Does iFS support NLS ?
If the answer is no, is it foreseen and when ?
Thanks Luca

If you are from a part of the world where your thougths can not be described in 7-bit ASCII you can get some NLS-functionality into iFS. Ignore the install-guide and create the database in your favorite character set (I used WE8ISO8859P1). Then you will at least get interMedia Text searches to work in all supported locales. You will also be able to create documents with non-ASCII names, but beware!! There is no filename conversion in the SMB protocol yet. You will also see some problems with MIME-encoded headers and quoted printable emails. But by simply having the database functionality in my locale did transfer iFS from totally usless to something brilliant :-)

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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Luis:
    The iFS API is 100% pure Java. You can use it from any other Java application, be it JSP, EJB, or a standalone application.
    So it really comes down to the CLASSPATH. The iFS API is split among a set of .jar files, and some of the configuration information is stored in .properties files that are outside of these .jar files. All of this stuff needs to be in the CLASSPATH of whatever JVM is calling the iFS API.
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    So again, it's all about configuration.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
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    Of course the order is important. How would you tell the meaning of each character if it wasn't?
    First character is the decimal separator, and the second is the thousand separator.
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jacob Due (jcd@ramboll:
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    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10633: Unable to create library connection
    oracle.ifs.common.IfsException: IFS-10600: Unable to construct library connection
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    Server Manager exiting.
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    If you have database and iFS on one computer, your problem is probably the sequence of starting services.
    You probably don't have database or/and listener started by the time you start iFS.
    Maybe the solution is to modify your scripts to check that database is started or to wait some time before starting iFS.

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    Here's the JspLogin class I used in a demo once. It implements the IfsHttpLogin interface.
    Once you've instantiated it you'll need to connect to the repository and obtain a LibrarySession interface and then invoke the setSession() method on the JspLogin object.
    The code will look something like this
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    CleartextCredential me = new CleartextCredential(username,password);
    ConnectOptions connect = new ConnectOptions();
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsService.connect(me,connect);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspUtilities.obtainSession: Session Created.");
    JspLogin login = new JspLogin();
    Note IFSHTTPLOGIN is defined as follows
    public static final String IFSHTTPLOGIN = "IfsHttpLogin";
    I used this code once in a demo. I've not tested that the Login object this creates will allow the complete iFS WebUI to run. This code is definitely supplied as is, with no warranties or anything else for that matter.
    package ifs.demo.common.jsp;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.DirectoryUser;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.FolderPathResolver;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryService;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.adk.security.IfsHttpLogin;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent;
    public class JspLogin implements IfsHttpLogin
    private LibrarySession m_IfsSession;
    private FolderPathResolver m_Resolver;
    // Default constructor required by the jsp spec for the USEBEAN tag
    public JspLogin() throws IfsException
    public void setSession(LibrarySession ifsSession)
    throws IfsException
    m_IfsSession = ifsSession;
    m_Resolver = new FolderPathResolver(ifsSession);
    public LibrarySession getSession()
    return m_IfsSession;
    public FolderPathResolver getResolver()
    return m_Resolver;
    public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent parm1) {
    public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent parm1) {

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    There are two ways to search by 'section' in XML documents.
    First, if you define an iFS content type whose name and structure matches the schema of your XML document, the iFS SimpleXMLParser will automatically decompose the XML document and store each section as attributes on the iFS object. Refer to the Oracle iFS Developer's Guide for instructions on creating new content types and parsing XML instances.
    Second, you can store XML documents in iFS without parsing the XML using the Web UI upload via browse interface. Oracle iFS 1.0 is configured so that it uses interMedia text to index the XML document. Subsequently, you'll be able to execute content searches for the document using section criteria (e.g. content contains 'interMedia' within 'Title').

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    There are two ways to search by 'section' in XML documents.
    First, if you define an iFS content type whose name and structure matches the schema of your XML document, the iFS SimpleXMLParser will automatically decompose the XML document and store each section as attributes on the iFS object. Refer to the Oracle iFS Developer's Guide for instructions on creating new content types and parsing XML instances.
    Second, you can store XML documents in iFS without parsing the XML using the Web UI upload via browse interface. Oracle iFS 1.0 is configured so that it uses interMedia text to index the XML document. Subsequently, you'll be able to execute content searches for the document using section criteria (e.g. content contains 'interMedia' within 'Title').

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    Has anyone written anything for iFS that would allow me to read and write documents to the Portal repositories?? If so would you be willing to share the information.

    The following thread, http://technet.oracle.com:89/ubb/Forum36/HTML/001021.html,
    confirms Oracle are looking at integrating but with no timelines. I agree customising Portal to us iFS as for it's doc mgnt is an ideal solution. It is something that we are currently embarking on and will let you know how it goes.

  • IfS and ifSWithoutElse: What is their functinality?

    Hi All,
    In SP 15 two new standard functions: ifS and ifSWithoutElse have been added.
    How are they different from if and ifWithoutElse functions?
    Could not find much about them on SAP Help.
    Anurag Mahendru.

    It has been clearly defined in the oss note
    For your benefit and the benefit of the group I am pasting the content from the above oss note
    *********************Start of note**********************
    The behaviour of functions 'if' and 'ifWithoutElse' in Message-Mapping has been changed. We have changed it after we've become aware of the fact that both functions behave inconsistently with the documentation.
    This change has some important consequences, which are described in this note.
    Let us consider the function 'if'. The situation with 'ifWithoutElse' is analogous to it.
    There are, in fact, two distinct use-cases for the function 'if':
    1. One is when the function is used as an if statement. For example, consider this pseudocode:
    if <condition>
      value = <expression1>
      value = <expression2>
    In this case, one expects that the <condition> expression is evaluated first and then, depending on the value of the condition, one of the branch expressions is evaluated and assigned to variable 'value'.
    2. The second use case is when the function is used as a procedure. In pseudocode:
    value = if (<condition>, <expression1>, <expression2>)
    In this case, all three expressions (<condition>, <expression1> and <expression2>) whould be evaluated first and the results of this expressions would be passed to function 'if', which in turn, would return one of them, depending on condition value, to be assigned to 'value' variable. This second use-case is also known in some programming languages as function 'iif'.
    In Message-Mapping, the analog of evaluating an expression is advancing a pointer on one of the argument queues of a function. It turned out that the function 'if' did not consistently work either way and that the customers need both variants of the function. The SAP Note 1053706 has delivered the first patch to the function 'if'. This patch was not functionally complete and the function 'if' was patched again. The SAP Note 1085331 has delivered the finally fixed function 'if'. With this Note, the function always works as in use-case 2 above. That is, all arguments are evaluated first, then value of one of them is returned. To minimize compatibility problems with old usages, the function makes one exception to this rule: in case when evaluating one of the branches throws an Exception, the function ignores it, if the exception is in the branch that is not selected by condition.
    This change in behaviour can lead to some of the Message-Mappings producing different results than before implementing the patch.
    One common problem situation is when one of the branches of function 'if' contains a User-Defined function that produces side-effects. Like increments and stores a counter in 'GlobalContainer', for example. Such functions will be executed more times than before and will cause the numbering to go awry.
    Other terms
    Message Mapping, XI, PI, IF,IFS IFSWIthoutElse Boolean functions
    Reason and Prerequisites
    See above.
    To provide customers with functions to use in use-case 1 above, SAP will deliver new standard functions 'ifS' and 'ifSWithoutElse'. The 'S' in the names states for 'Statement'. The new functions will be delivered in
    Patch level 1 of SP21 of XITOOLS 3.0,
    and SP22 onwards
    Patch level 1 of SP14 of XITOOLS 7.0,
    Patch level 2 of SP15 of XITOOLS 7.0
    and SP16 onwards
    SP05 of SAPXIESR 7.1 and SAPXIPCK 7.1,
    and subsequent Support Packages of each corresponding major release.
    It is not recommended to install the patches between SAP Note 1053706 and 1085331. If you decide to install a patch from Note 1085331 or any subsequent release, carefully test Message-Mappings before deploying the patch in productive systems.
    In case the upgrade is necessary and Message-Mappings do not work as before, there is a possibility to workaround the problem. There's no known generic workaround for all kinds of problems that can arise.
    Note :
    IFS and IFSWIthoutElse functions have a Limitation.
    When the The IFS and IFSWIthoutElse functions have the UDF of type Queue or Context, it will be executed unconditionally.
    i.e the Queue UDF will be executed once even it does not have a matching condition in the input queue and the Context UDF will be executed once for every Context in the input queue, even if there is no matching condition in the input context.
    For situation with functions leaving side-effects described above, we recommend to add a new argument to the User-Defined Function and create the side-effect conditionally based on that argument. Most probably you will want to put in this additional argument the same queue that you use in condition for function 'ifS'.
    Please read the relevant Note 1158485 also.
    Header Data
    Release Status: Released for Customer
    Released on: 30.04.2008  13:52:29
    Priority: HotNews
    Category: Program error
    Primary Component: BC-XI-IBD-MAP Mapping
    *********************End of note**********************

  • Lost inside my ifs and elses

    i was in the middle of trying to amend my program and something has changed and i just cannot work out what is goin wrong. it is something to do with my ifs and elses and else ifs and my brackets cause this is all that i've changed. i've been tryin to sort it out for over an hour. any help would be massively appreciated. this is in the actionperformed method of main interface for an applet, i can post up the whole class if that would help:
              //Guess section begins: if guess button is pressed...
          if (e.getSource()==guessButton) {
                  //counter increments and buttons are disabled
                      counter = counter +1;     
                   //if gunRadio or montanaRadio is selected
                   //if gunRadio and montanaRadio are both selected
                   /*play .wav file and set congratulations message to results text area*/
         play(getDocumentBase(), "crowdcheer.wav");
         resultText.setText("Well done, you caught the killer");
                   else if
    /*if not means only one variable was correct play .wav file and set text to results text area and enable newGuess button*/
           play(getDocumentBase(), "impress.wav");
           resultText.setText("You got one guess right");
    /*if no correct guesses send try again to text area, play .wav file and enable new guess button*/
         resultText.setText("Try Again");
         play(getDocumentBase(), "doh.wav");
    /*if counter is equal to 3 and both guesses are right play .wav file and set text in results to congratulations message*/
              if (counter==3) {
            if ((gunRadio.isSelected())&&(montanaRadio.isSelected()))
            //play(getDocumentBase(), "crowdcheer.wav");
         resultText.setText("Well done, you caught the killer");
                  else if{
           /*else set text in results text, play .wav file, disable         newGuess and guess buttons and enable newGame*/ 
    resultText.setText("Thats 3 guesses,  you better watch out the
    murderer is\n"+"coming after you for squealing to the police");
               play(getDocumentBase(), "laugh04.wav");
    /*if either newGame or newGuess buttons are pressed set text to text
    area and enable all other buttons except newGame*/
    ((e.getSource()==newGameButton)||(e.getSource()==newGuessButton)) {
               resultText.setText("Catch him before he kills again");
                    /*if newGame button is pressed set text to resultText and enable guessButton, and return counter to 0*/
            if (e.getSource()==newGameButton)
               resultText.setText("Catch him before he kills again");

    Here's your code fomatted, this should make it more obvious. Hint, if (counter == 3).
         if (e.getSource() == guessButton) {
              //counter increments and buttons are disabled
              counter = counter + 1;
              //if gunRadio or montanaRadio is selected
              if ((gunRadio.isSelected()) || (montanaRadio.isSelected())) {
                   //if gunRadio and montanaRadio are both selected
                   if ((gunRadio.isSelected()) && (montanaRadio.isSelected())) {
                        //play .wav file and set congratulations message to results text area
                        play(getDocumentBase(), "crowdcheer.wav");
                        resultText.setText("Well done, you caught the killer");
                   else if (counter >= 3) {
                        //if not means only one variable was correct play .wav file and set text to results text area and enable newGuess button
                        play(getDocumentBase(), "impress.wav");
                        resultText.setText("You got one guess right");
              //if no correct guesses send try again to text area, play .wav file and enable new guess button
              else {
                   resultText.setText("Try Again");
                   play(getDocumentBase(), "doh.wav");
              //if counter is equal to 3 and both guesses are right play .wav file and set text in results to congratulations message
              if (counter == 3) {
                   if ((gunRadio.isSelected()) && (montanaRadio.isSelected()))
                        //play(getDocumentBase(), "crowdcheer.wav");
                        resultText.setText("Well done, you caught the killer");
              else {
                   //else set text in results text, play .wav file, disable newGuess and guess buttons and enable newGame
                        "Thats 3 guesses, you better watch out the murderer is\n"
                             + "coming after you for squealing to the police");
                   play(getDocumentBase(), "laugh04.wav");
         //if either newGame or newGuess buttons are pressed set text to text area and enable all other buttons except newGame
         if ((e.getSource() == newGameButton) || (e.getSource() == newGuessButton)) {
              resultText.setText("Catch him before he kills again");
         //if newGame button is pressed set text to resultText and enable guessButton, and return counter to 0
         if (e.getSource() == newGameButton) {
              resultText.setText("Catch him before he kills again");
              counter = 0;

  • How to synchronize files in the iFS and a record of table ?

    I have table that contains information about a documents. Document's name, author, project number, etc... Documents are files made by Word or Autocad etc.. Documents are saved in the iFS.
    One record in the table should correspond one document in the iFS.
    Do somebody know how can I syncronice the Table and iFS so, that if someone add's (or delete) a file to the iFS, that reflects to the table too ? This mean that a record should be added to the table.
    Do I need some special column in the record that points to document ?

    A better solution is to use iFS metadata to store your additional properties, instead of using a custom table. You could create a Document subclass with additional attributes, your you could attach a Category with the additional attributes to Documents in iFS. Then you could use the iFS API to get and set these attributes and they would be stored, managed, and exposed as part of the iFS content management.

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    In control file replace:
    On WinDoze, edit registry and set NLS_DATE_FORMAT to YYYYMMDD
    On *nix set NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variable to YYYYMMDD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • OAS and NLS problem

    I migrated from OAS to ...2.
    When I setup the net80 configuration using Easynet config I get the following error from the testing of the connection:
    ORA-12705: Invalid or unknown NLS parameter value specified.
    It just worked fine with the earlier version of OAS.

    Problem solved.
    I deleted OAS and installed Web-to-go. Then I installed OAS

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