Import Problem VNI2015

I am trying to import data in Oracle 8i on windows NT, i am geting a VNI 2015 authentication error .
I will appreciate if someboby helps me.

It's time to find another app to handle your photos; here is a link to some info that can help you move on from here:

Similar Messages

  • LR3.2 import problem on computer with Windows OS

    LR3.2 import problem on Windows OS
    This is a continuation of a question that I posed on August 22, 2010 in the discussion string "Cannot import CR2".  I have not been able to resolve the issue of importing an image into an existing folder location.  I had not been able to work on this issue for a number of weeks due to other circumstances, until today.   Note that the following people had attempted to provide answers and suggestions already:  ssprengel, JayS In CT.
    I use a laptop with a Windows operating system and a Macintosh desktop with Snow Leopard.  I run Lightroom on both of them.  The Windows laptop has Windows Vista Home service pack 2, version 6.0 [6002].  Around August 12th I upgraded from Lightroom 2 [481478], to Lightroom 3 on the laptop.  I left the LR2 on the laptop as well as LR3.  On September 12th I upgraded the laptop to LR3.2.  No other changes have been to the laptop or its software applications that I know of.
    My current attempts at resolving the issue reveal that when I created a new catalog "Test Catalog" in LR3 and saved that catalog to my desktop new folder labeled "Test Catalog" that I can import an image into LR3.2 to a new folder on the laptop's desktop.  I then deleted the images via LR3.2 Folders Remove function and tried to import the images into an existing folder as presented in the LR3.2 Import dialog, but get the error message "The following files were not imported because they could not be read.".   When I import images into a new folder placed on the desktop, I can use all functions in LR3 e.g. Develop module.  I cannot import images into existing folders on the laptop's hard drive - I have tried importing into the entire existing folders in the following hierarchy:  c:\users\Michael\My Documents\My Pictures\2010  but always get the same error message.
    LR3.2 does correctly backups upon exiting each time I quit the program, so I know that there isn't any issue of writing to that backup folder which is contained in an upper folder that contains the lightroom catalogs.  I have even created a new Word file, saved it into the folder with Lightroom catalogs, opened it up, modified it, saved it, and saw that it works OK, so that tells me there is no problem with a Read-Only folder attribute.
    I cannot recall if upon the upgrade from LR2.6 to LR3 that I chose to upgrade the catalog to LR3 version.  Would that matter, if yes, what do I verify, how do I manual upgrade the catalog.
    History of actions between August 10th that I have taken follows between the [[[[ and ]]]]:  
    [[[[Preference settings for Default Catalog are set to start with a specific catalog that I call "Lightroom master catalog", it is not set to the "Load most recent catalog". 
    All of the following were using my laptop:  Previously I had no problem with LR2 for any functions.  I just purchased an Epson 7000 media storage device, and in early August and practiced importing images into LR2, and those images were pulled in OK. Next, I upgraded to LR3.  I discovered that the Epson's images had been placed into a wrong folder when I opened LR3.  I used the remapping function in LR3 to move the images into the correct folder.  Next, I used a SanDisk card reader to import images into LR3 into an existing folder of images, but the following error message appeared "the following files were not imported because they could not be read" (Import Results said  'some import operations were not performed').  I tried importing a single image, and multiple images, but had the same error.  I tried switching the card reader to each of 4 different USB port on the laptop, with the same error occurring on each USB port used.
    In order to try to isolate the problem.  I took the SanDisk card reader with the memory card and successfully imported the images into LR3 on my Macintosh desktop computer; so to me the problem is not the card reader or the memory card.  I also used the SanDisk recovery disk while using my laptop to look at the files on the memory card and I could see all the images correctly while in the recovery program, but I have not copied the images to the laptop's hard disk, and have not tried an import into the laptop's LR3.  I did not import images directly from my camera to the laptop LR3 since I did not think it would help with the troubleshooting. 
    I then ran the Repair from the Adobe LR3 CD upgrade disk, on my laptop.  Then I tried doing the import using the SanDisk reader and memory card, but the same problem occurred and same error message, that the files could not be imported (I was trying to import into a folder of existing images).  I then used the Laptop's Control Panel function to remove LR3 application.  Then I did a fresh upgrade of LR3 on my laptop, but the same error message and I am unable to do any import of the memory card from the card reader.  I then tried to do an image import from the Epson 7000 into the laptop, and the same error message and I am unable to do any import into a folder with existing images.   I then tried doing an image import into LR2 on the laptop, and got the same problem to occur when trying to import into an existing folder of images.  I have a couple of  Canon EOS SLR digital cameras, and the issue occurs for any of the file types of the cameras.
    Went into LR3 Preferences, General Tab, I now checked the previously unchecked box for Import Options - "Show import dialog when a memory card is detected".
    Connected the Canon XTi directly with a cable to the laptop computer.  Note that Canon's information said that Picture Transfer Protocol is automatically used when the XTi is directly connected to a computer, so I did not need to change anything in the camera's menu for communications choices (there is no communication menu in fact).  I selected one image and copied it to the laptop desktop.  Tried to import it into LR3 into a folder of existing images but got the error message "Could not copy a file to the requested location."  While in LR3, I changed the location of where the file would be copied into - any of my existing folders of images; tried 5 different folders, but kept getting the same error message.
    With the card reader connected via USB port on the laptop, I copied one image file to the desktop, and then tried importing into LR3 into a folder of existing images.  Got the error message "Could not copy a file to the requested location."]]]]

    I am not clear if by 'import' you are trying to copy or move the files from a location to another or if you are adding the files to a catalog.  My comments may not, therefore, be too helpful.
    Firstly, with both LR2 and LR3 installed you will have both catalogs present, but if you try to open the LR2 catalog with LR3 you will be prompted to update the catalog.  You will thus know which catalog you are working on. 
    Secondly, if you are reading direct from the camera, you should connect using the 'PC connection' mode.
    Thirdly, there is an issue with reading .CR2 files directly from the early Canon DSLRs (in Europe named 300D, 350D, 400D).  While they are visible with the Canon software, they can not be seen with Windows explorer nor can they be accessed with Lightroom. 
    I suggest that you take the CF card out of the camera and copy the files using Windows Explorer in to the destination folder.  You are then sure that the files are on the PC.
    If you have the right Codec installed, you can view them with Windows photo gallery; if you don't, you can use one of the Canon software packages to view the files.  You are then sure that the files are not corrupted.
    Then import the files to your LR catalog using the normal import routine selecting 'add without moving'.  I have tried this routine  successfully using my 350D using both LR1.x and LR3.x.  If that doesn't work - I'm lost.

  • On windows 8 and itunes I have importing problems the DVD is only reading the music cd from 1.5x to 4.0x for 95% of the time, it does hit speeds of 30x for the other 5% of the time. Is it a driver issue with the DVD or is it  a windows 8 issue?

    on windows 8 and itunes I have importing problems the DVD is only reading the music cd from 1.5x to 4.0x for 95% of the time, it does hit speeds of 30x for the other 5% of the time. Is it a driver issue with the DVD or is it  a windows 8 issue?

    No. You have no alternative but to plug it into a computer running iTunes and restore it.

  • Aperture Video Import Problem - from Lumix GH4: Imported clips have their dates changed to the import date.  The files show up on the hard drive but many are not showing up in Aperture.

    Aperture Video Import Problem - from Lumix GH4: Imported clips have their dates changed to the import date.  The files show up on the hard drive with import date not created date, but many of these same files are not showing up in Aperture. Sometimes the clips actually show up with the current import but take on the video information from a previously imported file.

    It was suggested I move this question to IPhoto or IMovie which I did. 
    Well moving to a different discussion group did not provide an answer to this question either. But what I finally did was import one batch of photos and videos into IPhoto for a given day at a time. Working with these I could change the date and times in order to get them in the original sequench taken. Then I would create an album with that batch. These would all be on the same day (IMove was closed for this phase). Then I would open IMovie, generate the thumbnails for that album, and select the album I had created. This was necessary because the importing process in IPhoto was using incorrect dates for my video so it was a real struggle finding them in IMove until I developed this approach.
    I believe that this whole process was so screwy because I was importing from an external hard drive not a camera. I had these photos on a PC and did not have the original cameras to use to import directly which I am fairly sure would have made this easier!

  • Final Cut Pro/GY-HD111E import problems?

    Final Cut Pro/GY-HD111E import problems?
    With a brand new Mac Pro and very latest Final Cut Studio complete with updates I'm having a little problem trying to import footage directly from a JVC GY-HD111E (yes I'm in PAL land, UK) via FireWire into FCP.
    Footage is 720p/25p and timeline is set up in FCP that way.
    I'm doing a 'capture now'. The first clip I'm trying to import is about 45 minutes long with no cuts/breaks whatsoever.
    What happens is after about 60 seconds or so, it FCP automatically breaks the clip for no reason and starts a new one, trouble is, when it does this I lose about 4 seconds of footage at that point.
    It continues to break clips randomly, sometimes after 40 seconds or so, sometimes after 95 seconds, but usually between 30 seconds and 2 minutes and each time it starts a new clip I lose between 1 and 6 seconds.
    As I say, there are zero breaks or cuts in this clip, I have a 45 minute clip that was shot in one take, not even a pause anywhere.
    Is this a JVC issue or a Final Cut issue?
    It's a pain as it simply means I can't import my 9 hours of footage hence I can't get on with this project.
    Any ideas why this phenomenon is happening?
    Thanks guys.

    I mean I get the same errors.
    Let me explain again.
    There are NO start/stop/pauses in this clip.
    I'm trying to import just ONE clip with no breaks, again, there are NO start/stop/pause, it is one continuous clip of 15 minutes duration.
    The JVC creates some sort of errors at the Firewire output stage, it drops frames or other errors, FCP gets confused and creates a new clip, even though it is the same clip, but due to the GoP structure, it looses a few seconds too hence I can't import the footage as I keep loosing bits here and there mid clip. It is randam, every 30 to 100 seconds or so it will do this.

  • Annoyed with JVC/Final Cut Pro import problem; will they ever fix this?

    Annoyed with Final Cut Pro JVC import problem; will they ever fix this?
    I've shot footage on JVC GY-HD111E in the UK in 720p/25p PAL mode.
    I'm trying to import lots of short clips (average 10 seconds) into Final Cut Pro (latest version with 720p/25p support) with a new Mac Pro maxed out with ram and 3 extra internal HDs.
    Problem is, on a scene-break i.e. pause/stop, Final Cut detects this and creates a new clip, but it takes about 5 seconds to 'searching for media" before it starts the new clip. Because some clips are only very short, this 5 second delay sometimes means I only get the final few frames of a clip, rather than the entire 5 seconds or so of it.
    JVC UK are blaming Apple and are saying it is up to them to fix it as Premiere and Edius does not have this problem.
    However, Symbiosis in the UK (who do HD-Connect box) say that the JVC ProHD cameras do not wrap the shots up properly at the end, they are kind of left open and this creates problems on scene-breaks.
    I've tried turning off the "create new clip on timecode break" etc, but it does not make any difference, when I do this it simply quits capturing on a scene break. Besides I have about 300 cutaways like this and I don't want to spend the rest of the year breaking them up on the timeline as this would be a futile and long workflow.
    I'm importing and working on a native HDV 720p/25p timeline and this is the way I want to work. I've already imported and edited 4 hours of footage, but these 4 hours were easy as all 4 tapes had no start/stop points, they were recorded continuously from beginning to end of tape for 64 minutes each time so importing was no problem; 1 clip per tape.
    But now I've come to my 5 tapes containing hundreds of cutaways I'm kind of screwed and need some advise on how I can import them natively in HDV without losing this 5 seconds off the beginning of each clip whilst FCP searches for the media each time.
    I've been told this issue is definately with FCP, any ideas how I can get around this?

    I haven't heard of this JVC/FCP problem, so I can't comment on it. However, whoever shot the cutaways didn't do you, the editor, any favors.
    I've been doing video since 1984, and I've got to say, anyone who shoots a scene that is only 5 or 6 seconds long on tape is making a huge mistake, and it's been that way since the beginning of computerized editing in the late 70s.
    Shoot at least 5 seconds of pre-roll before the shot begins, then roll tape for at least 5 seconds after you've got the shot. That's the protocol I've followed for 22 years now. Tape is cheap, edit suite time isn't.
    But laying down only 5 to 6 seconds for a scene is wrong, IMO.

  • Imovie Mac importing problem or Camcorder problem?

    I run a small business for kids parties. I video the kids dancing along to a track they have recorded (played on a cd player). Then i import the video, turn off the camcorder sound and import the finished mixed track of their singing and sync the picture and audio together. This has been working perfectly for over a year. But unfortunately in the last month when i try to sync up the audio track with the video, it starts off synced up perfectly, but gradually as the video goes on the video and audio become out of sync and by the end the video is either too fast or too slow. this is a huge problem! I thought it may the tapes in the video camera so i changed them and it's still doing it. Is this a video camera problem or computer importing problem. Can anyone help as it's ruining the kids DVDs!

    I am surprised it has ever worked. That can normally only be done with synched professional equipment. Maybe they changed the CD player at the performance and the old one happened to play at the same rate as your Mac when it imports? (There is a slight difference between the playback speed between different players)
    Or perhaps your video camera has become slightly worn, so it pulls the tape slower?
    There are endless possibilities for problems with your setup.
    I think you should take a look at the "add scaled" tip at the bottom here:
    (Instead of adding the extracted audio from iMovie, you should add the CD audio.)

  • Import problem with DMP file

    Hi all
    I am using oracle 9i and I have problem in import problem.........
    when i try to import the DMP file it gives me the error,
    IMP-000200: long column Too larege for column buffer size <22>
    can any body please tell me how to get out of this error....
    actually I have a table in export file that has round about 2 lac rows....
    The problem occurs on that table.
    Any help will be highly appreciated
    Thanks in advance
    [email protected]

    The correct error code is IMP-00020 not 200
    What's your current buffer set to when imp?
    IMP-00020: long column too large for column buffer size (number)
    Cause: The column buffer is too small. This usually occurs when importing LONG data.
    Action: Increase the insert buffer size 10,000 bytes at a time (for example). Use this step-by-step approach because a buffer size that is too large may cause a similar problem.
    As adviced, increase 10000 and try again.

  • Lightroom 5.4 Canon partial import problem (CR2s)

    I have Lightroom 5.4 on a Windows 8.1 system x64.  My camera is a Canon 50D that's several years old.( i.e. not a brand new camera import problem)
    When I plug my camera into my computer via the USB cable and try to import images into a Lightroom catalog, Lightroom will recognize and import jpgs, but it does not even see CR2 files. No errors, no thumbnails. It's like they are not there.  If I capture a single image as both a jpg and CR2 simultaneously it will only see the jpg and not the CR2.
    If I open the Canon EOS Utility it sees any and all images (CR2's included).
    I've read a few posts so to help narrow it down:
    1) I have write access to the folder (b/c I can import the jpgs.).
    2) My Windows system does not recognize the CR2 files in an exporer window if they are still on the camera (to be specific, it sees that there are files, just not the type and no thumbnail. Not even a properties option with right click). I can't pull the files directly off the camera with my computer only with the Canon app. I have the latest camera codec pack put out by  Microsoft KB2899190 from 12/9/2013.
    3) Once the CR2's are on my computer via the Canon EOS app they are viewable in Expolorer (thumbnails) and can be imported into Lightroom.
    4) I have cleared and reformatted the flash card (more than once). Rebooted and powered down the PC and Camera multiple times (removed camera batt. and Unplugged PC).
    5) As of time of this post Lightroom is up to date.
    I believe there is some communication issue with my camera and this particular PC setup. My wife's computer does not have this issue (she has Vista). When she plugs in the camera the thumbnails pop up in an explorer window for her right away.
    Thank you very much for your help.

    Yes, for many people. Recent versions of Lightroom in particular seem to be quite fickle when trying to import directly from camera, and the "fix" in virtually all cases is to use a card reader.

  • Aperture 3.2.1 Import problems.

    Aperture 3.2.1 Import problems. I can not import. Complete system hang when I try. Have to force reboot. I made a new user and everything seems to work fine under that user. I must have something conflicting in my admin user but I have had no luck finding it. I have tried rebuilding the library (all three options) but to no avail. Aperture will run fine as long as I do not try to import. This is very frustrating, any help would be greatly appreciated.
    27" imac 3.06 intel core 2 duo 12 GB Ram

    Hello Tim,
    If a problem only occurs when working from one account, then very often faulty user preferences or presets are the cause. Try to remove your user preference file, and if that should not suffice, move your presets to the desktop, as described in the Aperture 3: Trouble Shooting Basics:
    (Caution: I see, you are running Lion: Because of Lion's non-preemptive Process Management you can never be sure if an application really has quit, even if it looks in the Dock as if the Application has finished. So it is very important to log off, before you launch Aperture again, after you changed something in the libraries like described below.)
    Delete the user preferences
    You can resolve many issues by restoring Aperture back to its original settings. This will not impact your image files or your library. To reset your Aperture user preference settings to their original state, do the following:
    Quit Aperture.
    In the Finder choose Go to folder from the Go menu.
    Type~/Library/Preferences in the "Go to the folder" field. Press the Go button.
    Remove the "" file from the Preferences folder. (and log off and log in again!)
    Move the user created presets, keyword lists, and so on...
    Quit Aperture.
    In the Finder choose Go to folder from the Go menu.
    Type~/Library/Application Support/Aperture in the "Go to the folder" field. Press the Go button.
    Move the contents of this folder to your Desktop (and log off and log in again!)
    Start Aperture and see if the issue is resolved. Note: Permanently removing these files will delete presets, metadata sets, keyword sets, and so on. If moving these files to the Desktop does not resolve the issue, move them back to their original location to restore the presets, adjustment chain presets, and metadata sets. In no case will removing these files affect metadata, keywords, or adjustments already applied to images.
    If none of this should help, try to boot into safe mode (hold down shift after the start up chime), to see if you have conflicting plugins or video drivers etc. installed in your admin library.

  • AE CS4 - Import problem (JVC Everio clips in 16:9)

    Hi everyone,
    I hope someone can help me with this because it is driving me crazy I got a  JVC Everio "GZ-MG750" camcorder some months ago and I must say I first had problems with "Export" (JVC to PC) because when you have recorded the clips in 16:9, if you don't use what is called sdcopy.exe, clips in your PC become 4:3.This [sdcopy] allows you to keep the original aspect ratio.
    Apart from that... the problem is, I am starting to learn After Effects CS4 and I have "Import" problems and I have gotten stuck on this. My clips are supposed to be 16:9, but when I import them, they become 4:3, and if I type that my composition must be 16:9, etc. it works but not with the clips. The clips are still in 4:3 and I can't understand it, because after all, they shouldn't be 4:3 anymore since I made the change of aspect ratio with sdcopy. It does work in Premiere CS4 (the video imported is 16:9) but not with After Effects CS4.
    What's happening here? Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

    At the bottom of the Comp Window you'll find the pixel aspect ratio compensation toggle switch.  Toggled on, everything's in the proper screen aspect ratio, but the edges look stair-steppy, expecially text & graphics.  Toggled off, everything is smooth but not in the proper screen aspect ratio.
    When rendered, everything will be in the same screen and pixel aspect ratios as your comp, AND it will be nice & smooth.

  • XML Premiere 5.5 to FCP7 Import problem

    I am working with an outside editor who did some edits for my company in Premiere 5.5.
    They're  tryng to supply me with a FCP7 compatible XML file for import into FCP7.
    Well I am able to convert the XML file in FCP7, but not all of the info is coming thropugh properly.
    The edit is a simple one...
    2 camera A/B talking head
    1 Main Audio track whihc is done as 4 audio (2 stereo) tracks in Premiere.
    The edit supplied to me comes through with the video being fine on 2 tracks.
    However, the audio track does not even show up in my timeline.  However it's there on his Premiere timeline.
    Any idea what might be the problem?
    I have supplied pics of both timelines for reference. 
    One is his Premiere timeline, the other is my FCP7 timeline after XML conversion.
    Premiere timeline with 2 videos tracks and 4 audio tracks.
    FCP7 timeline with 2 video tracks and only 2 audio tacks sowing up.
    Where is the other audio track.

    Thanks for your advice, the use of the UT Video Codec Suite has been exceedingly helpful in capturing video. It has made 1080i capture much simpler.
    Unfortunately it has not solved my 720p import problems.
    I have played around with several different configurations. If I record 720p at 29.97 frames, the whole video imports without difficulty, but the sound is messed up. But when I try to import 720p video at 59.94 frames, Premiere Pro will only import the first couple of minutes of the video if the video is longer than 7 minutes.
    If you have any further advice, I would appreciate it.

  • Fixing import problem in iMovie HD

    I found a fix for the importing problem some people have been experiencing in iMovie HD. A google search turned up this webpage
    I tried this and it worked. Basically the problem on import is linked to a Core Audio problem that can be resolved by opening Garageband and playing a few notes with the desktop keyboard. I had to do this a few times and try and play my video footage in iMovie a few times, but it eventually worked and I was able to import with no problem.

    Thanks for mentioning it.
    There have been several mentions of this here in iMovie Discussions, but older messages 'drop off' the page, and so sometimes they're not visible any more.
    Thanks for the timely reminder.

  • CS5 Windows import problems (ppj, avi)

    I have the CS5 Master Collection installed on a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit laptop. I have some old Premiere 6.5 projects that I wanted to open/import.
    When I first tried this, I could open the ppj files and make prproj files from them, either by double-clicking on the ppj file name or by importing the ppj in to a new prproj, but the video files within the ppj didn't import properly. Premiere Pro CS5 said, "The selected file cannot be linked because its type (video) does not match the original file's type (audio and video)." These video files are paired avi and wav files captured from mini-DV tape using Premiere 6.5 under Windows XP Pro. A sample check of one of my avi files with GSpot includes these results:
    The codec section says (among other stuff)
         codec: dvsd
         Name: DVC/DV Video
         Status: Codec(s) are Installed
    The container section says
         File length correct
         DV Type 2 AVI
         OpenDML (AVI v2.0)
         DV Audio/Video: 748 MB (97.63%)
         AVI Overhead: 18.1 MB (2.37%)
    When I tried more recently, Premiere CS5 does not include ppj under "All Supported Media" in the import dialogue box. I can open Bridge from Premiere and browse to a ppj file, but when I double-click the file name, I get the error message, "File format not supported." If I try to open the ppj directly rather than import it, instead of trying to run a conversion as it did initially, Premiere CS5 gives me the welcome to Adobe Premiere Pro popup without actually doing anything w/ the ppj. I'm not sure whether a Premiere update ran between the first and more recent attempts to import ppj files, but I now have version 5.0.3.
    Does anyone have suggestions for how to make this work?

    I had the same problem with an old ppj project.
    The option to import was available pbut CS5 would crash when import was invoked.
    There was an error message about video filters.
    Adobe help line, over the course of an hour, tried to make me believe that this was related to the 64 bit vs 32 bit issues.
    Then I pointed out to them that the application was able to read the .avi file and play it if I imported it by itself without trying to import the whole project.
    I also mentioned that deleting the previews made no difference.
    At the end of the hour, they agreed to look at the project file. This was two weeks ago and this is the last time that I heard from them. When I ftp'ed the file to them they confirmed the following which I also told them; this is a separate problem from the import problem, but it is related to the support of this software. The automatic updates to the program cause Adobe .ppj import options to disappear from the import menu file type list. Again, they confirmed this and I had to unistall the whole package, reinstall Adobe, and not accept any updates.
    I have yet to hear from Adobe on this. I suspect this is such a rare need that they feel they don't need to support it, but this being the case I think the doofs ought to take the feature out of the advertising list, or provide a stand alone utility to translate the text .ppj into a .prpj compatible project. It's not very difficult.
    The most disturbing thing is that they obviously fail to do a thorough regression test prior to publishing updates. Basic features that are advertised are failing.
    THE SOLUTION (for my case)
    Of course, the reason I wanted to import the project was because there was aOne of the key reasons to stay with Premiere is that I am used to it and want compatibility, as the others in this post also would like.
    Besides Adobe being of no help at all, I have found a workaround. As you all know the ppj file is a text file with headers in [ ] brackets. This file contained some headers which did not appear in .prpj created projects and this was due to some special effects add-ins which were bundled with the video card I installed in the old system.
    By removing the special effects using the old version of Premiere installed on a 32 bit system, I was able to import all the clips with the NLE cuts as I intended, and continue from there in CS5.
    I hope this is a viable workaround for some.
    I do not know if Adobe plans to continue to support the import feature, but they ought to update their docs. It does not work.

  • HD Import Problems

    I recently purchased a Canon HV 20 HD Camcorder. Picture quality and playback from the camera is excellent. However I have had a few problems following import of HD footage to my computer with IMovie 06 HD. Most of the footage is fine, however a few scenes get very choppy and do not run smoothly (compared to direct playback from the camera). Also some scenes have distorted sound, it sounds like the speech is lowed down. I have all the latest updates installed for IMovie.
    Anyone else had similar problems?

    Hi Tim and others on this thread.
    Having raised a few hares, I felt duty bound to take another look at this problem.
    I dug out a master tape of my last 1080i HD project and which contained two clips with distorted sound. They were the last two clips of a 60 minute recording on a 63 minute tape and were, respectively, 13.5" and 47" long. They played fine in the camcorder and I have now discounted the camcorder and tape as a possible cause of the problem, following further testing in iMovie 6.
    I connected the camcorder to main power, then connected it via Firewire to the iMac, switched the camcorder to Play/Edit, and then opened a new imovie project(1080i PAL). I imported the last 4 minutes of the tape including the problem clips. The clips imported at half speed which is normal for my 1.8GHz CPU and shortly after I was able to preview in real time.
    The two problem clips still had distorted sound and the preceding two clips had no problem when reviewed in the Clips pane preview.
    I then highlighted the problem clips and dragged them simultaneously into the Timeline. The sound problem disappeared-they both played fine. I dragged them back to the clips pane and the problem reappeared.
    I then tried dragging them back to the Timeline and that seemed too much for iMovie 6. Sometimes a clip would work, then only one clip, then I lost sound altogether on the second clip,etc. Once you go beyond a certain point iMovie 6 will just become impossible.
    Quitting iMovie and then reopening the project got one clip to work temporarily but clearly is not a solution.
    Apple`s suggestions to conserve power when in HD by turning off Show Audio Waveform in View did nothing and neither did their other suggestion of deselecting Keep Playhead Centred in Playback Preferences. Neither did their suggestion to Repair Permissions. I had already tried their other suggestions of defragmenting my drive and there is now little more I can do to improve the performance of my computer.
    What did get me back on track was to close iMovie>ditch the iMovie preferences plist(Home>Library>Preferences)>re-open iMovie. The other thing that worked was your idea Tim of extracting the audio of both clips, and in fact this seemed to be the most lasting solution. However, starting with dragging both clips from Clips Pane to Timeline might prove better than either-I still do not know whether dragging them together was what what did the trick. Of course, it might be necessary to do all three if problems persist.
    Because I had confused iMovie with all this messing around, I ran DiskWarrior to tidy things up. No major problems were reported but this application does not report all the corrections it makes. Thus it sorted out a previous problem I experienced with iMovie 6 when trying to use purchased music but I have no idea what changes it made.
    My revised conclusion is that we may all need a lot more power in the CPU when editing high definition in iMovie 6. For example, the new 24" iMac G5 has the equivalent of double the power of my current iMac.
    David Babsy, a frequent contributor to these forums often mentions that most of his problems disappeared with a more powerful computer. You only have to see how things dramatically slow down in iMovie 6 when reaching the end of a big high definition movie edit to appreciate the need for more power.
    Obviously we still need extra RAM and also a big hard drive to cope with the vastly bigger files that HD needs.
    But power, memory and storage are, I now think, not the full answer. There is a bug or a series of bugs still to be resolved in iMovie 6 if it is to be truly stable. I include importing problems with HD in that list.
    I still think iMovie 6 is fantastic, even on my underpowered iMac.
    Apologies for previously confusing the issue with camcorder/tape issues.
    The problem clips are still working in iMovie as I post this.

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