Importing Discount Groups

I tried to import Discount Groups with DTW with the templates OCRD and OSPG without luck, i can only update existing discount groups. is there a way ti import them? I'm using SAP 8.8 PL 12

There are a few group email programs out there, but you can only send email to groups from within those apps.
Our new app, MailShot, creates special entries in your addressbook that then let you email large groups of friends or colleagues at once, just by adding a single contact in Mail or other apps.
You can try it out for free on

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  • Import discount groups

    I need to import in my SAP Bussines One database the discount groups of another application but I didn't find any template for the DTW
    How can I import them?

    Hi Carlos,
    Base on my knowledge, discount groups are not exposed in the DI API, so they can not be imported with DTW.
    Please have a look at note 1028874 - it describes how to request new functionality in Business One.
    SAP Business One Forums Team

  • Discount Groups DTW 2007A PL09

    Hi Experts!
    I just upgraded to 2007A PL09.  I tried to import Discount Groups using DTW.
    Can someone please recommend the correct template to use for this, I looked and can not see a Discount Group template.
    I'm using DTW 2005 SP00 PL30.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Calroline,
    Did you get this to work?
    I have just upgraded & found no template exists & it appears impossible to create one (an error message - "invalid index").
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  • Discount Groups DTW

    Hi Experts!
    Am I right in thinking Discount Groups Object is only available in 2007 PL09 (note 1417399)?
    If there are many many Discount Groups - is there any other way to import the Discount Groups without upgrading to PL09?
    Many thanks!

    Hi Caroline,
    You are right.  It is clearly mentioned Upgrade to SAP Business One 2007 A PL09 with DTW 2005 SP00 PL30 to acquire this functionality.
    For the second question, I don't think there are any other legitimate ways.

  • Discount Groups - Items.  How to get the Buy One Get One Free discount in the Marketing Document

    Hi Experts,
    Can anyone help on this one please?...
    Under Stock Management -> Price Lists -> Special Prices -> Discount Groups -> Items -> I have selected a specific BP and then have selected a specific Item Code.  I have stated the Paid Qty as '4' and the Free Qty as '1'.
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    There are no Special Prices for this Item for the BP.  Nor are there any period and volume discounts.
    Can anyone think of a reason why in the Sales Order I can never get the discount when putting in '3' in the Qty column on the SO please?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Gordon,
    Thanks for your email, and sorry for the confusion!
    I believe that when I enter '5' into the sales order the discount should come up as the Paid Qty is '4' and the Free Qty is '1'.
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    You’re going to have a very big problem and very soon. These missing pics are the beginning of trouble.
    the total size of all my folders on my 60gb internal drive is 46.5 gb, yet only 1.9 gb is available,
    OS X needs about 10 gigs of free space on the hard drive for normal OS operations such as virtual memory and temporary files. Without this space the machine slows down as the OS hunts for free space, files become fragmented and applications begin to crash. The risk of data corruption increases exponentially.
    You must, as a matter of urgency, make space on the drive. I cannot stress this enough.
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    Thanks for any input,

    Hi Andrew,
    No, the two threads that I wrote back to report finding that old 1999 plug-ins package that were removed were...
    Cannot find "Caustics" and "Wave World" Effects in After Effects downloads
    ...origianally at this link, but it is now gone and also missing from my "Discussions" list...
    Is there an underwater effect that can be produced in AE 4.1 ?
    ...originally at this link, and it is also gone and missing from my "Discussions" page...
    I had saved the links to those threads with bookmarks, but they were removed the day after I posted about finding those plug-ins.
    I wanted to get some info from earlier in the thread on one of those and when I went back they both were gone.
    I was able to find those two threads by doing a site-webcach search on Google to see if there was a snapshot of each thread in Google's cache... I did find shapshots of those two thread but they were taken the day that I first posted the questions before any replies or subsequent posts by me were posted.  Below are the Google cache links to those snapshots of those threads' pages, but as you'll be able to see, it only shows my original questions before all the replies by you and others on the forum and my final report of finding the plug-ins package... 959158%3Fstart%3D0%26tstart%3D0+site: lnk&gl=us /
    Having the Adobe forums Gestapo remove those threads is a little like burning old software books... meaning, I guess Adobe just doesn't want people discussing old software downloads, even though I did not post the actual link for the the old "AE 6.0 Bonus Plugin Pack" and "AE 5.5 Power Pack Plug-Ins" that I found.  I only reported back on those threads that I found the plug-ins packages after several lengthy Google searches.  Since those plug-ins packages were no longer available from Adobe, I thought it was quite a find to be able to track them down elsewhere after all this time.  They were 12 and 13 year old plug-ins packages, but they had been posted only in the last couple of years.
    Someone else on one of those threads had also told me that AE 6 plug-ins would not work in AE 5, but that turned out to not be true... I don't remember who that was... maybe that was the person who removed my threads because he/she didn't like having a thread that indicated that he/she was wrong.
    Anyway, thanks for your info again today... very, very helpful.

  • Updating Discount Groups

    Hi All,
    Using the option Discount Groups for Manufacturers, when
    adding a new manufacturer, we would like to add a new discount group for it as well, for all the Business Partners. Is there any way to update the new manufactuer's discount for all the BP's but to keep the original discounts for other manufacturers?
    If we use the option 'Copy to Selection Criteria' the system will update all the manufacturer discounts and there is no way to update only the new one.
    Let's say: we would like to add a new Manufacturer to the Discount Groups of all Business Partners without having to do it manually, one by one. The "Copy to Selection Criteria" functionality cannot be used in this case, because all the Manufacturers will be copied from one Business Partner to
    the others, while we just want to copy the new Manufacturer.
    Initial situation:
    - Discount group for Business Partner C000: Manufacturer A => 10%, manufacturer B => 5 %
    - Discount group for Business Partner C001: Manufacturer A => 20%, manufacturer B => 15 %
    - Discount group for Business Partner C002: Manufacturer B => 20%, manufacturer C => 15 %
    We want to create a new Manufacturer D, with a Discount of 30% for all Business Partners. We want to add this Manufacturer to the Discount Group of all Business
    Partners at the same time.
    If we add this Manufacturer to the Discount Group of Business Partner C000 and then use "Copy to Selection Criteria", we will get:
    - Discount group for Business Partner C000: Manufacturer A => 10%, Manufacturer B => 5%, Manufacturer D => 30%
    - Discount group for Business Partner C001: Manufacturer A => 10%, Manufacturer B => 5%, Manufacturer D => 30%
    - Discount group for Business Partner C002: Manufacturer A => 10%, Manufacturer B => 5%, Manufacturer D => 30%
    "Copy to Selection Criteria" copies all the Manufacturers and overwrite the previous information.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Arun,
    It is natural that DI API updating taking times. To update 1000 DG may involve millions of transactions. You better bet is to split the numbers in different batches to achieve the same result.

  • How to Create DI Discount Group for Customer Group?

    Hi All,
    i'm trying to create DiscountGroups for Type Customer Group in developtmnt side in sap b1. i already succed to create  Discount Group for Type Specific BP as you can see in the code i wroe below:
    di.BusinessPartners MyBP= GetBusinessObject (BoObjectTypes.oBusinessPartners) as di.BusinessPartners;
    but i don't succed to find the di object that give me the option to create DiscountGroup for Customer Group ( not for specific BP).
    i will very appriciate to get any help with it...
    Peer Shoval

    hello, maybe you could try with DI Server, if your installation allows
    try experimenting with
    -> EnhancedDiscountGroupsService Object
    SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroupsService dg_service = null;
                    SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroup dg = null;
                    SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroupCollectionParams collDGParams = null;
                    dg_service = (SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroupsService)((SAPbobsCOM.Company)Application.SBO_Application.Company.GetDICompany())
                    collDGParams = dg_service.GetList();
                    dg = (SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroup)dg_service.GetDataInterface(SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroupsServiceDataInterfaces.edgsEnhancedDiscountGroup);
                    dg.Type  = SAPbobsCOM.DiscountGroupTypeEnum.dgt_AllBPs;
                    dg.ValidFrom = DateTime.Now;
                    dg.ValidTo = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    dg.ObjectCode = "dontknow";
                    dg.DiscountRelations = SAPbobsCOM.DiscountGroupRelationsEnum.dgrAverageDiscount;
                    //dg.DiscountGroupLineCollection.Add() //etc
                    SAPbobsCOM.EnhancedDiscountGroupParams dg_param = dg_service.Add(dg);
                    log.DebugFormat("Added discount group  {0} - {1} - {2}", dg_param.AbsEntry, dg_param.ObjectCode , dg_param.Type);

  • Discount group

    Hi All,
    I have set item group discount using discount groups (module inventory --> price lists --> special prices --> discount groups) form but how to see the discount group result in the B1 and not using query report ? Pls give advice. TIA

    Hi Steve
    The result can only be seen when applied in an invoice. The price will be shown in blue instead of black indicating that a price other than the standard price list has been applied. i.e. a special price, etc. Unfortunately the system will not indicate which of the 3 (Period and volume, Discount Group or Special Price) was applied. This will have to be done through a query.
    Kind regards
    Peter Juby

  • Discount Group and Special Prices

    Hello Everyone
    I have a scenario where by the discount given in both Discount Group and Special Prices needs to work in conjunction.Now at the moment if i give it in both discount group and Special Prices for BP,only Special Price discount is being picked up ie its given precedence over Discount Group.Is there any setting that i need to change to make this work.I have to show the difference in discount elsewhere,so only i need to map this in both discount group and special prices.
    Thanks and regards

    hi raghu ram,
    Check the wiki page in this link
    How is the default item unit price determined in marketing documents?
    Hope it will solve problem.

  • LDAP- When importing a Group it goes into Security Users and not Groups.

    I created a new LDAP Server
    Connection Test was ok.
    The problem is on importing members of my group, on Security Import window instead of having the group drop-down list populated I have the user drop-down list populated with "GroupBI".
    If I import this group (considered as a user by BI) it goes into Security > Users and not Security > Groups.
    This does not make sense.
    I'm sure this "GroupBI" is a group and not a user and the atribute type used is sAMAccountname
    Any help?

    Let me tell how we did Authentication using LDAP
    I havent imported any groups or users once the LDAP is set up and connection was successfull. I simply created the session variables USER DISPLAYNAME EMAIL and mapped to LDAP Variables uid, displayname, mail.
    Authentication is done in this way by mapping the OBIEE variables to LDAP variables instead of importing the groups.
    Now for Authorization I created the groups populated using some db tables and captured the group name and loglevel and applied filters on the group in the rpd for data level and permissions on the group in webcat for object level.
    So just for Authentication purposes I think we can authenticate with out really importing groups as long as you map OB variables to LDAP
    hope it helps

  • How to export and import "Computer Groups" and "Patch approvals" in WSUS 4.0 ?

    I have a query regarding the export and import options for "Computer Groups" and "Patch Approvals" in WSUS 4.0.
    In WSUS 3.2 once we install WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools, we get "WSUSMigrationExport" and "WSUSMigrationImport" tools under
    C:\Program Files\Update Services 3.0 API Samples and Tools\WsusMigrate\ folder. 
    Using the 'WSUSMigrationExport' tool we can export the Computer Groups and the Patch Approvals in a XML file. And using the 'WSUSMigrationImport' tool we can import the 'Computer Groups' and the 'Patch Approvals' from that XML file into a different WSUS
    3.2 server. We can run the import tool as below:
    a. Run command prompt as administrator.
    b. In the command prompt, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Update Services 3.0 API Samples ans Tools\ WsusMigrate\WsusMigrationImport
    c. Type WsusMigrationImport filename.xml TargetGroups None. Press enter; this will import Computer Groups to the WSUS 3.2 server.
       Type WsusMigrationImport filename.xml Approvals None. Press enter; this will import "Patch Approvals" to the WSUS 3.2 server.
    This is easy and useful.
    Now, for WSUS 4.0 I did not find  "WSUS
    4.0 API Samples and Tools". So I installed "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" in my WSUS 4.0 server. And tried to import a valid XML file in the above mentioned process. But the command returned an error.
    The error says the "Microsoft.UpdateService.Administration.dll" file was not found.
    I further searched in the internet about this issue and I found that the "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" is not supported in WSUS 4.0 as the .net framework used in "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" is 2.0 and WSUS 4.0 uses .net Framework
    So, Here are my questions.
    1. Is it correct that "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" is not supported in WSUS 4.0?
    2. Is "WSUS 4.0 API Samples and Tools" available?
    3. Is there any alternative way in WSUS 4.0 to export and import XML file consisting "Computer Groups" and "Patch Approvals" configurations?
    I need an urgent reply. Thank you in advance.

    Hi Tapojyoti,
    >>1. Is it correct that "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" is not supported in WSUS 4.0?
    Yes, WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools is not supported in Windows Server 2012R2 by default. We may try to rebuild it in Windows Server 2012R2. For detailed information about how the rebuiled, please refer to the readme document of the WSUS 3.0 API Samples
    and Tools.
    >>2. Is "WSUS 4.0 API Samples and Tools" available?
    No, I can't find the WSUS API Samples and Tools for 2012R2.
    >>3. Is there any alternative way in WSUS 4.0 to export and import XML file consisting "Computer Groups" and "Patch Approvals" configurations?
    As I have mentioned above, due to WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools is released with source code, we can try to rebuild it in the Windows Server 2012R2.
    If it doesn't work, as a workaround, we can configure the new WSUS server as the replica server of the existing WSUS server. After the synchronization, change the server mode to stand alone.
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

  • DTW Update Discount Group

    I have an existing Discount Group (Item Group Type).  I am trying to use DTW to add a discount percentage to an Item Group.
    I have entered values in CardCode, ObjKey and Discount. I have left LineNum blank.  It is not clear how LineNum should be used. I cannot find any documentation or Test Case example.
    The DTW run (Update mode) correctly updates the new value in the correct Item Group in the Discount List.
    BUT, it sets the discount to zero for the first displayed Item Group that had a discount before the update.
    As I type I think I may have the answer.
    OSPG only holds records that have a discount other than 0, even though the complete set of Item Groups are diisplayed on the Discount Group screen.
    So maybe what has happened is that the new record has replaced the one that is now missing.
    So does that mean that the update should use LineNum and NOT ObjKey?
    But what do you do if you have 3 item groups with a discount and you want to add two more?
    Do the new records need Line Num 3 & 4 and also obviously the Object Key.
    Sounds like a nightmare to maintain via DTW.
    Customer has 1,000 plus Item Groups.

    Nice to hear it. Anyway, just to inform that discount group of DTW is not available in the DTW of SAP B1 2007A SP01 PL11.
    Probably move to another BO or bugs. I am still discovering it

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    we are able to import the LDAP users/groups if we use the primary CMS name while logging into Import Wizard
    Is this a known issue in XI R2 SP 3 or are we missing out something?
    Please help!!!

    I'm really surprised the import wizard even works with a clustername. Considering it's design is to migrate from 1 CMS to another it should require a CMS name and not a clustername. I don't think using clusternames was ever part of its design. It's even more bizarre that a clustername would conflict with LDAP. SP3 had several other LDAP bugs that are fixed in SP4 but other than that I'm not sure. What's the issue with using just 1 CMS name. This should be desirable so you can control which CMS gets the added load from the IW, otherwise it would just randomly select one.

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