones, music, sports or even nothing at all. We could speak through interpretive dance or just stare at each other. On another note, I just want to say that although it's not been perfect by any stretch, this phone has been a vast improvement over my 3g. Fewer dropped call, better reception. I did have the death grip and the bumper seemed to subdue that issue. It runs circles around the 3g speedwise and I find apps to be more responsive. It does seem more fragile but a $300 phone isn't something you want to dropkick on to your desk at the end of the day. I do have occasional proximity issues but I believe all these things will be sorted out in time. Not deal breakers.

hey, ive yet to try out facetime. i just moved to gatlanta from koxville, and i dunno anyone with an iphone 4 to try it out. every time i call 1-888-facetime i never get thru. a recording tells me to go to an apple website to learn more. if anyone would be interested in a facetime chat email me [email protected] and btw im a 24 yr old male.

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