Image with zoom

It's hard for me to explain but I'm trying to make an area to
install an image of a painting so that the user can click on it and
zoom in and move the image around. I saw it on a website and saw
that it was made with Flash. I would put the link here but their
website is down for maintenance. I would like to make one like it,
but I don't know how to go about it.
Please help.

Thanks for the reply, i appreciate it. I downloaded the radeon catalyst suite on home pc and will give it a try.  Of course, the Mac is at studio where I edit so that's the one I really am hoping to figure out.. because it's on both PC & Mac at relatively the same time I was thinking it to be PS issue not computer/card, but who knows.....
Dodging "phantoms" gets pretty stale after a couple hundred images each day..

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    Thanks for the reply, i appreciate it. I downloaded the radeon catalyst suite on home pc and will give it a try.  Of course, the Mac is at studio where I edit so that's the one I really am hoping to figure out.. because it's on both PC & Mac at relatively the same time I was thinking it to be PS issue not computer/card, but who knows.....
    Dodging "phantoms" gets pretty stale after a couple hundred images each day..

  • I want to create an image gallery with forward back nav, master image with a click to pop out zoom

    Hi Musers,
    I'm currently building a photography website and need some help building a specific type of gallery.
    Below is a description of the gallery I want to build:
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    I very much appreciate any help anyone can give.
    Thank you

    Hi Harriet,
    Thanks for the message. I'm sure as time goes on new features will be introduced but it's a bit of a shame that the widget library is a little basic, oh, and at times it's just that little bit buggy. So far I'm really impressed by Muse despite being ever so slightly disappointed by some of it's limitations. I'd like to see more image gallery options, the ability to set up a client login area or a client ftp within a site, I also tried embedding video but as I'm no programmer the result looked clumsy so some focus on this would be a help. Considering that a good number of people benefiting from a Muse site will be online retailers a zoom function should have been there from the start.
    Best regards

  • How to get the whole map image after zoom in?

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    Thanks in advance.

    For the map request in MapViewer you may define the data area that you want to display, as well as the device size (width and height). The result is a java Image with width and height sizes. You can draw this image on a canvas with scroll bars, and if the size of the canvas is smaller than the image size, then you should see the scroll bars. But you have to code that. MapViewer will just return an Image with the specified size.
    The zoom in/out options just change the data area, but keeps the device size. Therefore you should use the API methods to set the data area (setBox or setCenterAndSize) and to set the device size (setDeviceSize), in order to control the size of your resulted image, and then draw it on your canvas with scroll bars.

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    People sometimes report that the OpenGL based zoom in Photoshop CS5 makes their images seem soft.  Your observation seems to be the opposite.
    It sounds as if you're not actually getting font rendering in OpenGL, and maybe you need to update your video drivers (or maybe your video card just won't do that function).
    Are you seeing the same behavior if you change the Advanced settings for OpenGL in Edit - Preferences - Performance?  FYI, I just tried it and I see the same jaggies on huge fonts reduced to 66.67% with OpenGL off, which is to be expected.
    However, with OpenGL on, I see this:

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    I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.

    cppasm wrote:
    This is definitely a bug. I can see it too, and it's little bit annoying. LR 4.1, Win7 x64.
    To reproduce just select two images, render 1:1 previews to be shure they are present.
    Then press 'N' to switch to Survey mode, and now press 'Z' to zoom in active photo.
    It gets zoomed, but looks like LR zooms in standard (smaller) preview instead of using 1:1 preview - the result is blurry and a little pixelated, it definitely lacks resolution.
    But when in the Loupe view (switch view using 'E') and zooming all work just fine - the image is at full resolution and is sharp.
    And even if I switch from Survey to Loupe with zoomed in image - it still stays blurry.
    To get sharp image I need to zoom out and then zoom in again.
    So in short - it looks like 1:1 preview is used only when image is zoomed in from the Loupe view.
    At least others seem to experience the same thing so I know it's not just me.  I'd say it's more than a little bit annoying because it causes you to second guess yourself and you constantly have to switch to a view to see if the image is actually sharp or not.  It really slows down the workflow.

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    This could be a Firefox problem. I think I recall downloading some sort of extension that allows you to zoom in on images, and I suspect it's more or less taken over. If so, I'll have to track down the name of the extension and try and zap it.
    But I thought I'd check here first, just to see if other people have this same problem - or if you can suggest alternate strategies for downloading images.

    Well, I found a novel solution - it's called Safari.
    I'll post on the Firefox forum to figure out why I
    can't download images with it, but it seems to work
    just fine with Apple's native browser. Thanks for all
    the tips.
    I just tried it, but I am using firefox 2.0 beta and I had no problems. Not sure what's going on. Have you tried any other pages or pics besides this one, which I don't think it would matter just wondering.

  • Is anyone else having problems with zoom in ios 8?

    I just installed ios 8 on my iPhone 5, and honestly, I am not thrilled with the
    results. I am visually impaired and rely heavily on the zoom feature. The
    reaction time to the three-finger tap in ios 8 now seems sluggish, swiping
    around to move the view feels like pulling my fingers through mud, and the
    image doesn’t move as smoothly as before. Previously, I could swipe with three fingers
    to move my view, and after I lifted my fingers, it would glide smoothly, coming
    to a gentle stop after a moment, in a similar way as swiping to scroll works in
    contact lists and long messages. This meant I could read something while it
    moved, without my fingers in the way.
    Now the image moves much more quickly and then comes to a sudden halt
    after a second, as if it hit a wall. I have to keep putting my fingers down,
    almost clawing at my screen to move it around. It is extremely frustrating.
    Honestly, it now feels like the zoom feature in recent Android phones. It’s a
    very subtle difference, and it/s a little better when “ follow focus” is off.

    I have problems with many of the same issues you mention with zoom on iOS8.  Its not entirely clear if this is intended functionality or a number of bugs.  The setting for full screen view versus window/regional view seems to not apply globally, which is insanely frustrating.  Window view pops up without warning, particularly in a keyboard pop-up event.
    I don't particularly liek the popup menu either, but now I HAVE to use it to constantly change from the sudden change to window focus to full screen zoom.
    Some of the new filter features are nice additions, but don't seem to work well. or be performance optimized.  Low-light, for example, stutters on zooming.
    I would also assert that zooming in and out seems more abrubpt and less accurate.
    iOS8 is definitely a decrease in usability and performance from its predecessors.  Apple, please work out the bugs and get this right!

  • After downloading latest software update i phone 5 sreen images are zoomed in cant correct

    after downloading the latest software update on my i phone 5  the screen images appear zoomed in  i cant uses the phone

    Double-tap the screen with three fingers to reduce the magnification. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom and turn this OFF.

  • How do i double click image to zoom it?

    try to double click image to zoom but failed??

    Is this an issue with a website? Please explain more clearly what you are trying to do.

  • I am using a Photoshop cs2, and I wonder if it is possible to keep the settings of the guidelines when closing an image, with the actual document ? It would be nice to have the guidelines locked down, I find it than when opening the same or another image,

    I am using a Photoshop cs2, and I wonder if it is possible to keep the settings of the guidelines when closing an image, with the actual document ? It would be nice to have the guidelines locked down, I find it than when opening the same or another image, the guidelines are not locked, it is annoying to have to lock them down again. and it would actually be nice, to ba able to give specific directions when placing the guidelines. Thanks

    Then why are the guides unlocked when I reopen a document that I saved with the guides locked ?

  • Bridge CS4 won't output to pdf multiple images with same filename googling efforts have thus far failed!
    I've got CS4, and in Bridge, I created a New Smart Collection to find all filenames in a folder containing "." or ".jpg" - which in turn searched through all the subfolders like what you used to be able to do in Photoshop CS3.  Very simple stuff, but all the images are jpg's, but in multiple folders (I don't want to move them out of the folders, as the files came from an external source, and there are heaps of folders, and I don't want to pdf each subfolder seperately as it will take forever).
    The problem is that some of the files have the same filenames (again I'd prefer not to rename, as it happens a lot on this project, and they are all over the place).  So whilst Bridge will show the thumbnail images correctly in the content tabbed screen in my New Smart Collection, but once I've done the Output to PDF thing, for example, instead of showing both different images it has pdf only the first image but repeated it twice.  And this happens multiple times throughout the pdf, the more times the same filename is used, the more times the first image gets repeated.
    I know that it is messy to have multiple similar filenames, but why can't bridge just place the image anyway?  It allocated a space for it on the pdf and does show it in bridge, it just doesn't seem to survive the transfer to pdf well.
    The only other thing that I have done is use the below link (which was posted on another adobe forum thread) to create a custom pdf output template (nothing too fancy, just number of rows / columns, size, font etc).  But I've tried using the standard bridge templates and it does the same thing. s4.html
    Any help would be appreciated...even if to tell me that I am being unreasonable!
    UPDATE 16/11/09
    Just to let you know that I seem to have resolved the bug inadvertently with one of the Adobe updates. The below is the link for the which was released on 2/19/2009 - which allows for headers & footers to be placed in the Ouput pdf. I finally installed it today, and everything seems to be working fine now (i.e. I can pdf multiple images with the same filenames and the pdf will actually show each different image rather than repeating only 1 of the images).
    Must have been a fix installed in the contact sheet templates that get installed with the update - not sure why the original version was corrupted, but I've left that with the Adobe guys (I submitted a bug report - and they were able to replicate the problem but hadn't fixed it as yet).
    Message was edited by: djtun71 (16/11/09)

    When I click import from disc I am asked to choose a disc and then I get this message:
    The following photos will not be imported because they are already present in the catalog. To see these photos in the catalog select 'Show in Library' (the import will be canceled).
    This is followed by a long list of images. If I click 'Show in Library' I can see all the images with the same filename. And then they start to automatically write over those images with images from the disc. However they keep the same metadata and keywords from the previous images. If I click on Import and deselect the "don't reimport suspected duplicates" box, it imports only the images that don't share filenames and none of the images that do.
    Is there a way of setting the "Don't reimport suspected duplicates" box in preferences?

  • Image with text

    I have created an image with text (map with town names). The
    text is 12px Verdana bold. When I export to a gif (only a few
    colors) and show on a page I want to get the text to show clear
    when the page is resized. But it does not it becomes more obscure
    as it gets smaller. I have the image which I have styled
    {width:100%;height:100%;} to stop the image expanding the td it's
    Can anyone advise how best to achieve good font clarity in
    images that may be resized?

    ROGM wrote:
    > Can anyone advise how best to achieve good font clarity
    in images that may be
    > resized?
    Use Flash format, which is scalable. GIF's are not scalable.
    Linda Rathgeber [PVII] *Adobe Community Expert-Fireworks*
    Fireworks Newsgroup:
    CSS Newsgroup: news://

  • How can i Display images with may own table

    I want display images with my own table. How can I use in this query.
    SELECT    '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:'
           || 'getImageHeight(''my_img'
           || '#ROWNUM#'');javascript:redirect'
           || '(''f?p=&APP_ID.:212'
           || ':&SESSION.:DISPLAY:NO::P212_IMAGE_ID:'
           || ID
           || ''');">'
           || '<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#edit.gif" '
           || 'alt="Edit"></a>' ID,
              '<img id="my_img'
           || '#ROWNUM#" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#'
           || filename
           || '"/>' image
      FROM wwv_flow_filesThanks
    Edited by: user10966033 on Sep 28, 2009 1:41 PM

    You don't use #workspace_images# since that is for STATIC files, not images in a table..
    see this thread for help: Re: Display image from blob
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • How to make a podcast with one still image with iMovie 09

    I'm using trying to transfer my podcasts to Vimeo. I've been using iWeb to create a person web site with video and podcasts. I have embedded Vimeo with "html snippet widge." I want to do the same thing with audio, however Vimeo only accept "video" files.
    In my attempt to work around Vimeo's video issues, I had the idea to use iMovie 09 to create a "video file" using a single still image with my audio podcast play in the background. The single image would be consistent for the entire length of the audio. It seems still image file and one audio file.
    All of my audio files are less than 45 minutes in length. The problem is that when I insert an image in iMovie I can't get it to last for more than 10:00 minutes of my podcast. I've had to drag the same image over several times, extend each image's length to 10:00 minutes until I have enough images to last the full length of the audio file.
    I'm sure there's a simple way to do this with one image, used one time, and have the audio added.
    Anyone understand my situation and have a good idea?

    The most efficient method would be for you to do this in iMovie 6. You can download a version if you don't already have it on your computer.
    Put all your clips into a new iMovie project, in the order you wish them to play. Use the chapters tab and add chapter markers for each clip (except the first one; iDVD will add that one for you). Close iMovie.
    Open an new iDVD project. Use the Media tab, then Movies, to locate your new iMovie. Drag and drop it onto the main iDVD window, taking care not to drop it into a drop zone. You should then see the title of your movie and the two options: Play Movie (which will play all the clips sequentiallly) and Scene Selection (which will take you to submenu(s) where you can select which clip to view).

Maybe you are looking for