Import movie to library

My flash MX (2002)is not importing any movie (mpeg or quick
time) is there any body can help me out with this issue, the msg is
"One or more files were not imported because there were problems
reading them"

jc5234 wrote:
> My flash MX (2002)is not importing any movie (mpeg or
quick time) is there any
> body can help me out with this issue, the msg is "One or
more files were not
> imported because there were problems reading them"
> Thanks
> Jc
The format you use is not supported. There is lots of tool
which output these files,
from digital cameras to actual video editing applications.
Each uses different
compressions etc... acceptable by QT player but not by Flash.
Try to save as it with different setting and than try to
import it to flash.
Best Regards
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    right click the movie, open with itunes, and it is added to the itunes library.
    to get it on the phone:
    connect the phone, click the phone in iTunes Devices on the left,
    on the Summary page go down to Options and click "sync only checked songs and videos"
    on the movies pages uncheck "automatically ...all", and checck the movies you want to transfer,
    then sync the iPhone.

  • TS1721 can i import movies to my Itunes library

    can I import movies to my Itunes library

    Hi, by default you can only add M4V, MP4 and MOV files. Simply drag and drop them into your library. If you have videos in other file formats (like AVI or MKV) you have two solutions: convert them with a tool like HandBrake. That takes a lot of work and time. Or you use a dedicated tool to import movies in iTunes. I use VideoDrive ( for this. It will create small references to your videos in iTunes. And it will also add descriptions and covers so they look as nice as officially purchased movies. Keep in mind that if you do not convert the videos, they will not play on iOS devices. VideoDrive (and some others) to support conversions as well. So you always have the choice.
    In my case, I add the videos without conversions so they are nicely categorized in iTunes. And the videos I do want to watch on my iPad, I convert later on. You can do this by selecting a video in iTunes and clicking File -> Create new version. Or use the 'Duplicate Video' feature of VideoDrive. I can imagine that this is overkill if you only have a couple of videos, but if you have a lot, it's great to have them all showing up with artwork in iTunes.

  • Importing movies actually stored in iPhoto library

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    It depends whether you want the edited in iPhoto copies or the originals.
    If you want the originals, just control/right click the iPhoto Library and choose Show Package Contents, than drag the masters folder onto Lightroom.
    However if you want the iPhoto edits, you will need to export cops from iPhoto and then import those to Lightroom.

  • IPhoto won't import movies (.mov, .mp4) into the library since last upgrade to 9.5.1 (902.17)

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    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?
    Post back with the result.

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    Hey man. Thanks a lot for the reply (hold the options instead of command key while launching). My old itunes library is now on my new computer in itunes, but the mp3 files are not in the same itunes folder. Where do I place these or what do I do to play them in my new itunes library?
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    rogerhermans wrote:
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    you can change the date, so that FCPX categorizes it properly.  First delete the clip(s) from FCPX, but not from your computer entirely, make sure you have the originals somewhere.
    Open a terminal window and use the following command:
    touch -t 198711280800.00 <path/filename of clip>
    Where the format is:  (use leading zeros if necessary for date & time)
    first four digits: year
    next four:  month and day
    next four:  time of day (in 24 hour format)
    next 2:  seconds as a decimal (this is optional, if you leave it off you will get 00 seconds)
    The above example will change the file date to Nov. 8, 1987  08:00:00 AM
    This will change the created, modified and last access dates of the clip/file.
    Then reimport the clip(s) and FCPX should categorize it properly.

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    To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine:
    Link the two Macs together: there are several ways to do this: Wireless Network,Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the Library to an external HD and then on to the new machine...
    But however you do choose to link the two machines...
    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    and select the Library that you moved.  That's it.
    This moves photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else.
    Your first option didn't work because you imported one Library to another. Every version and thumbnail is imported like a distinct photo, you lose all your Albums, Keywords etc., the link between Original and Previews is destroyed, the non-destructive editing feature is ruined and so on. In summary: it's mess.
    Your second option didn't work because you simply referenced her library on the old machine.

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    I can add .mov files from the internal though. Strange I know.
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    Has anybody else had this problem? Any ideas on a fix to allow me to import .mov files from an external drive into iTunes without copying it to the iTune library file.
    Many Thanks

    This might be worth a shot - basically seeing if Vista permissions could be the culprit.
    Give yourself FULL control and ownership of the exHD, let's call it M:
    How to Take Ownership and Grant Permissions in Windows Vista
    Take control of the top level folder and ALL subfolders.
    Try creating a new blank ITL file on M: by pressing *and holding* the shift key while itunes starts. See if you can add everything again.

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    hi y'all!
    for sharing between accounts, see:
    for moving computers, see:
    Buegie, "itunes library" #1, 12:02pm Sep 12, 2005 CDT
    love, b

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    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then launch iPhoto. That's it.
    This moves photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else.

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    Hi.  I setup iTunes Match a couple of weeks ago (love it, btw), but for some reason since I set it up I can no longer import .m4v files into the Movies library. There is no error, they just never copy over.
    iTunes 10.6.1(7) 64-bit on MacPro running OS X 10.7.3
    Any ideas? Maybe its a strange coincidence, but I noticed the problem shortly after setting up Match.

    Also, iTunes match gets stuck sometimes so you have to log out of match and log back in before your imported movies show up in your iTunes library.

  • How can I get iPhoto 9.5.1 (902.17) to import .mov files?

    I have a brand new MacBook Pro with 2 TB SDD running Mavericks that I bought 2 weeks ago.
    So far I have imported about 5,000 photo files into iPhoto 9.5.1 (902.17) plus about 25 videos as .mov files.
    But on today's import session, it stopped taking any more MOV's, giving the following error message:
    "The following file could not be imported. The file is in an unrecognized format." and it then it lists the .mov files.
    I tried rebuilding the LIbrary index, and have even tried creating a new Library and importing my smalles (12 Mb) .mov file to this new test library.
    But I keep getting the same error.
    I have the most recent version of all the software (i.e. no new updates are available.)
    What else can I do?

    I figured out a solution: The drive with the .mov files was a USB drive formatted as NTFS. iPhoto would import .JPG files from this OK, but would refuse to import .MOV files, giving the error noted above.
    I found that if I copied the files from the NTFS USB drive to an SD card or to the Macbook Pro's internal SDD, I could get iPhoto to import the .MOV files without any problem.
    Why does iPhoto 11 have a problem importing .MOV files from external USB drive formatted as NTFS, but no problem importing the exact same files from an SD-card formatted as FAT-16, or from a folder on the Macbook Pro's internal HD?

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    The only way is to NOT import - Never import an iPhoto library into another iPhoto library
    you move the library to the new machine - Connect the two Macs together (network, firewire target mode, etc) and drag the iPhoto library intact as a single entity from the old Mac to the pictures folder of the new Mac - launch iPhoto on the new mac and it will open the library and convert it as needed and you will be ready move forward.

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