Imovie keyboard shortcuts not working

I am a keen user of imovie 09. I upgraded to Mavericks and initially, the iMovie program was too slow to use, so I kept using '09. Since the updates to iMovie 10.0.4  the new version is now working fast, but the keyboard shortcuts aren't working for me.
I don't use many but the shortcut "Shift-A" to move the selection to the playhead position is the thing I use most of all in '09. There's a different shortcut in the new one (I think Q), but it doesn't work for me at all.
Without this function I can't use it, and have to keep using the old version of iMovie.
Any ideas? I'm using a USB numeric Apple keyboard.

Hi andrewvonb,
Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
I understand you are looking for keyboard shortcuts for iMovie. Please use the attached article for a list of the shortcuts.
Apple - Support - iMovie - Hot Tips - Keyboard Shortcuts
Have a great day,

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    Hi Tom
    This seems to be a Leopard problem with foreign (not US English) languages and keykoards.
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    - Drag English to be first language.
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    Hi Tom
    This seems to be a Leopard problem with foreign (not US English) languages and keykoards.
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    when the Mac is fully booted:   Applications > Utilities > Disk utility >
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    reboot normally
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