IE/Netscape and Applet w/out Plugin

Does anyone understand why I can bring up an Applet (not JApplet) using IE 5, but Netscape 6 asks for the plugin?
Is there a way to make Netscape 6 work like IE 5???
Netscape is suppose to have Java 2 embeded. I'm not even sure why it would ask for a plugin. I was surprised to see that IE works.

Does anyone understand why I can bring up an Applet
(not JApplet) using IE 5, but Netscape 6 asks for the
plugin?If you don't have a plug-in installed, then your Applet is running under IE's JVM. Since it works, it must not depend on Java 2.
Is there a way to make Netscape 6 work like IE 5???
Netscape is suppose to have Java 2 embeded.Actually, NS 6 does not use it 'own' JVM, it works with Sun's JRE through the plugin.

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  • Applet, Netscape and Opera but not IE, encore

    I've got the following trivial applet that runs under Netscape and Opera, but not under IE. It's also at as the ColorChooser choice. There's a half dozen Dukes from previous posts, and my sincere gratitude for anyone who can tell me what I need to do so IE doesn't say "Load: class CCApplet not found."
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Button;
    import java.awt.Label;
    public class CCApplet extends java.applet.Applet {
         public void start() {
              Label l = new Label( "CCApplet!" );
              setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
              add( l, BorderLayout.NORTH );
              add( new Button("South"), BorderLayout.SOUTH );
    } // end of class CCAppletThe .class is in the same directory as the .html. Putting it in a .jar doesn't seem to matter. My IE runs other applets from the web, but not the ones I write. Thanks in advance.

    The applet runs for me in IE with 1.5.0_02, XP Pro (current updates), with class and html files in same directory.
    Check that everything in IE's Java Plug-in is valid and correct. Check IE's Internet Options.
    What JVM version are you wanting the applet to be able to run with? What does this statement mean? "...most visitors can use without knowing what a JRE is."
    To get greatest compatibility, use code that conforms to the 1.1 API, compile to that target version, possibly use the old 1.1 libraries, and then test each jvm. (BTW - Swing has limited compatibility - it isn't MS compatible, and wasn't [Sun] standard until jvm version 1.2.)

  • Self Signing and Applets

    I have spent hours reading over the Signed Applets forum and Sun applet security training pages. There seems to be so much confusion in this area that the use and proliferation of Java Applets must be suffering.
    As the usual underfunded developer, I am not able to buy a certificate before proving the concept. Therefore, I am relegated to using self signed applets to demonstrate the use of signed applets and the power they have. This would also be the case for students of Java applets, of which I am also one.
    I have tried the sample applets in the Sun security training. They in fact write the file to my system, but they also display a security error as well.
    The Sun training indicates that I should be using a policy file with the security and that when my applet is run by another user, that user must also manually update their policy file, using keytool, before running the applet. If this is true, I see no use for Java Applets that work outside of the sandbox confines. There must be a better way to use applets that require security.
    I have also read Irene's 10 steps and numerous comments about them. They seem to work fine until I get to step 10. If I am using a self signed applet, why should the user of the applet have to click on a HREF to load the certificate into the keystore? Why shouldn't the user be prompted to trust the self signed certificate, just like a certificate obtained from a CA?
    I have tried to develop a batch file (Windows NT 4.0) to illustrate the signing process, but I have been unsuccessful. I have listed the output from it below followed by the batch file itself. Would someone please indicate what would make this batch file work? If possible, I would like it to work for both IE 5.5 and Netscape 4.06; especially ie 5.5.
    My environment consists of:
    NT 4.0 (SP6)
    IE 5.5 (SP1)
    JRUN 3.1
    JRE 1.3.1_01
    JDK 1.3.1_01
    keytool -delete -alias writefile
    Enter keystore password: password
    keytool -genkey -alias writefile
    Enter keystore password: password
    What is your first and last name?
    [Unknown]: Robert Klawuhn
    What is the name of your organizational unit?
    [Unknown]: mygroup
    What is the name of your organization?
    [Unknown]: mycompany
    What is the name of your City or Locality?
    [Unknown]: mycity
    What is the name of your State or Province?
    [Unknown]: mystate
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
    [Unknown]: US
    Is <CN=Robert Klawuhn, OU=mygroup, O=mycompany, L=mycity, ST=mystate, C=US> correct?
    [no]: yes
    Enter key password for <writefile>
    (RETURN if same as keystore password): password
    keytool -selfcert -alias writefile
    Enter keystore password: password
    keytool -list -alias writefile
    Enter keystore password: password
    writefile, Wed Dec 19 10:41:35 PST 2001, keyEntry,
    Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 90:4D:63:0E:9E:56:CF:7F:93:2B:92:EE:AA:2B:87:E3
    jar cvf writefile.jar writeFile.class
    added manifest
    adding: writeFile.class(in = 1678) (out= 940)(deflated 43%)
    jar tvf writefile.jar
    0 Wed Dec 19 10:41:58 PST 2001 META-INF/
    71 Wed Dec 19 10:41:58 PST 2001 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    1678 Wed Dec 19 10:40:46 PST 2001 writeFile.class
    jarsigner writefile.jar writefile
    Enter Passphrase for keystore: password
    jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs writefile.jar
    139 Wed Dec 19 10:42:02 PST 2001 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
    192 Wed Dec 19 10:42:08 PST 2001 META-INF/WRITEFIL.SF
    1098 Wed Dec 19 10:42:08 PST 2001 META-INF/WRITEFIL.DSA
    0 Wed Dec 19 10:41:58 PST 2001 META-INF/
    smk 1678 Wed Dec 19 10:40:46 PST 2001 writeFile.class
    X.509, CN=Robert Klawuhn, OU=mygroup, O=mycompany, L=mycity, ST=mystate, C=US (writefile)
    s = signature was verified
    m = entry is listed in manifest
    k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
    i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope
    jar verified.
    1 file(s) copied.
    1 file(s) copied.
    1 file(s) copied.
    An error appears: Unable to verify the certificate with root CA
    REM Doit.bat
    REM This batch file leads the user through the creating
    REM and signing of an applet class and how it is accessed
    REM from a browser. The applet creates the file: C:\tmpfoo.
    REM The JRE 1.3.1 plug-in should be installed. See the
    REM control panel for an icon leading to the plug-in.
    REM This demo is for JRE 1.3.1_01, NT 4 (SP6), HTMLConverter
    REM 1.3, and IE 5.5.
    REM Run the HTMLConverter 1.3 against the following HTML
    REM file to generate the converted HTML that will support
    REM both Netscape and IE. Get the converter from Sun.
    REM <html>
    REM <head>
    REM <title> Java Security Example: Writing Files</title>
    REM </head>
    REM <body>
    REM Hi there. There is a signed applet following...
    REM <hr>
    REM <applet code=writeFile.class archive="/writefile.jar" width=500 height=50>
    REM </applet>
    REM <hr>
    REM </body>
    REM </html>
    REM The following is the code for the applet.
    REM import java.awt.*;
    REM import*;
    REM import java.lang.*;
    REM import java.applet.*;
    REM public class writeFile extends Applet {
    REM String myFile = "/tmp/foo";
    REM File f = new File(myFile);
    REM DataOutputStream dos;
    REM public void init() {
    REM String osname = System.getProperty("");
    REM if (osname.indexOf("Windows") != -1) {
    REM myFile="C:" + File.separator + "tmpfoo";
    REM }
    REM }
    REM public void paint(Graphics g) {
    REM      try {
    REM      dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(myFile),128));
    REM      dos.writeChars("Cats can hypnotize you when you least expect it\n");
    REM      dos.flush();
    REM      g.drawString("Successfully wrote to the file named " + myFile + " -- go take a look at REM it!", 10, 10);
    REM      } catch (SecurityException e) {
    REM      g.drawString("writeFile: caught security exception", 10, 10);
    REM } catch (IOException ioe) {
    REM      g.drawString("writeFile: caught i/o exception", 10, 10);
    REM }
    REM }
    REM }
    @ECHO javac
    REM Generate a selfsigned certificate and put it into
    REM the keystore.
    REM password = password
    REM first and last name = Robert Klawuhn
    REM org unit = COMPASS
    REM org = Applied Materials
    REM city = Santa Clara
    REM state = California
    REM country = US
    REM The -selfcert option may not be necessary the first
    REM time this is run
    @ECHO keytool -delete -alias writefile
    keytool -delete -alias writefile
    @ECHO keytool -genkey -alias writefile
    keytool -genkey -alias writefile
    @ECHO keytool -selfcert -alias writefile
    keytool -selfcert -alias writefile
    REM Export the key that was just created into a .crt file.
    REM This is then sent to a CA to obtain a 'real' certificate
    REM which is then imported into the keystore. These are
    REM commented because I am trying to use a self-issued key.
    REM keytool -certreq -alias writefile -file writefile.crt
    REM keytool -import -alias writefile -file writefile.crt
    @ECHO keytool -list -alias writefile
    keytool -list -alias writefile
    REM Jar the applet
    @ECHO jar cvf writefile.jar writeFile.class
    jar cvf writefile.jar writeFile.class
    REM Verify the jar
    @ECHO jar tvf writefile.jar
    jar tvf writefile.jar
    REM Sign the jar
    REM passphrase = password
    @ECHO jarsigner writefile.jar writefile
    jarsigner writefile.jar writefile
    REM Verify the signed jar file
    @ECHO jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs writefile.jar
    jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs writefile.jar
    REM The next statements assume that the applet will be
    REM obtained from Macromedia's JRun default server.
    copy writefile.crt %JRUN_HOME%\servers\default\default-app\.
    copy writefile.jar %JRUN_HOME%\servers\default\default-app\.
    copy writefile.html %JRUN_HOME%\servers\default\default-app\.
    "C:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE" "http://localhost:8100/writefile.html"

    I believe I finally found my problem. If I use JRun as a web server and put the applet on the default server within JRun, I am only able to run the applet from a different client. It doesn't seem to load right on the same system as JRun.
    This may be due to other software I have running on my JRun server system, but it finally works.
    For those that are still having problems with self-signing applets, here is a batch file, that I am using, that works for me.
    REM Doit.bat
    REM This batch file leads the user through the creating
    REM and signing of an applet class and how it is accessed
    REM from a browser. When the Publish button is pressed
    REM     the selected file is copied to C:\TEMP\BOBK_copy.txt.
    REM The JRE 1.3.1 plug-in will be installed on the client.
    REM See the control panel for an icon leading to the plug-in.
    REM This demo is for JRE 1.3.1_01, HTMLConverter
    REM 1.3, and IE 5.5.
    REM Run the HTMLConverter 1.3 against the following HTML
    REM file to generate the converted HTML that will support
    REM both Netscape and IE. Get the converter from Sun.
    REM <html>
    REM <head>
    REM <title> Java Security Example</title>
    REM </head>
    REM <body>
    REM Hi there. There is a signed applet following...
    REM <hr>
    REM <applet code=FilePrompt.class archive="/fileprompt.jar" width=800 height=500>
    REM </applet>
    REM <hr>
    REM </body>
    REM </html>
    REM This applet can be executed by starting the default server in JRun and then
    REM then entering the following for the IE URL: http://K011614:8100/FilePrompt.html
    REM This assumes that JRun is installed and running on K011614.
    REM The first time the applet is executed, the 1.3.1_02 JRE is loaded if allowed.
    REM The main problem here is the JRE is about 5.3MB and takes a while.
    REM For some reason, running IE and pointing it to the applet on the same system that
    REM JRun is executing, doesn't work. You have to run it from another client that
    REM references the applet.
    @ECHO keytool -delete -alias fileprompt
    keytool -delete -alias fileprompt
    @ECHO keytool -genkey -alias fileprompt
    keytool -genkey -alias fileprompt
    @ECHO keytool -selfcert -alias fileprompt
    keytool -selfcert -alias fileprompt
    @ECHO keytool -export -alias fileprompt -file fileprompt.crt
    keytool -export -alias fileprompt -file fileprompt.crt
    @ECHO keytool -list -alias fileprompt
    keytool -list -alias fileprompt
    @ECHO jar cvf fileprompt.jar *.class
    jar cvf fileprompt.jar *.class
    @ECHO jar tvf fileprompt.jar
    jar tvf fileprompt.jar
    @ECHO jarsigner fileprompt.jar fileprompt
    jarsigner fileprompt.jar fileprompt
    @ECHO jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs fileprompt.jar
    jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs fileprompt.jar
    copy fileprompt.jar %JRUN_HOME%\servers\default\default-app\.
    copy FilePrompt.html %JRUN_HOME%\servers\default\default-app\.
    REM The following doesn't seem to work when executed on the same
    REM system as the JRun server. Access the applet from another client.
    REM "C:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\IEXPLORE.EXE" "http://localhost:8100/FilePrompt.html"

  • Custom POD and Clock-In/Out

    Dear Experts,
    did someone face the problem with Custom PODs (Custom POD Plugin, changing the "manufacturing" path of POD to custom one) and Clock-In/Out?
    When I turned the Auto Clock-In on on a custom POD, I can not reach the POD.
    Ist this a bug or do I have to change something in the settings?
    This occurs on SAP ME 6.1.4 Patch 38.
    The error message is, that the POD could not be found. Does this something have to do with auto clock in, the redirect and a custom pod?

    Hi Oksana,
    thank you for your reply.
    I simply have a custom POD plugin. Therefore, my POD does not use the standard "manufacturing" link, but a "custom_manufacturing".
    I have configured shifts and labor tracking. The option to automatically clock in at log-in is enabled.
    After I log in to ME, I recieve the notification of sucessfull clock in. But after I acess my custom POD with the "custom_manufacturing" link, I do get an "resource not found" error.
    After I disable Clock-In at Log-On, I do not get this error.
    If you need more detailed information, just point me to the direction you need, as of my view point the root cause is clear, as after disabling the option, everything works.
    I do not have tested this with 15.0, so I do not know if this is ME 6.1.4 issue only.
    Thnaks in advance.

  • Firefox fixes; Netscape and IE, too

    I've updated a collect of patches that help improve the
    initial load and reloading of WebHelp, and correcti the display and
    behavior of the toolbar and minibar (also called the navigation
    bar). Mostly they help Firefox and Netscape. They also solve one or
    two problems in Internet Explorer.
    Except for the last patch below, I previously posted these in
    the forum, and Peter Grainge picked up several for his excellent RH
    troubleshooting site. I'm not repeating the earlier ones here, but
    will be happy to send a summary Word doc to anyone who sends me a
    private message.
    Adobe did make some housekeeping code changes in RH 6, but
    (as of the trial version) none of those suggested here except one
    for whtbar.js, as explained in the summary.
    The usual disclaimer: It works for me but I can't guarantee
    your results. Back up everything. Experiment on a small project or
    a minimized copy of the working project. I haven't tested these in
    RH 6, but a quick look at files in the trial version didn't find
    any likely problems. If you test them in RH 6, please report back
    either here or in a private message.
    Regards to all,
    Purpose: Improve the pace of loading the left pane after
    displaying the launch topic in Firefox and Netscape, and perhaps
    File: launchfile.htm
    Purpose: Improve the loading and reloading the left frame in
    Firefox and Netscape. Particularly, display the browse sequence
    buttons and hide X icon. No apparent effect on IE.
    File: whtbar.js
    Purpose: Eliminate excessive reloading in Firefox and
    Navigator, particularly when resizing the window or left pane.
    File: whtbar.js
    Purpose: Might improve loading the toolbar and navigation
    bar. All browsers.
    Files: whskin_tbars.htm and whskin_mbars.htm
    Purpose: Prevent the toolbar background image from repeating
    in the navigation bar. All browsers
    File: whskin_mbars.htm
    Purpose: Improve the pace of loading WebHelp in Firefox and
    Netscape. No discernable effect on IE.
    File: whstart.js
    Near the beginning:

    Hi elikisses
    Could you please start a new thread for your question instead of posting in an existing thread?
    Then you can provide more information like your operating system and installed extensions and installed plugins.
    *[[/questions/new start a new thread]]

  • Flex 4 and Photoshop CS 5 Plugin

    I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem.  I have created a Flex 4 application and placed it into the Plugins\Pannel directory of Photoshop CS5.  When I load the plugin and resize it, the plugin scales and does not resize as expected.  Is there something I am missing?  I have checked some plugins that I created with Flex 3 and they work well.  Also I have used blank Flex 4 applications and they also have the same problem where they scale and dont resize.

    I have been experiencing the same issue. I haven't figured out a clean solution to this yet, and as to why it doesn't resize flex 4 plugins properly but it does resize flex3 plugins..
    Just this morning I figured out a workaround. here is a snippet.
        width="100%" height="100%"
    and the resize handler:
                protected function windowedapplication1_resizeHandler(event:ResizeEvent):void
                    parent.parent.scaleX = 1;
                    parent.parent.scaleY = 1;
    I looked into what the parent.parent is, and it seems that its a FlexLoader. There should be some way to keep the flexLoader from scaling.
    Let me know if you found out any other solution.

  • Viewers on Netscape and Explorer see only home page without menus

    Using Safari, I and other viewers, can see the whole site with all the menus. Viewers on Netscape and Explorer get only the home page with out the menus even if they Google my site and go to it from google. Using Google on Safari gets the whole site.
    What can I or they do?

    The iWeb created navigation menu will not display on a PC using Internet Explorer unless Java is turned on.
    To overcome this you need to hide the standard navigation, build your own in a text box and paste it to every page of your site.

  • Unable to execute and applet

    I'm new programmer in java. There are somme applet that run with appletwier
    but witch do not run with Internet explorer and Netscape. I'm always getting
    this error : 'Class not found'. I want to know all the steps to run and applet
    using Netscape or Internet explorer.
    I'm french speaking. Sorry if my english is poor.
    Thank's for your answers.

    I think you can't solve your problem.
    The fact is that appletviewer supports the java classes you have installed with the sun's jdk... if you are using jdk 1.3.1, it uses the java libraries included in your installed distribution. IE virtual machine, instead, uses its own library, so you can't use in your applets classes like: swing, graphics2d, and so on...
    I know that it's not a great help. Sorry!
    However, if someone could tell us how to include these classes in our CABs/JARs... i think we are really happy! :-)

  • Looking for WEB HOST that I can do servlets and applets on

    Hello everyone,
    Does anyone know where I can buy web space that will allow me to run a servlet and applet from. I have been shopping today and I had difficutly finding one.

    Hmm.... well duffymo. I have gone to a number of sites through Google looking for web hosting sites that support java and I must be picking all the wrong ones to look at because I have only found one in Fremont out of 25-30 that I have looked at.
    I guess duffymo you can say what you want in a forum, but usually answering a question with a question isn't very helpful nor appreciated.

  • Networking and Applets

    I've created an applet that needs to connect to a server. I am using ServerSocket(1123) for the server and Socket(applet.getCodeBase().getHost()) inside the applet. When I run this in appletviewer it works fine (as it should) however, when I run it in IE I get an exception that says "[QuestionaireAwt$ButtonListener.actionPerformed]: cannot access "":1123". In the code I tried a Sys.out.Println(getCodeBase().getHost()); and It prints out a blank line. I do not have any idea why this exception is occuring, nor do I have any idea how to fix it.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Your problem is most likely caused by the fact that IE expects you to put the HTML file and the applet in a specified server's directory. For example, if you're using MS Personal Web Server, IE expects you to put them in Inetpub\iissamples\default or some other designated path. If you've already done so and still get the same error message, you'll have to make sure that the security settings under Tools | Internet Options | Securiy | Local Intranet are correctly set.
    This should give you some idea on where to track down the problem (remember that the AppletViewer is Sun's own product that works differently than a true browser).

  • Security problem when signed applet dynamically load plugins

    I have one problem : "security problem when signed applet dynamically load plugins"
    This is the scenario:
    the main program [app.jar]
    . contain applet and shared library (interface & implement of common class)
    . it is signed and run normally on browser
    . it can draw image loaded from other URL [ex]
    . the image loader is in the shared library
    . dynamically load amazon.jar through URLClassLoader and reflection
    the plugin [amazon.jar]
    . search amazon product [ex] Harry Potter book
    . draw image on applet
    . use image loader from shared library, BUT CANNOT LOAD IMAGE
    The question: "Why it cannot load image, because the image loader is in the shared library which has been signed and working?" I tried to sign the amazon.jar too, but it did not work.
    Your reply would be very helpful. Thank you.

    hello. i have create a signed applet for A.jar. A.jar include two package B and C. the main applet class is within B.
    B need some classes in C to run the applet. but i got the error that class in package c are not found.
    what shall i do?

  • Hi Guys,  I am using the full width video widget on a site. The widget was working perfectly however I have just added additional content to the site and re-uploaded and now the video is not working! Please help I have tried everything and am freaking out

    Hi Guys,
    I am using the full width video widget on a site. The widget was working perfectly however I have just added additional content to the site and re-uploaded and now the video is not working! Please help I have tried everything and am freaking out as this web-site has been payed for by my client.

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • My computer has been infected with a Trojan Horse.  It has completely taken over my Mac email account and was sending out malicious email to everyone in my address book.  At the same time it infected my iPhone---I am no longer able to receive or send emai

    My computer has been infected by a Trojan Horse.  It has taken over my Mac email account and began sending out malicious emails to everyone in my address book.  I cleared out my MAC address book and began using my AOL email account. It took a few days and then my AOL email account was infected and has now been send out malicious email to all my contacts for over a month.  It has also infected my iPhone--I am no longer able to send or receive emails on my iPhone.  Also, once the Trojan Horse began using my AOL email it completely blocked me from using my MAC account by sending never ending popups asking for my email password to access my MAC email account, but it never accepts my pass word.  The TH has also slowed down everything on my computer.  It's like I am working on an old PC with dial up connection instead of the high speed digital connection that I have.  The little color wheel spins constantly as I wait for sometimes over a minute for a page to pull up.  If it pulls up at all.  I have tried to use the 2 disks that came with my computer to completely remove everything on my computer and then reinstall all the programs, but I am not allowed to sweep my computer clean.  I thought maybe my disks that came with my computer were defective so I called Apple and they sent me 2 new disks.  I am not able able to clear my computer with the 2 new disks either.  I have done this before successfully so it's not something new to me.  I do remember when I believe my computer became infected:  I had googled an unusual sewing term, and I was opening what appeared to be legitimate sites, when all of a sudden a pop up appeared that said that my computer had been infected.  I immediately shut my computer off, but it was too late.  I downloaded a virus program for Mac, and it has never found a virus or problem at all.  I think it is part of this Trojan Horse, but I am unable to delete it from my computer.  It refuses to uninstall.  The Mac Trojan Horse is real and it is terrible.  If anyone has any suggestions for me I would be very appreciative,

    Install ClamXav and run a scan with that. It should pick up any trojans.   
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

  • Music on my iPhone 5 won't play and is grayed out. HELP!

    I got my iPhone 5 about a year ago and I never had any problems with my music until now. About 2 hours ago, I wanted to download a new song. So after it downloaded, my 4 most recent songs I had downloaded from iTunes the day before became grayed out and wouldn't play! That problem eventually got fixed but now some songs that I have and haven't purchaced from iTunes aren't playing and are grayed out. This keeps showing up next to the songs that are grayed out and when I tap it nothing happens:
    I do have iOS 7.0.4, which is the latest softare. I don't know what happened when I plugged my iPhone in this time. I really need help without re-downloading all my music because I have about 500 songs. PLEASE HELP! Feel free to ask questions for details on my issue. Thanks.

    Troubleshooting steps here:
    Genius bar appointments are free, but if a hardware issue, & your phone is out of warranty, you will be offered an out of warranty replacement, cost is US $269.

  • Yellow triangle and a grayed out movie clip

    Hi, I created a project in iMovie 08, kind of elaborate for me, with several movie clips, each with a transition, and background music from iTunes through out the majority of the 3 minute and 30 second final project. Initially, all was well and the project played perfectly. A couple of days later when I went into iMovie 08 to enhance the project, several clips were grayed out and had a yellow triangle in the clip. Placing the cursor over the clip resulted in the clip "coming to life" that is revealing the clip but the clip was not visible in the browser and the grayed out clips were not visible if I played the project in full screen mode. If I published the project to the web, the grayed out clips would not show (the video portion); the audio which was part of the whole project would play. I do not think I moved any clips to a different location although I certainly added other clips to iPhoto and then to iMovie. I just finished the training on iMovie 08 which was just released and I got no help from that training on the yellow triangle problem. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Great news! After some browsing around, I located the problem, and now my movie project is fixed!
    As it turns out, videos that are located in iPhoto are referenced based on the Event that they belong to, which means that if you change the name of the Event that the picture belongs to then iMovie will no longer be able to find your picture. (This is also why the clips appear in the lower section of iMovie, because they are still there, just in a renamed or merged event.)
    I was able to fix the problem very easily by renaming my event back to the original name, and then after closing and restarting iMovie all the nasty little yellow triangles were gone and all my clips were back as if they'd never left.
    This may or may not help, but for me, to make sure that I got the event name correct, I found the movie file (which was in "Movies/iMovie Projects") and then right mouse clicked and selected "Show Package Contents" so that I could see what was in my project, and then opened the "Project" file, which had the names listed in it. Hope that helps!

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