Imovie not playing on Facebook

updated the iMovie software today, and can not view iMovie clips posted on my Facebook page. can you please help?

OK you got me curious so I figured it out.
Go to the app store and download the free Mobile Me Gallery app. You can then view your photos and movies on your iPhone. You can also configure the settings so that if you open your movie in Safari, it will open the app.

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    Fixed the issue myself. Here's a step-by-step because I what found online pertaining to this issue were not clear on how to fix it.  (Note that this is what I did to fix the problems, some of the steps might not be strictly necessary.)
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    2.) Delete contents of the "iMovie Cache" folder for the event that is not playing back correctly.
             - There are were two files "" and "Cache.plist", I deleted both.
    3.) Restart iMovie
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    @ Bengt Wärleby
    I appreciate you taking the time to post a reply, but please try to read the question before you do so in the future.  I had said that files imported from the same camera work correctly (i.e. the same file type/codec), so the problem is obviously not a codec issue.  Furthermore, .mov is the extension for the QuickTime File Format ( 

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    Fixed the issue myself. Here's a step-by-step because I what found online pertaining to this issue were not clear on how to fix it.  (Note that this is what I did to fix the problems, some of the steps might not be strictly necessary.)
    How to get movies to start playing back again in iMovie '09: 
    1.) Close iMovie.
    2.) Delete contents of the "iMovie Cache" folder for the event that is not playing back correctly.
             - There are were two files "" and "Cache.plist", I deleted both.
    3.) Restart iMovie
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    @ Bengt Wärleby
    I appreciate you taking the time to post a reply, but please try to read the question before you do so in the future.  I had said that files imported from the same camera work correctly (i.e. the same file type/codec), so the problem is obviously not a codec issue.  Furthermore, .mov is the extension for the QuickTime File Format ( 

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    Please help

    for organization you may or may not find this thread helpful:
    but make sure you read Applemans response as he has a program that makes what I was describing easier.
    don;t know about your "Main Problem"

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    Chrome has its own Flash Player plugin called "PepperFlash". It functions independently of the ActiveX plugin for IE. ActiveX causes more problems for IE than it will ever solve... and for that reason, I don't use Microsoft's pathetic excuse for a browser. It's pure garbage.
    I recommend using any other browser.
    Firefox (from Mozilla)
    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
    ANY of those will work where IE11 won't, with the Flash Player Plug-in (For all other browsers), and Chrome doesn't even need that because it has its own Flash Player plugin built in.

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    You need to download Videora (free) and reprocess the mp4 files with 3GS as the selected output format. It's not all that user friendly (IMHO) but will do batch processing.
    The 3GS video electronics is new -- and different than earlier models.

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    No worries, you're not the first... I've seen some posters who didn't even know that switch existed, much less what setting it was on. We all learn stuff every day.
    Forum Tip: When replying to a specific post within a thread, press the Reply image at the top right of that post. It makes the thread easier to read and follow.
    Message was edited by: paulcb

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    This is a known problem with Internet Explorer 11, which Microsoft has been aware of since October 18 when they released their latest "untested" browser. The pages can't recognize the browser, so they don't recognize any of the plugins, like Flash Player. So far, Microsoft has made NO indication that they have any plan to fix it soon.
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    Firefox (from Mozilla)
    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
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    Thank you

    inspired2apathy wrote:
    ... The goal is a ScrollPane that automatically wraps the text inside it. I've just about got it, but I have one thing that's not working. If I just put the JTextArea{s} in as the Editor, then you lose the any text that doesn't fit inside whatever the initial size was. Instead, I put the JTextAreas inside a JScrollPane which works fine, except that I still have to determine the size of the JScrollPane in advance. I would like to make each Editor/JScrollPane start out with just a single line of text and expand until it reaches a certain small number of lines.
    ... What am I missing?THE BASICS. See if this isn't what you are trying to do.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    public class Test
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
        JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta);
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.getContentPane().add(sp, "Center");
        f.setBounds(0, 0, 400, 300);
    }OP, your code was too long and complicated for me to compile and run. However, aren't you forgetting the two simple methods <tt>JTextArea.setLineWrap()</tt> and <tt>JTextArea.setWrapStyleWord()</tt>? Furthermore, I absolutely see no need for you to extend SWING components for demonstration this simple -- that is, if I understand your problem correctly.

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    -I tried using Firefox, safari and Chrome. Did not work on any of them.
    -My Flash is up to date
    -I CAN play videos on Youtube.  The problem is ONLY on facebook. 
    Just to see if it was something with my account and not my computer I logged into my FB on my ipad and the videos will play fine.  So it is something with my Macbook Pro.  I've read through all the treads here that talk about this subject and non of the solutions fit my situation.
    Thank you for any help

    Yeah, I'm having the same problem. Being it is the same on Safari and Firefox, it isn't something in either's settings. I thought it could have been Flash-player, so I've deleted it, re-installed, and played with the settings and nothing has changed. Maybe someone else knows what to do???
    Edit: I just found this: Flash Player update not working in Mavericks - you may have to go to a archived version of Flashplayer. I haven't tried it yet.

  • IMac will not play the DVD that I have made on imovie and burned on iMac SuperDrive  ?? (DVD plays fine on household DVD player and also play fine in Toshiba laptop ) Why not on the iMac - anyone know???

    iMac will not play the DVD that I have made on imovie and burned on iMac SuperDrive  ?? (DVD plays fine on household DVD player and also plays fine on Toshiba laptop ) Why not on the iMac - anyone know???

    There are many reasons this could be the case but whether an optical disc can be read or not is a function of:
    The reflective media layer of the disc
    Whether the burned disc was a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW
    The brand, model, and production lot of the disc
    The specific frequency of the Write lasers that burned the disc
    The specific frequency of the Read lasers that are attempting to read the disc
    Are the Read lasers in the drive working (it is common for one set of lasers in a drive to fail while others continue to work)
    How old are the Write and Read drives (laser frequencies change with age)
    Is there dust on the read laser
    Is there dust on the read lens
    At one time it was estimated that fewer than 80% of all burned discs were readable in 90% of the drives. That has, I believe improved over time but at the same time it seems the faillure rate of lasers in the drives has increased but that may simply be the result of how many different read and write lasers there are in today's superdrives. Fortunately todays drives are a lot less expensive the replace -- now that Apple no longer installs optical drives in their computers.

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    Since up dating my Firefox I can not play any games on Facebook they all run very slow, can someone please help me with a solution.It mainly seems to be with games.

    RE: "P.S. I  found it aggravating that I couldn't copy and paste text  here, it wanted me to insert as a link or an image, how do you insert plain  text?"
    I take it you tried using the "right click" menu?   That doesn't seem to work, as you noted, but, you should be able to paste text by pressing your CTRL key  and while holding it down, press the "V" letter  key.
    CTRL + C = COPY
    CTRL + X = CUT
    CTRL + V = PASTE

  • Pc will not play videos from youtube randomly clicks out of facebook saying cannot find page

    hp pavillion p7-1254 windows 7 home premium error message:internet explorer cannot display webpage what to try: diagnose connectio proble - cannot find any connection issues.  pc was taken in to geek squad for repair one week ago- virues removed. now youtube videos will not play, i can log into facebook but whole page does not show and usually booted out with error message cannot display page
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    First, try resetting Internet Explorer as follows - be aware that this will remove Bookmarks and Saved Passwords etc.
    Open windows Control Panel, open Internet Options, click the Advanced tab and then click the Reset button.  Click 'Yes' or 'Ok' to any further prompts required to complete the process.
    Next, follow the guide by Daniel_Potyrala on the link below to completely uninstall and then reinstall the Flash Player Plug-in.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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