IFrame Text Problem?

I have some local files (HTM pages) that I access through the FireFox browser. These pages have a collection of links. Some of these are within [iFrame] [/iFrame] markups. The ones that link to URL images work fine. The problem I have is any iFrame I have that link to a text (URL) looks like it is not working. The box 'appears' blank (the same background color as the page).
However, when I click and highlight inside the iFrame, the text indeed is there. How do I get the text to appear in these iFrame boxes? (I tried it with [Embed], same problem.)
- Pj

Is the color scheme of your main page also black-on-white? In that case, I would expect it to display normally.
Could you post the iframe tag? Omit the opening and closing angle brackets to avoid the forum trying to embed a file.

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    Dear Dreamweaver forum:
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    First the good news…
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    The problems you are experiencing with the image text, (why are you using image text, these days?) is probably cause by the image having a border when created in illustrator, or the image size being set incorrectly.
    As for the word text if you are using windows, see http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/9.0/help.html?content=WSc78c5058ca073340dcda91 10b1f693f21-7ce6.html.
    On the mac it is a little more complex, save your word doc as html, then apply the 'clean up word html files', (see - http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/9.0/help.html?content=WSc78c5058ca073340dcda91 10b1f693f21-7ef5.html) copy the relevant text and mark-up from the word html file, and paste into your html document in the required position.

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    It turns out if you set the 'background' CSS property on the
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    #description {
    opacity: 0;
    filter: alpha(opacity=0);
    background: white;
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    Go to Solution.
    Text.jpg ‏1560 KB

    Would suggest that you backup E6-00 using Nokia Suite, then reset device to "Out of box" state by keying in *#7370# followed by 12345 (default Nokia lock code unless altered by user). Perhaps restore contacts only and try out texting/conversations before restoring device any further.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • Nokia C3-00 texting problem.

    Hello everyone, this is my frist post on here. So i bought the nokia c3 and unlocked it from the vodafone network. I use my 02 sim now. I just discovered something that annoys me and need help getting rid of it.
    My problem is that after every text send the phone virbates letting me know that i have sent the text and my balance comes up. how do i change the settings so that this doesn't come up. Really annoying as i've just got a new number and sent out a mass text to everyone. The phone vibrated for like 2 minutes straight!!
    Any help greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    At the phone store where I bought the Nokia C3  they removed the Vodaphone  presets ( since I have  another provider ) and they also updated my phone with the latest software available ( see below ).
    But now I have a serious texting problem!
    If you type the Q you get an A , a=q , z=w  and w=z .
    Also after you typed something and you delete the text  and reopen the textbox again this word will reappear on a blue underscore?? Anyone any idea what's happened or had the same problem??
    The phone's update info:
    Variant: 00.00
    Vitual variant: No Virt. Var.

  • Text Problems in Safari 4

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    It doesn't affect every site -- Google and Netflix look OK, while Apple and Facebook are strongly affected to the point of being almost unusable. Firefox and Chrome on the same laptop are working fine. Other programs on the system, like TextEdit, are fine, too. I have tried changing the default font preferences in Safari, but while the text size changes on certain pages, the overlapping text problem isn't helped.
    I have screenshots of the issue -- how do I post them?
    Does anyone else see this issue? Many thanks for your opinions and advice?
    Safari Version 4.0.3 (6531.9)

    Where did you get 67 errors? http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.totallybarbado s.com%2F shows the only error is the "pre" tag which are necessary hacks for formatting the "pre" tag. The other "warnings" are no different than checking apple.com http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?profile=css2&warning=2&uri=http://w ww.apple.com
    They also do not assign background-color to "every" css element. Why would you (to bloat CSS)? So, there is exactly "one" error which is well documented and is supported in CSS2.1 when released.
    The problem is that Safari does not adhere to white-space or "pre" tags (preformatted text). This has been an ongoing problem since it's incarnation. All other browsers (FireFox, Netscape, IE, Opera, Mozilla..etc) do. http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/struct/text.html#h-9.3.4
    edited: Sorry, had to edit as this forum software actually rendered the <"> tags (without quotes)

  • Weird texting problem

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  • Problem with  caching of  pages in iframe(intersting problem)

    Hi All,
    I am facing an interesting problem in my project. I have a page which includes jspf and Iframe. The jspf has two links �configuration� and �Details�
    The jspf (leftBar.jspf ) links are given below:
    <f:subview id="leftBar">
    <ui:hyperlink binding="#leftBar.configureLInk}"id="configureHyperlink" styleClass="menulink" target="centerFrame" text="Config" url="Config.jsp"/>
    <ui:hyperlink binding="#leftBar.detailslLInk}"id="detailsHyperlink" styleClass="menulink" target="centerFrame" text="Details" url="Details.jsp"/>
    The page is as below:
    <ui:body binding="#{test.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid" >
    <ui:form binding="#{test.form1}" id="form1">
    <div style="background-color:black;height: 430px; left: 0px; top: 124px; position: absolute; width: 150px" styleClass="lightGrayBg">
    <jsp:directive.include file="/leftBar.jspf"/>
    <div id="mydiv" style="background-color: yellow; left: 150; top: 124px;height: 430px; position: absolute">
    <iframe height="431" name="centerFrame" width="853" src="default.jsp" id="myiframe" >Test...test..</iframe>
    The �Configuration� page consists of the text boxes where the user inputs the data. It consists of two textfield say name and the Telephone number.It also consists of two buttons to SAVE and CANCEL.
    When the user enters the data and clicks on SAVE, The data is inserted into the database.
    The problem arises when I click on the CANCEL button.
    When the user clicks on the Configuration link the page displays the information entered by the user, getting it from the database.
    Name : Myname
    Tel No : 123456
    When he changes the data in the textboxes
    Name : YourName
    Tel No : 98765
    and clicks on the CANCEL button, it goes to the page (say default.jsp) given in the action of the button with out saving the data in the database. But when the user clicks on the �Configuration� link once again he sees the data that the user has changed (not saved in the database).
    Name : YourName
    Tel No : 98765
    When we look at the log messages that I have coded in the Prerender function to give the textbox values (getNameTextFiled.getText(), getTelnotextField.getText()) we can see the data is from the database (Myname, 123456), but in the UI we can see the changed data (not saved in the database). When I log out (end the session) and login again the correct data (Myname, 123456) is shown from the database. I am not able to figure out the cause for it. I tired in many ways to solve it but I and not able to do so.
    Can anyone help me out to solve the issue?

    Hi   ,
       finally i got answer with the  modifications
    [u]    in test page[/u]
      Instead of  this
        <div id="mydiv" style="background-color: yellow; left: 150; top: 124px;height: 430px; position: absolute">
    <iframe height="431" name="centerFrame" width="853" src="default.jsp" id="myiframe" >Test...test..</iframe>
    put this
    <div id="mydiv" style="background-color: yellow; left: 150; top: 124px;height: 430px; position: absolute">
    <ui: iframe height="431" name="centerFrame" width="853" id="iframe1" url="default.jsp" id="myiframe" >Test...test..</ui:iframe>
    and in  left bar.jspf
    instead of this
    The jspf (leftBar.jspf ) links are given below:
    <f:subview id="leftBar">
    <ui:hyperlink binding="#leftBar.configureLInk}"id="configureHyperlink" styleClass="menulink" target="centerFrame" text="Config" url="Config.jsp"/>
    <ui:hyperlink binding="#leftBar.detailslLInk}"id="detailsHyperlink" styleClass="menulink" target="centerFrame" text="Details" url="Details.jsp"/>
    remove urls and targets
    <ui:hyperlink binding="#leftBar.configureLInk}"id="configureHyperlink" styleClass="menulink"  text="Config" onClick="configClick()  " />
    <ui:hyperlink binding="#leftBar.detailslLInk}"id="detailsHyperlink" styleClass="menulink"  text="Details"  onClick="detailClick()"/>
    java script
      function configClick(){
            return false;
        function detailClick(){
             return false;
      so like this you can avoid page caching  in iframe 
    with regards

  • Crystal Report 2008 export to text problem

    I am using Crystal Reports 2008 for generating reports in our WPF application. In this application, we are exporting the report to txt file on a button click. Now the application contains a form called u2018Print Manageru2019, through which the user can print the exported report(text files). Now the issue, when we try to the any of the exported report file through the application, the printer leaves alternate blank pages. The printer used in this case is DOT MATRIX EPSON LQ-1150II ESC/P2. We even tried printing the text file on HP Laser jet 4600, but the same issue is faced.
    Also, please note that when I try to read the exported txt file, a formfeed(u2018\fu2019 page break) character  can be seen  at the place where the printer leaves a blank page. Hence, my concern is, Is there any property of crystal report that I am missing on or is this a printer driver issue? But if it would have been a driver issue, then changing the printer might have solved the issue.
    I also  tried  doing u2018Keep Togetheru2019 property = false of all the sections of the report. Also, I found that the u2018New Page Afteru2019 property = true and disabled for the u2018Page Footeru2019 section. So I set u2018New Page Afteru2019 property = false programmatically as
    rdTest.ReportDefinition.Sections["Section5"].SectionFormat.EnableNewPageAfter = false;
    but no luck.
    If anyone has faced similar problem or have any clues, please help!
    Any kind of help in solving this issue will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in anticipation!

    Good morning.
    We've got something to get straight first
    When you say "...from the Report Viewer. The report printed as expected on HP printer...", do you mean the viewer of the .NET app, or the viewer of the CR designer?
    And version, is very old (well as far as CR is concerned anyhow   ). That version is SP 1, we are now on SP 2. So that will be the place to start. Get to SP 2 which can be downloaded from here;

  • Photoshop CS4 Trial Bugs - Eraser & Text problems

    Hows everybody doing...I recently downloaded the Photoshop CS4 Extended Trial and installed it on my computer...I am noticing some bugs and im not really sure if its just a bug in the trial version which will be fixed when i buy the program or if there was an error with the install...
    I dont have screenshots at the moment since im not on the computer having the issue but i can get them if needed...
    First lets start with the eraser tool...When i set the eraser tool as a size of say about 10px it works fine...However, if i zoom in on the image above its nautral size i start to lose the eraser...When i say lose the eraser i mean you can no longer seen the round area which will be erased..When you zoom in part of the circle disappears...It will still erase and area of the set size but its sort of hard to do erasing on detailed images when you cant see the whole eraser....
    More bugs with the eraser....If i set the eraser to a larger size, say 30px or more, i right off the bat start seeing less of the eraser area....It will go from a whole circle down to something like a half moon with only half the circle being displayed...
    This may be a little hard to understand so if need be i will get some screenshots of what im talking about later....
    I am also having a problem with the text...For starters, i cant scroll through the text...When i enter text and highlight it and highlight the fonts i would expect to be able to scroll through the fonts while watching the actual text change on thet screen....I am unable to do that, i highlight the text and the fonts and CS4 will let me scroll maybe 4-5 fonts and then it just stops and wont scroll anymore...
    Another issue im having with the font is the size....Whenever i enter text it is extremely small...Even if im working with a 200px x 200px image if i set my font at say 75px its tiny, tiny enough to where i cant even see it to highlight it....There appears to be something wrong with the sizing of the text...Just to get text to show up normally, at a readable size, i have to set the font size to 800px+ and this is on images which are only like 600px wide and 300px tall...Usually a font of 800px would fill up this image but when i do it the 800px font shows up like a 36px font...
    Like i said if this is all to hard to understand i can get some screen shots later on...I wanna make sure this is something which can be fixed before i go ahead and drop 700+ on the program...

    Yes i installed the patch...That was the first thing i did, before checking the video driver...The patch didnt fix any of the problems im having...The video driver update did however fix the eraser/brush issue...
    I did what you said in post #1 about un-checking the option listed....When i did that nothing changed for me....
    I have some more details about the scrolling issue though....From what i am able to find it seems that if i just enter digits i am able to scroll through the entire list of fonts and see a live preview of every single one....
    With any sort of text it will only allow me to scroll through 5-6 fonts...You can see that it wants to scroll more when i hold the arrow down cause you can see the blue hightlight flashing and the words trying to change but it just wont go any further...At times when i hold the arrow down to scroll through the fonts it will scroll through 5-6 and then all of a sudden just go white and wont let me scroll up or not...At that point i have to select the font list and pick a font

  • SMS text problem

    Please, I really need help on my phone.I was using a blackberry 8220 and was always encountering problems when i send sms text messages,the is always a clock display in red.may not be able to send messages not until i switch off the phone,remove the battery for a few minutes and replace before i will be able to send sms texts.i just got a blackberry bold and am encountering the same problem.Every other moring,i need to switch the phone off,remove the batteries and leave for a few minutes,then replace before i can send sms texts.Is this problem peculiar to my phone or a setting on my phone or do i need to format my phone and restore to factory defaults?I seriously need help on this.Would appreciate a detailed help.
    Thanks in anticipation that i get a response soon

    Welcme to the cmmunity supprt frums
    Hello, try this link and go down to "solution" and see if it helps any. 
    Help with sending SMS
    Follow NurseBerry08 on Twitter

  • Curve 8530 SMS Text Problems

    My Curve 8530 will receive and send SMS texts ok for a while.  Then, for no reason, I cannot click on an sms and open it.  It will not show the previous texts.  I cannot open the txt to make a reply.  I took this to Verizon, he checked it and said there was definitely a problem, of course didn't have another phone, so ordered me one.  A few days later I got a new (or probably refurbished) 8530.  It's doing the same thing.  So this is either a defect in the phone line or in the software for SMS text messages.  I am very disappointed with Blackberry.  I have had several of their phones, try to keep up with the newest technology even though it always costs me hundredes of dollars for the phones.  I think this will be my last.  If I cannot get this problem resoloved, I am switching to AT&T.

    I got two of these phones and they both are doing it. I do a significant amount of work related texting on my main line 8530... I have to pull the battery anywhere from 5 to 10 times per day. I have contacted Verizon and I'm sending these 8530s back and replacing them with what I had before; the MUCH better, more professional and stable 8330.
    I used my 8330 non-stop for 3 years. Never once had a problem with the trackball (Verizon told me the 8530 fixed the trackball problem---???)... Additionally, in the 3 years of using my 8330 non-stop, I may have had to pull the battery twice, from a lock up. Both times it was when I was actively using Internet, teathered to my laptop and an incoming call came. When I'd answer it, the call would work and when I'd hang up, the phone would crash...
    The 8330 sold me on the Blackberry OS... The 8530 acts more like a Windows OS, IMHO.
    A very dissatisfying experience.

  • Text problem ID CS4

    OK I have created a simple products spec sheet in ID then I export it to a pdf and it turns most of my text into little squares basically like text place holderd rather than my actual text. Can anyone help me out? The one I made prior to this didnt give me this trouble but this one is. I have remade it 3 times now and I keep getting the problem.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I really like FontExplorer.
    The free version is good enough for me. (Turn off updates and don't bother with the plugins.) You can group fonts by project and add comments to individual fonts (very useful if you want to find all your "handwriting" or "pro" fonts).
    It will also show you whether the font is a system font or if your postscript fonts are broken, and it will let you toggle them on and off.

  • For iphone 4gs, i was wondering when they will send out an update that will finally fix the stupid text problem. When ever i open my textes, sometimes it would spaz put or something and wout take 2-3 minutes just to finally be able to see my text

    I would go to my textes and it would take about 30seconds and then crashes, i would close the phone go back and it fail to open again then my phone and the imessages would spaz out. Its really frustrating. I do hard resets and everything but nothing fixes it. When will there be an update that fixes this problem? Plus there are times when i press to close my phone but it doesnt close, i try pressing multiple times after waiting a while a little bit later, it then closes....

    There is no such thing as an iPhone 4GS.
    Basic troubleshooting from the User's Guide is reset, restart, restore (first from backup then as new).  Try each of these steps in order until the problem is resolved.
    If these steps fail to resolve the issues, take it to Apple for evaluation.

  • Popup from ALV for displaying full text = problems!!!

    Dear all,
       I created an ALV to display data. In this ALV, I have a text column, which just show FIRST 30 characters of the original text.
      Now I want to double click on that field, and it will pop up a small window to show full text (the original text, unknown length).
    I made lots of references and I decided to use FM POPUP_WITH_TABLE because of some reasons:
    a)  the original text is retrieved from another FM READ_TEXT. After the call of READ_TEXT, the text will be stored into an internal table. Then, it can be passed to POPUP_WITH_TABLE without more modification.
    b) POPUP_WITH_TABLE can show the text more meaningfully. I mean, if the length of the text is greater than the length of the popup window, it <b>automatically break the line and displays the rest in the next line</b>. ( FM POPUP_TO_INFORM does NOT do that.)
    However, I've faced some <b>PROBLEMS</b> with FM POPUP_WITH_TABLE
    1) The popup window has 2 button OK and Cancel. <b>Is there any way just to display Cancel button?</b>
    2) If I click on Cancel or OK without choose any line on the popup window => It will raise an exception, called BREAK_OFF. In this case
    If the clicked button is CANCEL => it will close the popup
    If  the clicked button is OK => nothing happens. And I must click on CANCEL to close the popup.
    <b>I want to close the popup windown without raising any exceptions. How can I ?</b>
    3) When I enter many complex selection criteria on Selection Screen to limit the result, displaying ALV is good. But when I click on the text field to popup => the report cannot be manipulated. I have to kill the session in SM04.
    <b>What's wrong? </b>(because for single selection criteria, it works well.)
    Every body has any suggestions?
    Thank you in advance

    I solved it. I just use another list for pop-up event.
    Although it worked well now, I thought it was not a good solution.
    Thank you all of you.
    Best regards.

Maybe you are looking for