Image button URL

I would like to know how to define an image button in Web Dynpro which link to a URL.
Thanks !
Patrick Cheung

Hi Patrick,
Try and use this code for the image button:
IWDToolBarLinkToAction linkdown = (IWDToolBarLinkToAction)view.createElement(IWDToolBarLinkToAction.class,null);
          linkdown.setTooltip("set the Tool tip!!");
          IWDAction linkclickdown = wdThis.wdCreateAction(IPrivatePlugFDTView.WDActionEventHandler.MAP_ACTION,"");
After this add this <b>linkdown</b> variable to the table object. [ie: tb.addToolBarItem(linkdown)], like this, where tb =
IWDToolBar tb  = (IWDToolBar)view.createElement(IWDToolBar.class,null);
I hope this helps you and solves your problem
PS: Please consider rewarding points if helpful and solved.

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    { //Show next
    pictureBox1.Image = li[0];
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    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    Program Name:     ImageURLButtonBar
         Author:               Paul Whitelock
         Version:          1.1
         Copyright:          (c) 1997 by Paul Whitelock and Modern Minds, Inc.
         Requires:          ImageURLButtonBar.class
                             ButtonBarObserver.class (Interface definition)
    Modifications: v1.01 (15 April 97)
                             *     Added "sticky" button behavior (controlled
                                  by applet "stick" parameter)
                             v1.03 (25 June 97)
                             *     Added applet parameter "useCodeBase". If useCodeBase
                                  is true, then image file locations will be based on the directory
                                  in which the Java class files are located. If useCodeBase is false, then
                                  the locations will be based on the HTML directory. Note that audio
                                  file locations are always based on the Java directory. The default
                                  for useCodeBase is false (use HTML directory for base).
                             *     The "stick" parameter will now accept a button number in
                                  addition to the value of "true" or "false". If a button number
                                  is specified, then that button will be "stuck" down
                                  when the button bar initializes.
                             *     Added the capability of loading multiple URLs for each button
                                  with an optional target for each URL.
                             v1.1 (25 September 97)
                             *     Added "baseBrighten" and "baseBrightenTint" parameters to control
                                  highlighting for base button bar.
                             *     Added "mouseOverBrighten" and "moBrightenTint" parameters to control
                                  highlighting for base button bar.
                             *     Added "mdBrightenTint" and "mdBrightenAll" parameters to control
                                  highlighting for base button bar. Previous versions of the applet
                                  supported "mouseDownBrighten," but only if button borders were not
                                  drawn for the button-down button bar (the "mdBrightenAll" can be set
                                  to "true" to override the this default behavior).
                             *     An "appletBGColor" parameter has been added to set the
                                  applet background color. The applet background color is
                                  sometimes visible during scrolling or during a page repaint.
         NOTE:               This source code was composed using Microsoft Visual J++
                             with tab stops of 4. Text may not be formatted correctly
                             if another editor is used.
         ******************************** PARAMETERS ********************************
              Applet Parm               ButtonBar Class Parm     Default Value
              ================== =======================     ==================
              disableBadURL                                        true
              mouseEnterAudio                                        null (audio disabled)
              mouseClickAudio                                        null (audio disabled)
              buttonDownAudio                                        null (audio disabled)
              stick                                                  false
         *     useCodeBase               base                         false (i.e., use getDocumentBase())
              orient                    barHorizontal               horizontal if applet width > height
              base                    baseBarName                    none - parameter REQUIRED
              mouseOver               mouseOverBarName          null
              mouseOver2               mouseOverBar2Name          null
              mouseDown               mouseDownBarName          null
              mouseDownOver          mouseDownOverBarName     null
              buttonsDisabled          buttonsDisabledBarName     null
              background               backgroundImageName          null
              barXPos                    barXBackgroundPos          0
              barYPos                    barYBackgroundPos          0
              buttonBorders          drawButtonBorders          ButtonBar.BORDERS_NONE
              borderColorTL          borderColorTopLeft          null (Color.white if error)
              borderColorBR          borderColorBottomRight     null (Color.gray if error)
              borderIntensity          borderIntensityPercent     50 (used only if borders)
              borderSize               buttonBorderSize          1 (used only if borders)
              downShift               downShift                    false
              downShiftAmt          downShiftAmt               buttonBorderSize
              baseBrighten          baseBrightenPct
              baseBrightenTint     baseBrightenTint
              mouseOverBrighten     mouseOverBrightenPct
              moBrightenTint          mouseOverBrightenTint
              mouseDownBrighten     mouseDownBrightenPct     
              mdBrightenTint          mouseDownBrightenTint
              mdBrightenAll          mouseDownBrightenAll
              buttonsDisabledDim     buttonsDisabledDimPct     25     (used only if no buttonsDisabled)
              grayBarBrighten          grayBarBrighten               0
              frameRate               frameRate                    150 (used only if mouseOver2)
         *     If useCodeBase is true, then all file locations are based on the Java class file
              directory (i.e., use getCodeBase()).
    public class ImageURLButtonBar extends Applet implements ButtonBarObserver {
         // Instance Variables
         ButtonBar buttonBar;
         Vector buttonURL = new Vector(10, 10);
         Vector buttonURLTarget = new Vector(10, 10);
         Vector buttonDescription = new Vector(10, 10);
         AudioClip mouseEnterAudio = null;
         AudioClip mouseClickAudio = null;
         AudioClip buttonDownAudio = null;
         // Applet Initialization
         public void init() {
              // =================================================================
              // Applet ImageURLButtonBar specific parameters
              // =================================================================
              // appletBGColor
              //          Set applet background color
              String parm = getParameter("appletBGColor");
              if (parm != null) {
                   try {     
                        setBackground(new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16)));
                   catch (Exception e) {
              // disableBadURL
              //          If true, then any button with an invalid URL will be disabled
              parm = getParameter("disableBadURL");
              boolean disableBadURL;
              if (parm == null || !parm.equals("false")) disableBadURL = true;
              else disableBadURL = false;
              // mouseEnterAudio
              //          Sound to play each time the mouse enters any of the buttons
              parm = getParameter("mouseEnterAudio");
              if (parm != null) {
                   mouseEnterAudio = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), parm);
                   if (mouseEnterAudio == null) reportError("Can't load " + parm);
              // mouseClickAudio
              //          Sound to play each time a mouse down click occurs in a button
              parm = getParameter("mouseClickAudio");
              if (parm != null) {
                   mouseClickAudio = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), parm);
                   if (mouseClickAudio == null) reportError("Can't load " + parm);
              // buttonDownAudio
              //          Sound to play each time a mouse up occurs in a button (i.e, the
              //          button has be toggled through it's "down" position)
              parm = getParameter("buttonDownAudio");
              if (parm != null) {
                   buttonDownAudio = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), parm);
                   if (buttonDownAudio == null) reportError("Can't load " + parm);
              // stickyBar
              //          If the "stick" applet parameter is "true", then buttons will stay
              //          "stuck" in the down position until another button is clicked.
              //          If the "stick" applet parameter is the number of a button in the
              //          button bar, then that button will be "stuck" down when the
              //          button bar initializes.
              int stickyBar = -1;
              parm = getParameter("stick");
              if (parm != null && !parm.toLowerCase().equals("false")) {
                   try {
                        stickyBar = Integer.parseInt(parm);
                   catch (Exception e) {
                        stickyBar = 0;
              // =================================================================
              // Class ButtonBar specific parameters
              // =================================================================
              // orient (barHorizontal)
              //          If this parameter = 'h' then the button bar is horizontal
              //          If this parameter = 'v' then the button bar is vertical
              //          If this parameter is not specified, then the button bar is
              //          horizontal if the applet width is greater than the applet height
              boolean horizontal;
              parm = getParameter("orient");
              if (parm == null) horizontal = size().width > size().height;
              else horizontal = parm.equals("h") ? true : false;
              // base     (baseBarName)
              //          The base image file for the buttons. This is the only image
              //          file that MUST be specified.
              String baseBar = getParameter("base");
              if (baseBar == null) {
                   reportError("Parameter 'base' REQUIRED!");
              // barXPos (barXBackgroundPos)
              // barYPos (barYBackgroundPos)
              //          If a background image is specified then these to parameters
              //          represent the top-left corner location where the button bar
              //          should be placed on the background
              int barXPos = 0, barYPos = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("barXPos");
                   if (parm != null) barXPos = Integer.parseInt(parm);
                   parm = getParameter("barYPos");
                   if (parm != null) barYPos = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("barXPos or barYPos");
                   barXPos = barYPos = 0;
              // buttonBorders (drawButtonBorders)
              //          "none" = do not draw any button borders
              //          "all"     = draw borders around all button bar buttons
              //          "base"     = draw borders only around buttons on base button bar
              //          "other"     = draw borders around all button bar buttons EXCEPT base button bar buttons
              parm = getParameter("buttonBorders");
              int drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_NONE;
              if (parm != null) {
                   if (parm.equals("base")) drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_BASE;
                   else if (parm.equals("other")) drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_OTHER;
                   else if (parm.equals("all")) drawButtonBorders = ButtonBar.BORDERS_ALL;
              // borderColorTL (borderColorTopLeft)
              // borderColorBR (borderColorBottomRight)
              //          Normally, borders are drawn around buttons by lightening or darkening
              //          the image in the border region. A specific color can be used instead
              //          for the top and left borders and/or the bottom and right borders. The
              //          value specified for either of these two parameters should be a hexadecimal
              //          number (e.g., "FF0000" for red, "888888" for medium gray, etc.).
              Color borderColorTopLeft = null;
              Color borderColorBottomRight = null;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("borderColorTL");
                   if (parm != null) borderColorTopLeft = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
                   parm = getParameter("borderColorBR");
                   if (parm != null) borderColorBottomRight = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("borderColorTL or borderColorBR");
                   borderColorTopLeft = Color.white;
                   borderColorBottomRight = Color.gray;
              // borderIntensity (borderIntensityPercent)
              //          If borders are drawn for buttons, and if a border color is not specified
              //          (see above), then the image in the border region will be lightened or
              //          darkened by this percentage to create the borders.
              int borderIntensityPercent = 50;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("borderIntensity");
                   if (parm != null) borderIntensityPercent = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
                   borderIntensityPercent = 50;
              // borderSize (buttonBorderSize)
              //          The size of borders, if borders are specified.          
              int buttonBorderSize = 1;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("borderSize");
                   if (parm != null) buttonBorderSize = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // downShift
              //          If true, then the button image is shift down and right downShiftAmt
              //          (see below) pixels when the mouse is clicked on the button.
              parm = getParameter("downShift");
              boolean downShift = (parm == null || !parm.equals("true")) ? false : true;
              // downShiftAmt
              //          If downShift is true, then the button image is shift down and right
              //          downShiftAmt (see above) pixels when the mouse is clicked on the button.
              int downShiftAmt = buttonBorderSize;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("downShiftAmt");
                   if (parm != null) downShiftAmt = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // baseBrighten (baseBrightenPct)
              //          The base bar will be lightened by this percentage
              int baseBrightenPct = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("baseBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) baseBrightenPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // mouseOverBrighten (mouseOverBrightenPct)
              //          A button will be lightened by this percentage when the mouse
              //          moves over a button.
              int mouseOverBrightenPct = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("mouseOverBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) mouseOverBrightenPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // mdBrightenAll (mouseDownBrightenAll)
              //          A button will be lightened by this percentage when the mouse
              //          moves over a button.
              boolean mouseDownBrightenAll = false;
              parm = getParameter("mdBrightenAll");
              if (parm != null && parm.charAt(0) == 't') mouseDownBrightenAll = true;
              // mouseDownBrighten (mouseDownBrightenPct)
              //          A button will be lightened by this percentage when it is
              //          clicked.
              int mouseDownBrightenPct = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("mouseDownBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) mouseDownBrightenPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // baseBrightenTint (mouseOverBrightenTint)
              // moBrightenTint (mouseOverBrightenTint)
              // mdBrightenTint (mouseDownBrightenTint)
              Color baseBrightenTint = null;
              Color mouseOverBrightenTint = null;
              Color mouseDownBrightenTint = null;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("baseBrightenTint");
                   if (parm != null) baseBrightenTint = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
                   parm = getParameter("moBrightenTint");
                   if (parm != null) mouseOverBrightenTint = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
                   parm = getParameter("mdBrightenTint");
                   if (parm != null) mouseDownBrightenTint = new Color(Integer.parseInt(parm, 16));
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("baseBrightenTint, moBrightenTint or mdBrightenTint");
              // buttonsDisabledDim (buttonsDisabledDimPct)
              //          If a button is disabled and if there is no buttonsDisabled image,
              //          then the button will be dimmed by this percentage.
              int buttonsDisabledDimPct = 25;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("buttonsDisabledDim");
                   if (parm != null) buttonsDisabledDimPct = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // grayBarBrighten
              //          If there is no mouseOver image, then the base image will be used for
              //          the mouseOver image, and a grayscale version of the base image will
              //          be used for base button images. This parameter can be used to lighten
              //          COLORS (not grays) in the image before it is converted to grayscale.
              //          This can help if the standard conversion produces buttons that are
              //          too dark.
              int grayBarBrighten = 0;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("grayBarBrighten");
                   if (parm != null) grayBarBrighten = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // frameRate
              //          If a mouseOver2 image is specified, then this parameter controls
              //          how quickly animation will be performed (using mouseOver and mouseOver2
              //          images) in milliseconds when the mouse is moved over a button.
              int frameRate = 150;
              try {
                   parm = getParameter("frameRate");
                   if (parm != null) frameRate = Integer.parseInt(parm);
              catch (Exception e) {
              // =================================================================
              // Instantiate the button bar
              // =================================================================
              try {
                   // Allow the use of documentBase (default) or codeBase for image file
                   // base directory.
                   URL documentBase;
                   parm = getParameter("useCodeBase");
                   if (parm == null || parm.equals("false")) documentBase = getDocumentBase();
                   else documentBase = getCodeBase();
                   // Create the button bar
                   buttonBar = new ButtonBar(
                                                 horizontal,                         /* barHorizontal */
                                                 documentBase,                         /* base */
                                                 baseBar,                              /* baseBarName */
                                                 getParameter("mouseOver"),     /* mouseOverBarName */
                                                 getParameter("mouseOver2"),     /* mouseOverBar2Name */
                                                 getParameter("mouseDown"),     /* mouseDownBarName */
                                                 getParameter("mouseDownOver"), /* mouseDownOverBarName */
                                                 getParameter("buttonsDisabled"),/* buttonsDisabledBarName */
                                                 getParameter("background"),     /* backgroundImageName */
                                                 barXPos,                              /* barXBackgroundPos */
                                                 barYPos,                              /* barYBackgroundPos */
                                                 drawButtonBorders,               /* drawButtonBorders */
                                                 borderColorTopLeft,               /* borderColorTopLeft */
                                                 borderColorBottomRight,          /* borderColorBottomRight */
                                                 borderIntensityPercent,          /* borderIntensityPercent */
                                                 buttonBorderSize,                    /* buttonBorderSize */
                                                 downShift,                         /* downShift */
                                                 downShiftAmt,                         /* downShiftAmt */
                                                 baseBrightenPct,                    /* baseBrightenPct */
                                                 baseBrightenTint,                    /* baseBrightenTint */
                                                 mouseOverBrightenPct,               /* mouseOverBrightenPct */
                                                 mouseOverBrightenTint,          /* mouseOverBrightenTint */
                                                 mouseDownBrightenAll,               /* mouseDownBrightenAll */
                                                 mouseDownBrightenPct,               /* mouseDownBrightenPct */
                                                 mouseDownBrightenTint,          /* mouseDownBrightenTint */
                                                 buttonsDisabledDimPct,          /* buttonsDisabledDimPct */
                                                 grayBarBrighten,                    /* grayBarBrighten */
                                                 frameRate                              /* frameRate */     
                   // =================================================================
                   // Add buttons to the button bar
                   // =================================================================
                   ButtonRegion buttonToAdd;
                   String buttonNbr, urlString;
                   URL urlForButton;
                   int nbr = 0;
                   int buttonStart, buttonSize;
                   // Initialize button on bar flag (used to determine if at least one button
                   // was successfully added to the button bar)
                   boolean buttonOnBar = false;
                   // This loop will be exited when no more buttons can be found in the HTML
                   while (true) {
                        // Construct the prefix for the button parameters
                        buttonNbr = "button" + ++nbr;
                        // Find the starting offset and the size of the button
                        // If null is returned as the starting offset parameter value for the
                        // button, then all buttons should have been read so the loop can
                        // be exited.
                        try {
                             parm = getParameter(buttonNbr + "Start");
                             if (parm == null) break;
                             buttonStart = Integer.parseInt(parm);
                             buttonSize = Integer.parseInt(getParameter(buttonNbr + "Size"));
                        catch (Exception e) {
                             reportError("Button" + nbr + " start or size in error or missing");
                             buttonStart = 0;
                             buttonSize = 0;
                        // Create a ButtonRegion for the button
                        // The button ID will be set to the number of the button (this will
                        // be converted to an integer later when a buttonBarEvent is received).
                        buttonToAdd = new ButtonRegion("" + nbr, buttonStart, buttonSize);
                        // If the buttons on this button bar are "sticky" buttons, then
                        // enable "sticky" behavior for this button. The button will always
                        // "pop-up" whenever another button is clicked.
                        if (stickyBar >= 0) {
                             buttonToAdd.stickyButton(true, ButtonRegion.POPUP_ALWAYS, false);
                             // If the current button number matches the value of stickyBar, then the
                             // current button should be "stuck" down for its initial state.
                             if (stickyBar == nbr) buttonToAdd.setStuck(true);
                        // Try to add the button (i.e., the ButtonRegion) to the buttonBar
                        if (buttonBar.addButton(buttonToAdd)) {
                             // Set flag to indicate that at least one button has been added
                             buttonOnBar = true;
                             // The button was successfully added, so save the button's description
                             // (which will be displayed in the status bar) and the target frame
                             // for the button URL in the appropriate Vector.
                             buttonDescription.addElement(getParameter(buttonNbr + "Desc"));
                             buttonURLTarget.addElement(getParameter(buttonNbr + "Target"));
                             // Try to create a URL for the button.
                             // If the URL is invalid, then place an error message in the
                             // buttonURLTarget Vector (this will be used to warn the user
                             // when the button is clicked). Also, if disableBadURL is true, then
                             // disable the button.
                             String theURL;
                             urlString = getParameter(buttonNbr + "URL");
                             if (urlString != null) {
                                  Enumeration urls = new StringTokenizer(urlString);
                                  while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
                                       theURL = (String)urls.nextElement();
                                       try {
                                            urlForButton = new URL(theURL);
                                       catch (Exception e) {
                                            try {
                                                 urlForButton = new URL(getDocumentBase(), theURL);
                                            catch (Exception e2) {
                                                 reportError("Button" + nbr + " has invalid URL");
                                                 buttonURLTarget.setElementAt("Invalid URL", nbr - 1);
                                                 urlString = null;
                             else {
                                  reportError("Button" + nbr + " has no URL");
                                  buttonURLTarget.setElementAt("No URL", nbr - 1);
                   // Remove any unused elements in the Vectors
                   // If no buttons were added, throw exception
                   if (!buttonOnBar) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No buttons on bar");
                   // Let the buttonBar know that all buttons have been defined. This is
                   // really only necessary if downShift is true, but it won't hurt calling
                   // the method in either case.
                   // Add the applet as an observer so that the applet will be notified
                   // when button events occur.
                   // Enable the button bar now that all buttons have been defined.
                   // (the buttonBar is disabled when it is created and must be
                   // specifically enabled).
                   // Add the buttonBar to the applet
              catch (Exception e) {
                   reportError("Can't create ButtonBar\n" + e);
         // buttonBarEvent
         //          This method is called by the ButtonBar whenever a button event occurs
         //          It provides the ButtonBar that the event occurred for, the button ID
         //          that the event occurred for, and the event type.
         public void buttonBarEvent(ButtonBar barID, String buttonID, int buttonEvent) {
              String description;
              // The buttonBar will send an IMAGES_READY event when all button bar images
              // have been prepared. We are not interested in this event, but only in
              // certain "action" events that occur for a button.
              if (buttonEvent != ButtonBar.IMAGES_READY) {
                   // A number in String format was assigned as the buttonID when each
                   // ButtonRegion was created. The buttonID String will now be converted
                   // back into a number that can be used as a Vector index to retrieve
                   // button specific information (i.e., URL, target frame, and description).
                   int buttonNbr = Integer.parseInt(buttonID) - 1;
                   switch (buttonEvent) {
                        // If a mouseDown event has occurred for the button, and if an
                        // AudioClip is available for this event, play the AudioClip.
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_CLICK:     
                             if (mouseClickAudio != null);
                        // If the mouse has been moved over a button, display the button's
                        // description in the browser's status area. If the button that the mouse
                        // is over is an active button, and if there is an AudioClip available
                        // for this event, then play the audio clip.
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_ENTER:     
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_ENTER_DISABLED:
                             description = (String)buttonDescription.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             if (description != null) showStatus(description);
                             if (mouseEnterAudio != null && buttonEvent == ButtonBar.MOUSE_ENTER) {
                        // If the mouse has been moved off of a button and if the button has
                        // description text associated with it, then clear the browser's
                        // browser's status area.
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_EXIT:
                        case ButtonBar.MOUSE_EXIT_DISABLED:
                             description = (String)buttonDescription.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             if (description != null) showStatus("");
                        // If the button has been depressed (i.e., a mouseDown followed by
                        // a mouseUp for the same button) then load the URL(s) for the button
                        // in the target frame(s), if specified. If the URL is null, then the
                        // URL was found to be missing or invalid, so display the text stored in
                        // the buttonURLTarget Vector in the brower's status area. If there is
                        // an AudioClip for the event, play the audio.
                        case ButtonBar.BUTTON_DOWN:
                             // Get the string of URLs and Targets for the button
                             String urlString = (String)buttonURL.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             String targetString = (String)buttonURLTarget.elementAt(buttonNbr);
                             // If there is at least one URL for the button
                             if (urlString != null) {
                                  URL urlForButton;
                                  String theURL;
                                  String theTarget;
                                  Enumeration urls = new StringTokenizer(urlString);
                                  Enumeration targets = null;
                                  if (targetString != null) targets = new StringTokenizer(targetString);
                                  // While there is another URL for the button
                                  while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
                                       // Get the next String token that represents a URL
                                       theURL = (String)urls.nextElement();
                                       // Convert the String to a URL
                                       try {
                                            urlForButton = new URL(theURL);
                                       catch (Exception e) {
                                            try {
                                                 urlForButton = new URL(getDocumentBase(), theURL);
                                            catch (Exception e2) {
                                                 urlForButton = null;
                                       // If the String was successfully convert to a URL
                                       if (urlForButton != null) {
                                            // If there is a target for this URL
                                            if (targets != null && targets.hasMoreElements()) {
                                                 // Get the String that represents the target
                                                 theTarget = (String)targets.nextElement();
                                                 // If the target String does NOT begin with a "-",
                                                 // then load the URL in the target
                                                 if (theTarget.charAt(0) != '-') {
                                                      getAppletContext().showDocument(urlForButton, theTarget);
                                                 // Else a target for this URL should not be used
                                                 else {
                                            // Else there is no target for this URL, so just show
                                            // the URL.
                                            else {
                             // Else URL is missing or invalid
                             else showStatus((String)buttonURLTarget.elementAt(buttonNbr));
                             if (buttonDownAudio != null);
         // Error reporting
         private void reportError(String message) {
              message = "[ImageURLButtonBar] Error - " + message;

  • Spry Image button not working on IE

    I have a image button on a spry menu that displays fine in firefox and safari, but not in IE. It is just opaque on the menu buttons to the page background.
    It's a personal site for a wedding that i need to go live with in a week or so,I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong so hope someone can help.
    site is here
    @charset "UTF-8";
    /* SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css - version 0.6 - Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1 */
    /* Copyright (c) 2006. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. */
    LAYOUT INFORMATION: describes box model, positioning, z-order
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, an auto width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: auto;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: */
        z-index: 1000;
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are a fixed width */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        position: relative;
        text-align: center;
        cursor: pointer;
        width: 130px;
        float: left;
        background-image: url(../images/Button3.jpg);
        font-weight: bolder;
        background-color: transparent;
    /* Submenus should appear below their parent (top: 0) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        z-index: 1020;
        cursor: default;
        width: 8.2em;
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000em;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to auto so it comes onto the screen below its parent menu item */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul li
        width: 8.2em;
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul ul
        position: absolute;
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%;
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        left: auto;
        top: 0;
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul
        border: 1px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a
        display: block;
        cursor: pointer;
        padding: 0.5em 0.75em;
        color: #333;
        text-decoration: none;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:hover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a:focus
        background-color: #A1E63D;
        color: #FFF;
        font-weight: bold;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        background-color: #B3EE5C;
        color: #009;
        font-weight: bold;
    SUBMENU INDICATION: styles if there is a submenu under a given menu item
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDown.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that have a submenu have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenu and are set to use a background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal ul a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    BROWSER HACKS: the hacks below should not be changed unless you are an expert
    /* HACK FOR IE: to make sure the sub menus show above form controls, we underlay each submenu with an iframe */
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal iframe
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 1010;
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
        ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
            display: inline;
            f\loat: left;
            background: #FFF;

    Sorry, but I do not see that you have added the code. Not only that, I think I may have made a boo-boo by saying that the background-image should be modified. The original says
    /* HACK FOR IE: to stabilize appearance of menu items; the slash in float is to keep IE 5.0 from parsing */
    @media screen, projection
    ul.MenuBarHorizontal li.MenuBarItemIE
    display: inline;
    f\loat: left;
    background: #FFF;
    so that background should contain the image, not background-image.

  • "Save image" button of Camera Raw does not save JPEG with modifications made.

    I am using Bridge CC to process my RAW images and make modifications to some JPEG images as well.  I have no need to further alter images in Photoshop at the moment, so I do all modifications in Camera Raw. After altering my images, I then press the "save image" button at the left bottom corner of Camera Raw and choose the settings to save in JPEG.  However, when I upload these JPEG images to a website or when I email them, the image is uploaded without the modifications I had done!  It seems to me that Camera Raw is saving JPEGs the same way it does for RAW images, in a non-destructive manner, only attaching instructions for the images to be displayed properly on Photoshop. But when I save an image in JPEG, I expect the image to be saved entirely with the modifications I made while still keeping the original RAW file.  What goes on then?  What is Camera Raw doing and how do I get to save a modified image in JPEG with Camera Raw?  Would you please explain?
    Many thanks for your help,

    What version of camera raw and operating system are you using?

  • How to display URL images and URL link (html) from Smartforms?

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm having difficulty on how to display targeted URL images and URL link from the smartforms, after i sending it out as html mail. The mail i sent just can be preview as a plain text, which can't execute the html code that i put inside the smartforms itself. I follow a few step from this very useful blog.. Hopefully, you guys can give me some solutions or ideas on this.
    /people/pavan.bayyapu/blog/2005/08/30/sending-html-email-from-sap-crmerp -thanks to Pavan for his useful blog.
    My code is like this..
    <--- Start Code.
    FORM call_smartforms.
      DATA : lv_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
             lc_true(1) VALUE 'X',
             lw_control_parameters TYPE ssfctrlop,
             lw_output_options TYPE ssfcompop,
             lc_graphics(8) VALUE 'GRAPHICS',
             lw_xsfparam_line TYPE ssfxsfp,
             lc_extract(7) VALUE 'EXTRACT',
             lc_graphics_directory(18) VALUE 'GRAPHICS-DIRECTORY',
             lc_mygraphics(11) VALUE 'mygraphics/',
             lc_content_id(10) VALUE 'CONTENT-ID',
             lc_enable(6) VALUE 'ENABLE',
             lw_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl,
             lw_html_data TYPE trfresult,
             lw_graphics TYPE ssf_xsf_gr,
             lt_graphics TYPE tsf_xsf_gr,
             lv_html_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_html_raw LIKE LINE OF lw_html_data-content,
             lv_incode TYPE tcp00-cpcodepage VALUE '4110',
             lv_html_str TYPE string,
             lv_html_len TYPE i,
             lc_utf8(5) VALUE 'utf-8',
             lc_latin1(6) VALUE 'latin1',
             lv_offset TYPE i,
             lv_length TYPE i,
             lv_diff TYPE i,
             lt_soli TYPE soli_tab,
             lw_soli TYPE soli,
             lc_mime_helper TYPE REF TO cl_gbt_multirelated_service,
             lv_name TYPE mime_text VALUE 'sapwebform.htm',
             lv_xstr TYPE xstring,
             lw_raw TYPE bapiconten,
             lt_solix TYPE solix_tab,
             lw_solix TYPE solix,
             lv_filename TYPE string,
             lv_content_id TYPE string,
             lv_content_type TYPE w3conttype,
             lv_obj_len TYPE so_obj_len,
             lv_bmp TYPE so_fileext VALUE 'BMP',
             lv_description TYPE so_obj_des VALUE 'Graphic in BMP format',
             lc_doc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
             lc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lc_send_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root,
             lw_adsmtp TYPE lty_adsmtp,
             lv_mail_address TYPE ad_smtpadr,
             lc_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
             lc_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
             lv_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
      DATA : v_language TYPE sflangu VALUE 'E',
             v_e_devtype TYPE rspoptype.
      v_form_name = 'ZTEST_EMAIL'.
          formname           = v_form_name
          fm_name            = v_namef
          no_form            = 1
          no_function_module = 2
          OTHERS             = 3.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    starting here. ***
    Set title for the output
      lv_subject = 'Smartforms.'.
    Set control parameters to "no dialog"
      lw_control_parameters-no_dialog = lc_true.
    IF lw_service_subject-code = lc_fm1.
    *--- To get output device type
          i_language    = v_language
          i_application = 'SAPDEFAULT'
          e_devtype     = v_e_devtype.
      lw_output_options-tdprinter = v_e_devtype.
      lw_control_parameters-getotf = 'X'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
    Set output options
      lw_output_options-xsf        = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfcmode   = lc_true.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutmode = 'A'.
      lw_output_options-xsfoutdev  = space.
      lw_output_options-xsfformat  = lc_true.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_extract.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_graphics_directory.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_mygraphics.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
      lw_xsfparam_line-name  = lc_content_id.
      lw_xsfparam_line-value = lc_enable.
      APPEND lw_xsfparam_line TO lw_output_options-xsfpars.
    Get the smartform content
      CALL FUNCTION v_namef
          control_parameters   = lw_control_parameters
          output_options       = lw_output_options
    *pass other application specific parameters (eg order number, items ).
          job_output_info    = lw_job_output_info
          tt_tabh              = tt_tabh
          tt_tabb              = tt_tabb
          tt_tabf              = tt_tabf
          formatting_error = 1
          internal_error   = 2
          send_error       = 3
          user_canceled    = 4
          OTHERS           = 5.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       break mhusin.
      lw_html_data  = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-trfresult.
      lt_graphics[] = lw_job_output_info-xmloutput-xsfgr[].
      CLEAR lv_html_xstr.
      LOOP AT lw_html_data-content INTO lw_html_raw.
        CONCATENATE lv_html_xstr lw_html_raw INTO lv_html_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
      lv_html_xstr = lv_html_xstr(lw_html_data-length).
          inbuff       = lv_html_xstr
          incode       = lv_incode
          csubst       = lc_true
          substc_space = lc_true
          outbuff      = lv_html_str
          outused      = lv_html_len
          OTHERS       = 1.
    CALL METHOD html_control - >load_mime_object
         object_id  = 'ZWN'
         object_url = 'ZWN.GIF'
         OTHERS     = 1.
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH lc_latin1.
    REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lc_utf8 IN lv_html_str WITH 'iso-8859-1'.
       break mhusin.
      lv_html_len = STRLEN( lv_html_str ).
      lv_offset = 0.
      lv_length = 255.
      WHILE lv_offset < lv_html_len.
        lv_diff = lv_html_len - lv_offset.
        IF lv_diff > lv_length.
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_length).
          lw_soli-line = lv_html_str+lv_offset(lv_diff).
        APPEND lw_soli TO lt_soli.
        ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
      CREATE OBJECT lc_mime_helper.
      CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->set_main_html
          content     = lt_soli
          filename    = lv_name
          description = lv_subject.
      LOOP AT lt_graphics INTO lw_graphics.
        CLEAR lv_xstr.
        LOOP AT lw_graphics-content INTO lw_raw.
          CONCATENATE lv_xstr lw_raw-line INTO lv_xstr IN BYTE MODE.
        lv_xstr = lv_xstr(lw_graphics-length).
        lv_offset = 0.
        lv_length = 255.
        CLEAR lt_solix[].
        WHILE lv_offset < lw_graphics-length.
          lv_diff = lw_graphics-length - lv_offset.
          IF lv_diff > lv_length.
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_length).
            lw_solix-line = lv_xstr+lv_offset(lv_diff).
          APPEND lw_solix TO lt_solix.
          ADD lv_length TO lv_offset.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_filename.
        CONCATENATE lc_mygraphics lw_graphics-graphics text-001 INTO lv_content_id.
        lv_content_type = lw_graphics-httptype.
        lv_obj_len      = lw_graphics-length.
    *Add images to the email
        CALL METHOD lc_mime_helper->add_binary_part
            content      = lt_solix
            filename     = lv_filename
            extension    = lv_bmp
            description  = lv_description
            content_type = lv_content_type
            length       = lv_obj_len
            content_id   = lv_content_id.
          lv_subject = lv_subject.
          lc_doc_bcs = cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated(
                   i_subject          = lv_subject
                   i_multirel_service = lc_mime_helper ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_bcom_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
        CATCH cx_gbt_mime INTO lc_send_exception.
    Create send request
          lc_bcs = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->set_document( i_document = lc_doc_bcs ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Set-up email receiver
      lv_mail_address = '[email protected]'.
    TRANSLATE lv_mail_address TO UPPER CASE.
          lc_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
              i_address_string = lv_mail_address ).
        CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
          lc_bcs->add_recipient( i_recipient = lc_recipient ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
    Send smartforms as HTML email
          lc_bcs->send( ).
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO lc_send_exception.
      WRITE:/ 'Mail sent'.
    ENDFORM.                    "call_smartforms
    End Code --->
    Thanks and Regards.

    1- put your images in a directory under the web app directory. Example: app/images/
    2- in your jsp, use: String file = application.getRealPath("/images/"); to get the images directory. See
    3- it's not the right forum to post this kind of question. Post them in the JSP/Servlet JSTL forum instead

  • Problem in getting the image through URL

    hi all,
    I facing the problem,Inwhich i am unable find the solution...I am using the following code to display the image
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response)
                        throws IOException, ServletException {
                   int data=0;
                   ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
                   String file = request.getContextPath()+imageNames[0];
                   //String file = "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Tomcat 4.1/webapps/ImageComm/WEB-INF/images"+imageNames[index];
                   BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                   System.out.println("the size of the inputStream is..."+in.available());
                   System.out.println("the context path is..."+request.getContextPath());          
                   while ((data = != -1) {
    with the above i am not getting any error at the compile time but it was giving exception like FileNotFoundException.
    but the same thing(URL address) when i am copying on the browser it was displayig the image.
    (what might be the reason)
    one more thing when i commented on the url address and try to use the actual realpath address it was displaying the image with out any problem
    can anybody give me the solution like where to keep my images by which i can able to get the images through url address
    thanks in advance

    hi all,
    I am getting the image from the server.but the problem is i am getting the Exception as ArrayOutOfBound exception.
    It was displaying the Image for the first time.and when ever it was going for the second time in to the paint method it was displaying the IOException in reading the stream from the connection.
    can anybody give me the solution in rectifying that exception.
    thanks in advance

  • How do I get a "transfer images" button to show up in the solution center?

    How do I get a "transfer images" button to show up in the solution center for my officejet 6500 709a on XP?
    Scan buttons are displayed and work, as does print.

    What installing the twain plug-in, you mean? Go to your applications folder. Find the Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 folder. Look in there for a folder called support files, then for a folder called optional plugins. In the Optional Plugins folder, there should be a folder called ImportModules. Just drag that from the Optional Plugins folder to the regular Plugins folder.
    This will be infinitely easier to do if you put your applications folder window into list view, not the default icon view. To do that, click this button at the top of the window:

  • Adobe premiere elements 12 - how to create menu bar action for my inserted image button

    adobe premiere elements 12 - how to create menu bar action for my inserted image button without using their movie menu theme

    I do not think that I am completely focused into this completely, so let us see if the following is going to help.
    You are going to need a base for your button. When you mention "image" button, I am assuming that you are using that term to differentiate between a text button and a thumbnail type button.
    The menus (main and scene) take their origin in .psd files on the hard drive and strict nomenclature and structure for Layers Palatte. And, the buttons on the menus trace back to the menu markers on the Timeline, main menu marker and order of placement of scene markers. The scene thumbnail will only appear when there is a scene marker on the Timeline to which it.
    In view of all that
    Where have you already inserted this "image (button)"...into the Layers Palette of a Photoshop document or other? Is this "image (button)" in a structured Layer Group in the Layers Palette with sublayer groups, text layers, graphic/background layer"?
    Let me give you an example
    If you have a button (with thumbnail) on the main menu and you want that to open to a specific scene in your movie, then you use a main menu marker on the Timeline at the spot that you want that button to target.
    If I am getting closer to what you seek, then please further clarify the DVD navigational envisioned scheme.
    Add On...I did not see the exchanges between us and SG until after I had posted mine. I thought that your discussions were concluded. Please excuse the interruption.

  • TARGET="_blank" in button URL?

    I have a printing servlet I want to call from a button. This works fine, but I need the link to open in new browser window, where the pdf can be shown. I have tried this for button URL:
    http:&#47;&#47;wmsi001494/rapportServlet/rapport?skemaId=&P71_SKEMA_ID. TARGET="_blank"
    But this does not work. Does anybody know how to get it working?
    Regards Pete

    I tried popupURL, popUp2, and javascripts to open a window using a button. They work fine with HTML pages but fail when I try to open a PDF file.
    The URL I'm using to open the PDF references a function I created following the HOW TOs (e.g. download_my_file?p_file=#ID#). The only alteration I made to the HOW TO download function was to open the file instead of downloading (Content-Disposition: inline instead of attachment).
    Has anyone else had this problem or found a way to open a PDF file that is stored in the database into a new window using a button instead of a link? I should also mention that if I use a link (e.g. href="...download_my_file?p=file#ID#') it works, it just doesn't work if I have to use Javascript to open the file in a window.
    I really need to use a button instead of a link, but can't figure out how to make it work!
    Forgot to mention, the error message reads:
    "There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found." It's an Adobe Acrobat error, but it opens fine when opened with a standard link.

  • Problem using image via URL

    Hi everybody
    I have a problem with loading images via URL into my PDFs.
    I am using LCD ES2 Version 9.0.1....
    I want to create a PDF which loads images from the internet but it does not work.
    So far I have tried to add an image or image field to my PDF in the LCD and populate that image using the Object-->Field-->URL: palett. I put the URL in there like this , tick the "embed image Data" checkbox (also tried with without that just to be sure) and save as Dynamic PDF (I also tried static) but when I open the PDF in adobe reader 9 or 10 or acrobat  9 there is no image showing. I also put the image in a subform and made that subform flowed, as well as the page itself and made the binding global.
    I have the form properties - default set to "Acrobat and Adobe Reader version 9.0 or higher", Default Language to JavaScript, PDF Render format to Dynamic PDF.
    I also tried using JavaScript events like "form:ready ImageField2.value.#image.href = "" as discribed here but that also does not work.
    What am I missing?
    Any help would be great and greatly appreciated!!!
    Thanks and best regards

    As far as I can tell, this use case is not allowed because of cross site references related security concerns. The form can refer to the images stored on the same server from where the PDF is served, but the images cannot come from external servers.

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