Importing CD Audiobooks question

I was wondering if there is a way to get audiobooks on CD that I import into my iTunes library to be included on the Audiobooks library?
I have the genre chosen as audiobook, but it's still included in my Music library. I'd like to have it in the audiobooks library for easy access.

Go to this page for a script to make them bookmarkable files so they will show up in the Audiobooks Library. It works well.
Or the best solution I found was to use Join Together also by the same guy. It takes your files (every track from one audiobook cd) and joins them into one file then makes them bookmarkable and adds them as an Audiobook. That way you don't have so many files and you can still pick up from where you left off in the larger file because it keeps track of that for you.

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    You need to create a disk image (using disk utility - which is in your Applications/Utilities folder). The disk image must look just like your camera's disk. In particular, it must have ALL the files and folders that are in the directory structure of your camera's hard drive, even if they are empty. Some of these "empty" folders, by being present in the root directory, are how iMovie knows that this is a supported camera.
    Now, look at your Memory Stick in the Finder, and select right-click/GET INFO. This will tell you how much space you have used on your Memory Stick. You will need to create a disk image at least this big.
    Go to disk utility and create a NEW image. Make sure it is read/write. You can use the Custom setting to choose a size large enough for the files on your Memory Stick.
    After you have created the blank disk image, mount the image on your desktop and open it. Open a second finder window and open your camera's memory stick. Select ALL the files and folders on your camera's memory stick, and drag them to the disk image. Now, you should be able to disconnect your camera, and eject the disk image. If you start up iMovie, and then mount the disk image again, iMovie should recognize the disk image as a camera.
    (I recommend using the custom size and creating a blank disk image, then dragging into it. It also works to directly create a disk image of your memory stick. The problem with this method is that you can waste a lot of disk space. For example, I have an 8 GB SDHC card. Lets say I took 4GB of footage, and I want to archive it and import it so I can re-use the card tomorrow. If I use disk utility to create a disk image of my SDHC card, I will have an 8GB disk image with 4GB of empty space. That is why I create a new, custom image of, say, 4.1GB in size.)

  • Importing Java Class Question

    Sorry for such a newbie question and such a long post, I did remember how to do this before but now I can't for the life of me remember. Anyhow, I have a simple question about importing custom-made java classes, from another directory in the windows operating system. I have the classpath set, and also I realize that because the two files below are in the same directory theres no need for an import statement as Java will look for the class in the same directory.
    But I would like to know how the import statement is suppose to look to import a custom made java class from another directory, (assuming of course that I set the correct classpath)
    here's the java class location:
    class narcus implements Comparable
    String firstName = "firstName";
    String lastName = "lastName";
         public narcus()
         firstName = firstName;
         lastName = lastName;
         public narcus(String f)
         firstName = f;
         lastName = lastName;
         public narcus(String f, String l)
         firstName = f;
         lastName = l;
    public String getFirst()
    return "first..";
         public int compareTo(Object e)
         return 1;
    Here's the location of the driver program thats suppose to use the class
    //import statement? maybe import "c:\\school\\csc365\\*"; ?
    class test
    public static void main(String[] args)
         narcus jim = new narcus();
    And also, here is my classpath:
    The classpath also points to the jdk libraries and few other directories but I didn't write that above, as it probably isn't relevant.
    I've tried the following import statements.
    import "c:\\school\csc365\\";
    import "";
    import "c:\\school\\csc365\\*";
    But I keep getting an error that says: <identifier> expected
    Any help is appreciated!

    Hi Folks,
    I am new to this forum, heard that interesting discussions always happens on this forum so immediately registered,don't want to miss any oppurtunity to participate in discussions.
    I have pretty much basic question regarding compiling and exceuting files in different packages.I have the following directory structure
    C:\Projects\WDPROEast\Development\CommonService\Code\Java from where java files stored in different packages as follows:
    com\wdpro\commerce\common\crm\dae\nautilus\adapter directory has java files in com.wdpro.commerce.coomon.crm.dae.nautilus.adapter package.
    com\wdpro\commerce\common\dae\exception has java files with package named com.wdpro.commerce.common.dae.exception.
    com\wdpro\commerce\common\dls\exception has java files with corresponding package name.
    com\wdpro\commerce\common\dto has java files under proper package name.
    com\wdpro\commerce\common\exception has java files with appropriate package name.
    com\wdpro\commerce\common\util has java files with package name. I am starting at Java Directory,want to compile and run file named in com.wdpro.commerce.coomon.crm.dae.nautilus.adapter package with having all other java files on classpath as follows
    so I issued command for compilation as follows C:\Projects\WDPROEast\Development\CommonService\Code\Java>javac com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/ada
    pter/ com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/ com/wdp
    ro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/ com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/ com/wdpro/commerce/common/dae/exception/*.java com/wdpro/commerce/common/dto/*.java
    com/wdpro/commerce/common/exception/*.java com/wdpro/commerce/common/util/*.java com/wdpro/commerce/common/dl
    s/exception/*.java It compiled greatly but when I issue command to run a.class file as
    C:\Projects\WDPROEast\Development\CommonService\Code\Java>java com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adap
    ter/UtilityAccesssit's giving following exception
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/
    UtilityAccesssbut when I run with the following command
    C:\Projects\WDPROEast\Development\CommonService\Code\Java>java com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adap
    ter/UtilityAccess com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/ com/wdpro/com
    merce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/ com/wdpro/commerce/common/crm/dae/nautilus/adapter/Nautil com/wdpro/commerce/common/dae/exception/*.java com/wdpro/commerce/common/dto/*.java com/w
    dpro/commerce/common/exception/*.java com/wdpro/commerce/common/util/*.java com/wdpro/commerce/common/dls/exce
    ption/*.javaSo my question do I need to add all required java files to path when required class files are under different packages?is it manadatory.
    I hope you understand my question,pass me any comments you may have.
    Thanks alot,


    public class ForTest2 {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              int i=0, j = 0;
              for (j=0; j < 10; j++) {
                   System.out.println("i is: " + i);
                   System.out.println("j is: " + j);
              System.out.println("Final i is: " + i);
              System.out.println("Final j is: " + j);
    }j ends up being 10. Why? It should only be 9. This is as when j is 10 the for loop fails, so j++ shouldnt happen.

    First, please, please, please stop using all caps. It's extremely annoying.
    Second, don't mark your question as urgent or important. It is 100
    % guaranteed NOT to get you help any faster, and it might just delay you getting help because it's annoying.
    As for your question, you're misunderstanding how the for loop works. j HAS to become 10 for it to end. The loop body executes as long as j < 10. If j didn't become 10, the loop body couldn't terminate, because j<10 would always be true.
    The body is executed, the j++ is executed, then the j<10 is tested.
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        // body
    // is equivalent to
    int j;
    j = 0;
    while (j < 10) {
        // body

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    I buy audiobooks from and want to burn the entire book as a MP3 as my car CD player will play MP3's. Since you can't download MP3's from audible, I bought a program that burns virtual CD's on the Mac HD and then converts the CD to MP3 files. It works fine, but when I import the MP3's into iTunes to burn to CD, the order of tracks is completely scrambled. The tracks end with sequential numbers, but iTunes apparently ignores those numbers. The tracks are in sequential order when I import them into iTunes.
    The last book I did had 123 tracks and it was a royal PITA to manually put them in sequential order in iTunes.
    Is there any way to force iTunes to order the tracks based on the ending sequential number or to follow the same order they are in when imported?

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  • Importing desired text question.

    I'm new to applescript and I was wondering if anyone had tips on how to fix this problem with this script I was working on.
    If im trying to write a command into terminal it looks something like this.
    activate application "Terminal"
         tell "Terminal"
         do script "sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText 'Text inserted here'"
    end tell
    But what I need to know how to do is something along the lines of this
    set desiredtextQ to display dialog "Please enter your desired text." default answer "Text Here" buttons {"Continue", "Cancel"}
    set desiredtextA to text returned of desiredtextQ
    activate application "Terminal"
         tell "Terminal"
         do script "sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText 'desiredtextA'"
    end tell
    So basicly all I'm trying to do is take the text returned of a question and import it into a scripted terminal command.
    I would be thankful if anyone had any help to share with me.

    First off, avoid scripting For most purposes, including this one, there is no need and you are far, far better off using AppleScript's do shell script, which can execute a shell command without needing to invoke
    Therefore, I'd rewrite your first script as:
    do shell script "defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText 'Text inserted here'" with administrator privileges
    Note that I've also nixed the 'sudo' component  in favor of do shell script's '... with administrator privileges'.
    As for the second part of your question, integrating a variable, that's just a matter of concatenating the strings using the & character:
    set desiredtextQ to display dialog "Please enter your desired text." default answer "Text Here" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button 2
    set desiredtextA to text returned of desiredtextQ
    do shell script "echo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText " & desiredtextA with administrator privileges
    Note that if the text from the dialog includes (or might include) spaces or other shell-unsafe characters you might need to quote the text, like:
    do shell script "echo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText " & quoted form of desiredtextA with administrator privileges

  • Importing projects / sequences question

    I started out my project with the wrong resolution (*sigh*) and I'm now trying to save the day by doing the recommended move - starting a new project with correct settings and importing the original project there.
    But I'm only getting the entire original project sequence as a big block, with no edits or anything available. Is it supposed to be like that? Or is there a way to get all the separate clips, cuts, edits etc when importing?
    Thanks for any help!

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    I can't use the Packages like
    import javax.jms.*;
    import javax.sql.*;
    Why? Please to all Java-Experts. Thank you very much

    sorry this is kinda late, no I dont use forte, I use codewarrior , and I have not used the j2ee.jar but I have used the servlet.jar , activation.jar, and mail.jar . And I simply add a refrence to those files and Codewarrior sets the classpath for me.

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    just a question with regards to Importing/Exporting + syncing .
    First of all, is it possble to sync Yahoo Calendar with iCal, or is there a cool widget/tool that does so in real time?
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  • Toast 7 Importing and Editing Questions

    My story so far is, I got most of a short project done in iMovie 3.0.3, but one of my songs near the end is hopelessly screwed up by two seconds of phantom sound which can't be seen and can't be deleted. Through trial and error I determined the sound was on the soundtrack, not in the clip.
    My question is about importing from more than one iMovie project into Toast 7, and editing the content to be actually burned to DVD.
    If I put the song currently being messed up in the order it's supposed to be on one copy of the project, the audio at the end of the project will almost certainly inherit THE CURSE OF THE PHANTOM SOUND.
    What if I do that in one copy, but leave it where it is in the other copy? Can I import just the good copies of each song in the project to Toast 7, even though it means importing from two different copies of the project? Or do you have to import the iMovie project as a whole?
    If you have to import all of each copy of the project as a whole, will Toast 7 get all screwed up and start complaining before I even get a chance to delete the duplicates, as it would be two copies of things with the same names in slightly different order?
    IF I CAN'T DO THIS, it will mean upgrading to another version of iMovie and a whole other set of problems and questions.
    Thanks for anything that may help straighten me out or set me on the right path.

    To phrase it another way, how much, if any, editing is possible in Toast? It might be simpler to keep both copies the same, put in however many minutes of black space would cover over the bad audio spot, then put the end of the project after that. But in Toast, can I edit the black space down to just the ten seconds I want? Or do I have to burn the whole thing "as is" and then do the editing when I dub from the DVD to the VHS tape?

  • Important-to-me question. Too paranoid to turn on my phone.

    Okay, this will sound weird, but someone very close to me passed away, and before it happened we had a phone conversation. It is on my recent calls list, nothing the length and time of the call. It is important to me that it remain there. I have been out of the country and didn't take my iPhone with me. It has been months since I've turned it on. I'm paranoid to do so now that I'm back, fearing the old recent calls list will be wiped out and replaced by the slew of new ones. I know I have received a lot of calls to this number in my absence and with my phone turned off. I've probably received new text messages, too (and there are a few old text messages I want to save). My questions are, if I turn on my phone now, will my old recent calls list be in jeopardy? And will the new texts wipe out the old ones?
    ETA: I've forgotten exactly which OS I have, but this iPhone is pretty old. I believe the OS is from late 2007 or early 2008.
    Thank you so much for any information. I'd appreciate it.

    Well I am sorry to hear about your recent loss, but to answer your question, I don't know for sure. It is possible that it could be wiped, but not likely. From my experience, the list of recent calls and texts just grow and grow until you clean them up. Worst case, take out the SIM card, turn on the phone, open recent calls and take a screenshot to preserve that memory. To perform a screenshot, press the sleep/wake button on top of the phone and the home button at the same time. You will see the screen flash and it will save the pic into your photo library. The same thing applies to any text messages you may want to keep. Of course put the SIM card back in once you are done. Good luck.

  • Audiobook Questions

    I have a second generation nano. I am running iTunes 7 on a XP PC. I have a few questions about audiobooks. First, I have 3 complete books bought from iTunes that I have transfered to my nano. From the documentation I have read, it sounds to me like you are able to skip "chapters" by pressing the FF button. When I do this, the nano skips to the next "part" of the audiobook. What I mean is when I bought these books, they came down in multiple parts (ie. Rainbow 6 part 1 of 3...and so on.)So, since I have 3 books all with multiple parts when I hit the ff button it skips to the next part in line whether it is part of the same book or not. Is this normal? It would make sense to me that hitting the FF button would skip to the next chapter in a selected book and then stop at the end of that book. I have read on a few posts that some folks are combining the parts into one mp4b file (if I got the file extension right). This makes sense to me but how do you go about merging the files into one.
    I am more concerned with the chapter question. I have both a printed version and a iTuens downloaded version of the same book which I would like to read and listen to. It would be great if I could skip chapters on the audio version instead of trying to seek to the desired spot.
    I know this is a little long in the tooth but I wanted to be as clear as possible.

    I figured it out ... I turned off Shuffle and the books flow straight through now. (I didn't think Shuffle affected these files since they were saved as audiobooks instead of as music, but it did.)

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