IMovie 09 odd behavior

A few days back, without a reason, iM 09 would not open. After pref trash and permission repair there was no change. After re-install it now opens, but has odd behavior (will not play projects and events stutter. I also noticed that QT (have X & 7Pro) begins to play backwards when the cursor hovers over the screen. Just did the latest OS update, no change
Any similar experiences out there and any solutions if so.
I've been throught the iMovie threads for the last hour and see nothing that relates.
Wayne Garriepy (Mac since 99)

I should add that QT X does not play when prompted, but when I drag in the scrubber and pull the playhead forward, the playhead, when released, as in QT7, plays backward.
I've had friends make screenshots of how the preferences appear (their names & size) in their Home folders and there seems to be no difference. Really stumped.

Similar Messages

  • Odd behavior when using custom Composite/CompositeContext and antialiasing

    I created a custom Composite/CompositeContext class and when I use it with antialiasing it causes a black bar to appear. I seems it has nothing to do with the compose() code but just that fact that I set my own Composite object. The submitted code will show you what I mean. There are 3 check boxes 1) allows to use the custom Composite object, 2) allows to ignore the compose() code in the CompositeContext and 3) toggles the antialiasing flag in the rendering hints. When the antialiasing flag is set and the Composite object is used the bar appears regardless of if the compose() method is executed or not. If the Composite object is not used the bar goes away.
    The Composite/CompositeContext class performs clipping and gradient paint using a Ellipse2D.Float instance.
    a) When the Composite is not used the code does a rectangular fill.
    b) When the Composite is used it should clip the rectangular fill to only the inside of a circle and do a gradient merge of background color and current color.
    c) If the compose() method is ignored then only the background is painted.
    d) When antialiasing is turned on the black bar appears, i) if you ignore the compose() method it remains, ii) if you do not use the Composite object the bar disappears (???)
    NOTE: the compose method's code is only for illustration purposes, I know that AlphaComposite, clipping and/or Gradient paint can be used to do what the example does. What I am trying to find out is why the fact of simply using my Composite object with antialiasing will cause the odd behavior.  Been trying to figure it out but haven't, any help is appreciated.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                for(int sy = src.getMinY(); sy < src.getMinY() + src.getHeight(); sy++) {
                    for(int sx = src.getMinX(); sx < src.getMinX() + src.getWidth(); sx++) {
                        int cx = sx - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                        int cy = sy - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                        if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) continue;
                        srcPixel = src.getPixel(sx, sy, srcPixel);
                        int ox = dstOut.getMinX() + sx - src.getMinX();
                        int oy = dstOut.getMinY() + sy - src.getMinY();
                        if(ox < dstOut.getMinX() || ox >= dstOut.getMinX() + dstOut.getWidth()) continue;
                        if(oy < dstOut.getMinY() || oy >= dstOut.getMinY() + dstOut.getHeight()) continue;
                        dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
                        float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                        dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                        dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                        dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                        dstOut.setPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

    I got a better version to work as expected. Though there will probably be issues with the transformation to display coordinates as mentioned before. At least figured out some of the kinks of using a custom Composite/CompositeContext object.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
    //            dumpRaster("SRC   ", src);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTIN ", dstIn);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTOUT", dstOut);
    //            System.out.println();
                if(dstIn != dstOut)
                    dstOut.setDataElements(0, 0, dstIn);
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                int w = Math.min(src.getWidth(), dstIn.getWidth());
                int h = Math.min(src.getHeight(), dstIn.getHeight());
                int xMax = src.getMinX() + w;
                int yMax = src.getMinY() + h;
                for(int x = src.getMinX(); x < xMax; x++) {
                    for(int y = src.getMinY(); y < yMax; y++) {
                        try {
                            // THIS MIGHT NOT WORK ALL THE TIME
                            int cx = x - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                            int cy = y - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                            if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) {
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                            else {
                                srcPixel = src.getPixel(x, y, srcPixel);
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                                dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                                dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                                dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                        catch(Throwable t) {
                            System.out.println(t.getMessage() + " x=" + x + " y=" + y);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            protected void dumpRaster(String lbl,
                                      Raster raster) {
                System.out.print(lbl + ":");
                System.out.print(" mx=" + format(raster.getMinX()));
                System.out.print(" my=" + format(raster.getMinY()));
                System.out.print(" rw=" + format(raster.getWidth()));
                System.out.print(" rh=" + format(raster.getHeight()));
                System.out.print(" tx=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateX()));
                System.out.print(" ty=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateY()));
                System.out.print(" sm=" + raster.getSampleModel().getClass().getName());
            protected String format(int value) {
                String txt = Integer.toString(value);
                while(txt.length() < 4)
                    txt = " " + txt;
                return txt;
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

  • IMac 21" late 09: Slow, screen flickering/tearing and odd behavior - the problem that puzzles everyone

    My iMac 21" late -09, started acting a bit wierd a year ago. Things got worse rapidly, it got slower, the screen flickers/tears (see link below), short moments of lost internet connection, lost connection whit the keyboard (might be keyboard that is broken), almost overheats when gaming and odd behavior on some webbsites whit galleries and/or videos.
    Let's begin whit the screen: it's not vertikal lines or major distortions, just a subtle horisontal line that "wanders" from bottom to topp and some lagging from time to time. Looks like this:
    The wierd thing is that hi-res does not mean more "tearing". Yes the lagg and risk of tearing increases, but the connection seems to be: lots of movement=tearing. So a pixeld 240p video of people dancing can be way worse than a news debbate in1080p!?!
    Lost connection whit internet and keyboard rarely happens and is probably due to something else, but thought that was good to have in mind.
    Odd behavior: galleries ex: when browsing images on Facebook in fullscreen, the image sometimes jumps around in the beginning and when clicking on next the same picture might appear again or just nothing at all. When scrolling down overwiewing a gallery, the updating stops and you can't scroll down further. This problem appers mainly on FB, deviantart also acts a bit wierd but there is often small issues whit image sites. Doesn't help to switch browsers either!
    Videos: Youtube is horrible to use, stops loading, dosen't start loading, erases everything loaded (grey bar disapears and reloads), refuse to switch ressolution and suddenly stops the video like it was done! "ehh.. wasn't this 2min long? Not anymore, now its 34sec!". Mainly a Youtube problem but many similar sites can be a bit problematic to use.
    NO, it's not the HTML-5 problem or any standard flash issue and using a different browser dosen't help!
    Worst is the fact that most of these errors are not constant! One day your watching youtube or mabey a movie in VLC, a bit laggy, but almost no problem. Next day **** brakes lose and after 2hours of struggling you are ready to stabb yourself in the face!
    What i tried: Most easy buggfixes that might cause the above problems, updating most things, Switched from OS X SL to OS X ML, complete reinstall and some things i probably forgot by now. Then went to MacStore for repair, they didn't find anything wrong and said it worked fine after the standard diagnostic/repair program!?! Went home and everything was the same! Went a second time to MacStore, same result.
    So I'v reinstalled a few times and it seems to improve the Mac. But 2-3weeks later every error is back, even if I barely installed or downloaded anything!?!
    Any idea what this could be? Or is the graphic card broken and MacStore has a blind, inbred muppet as a technician?

    No I didn't. The first time i explained the problem thoroughly and thought that they just couldn't miss such a visual error. I was wrong. The second time the technician wasn't there so i showed the above clip to the salesstaff and explained everything onceagain. Later the technician called me and we talked for 10min.
    Btw, the problems always "manifests themselves", just varies between strenght and frequence.
    But all other issues aside, what could cause the tearing of the screen as seen int the above clip?

  • Very odd behavior regarding variable naming with DataService.fill()

    I'm experiencing this odd behavior in LCDS 2.5, wich pertains
    to variable naming for the objects returned by a DataService.fill()
    call. I ceated a simple destination with a Java adapter. the Server
    side Java data object is defined as follows)
    package test;
    public class RepositoryObject
    private String m_strObjectId;
    private boolean m_bIsValid;
    private long m_lSize;
    [public setters and getters here]
    On Flex side, the ActionScript value object is defined as
    package test
    public class RepositoryObject
    public var m_strObjectId:String;
    public var m_bIsValid:Boolean;
    public var m_lSize:Number;
    public function RepositoryObject()
    The FDS destination definition (in
    <destination id="testDs">
    <adapter ref="java-dao" />
    <identity property="m_strObjectId"/>
    <paging enabled="false" pageSize="10" />
    <throttle-inbound policy="ERROR" max-frequency="500"/>
    <throttle-outbound policy="REPLACE"
    What I figured while debugging into the client was is the
    data returned by the service (I'm using the mx:DataService call)
    returns objects whose variable names
    do not match my definition:
    m_strObjectId becomes objectId
    m_lSize becomes size
    m_bIsValid becomes isValid
    I wonder why that renaming??? Basically "m_str" prefix was
    stripped and capital "O" became lower case "o" for my first
    variable etc.
    For instance, in a datagrid cell renderer I could not
    reference the returned value as {data.m_strObjectId}, but if I use
    {data.objectId}, it works.
    Any ideas why this behavior (which I found confusing and odd)
    would be greately appreciated.

    The latter, as "getM_strObjectId " is an ugly name... don't
    tell me that causes issue...ok kidding, I got you. The
    setter/getter names are important in this context.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Odd behavior when duplicating pages

    I have run into some odd behavior when duplicating pages.
    First I spent many hours trying to acomplish a double trigger effect in which the last trigger opened a large image in a pop up window. Thanks to help from agm 123 and Sachin Hasija  see the posts here:
    And the result here:
    I had to do a number of work arounds, but succeeded and will help anyone interested to reproduce this type of effect.
    My next step was to recreate this effect for another 50 pages. The best way I have found is to duplicate the first page. This is where it gets weird.
    When I create a duplicate and replace the images in the newly created pages (done by changing the fill to the new image) with different ones and save it the changes are effected on the original page, not the clone. No big problem, just switch the names and continue.
    The next problem that occurs is that when I go to make further copies a variety of odd behaviors creep in. The biggest problem is a repositioning or resizing of photo frames/containers. The images do not change, just move as the frame resizes. When I try to resize the frame it snaps back to it's larger new size. This is a phenomenon that I have seen in other instances in work with lightboxes and slideshows. It seems that some other unseen element has jumped into the frame with the original frame.
    The method I have used to create these pages is as described in the post at:
    It involves creating a blank composition widget and then placing a composition lightbox widget trigger into the blank hero.
    I have already invested more time than I should have on this and would like to keep it simple, yet as I have 50 pages to go I could start from scratch if someone has a better method of doing this.

    Just an update.
    I haven't seen the naming problem with duoplicates reoccur. I am however still stuggling with duplicates.
    I have a page with 5 image frames linked to images which in turn trigger a lightbox. When I create a duplicate of a page there is always at least one of my image frames that moves and or a link to an image that is dead. The only recourse I have had is to recreate one of the lifgtboxes for each new page I create. With all the formatting this is time consuming.
    I have tried copying and pasting the entire page into a blank page, but then there are even more problems.
    I have also tried to save my lightbox as a graphic style, but that dooesn't seem to work either.
    Please Help! I've got at least 45 more of these pages to replicate1

  • Photoshop CS4 - odd behavior in titling

    I edit video almost every night and every weekend and have been doing this for several years now.  Suddenly, I'm seeing an odd behavior now that I've never seen before. 
    I created a title that consists only of a red circle and have it as one of my title templates.  I've used the red circle template across many projects without problems  I use it to highlight an athlete in the video.  I use keying so that the circle stays around the athlete for the entire clip so that a coach can focus on the specific athlete during the action.  My videos are used by college coaches for recruiting high school athletes.
    In the last few days, when I select the red circle title and the Motion bar under Video Effects under Effects Control so I can perform the keying, the video will flip to black so that all I see is the red circle on a black background.  If I drag the scrubber a little, the video reappears with the red circle overlayed, but as soon as I release the scrubber, the video goes black again. This makes it impossible to change the key values for the title since I can't see the video.
    For trouble-shooting, I created a new red circle title from scratch but it behaves the same.  I tried using a completely different title but it behaves the same.
    I assume I inadvertantly hit a switch somewhere that has changed the behavior, but I can't figure this out.  If someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate your help.
    Windows 7 64-bit
    Adobe Production Premium CS4
    Adobe PPro CS4 4.2.1
    Canon AVCHD video with output typically to H.264
    Asus Laptop G74Sx with 8g RAM and Intel Core i7-2630QM CPU @2GHz

    What exaxctly are you talking about? Using the graphic in Premiere? If so, this is probably a more appropriate question for the PPro forum. That aside, why even bother? Premiere's title tool can do circles with transparency no problem and then After Effects has this neat parametric Circle effect and a motio0n tracker, too. Sounds like you love doing things the hard way....

  • HELP! Odd behavior in Photoshop CS6. Anyone have a solution?

    Hi I am having really odd behavior in CS6. I have reset and cleared preferences. As you can see from the screenshot I have a rectangle shape layer but I have not assigned any shape layer effects to it.  PS is adding a black border on its own and I have no idea how to get rid of it. I have been using photoshop for 20 years and this is driving me nuts. I've never seen this behavior before. If I add a color overlay the line is still there. If I rasterize the shape layer then add a color overly  the outline disappears. But I don't want to raterize my shape layers. Anyone know how to get rid of it? Thank you in advance to anyone who might have a solution.

    You appear to be on Windows, so I couldn't help you anyway.
    But for the benefit of Photoshop Windows users, please consider the following:
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    A screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Issues Exiting Sleep Mode and Odd Behavior On Restart with GPU

    I'm running a completely stock HP P7-1240 desktop except for an EVGA GeForce GTX 750 TI SC GPU. The GPU runs fine when the computer is up and running (which is odd because the forums have several other threads mentioning that the 700 series should be incompatible with my BIOS).
    However, there are two main strange problems that have arisen since installing the GPU. One is that, whenever the computer enters sleep mode, it refuses to wake back up properly. It seems to me that the computer activates but does not send any signals out from the back panel (at the very least, no video signal because my monitors stay blank). On a rare occasion, it will wake back up properly, but at least 90% of the time, it needs to be restarted. Upon restart, sometimes the same issue occurs (no video output), and the computer needs to be restarted a second time before it will boot up again.
    This leads to the second problem. When starting, the computer goes to a black screen listing basic computer specs (see attached photo. At this screen, the computer does not respond to any input.  It proceeds to beep 3 times, all the same length and pitch spaced about 30 seconds apart. After the third beep, the screen goes black and then the computer boots up normally with no further odd behavior.
    Without the GPU, none of these issues happen. At the very least, not regularly.
    I have seen another thread mentioning that, although the HP support page for my desktop does not list it, there is a BIOS update for my motherboard that has fixed issues relating to more modern GPU's. By nature of it being a BIOS update that does not (appear to) officially support Windows 7, I'm hesitant to move forward with that potential solution.
    Although I'm planning to build myself a new computer from scratch at some point, I was hoping to at least get another year out of this machine, if not 2.  While this issue doesn't appear to be immediately threatening the stability of the computer, I can't help but think that this is an issue I should iron soon to avoid future issues (not to mention it would save me a fair amount of electricity to be able to enter sleep mode on a regular basis).
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello @johnmwalker,
    I understand that you are having some issues with your HP Pavilion p7-1240 Desktop PC waking up from sleep mode. I am not sure how much can be done for the delay on your startup with an OEM BIOS you are limited in what you can do and since your graphic card works I think you would be better off not messing too much with the BIOS at this point. The one thing I would try is going into the BIOS using the HP Support document:BIOS Setup Utility Information and Menu Options, and under Advanced > Power-On Options set POST Messages to Disable and POST Delay (in seconds) to None.
    Now the waking from sleep mode issue  could just be the hybrid sleep setting causing you an issue with sleep mode. Use the following steps to disable hybrid sleep:
    Step 1. Click Start
    Step 2. Click Control Panel.
    Step 3. Click System and Security
    Step 4. Click Power Options
    Step 5. Click High Performance from Power Options
    Step 6. Click Change plan settings
    Step 7. Select Change advanced power settings
    Step 8. Click the plus (+) sign next to Sleep
    Step 9. Click the plus (+) sign next to Allow hybrid sleep
    Step 10. Select Off from the drop-down menu
    Step 11. Click OK
    Please re-post if you require additional support. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums. Have a great day!
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Find out a bit more about me by checking out my profile!
    "Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong." ~ Donald Porter

  • Odd Behavior with Multi-page Forums

    I have observed an odd behavior, when navigating multi-page forums.
    As an example, I use the Premiere Elements Tips & Tricks sub-forum often, to link to helpful articles. It is, like most, a multi-page forum.
    As the order of the articles will change, as new replies are added, I often need to navigate to multiple pages, to find the one that I need. My bookmark opens that forum onto Page 1, which is normal. I then scroll that page, looking for what I want. If it is not there, I will use either the Next, or the Page 2 buttons to move on. As I have scrolled to the bottom of Page 1, the Next (or Page 2) page will open at the bottom, rather than at the top, the first time that I do this. Pages 3, and above, will always open at the top. Also, if I go back to Page 2, it now opens at the top. I only see this, when going from Page 1, to Page 2, and then, only the first time. Odd, but no deal breaker, as I just manually scroll back to the top of Page 2, and then scroll down, looking for a particular article.
    I am on Chrome and Win XP-Pro SP-3. I have not yet tried in IE 7 - my latest version.
    Has anyone else experienced this little anomaly?

    Sorry, but I am out of "points... "
    Thank you for the input. I just found it slightly odd behavior, and all that it means is a bit of scrolling, now that I know what to expect. In most cases, the average user probably does not go to Page 2 of a forum, but many of us do. If it becomes a pain, I'll just jump quickly to Page 3, and then back to Page 2.
    Hey, Adobe never promised to make my life perfect - just better... I can easily live with this, but thought I'd ask, in case it was OE on my part.

  • Exceptions, odd behavior of streaming data to outputstream

    I have a servlet which writes mp3 data to the dataoutputstream of a servlet response object. For some reason, the servlet method writes the data out and gets an exception. Then the method/servlet is called again automatically and begins to write the data out again. The exception is below. In the end the mp3 is delivered to the client fine, however with server side exceptions and odd behavior.
    try {
              int len = 0;
              String filename = req.getParameter("file");
              File mp3 = new File(mediaDir + filename);
              byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
              FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(mp3);
              DataOutputStream o = new DataOutputStream(resp.getOutputStream());
              while( (len = != -1) {            
                 o.write(buf, 0, len);            
           catch(Exception e) {
    ClientAbortException: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.append(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.writeBytes(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.OutputBuffer.write(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteOutputStream.write(
         at TrafficControl.streamAudio(
         at TrafficControl.processRequest(
         at TrafficControl.doGet(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(
         at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.processConnection(
         at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
    Edited by: black_lotus on 19-Feb-2009 3:08 PM

    There are some versions of some browsers (MS IE) that can call a servlet twice; they only look at the headers at the first request, in order to decide whether to display a "save or open" dialog, or some such reason. Try different browsers; also log the User-Agent header to see if it is "contype", which is present when the multiple request thing happens.;EN-US;q293792
    "Connection reset" can also happen if the client closes the connection without reading the entire response. Occasional resets will happen as users cancel download.
    Not a source of exceptions but something you may still want to consider when sending large responses: by default, the servlet container will have to buffer the entire file in memory to find out its length. To save memory, either set content length before writing the data, or use chunked encoding (google should find details.) That way your write() actually streams data to the user.

  • Odd behavior in Finder and Shared Drives

    As you can see from the screenshot below.. I am seeing some very odd behavior in Finder regarding a Shared Network Drive I have attached to another Mac.
    Mac with Shared Drive attached is a 2011 iMac running 10.8.2
    Mac with issue in Finder is 2011 Mac Mini running 10.8.2
    When I go to the shared drive via Finder on the Mac Mini and open it, it shows multiple copies of the Shared Networked Drive. If I click on one of those copies it opens up another copy of the shared drive which also includes even more copies of the shared Drive inside.
    Trying to eject the Shared HD via the Mac Mini results in the following msg...
    “Sea2TB” is a partition on a disk that has 2 partitions. Do you want to eject “Sea2TB” only, or both partitions?
    The problem is that HD is not partitioned.. It has only one partition called Sea2TB
    Ejecting the HD from it's Host iMac... results in a normal ejection without this message about there being two partitions...
    I have tried rebooting both Macs.. Removing and re-adding the share on the Host iMac... Renaming the Drive and so far this issue keeps returning.
    It is the only shared Hard Drive that has this issue.. I am sharing another 4 HDs via the iMac to the Mac Mini and none of the other shares show up as multiple copies in Finder.. Only the Sea2TB share...
    Any ideas anyone as to how to fix this?

    Anyone got any ideas please?

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 9174: revert rev# 9148 until some odd behavior can be tracked down.

    Revision: 9174
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-07 10:37:23 -0700 (Fri, 07 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    revert rev# 9148 until some odd behavior can be tracked down.
    checkintests: pass
    rev# 9148:Changing enabled on GroupBase to set the alpha to the new "disabledAlpha" CSS style (0.5 by default) when the container is disabled. 
    Modified Paths:

  • Laptop battery odd behavior

    I recently purchased the HP PROBOOK 430 G1 13.3 128GB i3-4010u. I'm using it primarily for college for light workloads since I have a custom built PC I used for extensive tasks. However, even with the light workloads, I'm experiencing this odd behavior from my laptops battery. The laptop battery meter goes to 8 percent randomly. I have to put my laptop to sleep then wake it up or reset it then it returns to the normal battery levels. Again there's no pattern to it, it's completely random. I have obversed it since July 22nd when I first got it and got nothing. It probably happened 10-15 times. I don't want to send it in yet for a repair since I can't replicate the problem.
    I'm using HPFanControl by troubadix at constant medium fan level so I know it's not heating issues. I also never go above 50c
    I also ran the battery diagnostic in BIOS and it gave me no errors.
    I also tried to discharged my laptop and it still happened.

    Hi @jlakersman,
    Your  HP ProBook 430 G1 is a commercial product and to get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting in the commercial forums. Here is a link to the Commercial Notebook forum.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Thank you,
    I work on behalf of HP

  • App-V 5.0 connection group odd behavior

    I am having some odd behavior with an application that I've packaged in App-V 5.0.  We are running App-V for RDS on Server 2012, and I'm on SP2.
    The problem I'm having is with a program called SQL Tools 1.6 (a 3rd party tool, not from MS or Oracle).  It's a fairly straightforward program, and it runs fine on App-V 4.6.  But it requires an Oracle client to run.  On App-V 4.6, we have
    the Oracle client installed locally on the server.  But with App-V 5, I wanted to make use of connection groups, so that we could use multiple Oracle versions, if necessary, and so that updating Oracle would be easier.  So I have a connection group
    that contains SQL Tools and the Oracle client.
    What is happening is that when I try to launch SQL Tools, I get an error saying it can't find OCI.DLL (which is in the Oracle path).  I took apart both packages, trying to make sure that the Oracle path variable was correct. I even added the Oracle
    path to the SQL Tools package (I even tried hard-coding the local path to the Oracle package).  I always get the same error.  I also swapped the priority of the two packages, but it didn't help.  Then I tried launching a command prompt in the
    context of the SQL Tools package.  When I checked the path variable, it was correct, and had the path to oci.dll.  Out of curiosity, I tried running SQL Tools, and it launched no problem.  Then I closed it and tried to launch it from the shortcut
    on the desktop, and got the same error as before.  I've tried launching it from various places (desktop shortcut, direct path to the executable, a command prompt without specifying the context of the SQL Tools package, etc.), checking compatibility mode
    and setting it to various settings (XP SP3, Windows 7, Run as Administrator on and off, etc.), but nothing seems to work except opening a command prompt in the context of the SQL Tools package, and then running SQL Tools from there.  As a workaround,
    I created this short script that launches a command prompt in the context of the SQL Tools package, and then runs SQL Tools from that command prompt: 
    $p = Get-AppvClientPackage -Name "SQL Tools 1.6"
    $cmd = '"C:\ProgramData\App-V\BB0D9EC0-3876-42EB-A5E9-92A149D52FB5\37F941F9-B4BA-425F-9FB4-9B699843E767\Root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\SQLTools 1.6\SQLTools.exe"'
    Start-AppvVirtualProcess -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList "/k $cmd" -AppvClientObject $p
    It works, but I would rather not have to use this type of workaround for something that should work natively.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    What happens if you launch CMD instead of your tool when starting an application, and from that CMD you start sqltools.exe
    So the command to start the application would be;
    cmd.exe /c sqltools.exe
    Nicke Källén | The Knack| Twitter:

  • Odd Behavior in Public Site Manager

    Greetings All;
    Is anyone else experiencing unusual behavior in Public Site Manager?  Specifically, after I created a new Collection and
    began to add content, I began to get a "Sorry, this page is currently being edited. Please try again later." message. 
    Also, my session seems to "time out" almost immediately. 
    Syd Rodocker
    iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education    
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

    Hi Duncan - I work with about six collections in Wellesley College's iTunes U site. Is there any specific information that might help you?
    Late last afternoon around 2-3, I was able to publish my item (essentially by going to the item which was already visible in the collection and resaving it/signing out very quickly before the timeout had a chance to get me.) After that, I had noticed that the timeouts were no longer occuring as quickly, but the next time I logged in I got an odd error when I clicked the "return to collections manager" link. Unfortunately I did not think to copy the error, though it was a white page and looked like some sort of script error.
    However, when I went back to take a screenshot of it today, everything looks fine as far as I can see. No unnaturally quick timeouts or links throwing errors. (I do still get the "sorry, currently being edited" if I close the browser on a collection without properly signing out, but as far as I'm aware that is normal.)
    I will try to find some new content to upload and report back if there are any problems with that. But for now it looks like we're fine here.
    Best of luck with your own, Syd.

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