Implications/side effects of changing cache size of sequence

Hi Experts,
We are on Oracle on Solaris 10. I have a question about sequences. They are defined as NOCACHE in my database and we are seeing a lot of "row cache lock". So I am thinking of changing the sequences to cache 20 values. Does this have any other implication -except that during db restart the cached values can be lost.

@VenkatB, when you get a value from sequence, to provide consistency, sequence execute an internal commit, works like kind of autonomous transaction.edit: this is also how, after a crash sequence still get his last value.
that is because if you dont set cache and use in a loop the sequence, that cause to log file sync event. (of course you must get many values from sequence)
Prove it.
Log file sync may only be incidental but may happen only from the application code when they get sequence and then do a commit within a loop. In fact, log file sync need not happen just because it's committed in loop.
When user process gets sequence value, Oracle updates SEQ$ with the value to update the value. In fact, Oracle does it for almost all of the foreground code. When Oracle has to add an extent, when Oracle has to update a new datafile header, when Oracle has to autoextend a file, always inserts/updates one of the dictionary views all the time. So it's nothing new or just with sequence.
And don't confuse yourself with a timed event with a wait.
I have tested on a 11g and 10g and I don't see any log file sync waits in tkprof or v$session_event
SQL> create sequence seq_test start with 1 nomaxvalue nocache;
Sequence created.
SQL> Declare
  2   v_cnt number;
  3  Begin
  4   For i in 1..10000
  5   Loop
  6     select seq_test.nextval into v_cnt from dual;
  7   End Loop;
  8  End;
  9  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    I concur with Erin. I'm seeing the same behaviour across all SBS2011 boxes, whether running SP1, SP2 or SP3.
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    Hi Santhosh,
    It’s hard to give solid suggestions without knowing more about your application, what you are measuring and what your performance requirements are. What language are you implementing in?
    Is query response time most important, or document insertion or updates?
    I am going to request that you respond to this Performance Questionaire and answer as many questions as you can at this time. Send the questionaire to me at Ron dot Cohen at Oracle.
    In addition to the information requested, you can see from the questionaire that the utility
    Db_stat –m is useful to look at a number of things including the effectiveness of the cache size you have.
    Have you taken any measurements yet? I would suggest going with the default pagesize but using a cachesize larger than the default. I don’t know how much real memory you have but for a first measurement you could try a cachesize of 100MB-500MB (or larger) depending on your workload and how much memory you have available. I am not recommending that as a final cache size, just giving you a number to start with.
    You will likely find a lot of improvements in performance can be obtained by your indexing strategy. This may be where you get the best results. You may want to spend some time reviewing that and the documentation on indexes:
    Also, take a look in the same document at the indexing sections.
    Berkeley DB XML 2.3 (Berkeley DB 4.5.20) should be fine to start (though you may have read on this forum about the speed improvements in Berkeley DB XML 2.4 which is currently in test mode).
    Please do respond to the survey, send it to me and we will try to help you further.

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    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Curious which screensaver you are referring to?
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    Some Screen Savers have a preference file (accessed through the Desktop and Screen Saver System Pref Panel - highlight the saver, and select "options" if one is available) where you can adjust the operating speeds and other parameters. Otherwise, I don't believe there is anything more you can do.
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    Post back
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    Hi Bobo
    It seems to be a bit small. I have close the same configuration like you and set the
    maxMemory to 512 MB/server
    Regards Ruedi :-)
    Bob Krause schrieb:
    I have a customer that is running WLS 6.1 sp4 and they have set the JVM max memory
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    trimanu wrote:
    will time machine have any trouble with that?
    you can safely change your computer's name as often as you like.

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    Thank you in advance.
    Vladislav Rames, WLS 10.3.4

    Yes, setting the statement cache size is dynamic. A running server will close all cached
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    Behavior of OBIEE in using cache is (both in 10g as well as 11g),
    When you select a specific dashboard or analysis, Presentation Services checks its cache to determine if the identical results have recently been requested.
    If so, Presentation Services returns the most recent results, thereby avoiding unnecessary processing by the Oracle BI Server and the back-end database. If not, the analysis is issued to the Oracle BI Server for processing.
    If the Oracle BI Server has cached results that can satisfy your request, the resutls are returned from that cache. If not, Oracle BI Server issues the request to the back-end database.
    There are some ways to bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services cache but you cannot force your request past the Oracle BI Server's cache.
    So, you need to clear both the caches to get the updated data.

  • Dynamic Calc processor cannot lock more than [100] ESM blocks during the calculation, please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry(a small data cache setting could also cause this problem, please check the data cache size setting).

    Our Environment is Essbase and working on Essbase EAS and Shared Services components.One of our user tried to run the Cal Script of one Application and faced this error.
    Dynamic Calc processor cannot lock more than [100] ESM blocks during the calculation, please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry(a small data cache setting could also cause this problem, please check the data cache size setting).
    I have done some Google and found that we need to add something in Essbase.cfg file like below.
    1012704 Dynamic Calc processor cannot lock more than number ESM blocks during the calculation, please increase CalcLockBlock setting and then retry (a small data cache setting could also cause this problem, please check the data cache size setting).
    Possible Problems
    Analytic Services could not lock enough blocks to perform the calculation.
    Possible Solutions
    Increase the number of blocks that Analytic Services can allocate for a calculation:
    Set the maximum number of blocks that Analytic Services can allocate to at least 500. 
    If you do not have an $ARBORPATH/bin/essbase.cfg file on the server computer, create one using a text editor.
    In the essbase.cfg file on the server computer, set CALCLOCKBLOCKHIGH to 500.
    Stop and restart Analytic Server.
    Add the SET LOCKBLOCK HIGH command to the beginning of the calculation script.
    Set the data cache large enough to hold all the blocks specified in the CALCLOCKBLOCKHIGH setting. 
    Determine the block size.
    Set the data catche size.
    Actually in our Server Config file(essbase.cfg) we dont have below data  added.
    CalcLockBlockHigh 2000
    CalcLockBlockDefault 200
    CalcLockBlocklow 50
    So my doubt is if we edit the Essbase.cfg file and add the above settings and restart the services will it work?  and if so why should we change the Server config file if the problem is with one application Cal Script. Please guide me how to proceed.

    Your calculation needs to hold more blocks in memory than your current set up allows.
    From the docs (quoting so I don't have to write it, not to be a smarta***:
    CALCLOCKBLOCK specifies the number of blocks that can be fixed at each level of the SET LOCKBLOCK HIGH | DEFAULT | LOW calculation script command.
    When a block is calculated, Essbase fixes (gets addressability to) the block along with the blocks containing its children. Essbase calculates the block and then releases it along with the blocks containing its children. By default, Essbase allows up to 100 blocks to be fixed concurrently when calculating a block. This is sufficient for most database calculations. However, you may want to set a number higher than 100 if you are consolidating very large numbers of children in a formula calculation. This ensures that Essbase can fix all the required blocks when calculating a data block and that performance will not be impaired.
    If the essbase.cfg file contains the following settings:
    then you can use the following SET LOCKBLOCK setting commands in a calculation script:
    means that Essbase can fix up to 500 data blocks when calculating one block.
    Support doc is saying to change your config file so those settings can be made available for any calc script to use.
    On a side note, if this was working previously and now isn't then it is worth investigating if this is simply due to standard growth or a recent change that has made an unexpected significant impact.

  • Client cache size reverts to default

    (SCCM 2012 SP1 with CU5)
    I've used a powershell script to set the client cache size to 20GB, using get-wmiobject and the Put() function.  I've deployed this to a test collection of PCs using a CI with remediation, and it's both checking and remediating correctly.
    However, while the 'compliance' is reported at near 100%, when manually checking the clients, many have reset to 5120MB. This affects both Windows 7 and 8.x based clients.
    To take one client specifically, at the time of writing this the CI reports it ran and remediated at 11:45am - it is now 8pm, and the cache is back to 5120.
    Triggering the CI to evaluate again sets the cache to 20GB (verified via get-wmiobject), but I'm sure if I check again at some point tomorrow it will have reverted to 5120 again.
    I can't see any evidence in any client log that indicates what could be causing this.  I've looked into how I can see what has made the change in WMI via the Analytic/Debug logs in Event Viewer, but the tracing available needs to be run at the
    time the change is made - and I don't know exactly when that is.
    Any ideas?!
    Thanks, Bob
    Edit:  CI is set to evaluate every day at 9am.  Client push properties on primary site now include SMSCACHESIZE=20480, but this is recent change - when the existing clients were installed this was not present so they installed at 5120MB.

    Changing the value directly in WMI is unsupported. You need to use the UIResource.UIResourceMgr COM object to perform this task on the client side:
    PowerShell examples are available at
    Jason | | @jasonsandys

  • Changing Brush size in ACR 7.2 - bug oder feature?

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    Any ideas if this is a feature or a bug?

    The ACR7.3 update did not fix the brush resize problem on my system either - also Win7x64 Ultimate, Ps 13.0.1 (currently I use only the x64 install but the problem exists with ACR hosted in the 32-bit install as well) and ACR
    Another annoying thing I've noticed with 7.3 (maybe it was there before 7.3 but I never noticed it) is that even if you set the Feather slider to zero pixels, as soon as you set the brush size to 10 pixels or more, the brush is shown as being feathered. Maybe the 10 pixel cutoff is related to my screen size and resolution: 1920x1200 and 88ppi (NEC MultiSync LCD 2690 WUXi2) but it is still disconcerting at any size.
    The unexpected movement of the centre of the brush when you right click reported by the OP, another annoying characteristic, is always towards the centre point of your screen. If you are left of centre, it moves right and vice versa. If you are above centre it moves down and vice versa. Combinations move diagonally towards the centre.
    Eric Chan seemed to acknowledge the mouse right-click brush resize and brush centre movement problems with ACR 7.2 in his post #1. Looks like he's forgotten us or has been too busy with other matters. Either way , it would be nice to hear from him again with an update.

Maybe you are looking for