ICloud Pages templates

How do I save stationary I created in iCloud Pages as templates? I also have many templates on my Mac I would like to save as templates in the cloud.

Getting your Pages templates from your Mac to your iPad via iCloud is not 100% straightforward, but it can be done - I succesfully did the following procedure using Mavericks & iOS7:
1) Create your template in Pages
2) Choose "File > Save As Template" and choose the "Save..." option (not "Add To Template Chooser")
3) Save the template to a memorable location (e.g. your desktop)
4) Open a new finder window, hold the alt/option key on your keyboard and choose "Go > Library"
5) Browse to ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages/Documents
6) Open a second finder window and locate the template you saved in step 3
7) Drag the template into ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~Pages/Documents
8) Open Pages
9) Tap Documents in the top left
10) Wait a few moments  for the iCloud to sync
11) With any luck your template will appear (with a generic template icon)
12) Tap the template
13) A dialog will appear "Add to Template Chooser" - tap "Add"
14) Once this is done, you can remove the template from your iCloud documents to keep things tidy by tapping "Edit", then tapping on the template file, and finally tapping on the Bin / Trash icon.
Now when creating a new document on your iPad you will find your template at the bottom under "MY TEMPLATES"
If you were refering to iCloud pages beta in (at iCloud.com), unfortunately I am not aware of a way to save user templates to this platfom.

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    Create the Template. Go to: File > Save as Template. Select iCloud from the drop down menu. Click Save.
    This is the icon for a Pages template on the cloud:

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    Thanks, I appreciate the help.  I think this is one of the problems Apple is creating by changing the OS so often. I had fomer colleagues at [a major aerospace contractor] who told me that so many original files were ultimately lost because of the deadly change in the "Save As" operation that they are now afraid of every OS update. Apple has badly damaged their support base with that very prominent company (they won't update now until they've fully examined and understand changes in the pre-conditioned nature of OS computer functions), and they are a whole lot less enthaled with Mac-related equipment/software. Can't blame them, I too used orginal files that way (as easy-to-use templates), and lost some important files before I realized what was happening (to late to revert). Companies should not have to retrain employees each time an OS gets an update, it's can be very expensive several different ways. They learned a painful lesson with that one. And because I'm now retired and don't use multiple devices, I need iCloud like I need a hole in the head... but I'm told there's no way to keep Apple out of my computer. Fortunately, because of major problems when initially installing Mountain Lion, one hold-over of the hardware/software damage I experienced was that iCloud can no longer access my computer even though everything else is working fine again. That was the only "good luck" I had as a result of that expensive nightmare.

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    pls check this
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

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    It appears that you are launching the old version, probably using an icon in your Dock. That icon is an alias & is not updated. You will need to go to your Applications folder & find the new Pages 5 icon & double-click it. Once it is launched, you can right-click on the icon & choose Options > keep in Dock from the contextual menu.

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    Hey Dave, See the image below:

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    Cross Site Publishing, would typically be done via the Content Search Web Part and the display templates. Can you have a look at this, as it might be what you meant?
    Steven Andrews
    SharePoint Business Analyst: LiveNation Entertainment
    Blog: baron72.wordpress.com
    Twitter: Follow @backpackerd00d
    My Wiki Articles:
    CodePlex Corner Series
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves (or helps) your problem.

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    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico, Spanish is my native tongue. I do not speak English very well, however, I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
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    In Application Builder:
    - Edit the Application
    - Click on Shared Components
    - Click on Themes
    > The current theme will have an 'asterisk (*)' by the theme name
    - On the far right column will be a panel called Tasks
    - Click Edit Theme
    - Click on your current theme
    You'll see a drop down list that allows you to pick the default page template.
    Hope that helps.

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    First, open the "<lightroom 5 install directory>\Templates\Layout Templates" folder.  Then navigate to the template set that contains the template you would like to use as a starting point for the new template.  For example, "12x12-blurb\clean12x12".  Make a back-up copy of the templatePages.lua file in case you mess something up and want to revert.
    There will be a bunch of .jpg files in this directory that each contain a preview image of the layout that carries the same name as the .jpg file.  Find the one that you would like to use as a starting point.  Take note of the name of the file, which is probably something similar to "page_26_preview.jpg".   Duplicate the file and rename it to something unique, such as "dummy_preview.jpg".  It's just temporary, so it doesn't matter what name you pick, provided it is a legal file name with no spaces.
    Next, open the templatePages.lua file in a text editor.  I suggest using one that can automatically recognize and format ULA (such as Notepad++, which is open source and free to use).  Then search the file for the unique portion of the file name you took note of earlier, such as "page_26".  It will point you to a section in the LUA file that describes that particular template.  Carefully copy that entire section, including a balanced number of brackets (starting with the two brackets and commas before "children" and ending with the one bracket and comma after the "title" line.  Paste the copied text into the end of the file on a new line immediately following the bracket and comma after the "title" field for the last page template section (right near the end of the file).  Change the "previewName" field to the name of the preview file copy that you created ("dummy_preview.jpg" for me) and the "name" field to the name of the new template you're creating ("dummy" for me, since it is just temporary).  Next change at least one of the hex characters in the "pageID" field such that the new template will have a unique page identifier.
    Now you can make edits to the photo and text fields included in the new section, using other templates in the template file as examples.  "x" and "y" fields are coordinates (in pixels) for the bottom-left corner of the picture or text field, "height" and "width" are the width of the field in pixels.  The fields should be mostly self-explanatory, but make sure that the "photoindex" fields are filled-in starting from 1 to N, where N is the number of pictures in the template, with no duplicates or gaps.  They do not need to be in order.  Treat the "textIndex" fields similarly for text fields.  If you want to add an additional picture or text field, simply copy the section describing a picture or text field from another template and paste it, carefully, into the new template that you are creating.
    Once you are done, save the file (you may get interference from Windows UAC, in which case save the file elsewhere and the move it back to the correct directory).  Then open Lightroom.  Create a new photobook, and choose the new template for one of the pages, remembering that the preview image will look like the JPG that you copied.  Voila!  If you didn't screw anything up, you should see a page based on your new template.  Then right-click the page and select "Save as custom page", which will cause a fresh preview file to be created for your new template and your template to be copied to the "custom pages" section of the template menu.  The new section you added to the "templatePages.lua" and the "dummy" preview file can now be deleted, since they are no longer needed.  I save them so that I may simply overwrite them the next time I need to create a customized template.
    Enjoy, and please share any clarifications, corrections, or enhancements to my process.

    peter at knowhowpro wrote:
    DHWachs wrote:
    This post was great!  Thank you so much.  But I am hoping you know one more thing related to this.  In the "transform" section of the definition (where the x/y coordinates are set along with height and width) there is an option called "angle".  I was hoping that changing this value would allow me to offset the angle of the picture.  However, if I put any value there other than 0 the template becomes unusable.
    Do you happen to know what this option does?
    I haven't looked into the files, so this is just a guess based on how some graphic applications work. It's common to think of rotating a shape as pivoting around a center point, but It's possible that the file sets a value for the rotation point not at the center. In some graphics applications, you can set a shape's pivot at any corner or in the middle of any side, of the rectangle that contains the whole shape.
    So, your value may be rotating the shape around a pivot that moves the shape into some area that upsets the behavior of other shapes. Just a thought.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices
    Peter's point is a good one.  I would also assume that the "angle" property allows you to rotate an image, but I haven't tried it myself.  One thing to investigate - are there any page templates included in LR that have image placeholders that are at an angle (I don't recall any, off-hand)?  If so, looking at the associated .lua file could provide insight into how an angled image placeholder should be described.

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    Hello Pierre,
    Seeing that you are familiar with Photoshop, but not with Dreamweaver I assumed you are a designer. If my assumption is not correct, the rest of the message does not apply.
    You could try Adobe Muse for your task. Its purpose is to aid designers create HTML websites without writing code.
    Here's the product page (it is already free if you subscribed to Creative Cloud): http://www.adobe.com/products/muse.html
    And here is a tutorial explaining what you wanted to achieve: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/creative-suite-podcast-designers/how-to-use-photoshop-files-in-y our-muse-website/
    I hope that helps.
    Best regards,
    Iulian Radu.

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    See Home>Application Builder>Application 999999>Shared Components>Themes>Create / Edit

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    carlson.steve wrote:
    So I have done as you suggested and created a new and separate application to hold not only my jsf template files but also my trinidad-config and trinidad-skins xml files, packaged it into an ADF library Jar and then added that jar to the libraries of my forward facing public app but still can't get the public app to see either the jsf template or trinidad skinning files... what am I doing wrong here?Hi,
    I suggest that you verify that both pagetemplate-metadata.xml and oracle.adf.common.services.ResourceService.sva service resources file are packaged in the META-INF directory of your Template Project ADF Library JAR.

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