Icon Invisible

The icon is invisible in botton, see what I do:
I created icons.jar (with all *.gif)
I copied icons.jar to C:\DevSuite10g\forms\java
I changed the formsweb.cfg (in the end file I puted)
I restard the form, but the icon still is invisible.
what is wrong?

After that I have consulted
http://www.oracle.com/technology/ products/forms/pdf/webicons.pdf , I did it.
The topic Best Pratic
1- I copied myAppicon.jar file to c:\ myApp directory.
2- I modified the archive_jini value in formsweb.cfg file:
3- I modified two orion-web.xml file:
I puted <virtual-directory virtual-path="/myApp" real-path=" C:\MyApp" />
4- I modified the forms90.conf file
AliasMatch ^/forms/myApp/(..*) " c:\myApp/$1"
5- I tested the virtual path in a browser with the following URL:
I dont have sucess, please someone can help me?

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    Make sure you have the Latest Version of iTunes (v11.1.5) Installed on your computer
    iTunes free download from www.itunes.com/download
    Then... See Here  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808
    You may need to try this More than Once...  Be sure to Follow ALL the Steps...
    Take your time... Pay particular attention to Steps 3 and 4.

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    Since it's the trial version of LabVIEW, you can only try to look at the VIs, but they won't let you. Nah, just kidding!
    Can you share the VI you're having trouble with? Maybe the VI has no pattern set for the terminals, so it's not actually invisible it's just one big terminal.
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    You mean to say that you r not able to include icons from tool
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    cn u explain more .

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    Message was edited by: barbufou

    Start with resetting the LaunchServices database. Launch the Terminal.app in /Applications/Utilities/, copy & paste this one-liner into the window that pops up, hit the return key, and when you get a new prompt, quit the Terminal app and restart:
    */System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user*

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    Great, it works.
    The only thing is suggested style just makes the icon invisible, but it is still there and can be clicked.
    I applied .hideDiscloseIcon af|treeTable::collapsed-icon-style
    display: none;
    }and there is no disclose button at all.

  • My Problems.... Any Suggesstions?

    Please help me with the problems listed below that I'm randomly having. Thanks
    1.) Random icons disappearing. They're still click-able, but they go invisible and all you can see is the text of the icon.
    2.) Yellow/Orange tint in pictures taken in certain low light environments. (I've already had the phone replaced once due to this, but the new one didn't fix it)
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    6.) And here is the latest problem I'm having... This occurred 2 times yesterday. I took the phone off the sync cable after syncing, and the screen on the phone flashed then dropped to black. Nothing seemed to work... home button, sleep button, pressing screen... so I restarted it. A little while later, I had a game app opened and when I went to select a game button in the game, nothing responded. It was frozen on the game screen. I pressed the home button, nothing. I pressed the sleep button, nothing. I held the sleep button for 5 seconds, then held the home button down to try to force close the game... nothing happened. After a few times of sleep button, then home screen (force closing app), it finally did something... it went to a black screen again. At this point, if I pressed the sleep button, it would light up the screen, but still black... nothing would show up, so I restarted the phone again. I opened the game app again, and the button I was originally pressing in the game must have worked because I noticed the item I was selecting worked. So it seems like the screen itself is freezing, but the underlying software is still working.
    I'm wondering, should I call for another replacement, or wait for the next update? Any ideas on any of the items above. I have the latest official release, v4.0.1, but I haven't tried a restore yet. Suggestions anyone?

    Thanks for the tips. I'll try a restore this afternoon and see if that helps first. If not, then I'll look into other options.
    Joe Z in VA wrote:
    1.) Random icons disappearing. They're still click-able, but they go invisible and all you can see is the text of the icon.
    In previous iOS versions, posters have noticed applications being assigned the incorrect icon or no icon at all. Restoring as new iPhone or sometimes Backup worked. Sometimes removing all apps and restoring them worked as well.
    I forgot to mention that the icons end up reappearing, usually with either a restart, or if left alone for a while. The weird thing is, when this happens (disappearing icons), it might have 1 icon invisible on one page, and if I go to the next page, 1 icon on that page will be invisible, and if i return to the previous page, a different icon will be invisible. If I keep switching pages, it goes through this same process.
    2.) Yellow/Orange tint in pictures taken in certain low light environments. (I've already had the phone replaced once due to this, but the new one didn't fix it)
    In certain conditions, the camera adjusts the low lighting as well as the LED Flash. Several posters commented the yellow, orange, neon tint. It can't be helped as far as we know. I get a darkish blue on indoor lighting. Some suggested that keeping the protective film on the iPhone or using protective film like ZAGG may be discoloring the camera.
    Off the subject a tad, I had an issue where the flash was reflecting off my case, causing a blueish tint in the picture. Coloring in the blue hole with a black permanent marker around the flash of the case fixed this. Back on subject... I don't have any protective film on it, but I was told by Apple Support that this would be fixed in a software update. I guess I'm just adding this to the list to determine if it's worth swapping out again along with all my other issues because I know some users have reported getting replacements that worked.
    5.) Screen seems to press things by itself... and by this I mean, for instance, when I have an app open and my finger is hovering over it, it will press the item below my finger even with my finger about a 1/4" away. This has happened multiple times and I know my finger isn't hitting the screen. It usually happens in the camera app, in the spot of the snap button (multiple times), but it's also happened in a game app I was playing.
    6.) And here is the latest problem I'm having... This occurred 2 times yesterday. I took the phone off the sync cable after syncing, and the screen on the phone flashed then dropped to black. Nothing seemed to work... home button, sleep button, pressing screen... so I restarted it. A little while later, I had a game app opened and when I went to select a game button in the game, nothing responded. It was frozen on the game screen. I pressed the home button, nothing. I pressed the sleep button, nothing. I held the sleep button for 5 seconds, then held the home button down to try to force close the game... nothing happened. After a few times of sleep button, then home screen (force closing app), it finally did something... it went to a black screen again. At this point, if I pressed the sleep button, it would light up the screen, but still black... nothing would show up, so I restarted the phone again. I opened the game app again, and the button I was originally pressing in the game must have worked because I noticed the item I was selecting worked. So it seems like the screen itself is freezing, but the underlying software is still working.
    Both my suggestion is a restore from backup or restore as new iPhone. It may be iOS issues that some posters suggest performing a restore to fix the issue. Some have had this problem and the restore helped.
    It may also be a very sensitive screen. My screen is having a slight difficulty like yours. My hard comment is when trying to move apps from one screen to the left in another scene, it takes a hardcore attempt to push it over.
    Thanks, I'll try the restore. I hope it's not a hardware issue because I really don't feel like swapping out again. My original phone didn't have any of these issues, aside from the yellow/orange pictures. I'd hate to return this one and get one even worse off like the last swap.
    I would also like to add I've had a few unexpected restarts as well. I don't recall what I was doing at the time, possibly opening or closing an app, then all of a sudden it just restarts.
    Anyway, thanks for the information. I'll try the restore later today and see how it takes.

  • Flex SDK 3.4 Tree Item Renderer Root Folder displays Tooltip for Child

    I have a Flex Tree that uses a custom item renderer.  The item renderer extends Tree Item Renderer and I add my button in commit properties (since the data is dynamic) and I use update displaylist to move it to the right position.  I set the button to be visible on rollover and make the icon invisible. On rollout I reverse that logic.
    When I have my item renderer add the button, it causes only one problem and it seems to be under certain conditions:
    - Single root folder for the tree
    - Upon opening the tree, the root folder displays the tool tip for the last child in the tree
    Any idea why the tooltip comes up?
    public function AssetTreeItemRenderer ()
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onItemRollover);
                addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onItemRollout);
                addEventListener(ToolTipEvent.TOOL_TIP_SHOWN, toolTipShown);
                addEventListener(ToolTipEvent.TOOL_TIP_CREATE, onCreateToolTip);
             * override createChildren
            override protected function commitProperties():void {
                if(data is IAsset) {
                    if(playBtn === null) {
                        playBtn = new Button();
                        playBtn.styleName = "previewPlayButton";
                        playBtn.toolTip = "Play";
                        playBtn.width = icon.width + 2;
                        playBtn.height = icon.height + 2;
                        playBtn.visible = false;
                        playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayBtnClick);
                } else {
                    if(playBtn !== null) {
                        playBtn = null;
             * override updateDisplayList
             * @param Number unscaledWidth
             * @param Number unscaledHeight
            override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number,
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                //Move our play button to the correct place
                if(super.data && playBtn !== null)
                    playBtn.x = icon.x;
                    playBtn.y = icon.y;

    You are not clearing tooltip if data is not IAsset

  • How do I remove ITunes and all the associated apps connected with ITunes from IPAD air. I did not ask for the download. It happened when I added a Chrome app.

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    You can't. Those built in apps are not able to be deleted. The most you can do is to put them on a back menu page or tuck them in a folder.
    They didn't come with the chrome app, they were there all along.
    You can also go into the restrictions and enable restrictions and turn the apps off, which will make their icons invisible even though the apps will still be on your device.

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    You can't delete it. But you can turn it off in restrictions which makes the icon invisible. Could it have been hidden in restrictions? (I'm presuming you had Facetime before? Because that app is banned in some parts of the world and if you just purchased this device in one of those countries, that can explain why Facetime isn't on it.)

  • Icons in menu bar and standard menus are invisible!

    I'm having an issue with OS X 10.8.2 on my 15" (not Retina) Macbook Pro (late 2011, Core i7 2.4 GHz w/ 16GB RAM and SSD);
    The majority of system icons in the menu bar "extras" area (that is, to the right near the date/time in the menu bar) are blank. The area where the icon would be located is responsive to clicks, and drops a menu item down upon click, but the icons themselves are invisible. The same goes for Spotlight which has a spot for it's icon and responds to the hotkey of Apple + Spacebar, but the icon itself is invisible. The only icons that are visible are third party programs that run and place themselves there such as Little Snitch, and the battery low ("red" battery) indicator icon; other battery icons are invisible.
    Also invisible/blank are the icons for going back and forward in a Finder window as well as the back/forward icons in System Preferences sub-dialogs. The icons for choosing labels, changing the way Finder windows display (their view options), and a few others that I cannot name as I cannot see them are invisible as well. Icons that would normally display to the left of "All My Files", "AirDrop", "Applications", "Desktop", et cetera in the Finder window do not display, either.
    I have tried installing the 10.8.2 Combo Update and using the Disk Utility "Repair" and "Verify" Filesystem options but neither fixed the issue. I have tried deleting the cached plist files for the SystemUIServer as well but there was no change in the icon display (or, that is, lack of display!).
    I am running Mac OS X 10.8.2 (including the Combined Update) on the late-2011 Macbook Pro 15" w/ 2.4 GHz Core i7 (default 4GB memory and 750gb HDD; upgraded to 16GB of RAM and a Crucial M4 256GB SSD). I cannot recall if the problem started after I updated any system software or not; I upgraded to 10.8.2 via buying OS X Mountain Lion from the App Store so that I would have a copy on USB to install after replacing my HDD with my SSD. Everything worked fine on fresh installation, and I am not sure at what point the icons disappeared.
    Does anyone have any insight into this problem, and more importantly, how to correct it? Please see the screenshots below for a proper illustration of the problem I am experiencing. The sole icon visible, with the two columns, is Little Snitch 3.0.
       ^-- Clicking the menu bar battery icon (except, there is no icon!)
       ^-- Finder window with the icons for back/forward, view options, icons for location list items on the left, etc. missing
       ^-- System Preferences dialog, with icons for the back/forward function missing.
        ^-- Help window with the icons for back/forward and some other function missing.
    Thank you in advance!

    I have a similar issue. When the computer goes into "Hibernate" mode -- that is, it loses power while sleeping and it writes the contents of it's memory to disk in order to boot into that exact configuration when woken up -- many of my icons when Apple-Tab'ing to another application appear as static. They look like a slightly colorized version of the "static snow" you see when tuning into a station that doesn't exist on a UHF antenna television. Also, icons in Chrome such as web sites "favorite icons" or favicon.ico (the icons that appear in the URL bar and bookmarks) will be scrambled in the same fashion , at first , until the actual icon is loaded.
    Between this, my menu bar and finder icons not displaying, and being unable to boot into safe mode, I'm getting quite ******. I have no idea what the **** is going on with my Macbook Pro. The issue of the scrambled icons actually existed prior to installing an SSD and doing a fresh install of Mountain Lion. I may end up throwing in the towl and re-installing the operating system but I'm sure SOMETHING will happen. It seems the latest update, 10.8.2, is absolute garbage.
    What the ****, Apple? And I really don't want to take the computer to the morons at the Apple Store. They are not "geniuses" by any measure.

  • One of My External Drive Icons is invisible how do I get it back

    I have a couple of External (USB and Firewire) drives. Recently my Firewire drive (a WD My Book Studio 1Tb Drive) disappeared from the desktop and finder.
    If I look in Disk Utility it is there and I can reveal it or open it from Disk Utility and all the files etc are there and are fine.
    I have run a disk repair on the drive and also a permissions repair on the main Mac drive. Any all seems OK.
    It does not seem to be locked or anything and as far as I can tell is is working just fine except that because it is invisible in Finder and Desktop it is also invisible to the file open in applications.
    I have also tried disconnecting all other hardware except the keyboard and mouse and starting the iMac and then reconnecting the drive to teh firewire port but it simply does not want to appear.
    MY OSX is fully patched and totally up-to-date as far as I can tell.
    NB I am a relative newbie to the MAC world (and have no Linux/Unix) experience so please make any instructions or advice clear and simple.
    Oh and while I write this I am copying everything of the drive to one of my other USB drives (Oh so slow) but at least I will have a backup and I guess I could repartition etc the Firewire drive.
    Hmm - just had a thought - one thing I didn't try was connecting the drive via USB as that would also be a check on drive health.. Will do that once all the data is copies off..
    Very frustrating. I need to get this icon/drive visible again..
    Please help..

    After following the above terminal command instructions (and finishing a copy of the critical data just in case). The device never reapeared bit as I was doing a copy of critical data I didn't wanna reboot just in case.
    before rebooting and while the copy was occurring I reset the missing drive as my Time Machine Backup Drive (which it was a few months back) - yep time machine could see it. When I did the drive magically reappeared on my Desktop.
    It didn't however reappear in Finder.
    I then shut down the iMAC and all devices (which I had also been doing earlier to see if it would come back) and low and behold the device is now showing back in my Finder and on the Desktop.
    I have rebooted a couple of times and it is still there so looks like the issue is resolved.
    Not sure if it was the commands I typed in at terminal or the Time Machine reset but all is OK.
    Not sure if Time Machine has screwed around with the setting or had cleaned up a setting or whether the command line instruction worked. But either way I am happy and so far all is looking great..
    BTW I have reset my Time Machine back to the other external drive (which is what bought it for) and rebooted and the missing one is still there so that is a relief.
    Thanks for the advice...

  • What are these "invisible" icons please?

    Hi all,
    Since I reinstalled system 10.4.6 (to get it back to 10.4.6 from 10.4.8) I have been having these invisible icons that show up on the alias of my disk drive which is on the lower right hand side of my dock.
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    Many thanks in advance.
    eMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    "How can I get rid of those?"
    You can't. those are core components of the
    operating system
    Do you have them too?
    Martha, pondering
    eMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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