Image in

im "trying" to use IMAQ SNAP.
i know this is a real novice question, but what should the input be for the IMAGE IN terminal?
is it a reference for a file, say BMP?
im really not sure
many thanks 

Yes, you need to create an Image for that with the "IMAQ". Attached you will find a screenshot of the function and how to wire it.
imaq_create.jpg ‏11 KB

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    private void LoadReport()
    frmCheckWeigher rpt = new frmCheckWeigher();
    CryRe_DailyBatch report = new CryRe_DailyBatch();
    DataSet1TableAdapters.DataTable_DailyBatch1TableAdapter ta = new CheckWeigherReportViewer.DataSet1TableAdapters.DataTable_DailyBatch1TableAdapter();
    DataSet1.DataTable_DailyBatch1DataTable table = ta.GetData(clsLogs.strStartDate_rpt, clsLogs.strBatchno_Rpt, clsLogs.cmdeviceid); // Data from Database
    DataTable dt = GetImageRow(table, "Footer.Jpg");
    crv1.ReportSource = report;
    By this Function I merge My Image data into dataTable
    private DataTable GetImageRow(DataTable dt, string ImageName)
    FileStream fs;
    BinaryReader br;
    if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ImageName))
    fs = new FileStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ImageName, FileMode.Open);
    // if photo does not exist show the nophoto.jpg file
    fs = new FileStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ImageName, FileMode.Open);
    // initialise the binary reader from file streamobject
    br = new BinaryReader(fs);
    // define the byte array of filelength
    byte[] imgbyte = new byte[fs.Length + 1];
    // read the bytes from the binary reader
    imgbyte = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32((fs.Length)));
    dt.Rows[0]["Image"] = imgbyte;
    // close the binary reader
    // close the file stream
    catch (Exception ex)
    // error handling
    MessageBox.Show("Missing " + ImageName + "or nophoto.jpg in application folder");
    return dt;
    // Return Datatable After Image Row Insertion
    Mark as answer or vote as helpful if you find it useful | Ammar Zaied [MCP]

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    What did you do with the image?

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    There is a system backup tool called System Image Backup, follow these steps to conduct this:
    Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then tap Search.
    (If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, and then click Search.)
    Enter File History in the search box, tap or click File History, and then click System Image Backup at the left part.
    See the screenshot as below, you can backup it on local machine or a DVD or a network share folder:
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    CC is Creative Cloud, and Tabs are those things you see along the top of the screen in your web browser when you have more than one page open.
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    No, it is still in Bridge CC.
    Did you uninstall Photoshop CC after installing Photoshop CC 2014? If so, that may have removed some of the Bridge integration scripts by mistake. Re-installing Photoshop CC 2014 should replace the scripts.
    and it should give the image processor tab back

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    That exactly describes the problem I'm having!

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    <xsl:value-of select="$ CURRENT_SERVER_URL"/>
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    Please check the httpd.conf file in your server for /images alias. The /images alias will point to a directory. Copy your
    image files in that directory.

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    @ is a default value as per ALV internal process. This is used in icons .
    I think this is causing the confusion.
    Check in the fieldcat if there is any adjsutment to be made to handle this.

  • Image Browser downloads to wrong folder

    I couldn't find a better category for this question than iPhoto. Sorry if there is one.
    I just got a Canon powershot A630 camera. it's great. I was using iPhoto to download images and that was fine. But I thought the Image Browser software that came with the camera would offer more functionality. And i guess it does but I'm having a lot of difficulties with it.
    I called Canon and spoke with tech support but they just tell me it works for them so it must be my problem. They are using mac 10.4 and I have 10.3.9 so that might be part of it. The Image Browser version is 5.7.
    Here's what happens:
    I have specified under "Preferences" in the "Camera Window" (that comes up when I connect the camera to the computer) for the images to be downloaded to a folder I created called "Powershot A630" which resides in the Pictures folder. The default location for download is that same Pictures folder. And that's where the images go, NOT to the folder I specified.
    I've tried also setting that in the EOS window (which can only be started when the camera is NOT connected to the computer). Still doesn't help.
    The Canon guy ran me through a scenario where I "select" pictures for downloading. In this scenario I get a chance to specify the destination, and in fact, it shows the destination I chose in preferences. And it does download to the correct place. But then, where the Image Browser main window lists "favorite" folders, my destination folder is now listed twice. Not desireable I think.
    At this point, I think I'll just go back to iPhoto, but if anyone has a solution, or other reasons why I should use Image Browser I'd love to hear.
    One more thing. The second Canon guy I talked with took me into "Image capture" utility and had me set the destination folder there. Don't see where that has any bearing on the activity at hand, though.
    Thanks a lot,
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    See my responses (marked "B-") interleaved with your great note...
    I love my Canon Powershot A620. The 630 looks
    awesome. My Image Browser is version 5.5, and I don't
    know what changed with the next versions.
    B- Yeah, the a630 is really nice. I previously had an A40 and this is a major step up.
    Anyway, the second Canon guy sounds a bit more
    knowlegdeable about Macs. The preferences in Image
    Capture are where you set which application (or none)
    opens automatically when the Mac detects a camera or
    card. So if setting it in Image Capture doesn't work,
    then I'm not sure what will. I'm afraid I can't
    answer your core question here about how to download
    to your preferred folder.
    B- Thanks for explaining that. It's very clear. I did not understand that from my conversation with the Canon rep.
    As for your choice of which app to use, consider
    this: Image Browser is just that - an application for
    browsing your hard drive and displaying the image
    files in various ways. iPhoto is NOT an image
    browser. It is a photo organizer with lightweight
    editing capabilities and limited version control.
    B- That's good to know, too. I was assuming that Imagebrowser was a substitute for iPhoto and I was hoping for increased funcionality. And it does have lots of stuff in it, which was more confusing than anything else.
    iPhoto is a database application, so when you use it
    you should NOT manipulate items in its library folder
    structure from within the Finder.
    B- yeah, I had discovered that
    With an image
    browser you always manipulate the files yourself from
    Finder. You alone are responsible for the
    organization of your images. With a database you
    manipulate your files from inside the application,
    and let it take care of the file management
    automatically. The two apps are incompatible. If you
    import your photos to iPhoto you should not access
    them using Image Browser, because you could damage
    the library. I know you weren't suggesting combining
    the two, I am just trying to highlight the
    differences between them.
    So ask yourself if you like iPhoto's capabilities. If
    you were happy with it before, then there's really no
    need to switch to Image Browser. It's like apples and
    ... cows (oranges are too similar) and the choice is
    up to you.
    B- the one thing I like so far about imagebrowser is the easy way to view the image full screen. Have not figured out how to do that in iPhoto.
    BUT, there is a task inside my Image Browser that I
    absolutely LOVE because it does something I can't do
    with iMovie. Its called "MovieEdit Task" in
    Applications>Image Browser>DVCUtility. It's a great
    little thing that lets you take separate video clips
    and combine them into one movie. It's much simpler
    than iMovie, and optimized to work with your Canon's
    video clips. (Whereas iMovie prefers miniDV tape.) It
    will allow you to rotate a video clip 90 degrees, so
    if you turned the camera on its side to record a
    movie clip you can rotate it to portrait view. I have
    done this and used the clip in iMovie, and it was
    perfect. Without it I would have needed an iMovie
    plug-in or had to buy QuickTime Pro.
    B- I'll have to look into that. I also have a digital camcorder and have used iMovie. And I'll definitely look into the rotation. My novice friend used my camcorder and shot a bunch of shots of our band with the camcorder rotated 90 degrees.
    So, I sometimes use Image Browser due to the way it
    handles video clips. Here, it is superior to iPhoto.
    But for every day use and for the storage,
    organization, and manipulation of my photos, I use
    iPhoto (in conjunction with PhotoShop Elements for
    real editing).
    Just my 4¢.
    B- Thanks for the great letter!
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Lexicographic image processing

    I want to process the array of an image lexicographically (meaning reading as you write, so from left to right). Normal arithmatic functions (division, multiplication etcetera) multiply the entire array, but I want to push the top-left pixel through my algorithm, and then the one to the right of that, and after that one the one to the right of that, up until the last pixel, and then it starts with the pixel one row beneath the first one all the way on the left.
     To illustrate, imagine an image of 12 X 16 pixels:
    I want to calculate what value each pixel is supposed to have. I do this by comparing the actual value with the value I want. I calculate the value it needs to be at a certain pixel by looking at how far it is from the origin. The origin is in the center:
    The distance then from the origin to the actual pixel is this:
    The length of this 'vector' is then calculated by splitting it into a horizontal and vertical part:
    The length is then the the x-coordinate squared and the y-coordinate squared added together and then the root of that number is taken. So that's basically the theorem of Pythagoras. I know that in this case, the length found is not the real length, because you use x=1 and y=1. So first off I subtract 8.5 from the x value and 6.5 from the y-value before going any further.
    But I want to process the pixels in the order of y=1 x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 etcetera and then y=2 x=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etcetera. That is exactly what lexicographical processing is. But how can I get this to work? In my VI you can see how I am currently exporting just the numbers of the total size of the image (or frame of a video), but I want to process them one by one. I looked up some helpful Labview files that do something similar, like the 'Check Pixel Value' VI but there you have to manually scroll through the data. I want it to happen automatically.
    So how can I process pixels of an image lexicographically?
    Go to Solution.
    USB Webcam n-bit to corrected 1 ‏59 KB
    Check Pixel ‏31 KB

    Yes, I do have a 2D array. I use the IMAQ Vision VI's to get my webcam to run. The solution is rather simple in that sense, yes.
    But here is the deal though: the comparing with the Lorentzian function returns me a value. That is rounded to either a 0 or a 1, because it will be the pattern used for a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD). This induces an error. In order to make up for that, I need to correct it using neighbouring pictures (if a pixel is surrounded by 8 pixels, then the diagonal pixels are primarily used for this). I tried something similar in which I split it into 'rows' and process that, but that ofcourse removes the option to resolve the induced error.
    The 'easiest' way is to split it into 1024 times 728 pixels and hook all of these up to the formula and connect each of them to their corresponding pixels, but that would take several months, so that's not an option.
    Could you be more concrete in how you would do this? I tried something similar but thought, because of that error resolving, it would remove the option to work in this way, because it doesn't allow 'inter-row interaction'.
    To give you some background:
    I want to use a DMD to create a laser with a top-hat wavefront, meaning it's intensity distribution is equal everywhere on every point of the wavefront. For this we hook a CCD camera up to our computer which measures the intensity distribution. This image is then sent to our Labview program, which processes this image and turns it into a pattern for the DMD. The DMD or Digital Micromirror Device is a device that is made up of thousands of tiny mirrors, all of which can stand in either + 12 degrees or -12 degrees.
    We look at the profile and compare that to a profile as simulted by a Super Lorentzian function
    A Super Lorentzian function looks like this:
    A / (B + ( (X-C)/X0) ^n)) + D
    A/B is the top value
    C is the horizontal transliteration
    X0 is a value referring to the width of the function
    n is a power
    D is vertical transliteration
    For even numbers of n the function produces a top hat function. In our case, we want to simulate an eigth order Super Lorentzian, so n=8
    The image of the CCD Camera is a 12 bit image. Labview saves this as 16 bit, meaning it has 2^16 different grayscale values.
    I don't have the CCD camera yet so for now I use the webcam of my laptop and turn that into a 16-bit image.
    Here a some screenshots of my program so far:
    And a SL function looks like this:
    Our error inducement comes from an algorith developed by Dorrer and Zuegel, two german physicists.
    A screenshot of their paper concerning binary spatial light modulation:
    But the main issue I am concerned with is thus the error inducing. Doesn't normal array processing remove the possibility to do so? And if not, how can I do it?

  • Dreamweaver 6 - Images going in to wrong folder

    In older versions of Dreamweaver I was able to specify the default images folder for a site.  I can't find a place to do that in Dreamweaver 6 and images inserted from outside the designated site are ending up in the main (html) folder instead of the images folder so I have to manually move them to keep things organized the way I want them.  How do I get Dreamweaver 6 to behave like older versions and put the images where I want them in the first place?
    Thank you.

    Sorry - I found it right where it *used* to be. 
    I misread the default images folder as the default root folder & went right by it.

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    Put your sky clip on a layer below the clip you want to key. One or the other will be a connected clip. Apply  the Keying filter to foreground clip (the one with the green screen). The green will be seen as transparent and the sky will show through as the BG. Adjust as necessary in the Inspector.
    Good luck.

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