ICal and Kerberos - works sometimes

Hello everyone... Looking for a Kerberos expert.
I'm trying to get single sign on to work for iCal services. I have it working on a macmini server that is a brand new installation... bare bones set up (Address Book, AFP, DNS, iCal, OD). However, I can't seem to get it to work on an actual deployment on an Xserve. And I have no idea what the key difference is between the two setups.
It seems there's a lot of unanswered chatter on this topic... Can anyone help?

So I think I've discovered that not all services are kerberized... Not sure how this happened. I even recently rebuilt Kerberos on the xserve. Anyways, I noticed by checking the Kerberos services that a few key services to CALDAV (what iCal is using) are NOT listed on my XSERVE set up (such as HTTP and XMPP) and they are listed on my mac mini set up. This would explain why Kerberos shows as "running" on the xserve, but iCal can't use it to authenticate.
To check which principals are attached to Kerberos try this...
sudo kadmin.local -q list_principals
(You'll have to authenticate, of course invoking sudo.)
So now, I think my only option is to try and rebuild Open Directory. Which seems a little insane considering that Server does not need kerberos to work... just have to decide if it's worth the potential dain bramage that could follow trying to get 15 users re-imported and working properly with a new OD master. Any feedback on how to do this without too much trauma? I have clones of the working server hard drive and can make a clone of server data hard drive which houses all the home folders for my users. Again... any help would be very much appreciated.

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                        var strCustId:String = object_CustomerList.arryCollCustId.getItemAt(i).toString();
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                    OEMCustomersComboID.selectedItem = -1;
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    Thanks in advance..

    Hi Satya,
    This sometimes as in your case might not work as the way you have specified the RemoteClass attribute in your AS class. As somtimes there may be a case as before it is mapped to a server side you are returned the data and so that you may not get the data as your Custom class but as normal Object type.
    So in order to avoid this you can map the server side class to AS classes in the PreInitialize handler itself as shown below:
    Specify the preinitializeHandler in your main application and write the below function.This way also you can map AS classes with the server side. So that you will not have any problem referring your application as AS class types.
    You can use the same line for registering all the classes. By using this you can remove all the  [RemoteClass] attributes on all AS classes and include it at single place.
    private function onPreinitialize():void
      registerClassAlias("com.expeditor.ScriptAdmin.Objects.CustomerList", CustomerList);
    Here in the above line of code the string in quotes refer to the namespace of the Server side class and the latter is your AS class. Also dont forget to import the namespace of the corresponding AS class in the file.
    Try this and let me know..

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    I have found a reliable and somewhat fast approach to restoring Open Directory master is to export your User profiles, Group profiles and computer profiles from WGM.
    Stop Calendar services. Take OD to standalone and then repromote it to master. Import the user, groups and computer profiles with WGM. Check your server's ethernet mac address in computer/inspector to make sure your directory is using the right address.
    Reenter the user passwords and re-enable your groups for wiki/blog services on your server. This will return all users and groups with their previous UIDs and GUIDs so that data files will be associated with the right person/group.
    Restart your iCalServer. Restart web service.
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    Hey thanks for replying.
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